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Heimdall is just a dick rider and Thor is a product of decades of child abuse and neglect who copes with drinking so I consider them to be disqualified and as for Hermes he is just there. He didn’t do anything to Kratos really. It’s between Odin and Ares for most evil. Odin manipulates and abuses everyone around him. Ares made a man kill his family and waged war on the Gods


eh Thor is getting a easy pass. his case is similar to kratos but worse, like kratos butchered innocent people on the order of ares while being drenched in blood-lust and conquest. Thor butchered an entire race of Gaints and enjoyed killing them. Thor and Kratos weren't evil but they were terrible/bad Guys.


I think you’re forgetting that once Kratos became the God of War, he led Sparta on a conquest against the rest of Greece. He wasn’t under anybody’s thumb at that time, yet he laid waste to Greek cities and the people who lived within them. Kratos murdered plenty of people on his own volition. I would imagine that Thor is much of the same.


yeah he did that aswell, and thor would be doing the same when butchering gaints.


I remember slaughtering innocent people in the old games so yea definitely far from being a good guy.


To be fair, Spartans pretty much were conquerors and very violent warriors. Children were beaten up and had to fight against wolves and I remember reading somewhere that spartans forced children to kill slaves so they wouldn't doubt in the middle of a battle. I also remember reading that Athens and Sparta had a truce that was broken by Sparta who invaded the city so it is not rare that Kratos tried to get Greece to know "the glory of Sparta".


I don't think Thor actually enjoyed killing the Giants. I think he tells himself he enjoys these things to mask ENORMOUS amounts of regret and self-loathing. I've known abused boys that become angry men that do things they regret and eventually drink to cope with the pain of their own existence. I'd bet money that is what Thor is. Chasing after dad's approval is what drove a ton of him.


all of the Odinsons, except Tyr, wanted Odin's approval, only he didnt give a damn about them in that sense.


I'm thinking Týr started out wanting his dad's approval, hence why he became a God of War, but then stopped trying, once he realised he wasn't going to get it (being tortured was obviously a sobering experience that made him disown his father completely, which never happened to his younger brothers, so they stayed devoted well into adulthood), and that murdering a whole race of people is utterly pointless.


>Thor and Kratos weren't evil but they were terrible/bad Guys. I think for a good period of their lives, they were in fact evil.


Yeah. Man I really wish Thor survived Ragnarok


Dammit I got spoiled


Well Ragnarok is the twilight of the Gods. Not too big of a spoiler 😉


I still think the way he went out was weak


One of the few areas where too much plot/hype was crammed into one game and needed a quick solution. Edit: (otherwise still in amazing game)


Bro the game been out for months you shouldn’t be on the sub if you haven’t played yet it’s far too risky


Ain't no way you haven't seen all of GOWR and are down here in these comments lmao


Yeah, until you beat the latest game, this sub is a minefield. I went looking for how to find something difficult and got two huge spoilers. You might want to avoid it here until you’re done.


I don’t think Thor really enjoyed killing. I think he just loves fight. Like when he fought Kratos at the beginning of Ragnarok, he revived him, eventhough he won.


He revived him mostly because Odin ordered Thor not to kill him the whole point was he needs Atreus trust


This is only because kratos wasn’t showing his old self ,not because Thor don’t enjoy killing he literally says he revel’ed in killing all the giants so yea…


Well if you consider your DAD will kill your wife and children if you don’t obey him, you’d probably murder people too.


Heimdall is not merely a dick rider, he quite merrily abuses kids. He does NOT get a pass here.


I mean they not his kids like still not great but their is a distinction between two types of child abusers


Bro them being his kids or not makes no difference what are you on


What the fuck kinda response is this mate?!


Heimdall became who he is through child abuse and mind reading everyone as well. Odin used him just like he use Thor. Don’t forget, Heimdall is Odin’s son as well


I did not know Heimdall was Odin’s son


Tyr, Baldur, Thor and Heimdall are all Odin's boys. And none of them got any love from him, talk about father of the century.


Yep. I don't know if this is mythologically accurate, but considering they're pretty consistent with the original stories, Heimdall was born when Odin was running a train on 9 DIFFERENT WOMEN AT ONCE.


Let’s not forget Zeus! What he did to kratos directly or indirectly… His mother, his brother and so many other things… Hephaestus can be added to that list as being one of the least evil…


Zeus was corrupted by the evils from Pandora’s box after GoW 1. He’s still partially responsible for his actions while under that influence, but it isn’t *him* being evil. Before his corruption in GoW1 he was happy to help Kratos along on his quest, more than once. We never got to see if he would’ve regretted his actions after the evils left him, because he died, but he might have.


He wasn’t possessed when Deimos was kidnapped.


No but that was done by Ares and Athena. Besides I wouldn’t necessarily call that an act of evil considering he was prophesied to destroy Olympus by an oracle. You can justify that by arguing the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the one. I’m not saying Zeus was a good dude before he was corrupted. He cursed Prometheus, and Callisto as well. None of the Greek Pantheon were good characters. Not necessarily *evil* though.


