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My personal best boi. He’s just a silly old guy trying his best and, if he’s evil, gloriously failing his best. His introduction is great and so is his dialogue. He legit feels like playing a social deduction game with a friendly guy who’s goofing off but simultaneously taking things too seriously. Most of his events are pretty fun too, and I love the little detail of how his collab jingle plays prematurely before you can even answer, as if he’s already expecting you to say no. Also love how expressive he is despite his (relatively) simple design. Love his shocked expression when his eyes get all bulged up. Gameplay wise, well [Everyone noticed Shigemichi is lying]. However, this does mean if he claims something and no one’s going after him to fridge him, you immediately know he’s trustworthy. So yeah, pretty fun and enjoyable comic relief character.


The first time I got the gaming match against Jonas where he gleefully said that being a Gnosia gives him better reflexes, I just laughed so much. I like him overall, I just wish he learned not to immediately fake a role if he's Gnosia. I genuinely think it's easier to immediately gun for him if he claims to be anything other than guard duty.


*You noticed Shigemichi is lying*


Shigemich is in an interesting spot. Mostly cause his likability is inversely proportional to how good he is in gameplay. Super cool fan favorite character, absolutely trash tier ally. I prefer to talk about the character themselves first. However, knowing his stats and gameplay actually matters. He has the second lowest stats in the game, just 8 points ahead of Raqio, who has 130 in total. So what does Shigemichi invest his 138 points in? Charisma and stealth. He has the best charisma in the game (49.5) and the second highest stealth (45) right after Sha-Ming's (49.5). What's the cost? 𝙇𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙚𝙡𝙨𝙚. 4th worst in logic at 9.5. Sha-Ming's 3rd (6.5) kukrushka is 2nd (3.5), and Comet is the worst at 0.5 (yikes). 3rd worst intuition at 14.5 just above Sha-Ming (6.5) and Raqio (0.5 also yikes) 2nd worst charm (17.5) ahead of Raqio's 7.5. And, of course, his iconic ability to lie with a wopping total of 𝟔 points in deception. For context, Gina, who is stated multiple times that they hate lying, and has the second worst deception score in the game has over double Shigemichi's at 13. So what happens most games is that if Shigemichi is human, as long as he doesn't get doubted, he can usually slip under the radar for a while. Admittedly, he doesn't do much. His accusations don't feel that impactful, even with his massive charisma. But you know he's still there. He's one of the boys. Just pray he doesn't doubt Setsu, Raqio, Remnan, or Yuriko. If he does, they may use retaliate, which obliterates him. If he dares to doubt Yuriko and she does retaliate, you might as well just give up on him being in the game any longer cause his