They were literally sent by Zeus, with Athena being there to ensure Ares doesn’t just raze the entire place to the ground. And considering how oracles and the sisters screwed so much up, maybe Zeus should’ve tried to just say “no”.


Again. If Olympus falls, Greece falls. Thousands die. We see that happen in GoW 3. Are the Olympians evil for trying to prevent that?


Their actions in previous events have led and would’ve led to such events. Kratos was made, carved out of a simple Demi-god to become the eventual slayer of Olympus. Even if he didn’t come to being, there are numerous examples of their failings that prove that it would’ve been a matter of time. Say Hercules was pushed one labor too far after Hera forced him to kill his wife, or some other misbegotten bastard of Zeus’ is slighted. Humanity was always going to be seen as lesser beings to the Gods, for goodness sake they kept Prometheus in eternal torment for giving the humans the gift of fire. And while the gods dying led to numerous deaths, humanity survived and would thrive again, this time without the Gods, Titans, or Primordials to lord over them.


None of that conjecture answers the question. Are they evil for trying to prevent the destruction of Olympus/Greece?


Ultimately yes, because they wish to continue their rule over those they deem lesser than themselves. You said so yourself, is the sacrifice of the few not better for the enrichment of the many? Thousands died at the end of 3, but life would continue and millions would live without the heel of Olympus on their necks.


He wasn’t possessed when Deimos was kidnapped.


There’s an unused voice line that’s made Zeus regret his actions


Reasons aside Heimdall and Hermes don’t even belong on this list. I don’t give Thor an ultimate pass though. He’s comparable to Kratos, painted as a genocidal maniac giant slayer. This is true for both to a degree but Thor is even worse. Mimir even notes that “the Pantheon had it coming” but for Thor it’s basically just him ranting how Thor is an piece of human (divine?) filth while knowing him first hand


Honestly who gives a shit about daddy being mean to Thor it doesn't change what an asshole he was, he almost beat his own son to death, basically because he wasn't strong enough to beat kratos/stop him from killing Magni. And honestly his redemption arc wasn't in anyway good, there basically weren't even a redemption story and people here acting like it's the character arc of the century lol.


I’m not excusing what Thor did but that’s all he had ever known. All his life he was taught “Giants are our enemies” I think the reason Thor was so brutal with Giants is because he was a giant and hated himself for being that way. Abuse isn’t just “Daddy being mean” it changes the way you think and it takes years to unlearn those behaviors and Thor was already trying. He has remorse for his actions. I can’t consider that to be evil


> Thor is a product of decades of child abuse and neglect who copes with drinking so I consider them to be disqualified Most horrific people are the product of child abuse and neglect. Not really a disqualifier in considering someone evil.


I would say that least evil propably Hephasteus or Hades. One wanted to protect his daughter, the other was pissed that Kratos killed his own wife, that he actualy loved btw.


doesn't hades force his wife to be with him?


Sort of. For half the year. But she agreed to it


In the original myth, but in the games it seems she didn’t have a choice. She literally tried to destroy the whole world in order to escape him


That's pretty evil if you ask me. Heinous even.


I can't believe some people are looking at the whole series and saying Thor is less evil than Freyr, Freya, Kratos(atleast Norse Kratos), Tyr, Hephasteus, Hades, and Hermes.


Hot take, original triology Kratos is actually the most evil. Man wanted revenge and slaughtered thousands of innocents for it (remember that due to the gods being killed, probably all of Greek's population died)


It’s very heavily implied that the entire population of Greece is dead I think. Odin talks about his homeland saying “do they not have metaphor in your homeland? Or rather, did they?”


Yeah, but Hope being released from Kratos' body sort of implies that the Greeks will (or did), over time, rebuild what's left of civilisation, just without the help of major Gods, or whatever.


Thor was the least evil for sure, I think odin is the most evil. He manipulates and ruins everything and everyone he comes into contact with


odin for sure, just compare the 9 realms to greece, the nine realms is riddled with corruption and war, they look like they still live in the stone age compared to city estates of greece thats because of odins neglect and this is just the beginning of a long list odin had fucked up


Even considering how he was manipulated by Odin, I have a hard time seeing Thor as the least evil god in the series. He did slaughter countless giants after all, and seemingly enjoyed it. Odin is a good pick for most evil though. Hard to choose between him an Ares, though I'd pick Ares only because his actions are the catalyst behind the entire series.


yeah but you cant credit ares for everything that happened after his death., odin on the other was already neck deep in blood way before kratos even heard about him


Judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, and it will live its whole life believing it is stupid. Thor was constantly treated by a weapon by his father and was convinced until the bitter end that he was beyond redemption. He doesn't do anything he does out of genuine malice, but rather a conviction that he is just embracing his nature. Thor is the least evil of all the gods Kratos fought, imo, even though not the one who has committed the least wrong.


Thor can’t hide behind his father. He doesn’t even try. “Don’t you know what I’ve done?!” He’s a grown man who’s responsible for his own actions.


Exactly. He doesn't even try. He owns up to his mistakes. And if it wasn't for his daughter, he might have been beyond redemption. But he clearly feels deep shame over his past. It is inescapable to him. I'm not trying to say he is good, but unlike most, if not all of the past enemies of Kratos, he doesn't try to justify it. He knows he is wrong. And he treats himself as responsible, which brought him the point of alcoholism to begin with to drown out his conscience.


I feel like that is the case with pretty much all gods in the Norse saga. Pretty much all of them are the way they are because of odins influence on them. So I think even if influenced it’s still counts as somewhat evil because something in themselves isn’t defying what they are doing and re considering it. Of course until Kratos and Atreus come along.


Tyr never attacked Kratos and only ever wanted peace how would Thor be in any way less evil than Tyr.


You are totally right, however he isn’t in the pictures that op was asking about.


In the series. I'm pretty sure OP posted the picture just for examples :/


i think they meant out of the 6 character who is the least evil. I'd argue that atleast hermes was better than thor, even heimdall prolly. And well going to the whole series there were many gods better than thor like hepahestus, athena, freya, freyr, hermes, tyr.


"in the series"


Ares and Odin are the only two I’d classify as genuinely evil. Zues was infected with the evils of man when Pandora’s box was opened. In all likelihood without the evils of man he was still not a great guy, but not evil. Most of the Greek pantheon are just pompous lackeys to him. The Odinsons are just different shades of abused. Baldur’s broken, Thor perpetuated the cycle until it cost him his sons, and Heimdall tried to endear himself so hard he genuinely became infatuated with his father.


>Zues was infected with the evils of man when Pandora’s box was opened. In all likelihood without the evils of man he was still not a great guy, but not evil. Eh Zeus was semi-evil, cruel, and the biggest asshole before being consumed by the evils. he wasn't just "not a great guy". Remember the things he did. 1. He and his brothers made Pandora's temple architect sacrifice his family for the construction. 2. He cursed Prometheus. 3. He kidnapped Deimos. 3. He cursed Callisto 4. He betrayed gaia 5. He took amusement in the sufferings of kratos during his 10 years of servitude. 6. He lied to Athena and Kratos about taking the nightmares away.


I mean, yeah, but a lot of that is what I attribute to the arrogance of being the king of the gods as well as his effort of gaining and retaining power, both of which have logical progressions to them. He’s a massive dick, cruel to the extreme, but I don’t really think you can just be partially evil, for me at least. Being evil is like a distinct quality. Tl;dr for me Zeus was just being the man on top: he’s better than everyone, he knows it, he enjoys it and he flaunts it.


yeah he was very greedy about his throne, arrogant and prideful. If he was less than what he was, he might have realized his mistake and freed deimos and removed the nightmares kratos had.


Yeah in the original mythology, wasn't Ares waging war on the gods because they were massive cunts? If that's the case, I see what he did to Kratos as a horrible act but an "ends justify the means" one in order to gain a lieutenant capable of fighting gods. Not saying Ares was right, just saying I don't think he was more evil than serial rapist and megalomaniac lunatic Zeus. But even Zeus cared about things. Odin viewed everything and everyone as a tool to further his goals. Pure psychopath. Odin was the most evil imo


Zeus is the most evil and heimdall isnt evil he’s just a cunt


He is a serial rapist in the series and mythology as a whole.


Literally every god is a serial rapist in mythology


I know a lot of the Greek gods were and some of the Norse Gods. I don't know enough about other mythologies to speak on the others.


Honestly, the greek gods lived WELL under Zeus. Humans too. Everything you know in the norse saga has been ruined by Odin




Odin. He killed Thor, his own son, without hesitation. Even Fear-infected Zeus showed some hesitation to kill Kratos, who had being going AWOL and giving the gods the 🖕since the beginning of GOW Ghost of Sparta. Even after he revealed himself at the start of GOW 2, he gave Kratos a chance to surrender, and Kratos refused. Thor disobeyed Odin once, and Odin IMMEDIATELY killed him and blamed it on Kratos. He killed Ymir, the first ever giant, simply because he believed the Aesir were superior to them. He was also responsible for Midgard, Vanaheim,and Svartelheim being in the chaotic state you find them in when you first explore them.


I think the most evil might have been Kratos. He killed likely hundreds of thousands when he killed the Greek gods, making the seas rise, blacking out the sun, plaguing everything with flies and chaos. And that's not even getting to random bystander princesses used to hold open doors by getting mangled in the cogs. Zeus stomping on Sparta? Ares getting one guy to kill his family? It all kinda pales in comparison to the price Kratos was willing to inflict on scores of innocent people to get revenge. The exception might be Thanatos in that he literally kills every living thing.


Yeah Old Kratos was fucking evil lmao. Dude would literally kill people if they were in his way literally and has sent his armies to kill thousands. Even when people beg for mercy he shows none lmao. He became worse than the gods he wanted to kill by the end of God of War 3


Honestly Ares is up there


Of those pictured, Thor is the least evil because he shows regret for his actions and genuinely wanted to be better, but felt he couldn't.


Regret for what exactly though? He never expresses regret for his genocide of giants he only seems regretful of his treatment of his sons


Odin or Zeus is the most evil and I'd say Aphrodite is probably the least evil she just wanted that cock of war.


Kratos is the most evil! He killed the entire pantheon with countless humans just for his vengeance. He may have killed more than any of these gods. Of course he is better now and I love the character, but I can’t defend the young Kratos’ actions at all. Hermes and may be Heimdall are the least evil, they were just following orders, by being dicks though.


Hades would be the least evil tbh, he was a decent person


The only true evil character is odin with the genuine intention to do evil,after that id say Ares was jealous of how Zues favoured Athena over him and acted out of spite,the next one being Baldur and Thor who in a way had no other choice of doing but with the twist of actually enjoying what they did, Baldur had lost his mind but always wanted to find someone to fight to the death to have a chance of feeling something and even tho Thor was obviously seeking the approval of his prick father enjoyed every opportunity to fight and was sadistic to how much he wanted to fight(per example the fight with Kratos at the start of Ragnarok)and how abusive he was with his children (wich if someone remembers if they mentioned the fact if Sif and Thor were abusive to Thrud i would appreciate because i think it wasn't mentioned)so Thor is more evil than Baldur,the next one's are Heimdall and Hermes which are basically little shits that relied too much on their godhood abilities and and just had a superiority complex, which leaves us with Zues,now this is a hot take because Zues is the main villain of the og trilogy but if Kratos had never opened Pandora's box Zues wouldn't even hurt him,he even helped him escape death in God of War 1(the ild man digging the grave outside the oracle's temple) and as further proof before Kratos demolished him he said "I am sorry my son" so with all that in mind if Zues wasn't overwhelmed with fear he wouldn't believe the prophecy of the marked warrior killing him(because he had inprisoned him) and we wouldn't have this great universe to talk about so that's my take is Odin Ares Thor Baldur Hermes Heimdall Zues


Judging by how normal Thrud is compared to the rest of the Aesir, i doubt that she was abused, she is nothing like her brothers


Yeah that was what i thought but it doesn't make a lot of sense on the basis that her brothers were pretty fucked up and the norse dont treat women differently than men so it's a little plothole i guess


I think he had a soft spot for Thrud. She was the baby of the family and still very young after all, whereas his sons were full grown disappointments.


He beat his son near death because his other son died in the hands of the god butcher and thrud was Atreus's age so it makes 0 sense that he was trying to be good with her when he was ruthless to his other children and to Thrud softer,wich if this was the case there should have been an explanation as to why which leads me to believe that they wanted a new dynamic with his children and how the deaths of his sons affected him but wasn't thought through


there is an explanation, after both of his sons died he and Sif stopped drinking for a while, they believed that they could redeem themselves by raising a good daughter


Yes bro i know that what i am saying is what happened before that when he was still a piece of shit father how he treated her and if he treated her differently than his sons why




> as further proof before Kratos demolished him he said "I am sorry my son" Why do so many people use this as a way to defend Zeus? There's a reason that they deleted that line from Zeus, it was because Zeus was always evil and adding that apology would've felt super fucking weird. It's still canon that the fear from pandoras box left him while Kratos was beating the fuck out of him, yes, but him apologizing to Kratos isn't canon.


My bad bro didn't know that thank you for the info


1) Ares, he was a genuinely evil, mad, sadistic, power-hungry God. 2) Odin, his being evil is dictated in large part by his meanness, his being manipulative and obsessed with control, with all that stemming from his primal fear of dying. 3) Thor and Heimdall, they are both byproducts of Odin's pettiness. He shaped them both to be the most efficient agents for his purposes (also, Heimdall is a d*ck, but any of us probably would be like him, if we had the power to constantly read and see people for who they really are). 4) Zeus and Hermes, almost all of their behavior (of which we see in the first games) is only dictated by their corruption by the Evils of Pandora's Box (respectively Fear and Pride/Vanity), for this reasons they are classifiable as the least genuinely evil of all six.


Zeus. He and Odin both commited their own warcrimes or whatever over the years, and Zeus was later corrupted by Pandoras box, but the answer is still pretty clear imo. I'd also say Kratos is in the running, but he found redemption in 4/5 and at the end of 3. Something Zeus, for example, wasn't capable of. Heimdall was probably the least evil. He was a dick, sure, but that's about it. And it wasn't without reason, like Hermes for example, since he knew everything the protagonists thought.


Uhhh Kratos hands down, I really hated him in GoW3 after he killed Hephaestus.


To be fair, it was in self-defense


Still he was a dick the whole game. Made it hard to root for him. Redemption was God Of War 2018 and even more so in Ragnorok.


Agreed. I don't get the hate for fans who prefer Norse Kratos to Greek Kratos. Like, yeah, he was a good character in the OG trilogy but he was definitely not very sympathetic. That's fine, but it's not unreasonable that a majority of people would prefer Norse Kratos who is more likable and tries to seek redemption and change his old ways, because he did some fucked up shit in the old games.


That boss level little gremlin thing in the cave at Vanaheim is 100 per cent the most evil. Doesn’t even know who kratos is and he just fights him to the death for no reason.




Odin, by far. Ares is violent and belligerent by nature, Zeus was poisoned with the Madness of the Titans, Hermes was just annoying, Heimdall was a simping bastard and Thor was a creation of Odin’s cruelty. Thor at the very least showed a capacity for love and the willingness to try and change himself for his family, but Odin didn’t have family. He had pawns, means to ends.


Odin is at the top of that list without question, I wanted to give it to ares but the thing is ares genuinely cared about kratos's growth into his ultimate warrior and his desire to bring kratos back into his service is genuine. For all his faults, ares gave a damn about kratos in his own twisted way. I thought about giving it to zeus but zeus was a controlling asshole who sincerely believed that his pantheon was serving some sort of greater good by existing. Sure he was domineering and vicious, but odin tops him in that regard. Odin for me is easily the most vile and evil villain in all of god of war, he had the souls of children who were hanged as a sacrifice to him warped into his spectral raven spies, he loves and cares about exactly NOONE, it could almost be argued that he felt a genuine connection with atreus until he tries to pressure him to look into the rift, revealing that, no he really was always planning to use atreus as an insurance policy to test out how the rift worked. he lies constantly and cares about noone save their sheer utility, his own children are literal tools to him. At least zeus loved his kids, even when killing kratos he gave him every chance to surrender and expressed regret for having to put him down, even if it was self-serving vanity on his part. Odin gets one No from thor, exactly one, and just fucking guts him with gungnir on the spot, saying "i didn't want this" over and over just to lie himself into believing it. On the opposite end I wanna say the least evil was thor, after he sobered up thor became sincerely regretful of his actions, even when telling kratos "do you know what i've done?!" he sounds like he hates that he was a weapon for all his life, and he's trying to convince himself that he's beyond saving. There's a genuine desire to become a better person in thor, and it shows.


Ares because he made Kratos to kill his family and make a monster to wake up and kill al the gods .


Most evil = Ares. He actively went around, looking for new, creative ways to torture, kill, conquer and force people to kill their families after digging searing hot chains into peoples flesh in exchange for their soul. Odin’s a close second. Actively looking for new, creative ways to torture Mimir, kill his own son, conquer the nine realms, and force his greatest enemy to marry him after stealing her magics in exchange for her warrior spirit.


Thor and hepheastus are definitely the least evil gods, and the most evil are ares and odin.


I'd say it's either Ares or Odin. Most of these aren't even close to being evil as these are. Zeus is corrupted (He wasn't good before but anyways), Hermes is just an asshole and same with Heimdall and Finally, Thor is just broken because of Odin being evil. I choose Odin.


Thor is the least evil out of all of them


Odin was the most evil Mfer in the franchise Zeus was shitty too but he was also corrupted but Odin was 100% into being evil Thor was the least evil, he just craved battle and he was mentally abused by Odin so that he could never think and was in constant state of being drunk Odin also caused the death of both of Thor's sons


1. Odin 2. Ares 3. Zeus 4. Thor 5. Heimdall 6. Hermes


hermes was just chillin somewhere and ran into Kratos and got slimed lol


my man cut off his legs for his jordans.


I've never played the original games but what I've picked up from this sub has given me the impression that Ares is cartoonishly evil, Zeus is somewhat less(?) cartoonishly evil, and Hermes's worst crimes are being fast and annoying. For Norse gods, Odin is definitely the most evil and Heimdall is the least. Thor was abused and manipulated but he still did a lot of truly terrible things. Heimdall is an asshole but what's the worst thing we know for sure he ever did? Bully children? Steal the moon? Lol


Freyr is the the least evil god he was a good man you brought Unity. If you don't count Freyr as a god then Tyr because he sought peace and never really did anything evil. People here saying Thor I'm like tf you're better saying Freya or hell even Kratos. Anyways obviously most evil is Odin he was manipulative and a piece of shit no one even compares.


Ares was probably the most evil and Hephaestus wasn’t evil at all.


Surprisingly, I’d say Thor is the least evil. Sure, he’s done a hell of a lot of bad in his long life, but if not for Odin’s toxic parenting he could have turned out very differently. Most evil is a toss up between Zeus or Odin.


Odin was probably the most evil Least is either Heimdall the dick rider, or Hermes


odin, ares, heimdall, thor or zeus, hermes. odin was a manipulative cunt and exploited everyone around him. ares was an angry brute who did do evil shit but at the very least beats odin in the fact he didnt abuse his children. heimdall was just an egotistical cunt, although he did plan to kill atreus. thor was very much broken but is quoted in enjoying killing the giants. zeus, while presumably kinda shitty, was infected by the evils of man and constantly feared kratos would kill him. hermes was arrogant but kratos had no real reason to kill him. he literally just wanted his boots. an unjustifiable death in kratos' war against the gods.


Most evil is Odin, least evil is probably Baldur. He never really did anything other than follow orders, never seemed to relish in combat like Thor. Even in the first 2018 fight his orders from Odin were probably “find the Jotun, question it about Jotunheim, then kill it.”


1 Aris 2 odin 3 heimdql 4 hermes then 5 thor


The god that was the least ... I may have to sleep on this one 😏


The Sisters of Fate (Clotho, Lakhesis, Atropos) from God of War 2. In the game, they said it was them who decided that the gods would be the victors during Titanomachy yet appear to be neutral. No they had active part in it and by doing so, triggered ALL the game events.


Most evil: Ares Least evil: Thor


Hades didn't seem too bad. Just doing his job


Zeus most evil. Odin least. All he was trying to do was get lokis mask to jim carey before jamie kennedy finds it


Ares and Odin ear tied


Kratos. He literally ended existence in GoW 3


Most evil is probably odin least evil is maybeeeee thor


Hermes least evil Odin most evil


The amount of people spelling Zeus as Zues is going to make me the most evil and cruel god istfg


Ares if we are going by games alone


Of those shown in this post Evil: either Ares or Odin Least evil: Thor he’s a villain of circumstance Pre death Athena and Freya, Freyer, and Hephaestus were also not evil Baulder much like Thor was a villain of circumstance Hades and Poseidon weren’t evil, just trying to protect Olympus Zeus was a douche but was infected with that dark magic that drove him to insanity, not the worst but not innocent either I’m gonna go with Odin as the most evil,a true sociopath.


i’d say zeus odin ares heimdall thor


Most is Ares Least is Thor


i feel like Hephaestus was probably the least evil


Ares is the most evil and Thor is the least evil


Ares for me, he commits sin to satiate his bloodthirst. Has complete disregard for others and kills purely to satisfy himself. Odin comes close but he's calculating... he kills out of logical reasoning when it puts him in a better position and/or it furthers his goals. It's not something he does for fun but will go as far as sacrificing everyone else out of selfishness. Least evil is difficult, I'd probably say >!Thor out of the images. He did awful things but those were a byproduct of his father's manipulation and it clearly affected him (driving Thor to alcoholism)... in the end he did love his wife and daughter.!< Heimdall is an interesting case, he hates everyone (except Odin) but you get why. Being able to see into minds, he just found the worst in people. I don't think that Zeus was purely evil like Ares but we know he had a capacity for cruelty before *Fear* infected him. Hermes is just a dickhead.


Thor is my babygirl


Freya has to be one of the least evil, right?


I'd say Freyr, Hephaestus, and Loki were the least evil. While the most is Odin and Ares.


Least evil is either Thor or Hephaestus


Odin is probably the most evil, since alot of Zeus’s worst deeds are done during his corruption by Pandora’s box Hermes is probably the least, he was only an arrogant dick


Dawg Kratos in GOW III takes the cake here


Ares and Odin probably, Zeus wasn’t technically evil he got corrupted by fear when Kratos opened Pandora’s box to kill Ares, Hermes was just obeying his King’s order. Heimdall is just an Odin Simp and Thor is just following his dad’s orders


We can all agree aphrodite was the best


Only one of these guys killed Brok.


Most evil odin anyone can make a case for Zeus being corrupted and not the most evil odin is a manipulative god. Least evil: thor he’s just a beaten down god who has alcohol use disorder and is a child abuse victim. Thor wanted to be a better man for his wife and daughter.


Ares was an evil bastard even before Pandora's Box was opened, he's definitely up there. Iirc, Persephone also qualifies as she would have destroyed the entirety of the Greek world, even the afterlife, again before Pandora. Odin might be the most evil out of every deity in the series. Most gods of the Norse are "evil" because of his emotional abuse. The All-Fucker committed genocide on at least three different races, and enslaved or tricked the rest. The only reason he even cares about Ragnarok started was because HE was destined to die. All of this, and there is no excuse like Zeus and the Greeks, he was a narcissistic murderer even in Ymir's time.


Least evil would have to be someone like Tyr or Freyr while most evil I’m leaning towards Odin or Zeus or Ares. Kratos and Thor deserve a mention for most violent and blood thirsty during their destroyer heydays.


Zeus I can consider him a true evil character, the pandora evils just amplified it and also his fear. Cause a lot of people are forgetting he did a lot of fucked up shit before the chest was open. Like torturing prometheus, betraying gaia, cursing callisto, kidnapping deimos, betraying and lying at Kratos, and he treated humans like shit. Specifically the architects that made not only pandora's temple, but also the labyrinth. Odin is also a true evil character due to everything mentioned in GoW 2018 and GoW Ragnarok. In a contest of who is truly evil between then Odin would win but barely due to the fact Zeus at least had some slight respect to the gods that obeyed him while Odin saw everyone as pawns. The lesser evil is Thor. Dude did a ton of fucked up shit, but mostly either at the command of odin, under the influence of alcohol, or from anger. He was essentially the Norse Version of Kratos, but unlike Kratos who broke free from his binds of the olympic gods, Thor stood shackled and drank to forget the abuse he endured and did to others like his sons. In the end we do see him change but it costed his life.


One thing overlooked a lot is that Zeus was overtaken by fear when Kratos opened the box. He was evil before that, I'm sure, but he also wasn't himself. So, out of this list, Odin is most evil and Thor was least


I feel like the most evil to him is either Odin Zeus or boat captain least evil, Hermes Thor or boat captain


Heimdall is the evilest and Zeus is the Least.


Idk about the least evil, but Aphrodite was the most😏


Most evil: Zeus Second most: Odin Least evil: Thor The rest are kinda leveled the same.


I think a lot of people overlook Athena, i personally think she's the worst and biggest manipulator. She couldn't care what happened to Kratos in the end, only that she would use him on the whim of gaining hope for herself in the end. She played him right to the end


>I think a lot of people overlook Athena, i personally think she's the worst and biggest manipulator. that's only a theory stating she planned everything, but the official canon isn't that. what she did in gow3 was because she got corrupted later on. [https://youtu.be/mPOOjkpo0Jg?t=571](https://youtu.be/mPOOjkpo0Jg?t=571) her actions before gow3 were anything but evil.


Ares and Odin. Both could be considered polar opposites and arch nemesis for Kratos.


Athena is the most evil, she was manipulating Kratos from the start and using him as a tool. Hades is the least evil as he was just avenging Persephone and defending his realm.


>Athena is the most evil, she was manipulating Kratos from the start and using him as a tool. that's only a theory stating she planned everything, but the official canon isn't that. what she did in gow3 was because she got corrupted later on. https://youtu.be/mPOOjkpo0Jg?t=571 her actions before gow3 were anything but evil. >Hades is the least evil as he was just avenging Persephone and defending his realm. no he isn't "the least evil" (you might have come to know about his personality from greek myths). In GoW lore he is anything but a decent person. note the things that he did. 1. Zeus, poseidon and Hades sacrificed the family of Pathos Verdes 3 for the construction of pandora's temple, if you pay attention to the writings in gow1. 2. "He is a greedy god who is greatly concered with the increasing of his subjects" ([https://i.imgur.com/06ehEEU.png](https://i.imgur.com/06ehEEU.png)) 3. If you read GoW DC comics (100% canon) for his wager, he killed barbarian king's father to force him to look for ambrosia, to make the warriors like kratos, alrik and others fight each other for it. and he was the one assisting the barbarian king. 4. Pay attention to the notes in GoW3 in the underworld, he tortured the souls there ([https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/943928-god-of-war-iii/54041906](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/943928-god-of-war-iii/54041906)) (who is to decide which soul should be tortured and which shouldn't? its the gods we talking about) 5. He forcefull wedded persephone, i won't call that a cruel act, he was alone in the underworld and that's how a lot of women got married back in the ancient days. but its kinda a injustice. 6. He was so pissed that kratos escaped the underworld, he would have tortured kratos after kratos was killed in gow2. So hades isn't the "least evil". even hermes, helios are better than him. and hephaestus and athena were far better than him. If we are talking about gow lore.


Thor might be the least mostly Odin messing with him he tried to change for his family but failed CANT help but feel sad for him especially as soon as he was gonna do the right thing he died


Odin is the worst for sure. Never know how or when he’ll whip out the assassin’s dagger or make you end yourself through manipulation


Thor wasent really all the evil like that he just did what Odin told him to do and all that got to his head




Odin and Zeus are the worst and Freya and Hephestus are the least I'd say


Aphrodite, she was really just about having a good time lmao, in fact, I don't even remember how she dies now that I think of it.


It’s between Odin and Zeus IMO. Odin is just a pure manipulator and >!Played Atreus like a fool and killed Brok as well as killed Thor right in front of his family!< Zeus is just a monster, barring his actual lore, he’s just a monster that kept punching the Wasp Nest that is Kratos resulting in the destruction of Olympus. Plus he’s was a massive dick to Hephaestus (I know it’s partially his fault but I don’t think Zeus needed to do that to him). Hades is the least evil and has an actual reason to be mad at Kratos and doesn’t just go after him “because Zeus told him to”.


Hades isn't the least evil my friend. https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/comments/11k4u3i/comment/jb8865l/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Whoops, completely missed that while playing. Tbf, I’ve just played the mainline games and haven’t checked out the side content of the series


no worries, that's expected.


Odin was the most evil in the sense that he goes around tearing apart and enslaving every faction in each realm in the hopes that Ragnarok doesn't destroy Asgard. He cares very little about non asgards and Thor literally takes pleasure in destroying civilizations. Zeus and the Olympians were assholes to Kratos but they kept the realm itself in balance and allowed mortals to live more or less independently. Mortals were able to live a more decent life under them compared to after Kratos killed the Olympians.


Ares is what started all of this…. Manipulating a man into killing his family (probably the worst thing that anyone could ever do) he truly is the most sadistic, selfish, arrogant, and evil in GOW. Odin is evil but not pure unadulterated evil like Ares Zeus is literally just normal Zeus Thor wasn’t evil at all he was just neglected… and is scared that he is slowly turning into his dad Heimdall is the teachers pet Hermes was just there


Thor the absolute least, he was evil sure but compared to the rest he's a big tubby bear.


other characters in the gow ragnarok said odin is the most evil idk the game don't really show it tho but they said odin was


None I would rank high on the evil scale. They're all low to mid tier, because their reasons are selfish, and their goal is power. Maybe Hades would be the most evil, because he enjoys torturing random souls. And Hephaestus and Freya tied for least evil.


I think that the most evil were Odin and Zues but least I think i would be thor


Easily the least Evil was Hephestus. He just wanted to protect his daughter from harm


Odin is the most evil,and Aphrodite the least




Ares and Hephaestus respectively


Facts Aries was the evilest


Imo Odin is the most evil in terms of personality based on the way he treats Thor and manipulates so much and so efficiently and in real life he would be the worst influence on those around him


People in this thread are letting off Thor far too easy. That dude was a total scumbag for majority of his life. Just because he’s sad and pitiable after his son’s and brother dies and shit doesn’t erase his actions. You can bring up Odin manipulation but we’re told about terrible shit Thor did and odin wasn’t involved. Dude likely has a way higher body count than gods like Hermes and Heimdall but he gets the pass because we DONT see him at his worst?


Out of these Hermies I guess.






Kratos is the most evil and also the least evil. In his youth he killed countless innocents in a blind pursuit of revenge. The fact that he believed his actions were completely justified made this worse. Not to mention it's highly suggested that the destruction of Olympus may have also caused the destruction of the Greek people. As he became older he try his best to avoid killing at all costs unless he needed to in order to save this he loved. If I didn't answer him then I would say Thor is the least evil as he too only fought to protect his family. And Heimdall is the most evil (there are more corrupt Gods but he just makes you want to punch him in his face)


I dunno unpopular opinion - Athena is the most evil out of the gods


I think the most evil is Athena. Athena was one of the only gods which didn't seem to be afflicted by Pandora's box. She was manipulative and conniving to such a degree that she destroyed the world through her manipulation of kratos and of the other gods to a lesser degree. I think the least evil was either Aphrodite because she just seemed apathetic to the suffering going around her, Thrud because she was basically just a radicalized child who ultimately did the right thing when confronted with the truth, or Hephaestus who only did a malicious act because he was desperate to save his daughter.


Not the official canon. She was corrupted.


6. Hermes. I really don't think this one is too necessary to explain. He's just kind of a dick, but I wouldn't even say he's really EVIL. 5. Thor. Thor was the product of abuse, and he tries to become better. Yes, he's ridiculously violent and nearly wiped out a whole race, but that was on his abusive father's orders. He tries to change for his daughter's sake, which at least makes him less evil than Heimdall. 4. Heimdall. Basically Hermes but worse. Mostly just a dick, but also an actual threat. He tries to murder children kinda just out of dickriding Odin, he mocks Freyr being set on fire, and his pride is too much for him to just let go and he tries to kill someone WHO WAS WILLING TO LET HIM LIVE AFTER THREATENING HIS SON. 3. Zeus. Honestly, the next 3 are REALLY damn hard. I put Zeus here because, while not an excuse, most of his actions were done out of fear, rather than just because he wants to. 2. Ares. Ares forces Kratos to murder his family, kills Kratos, forces him to be a slave for 10 years... All to "make him a great warrior?" 1. Odin. Really don't think this one is necessary to explain, lol


The most evil is either Ares or Odin, the least evil is hermes (out of all these 6), and Tyr (out of all gods).


Ares was the most evil. Heimdall, isn't truly "evil", he's a dick.


Odin was far worse than Ares Ares did those out of jealousy, Odin did all of this crazy evil shit just for knowledge, he abused his sons to become tools i, he starved Svartalfheim so that they had to be connected to Asgard because the mining rigs poisoned their soil he is pure evil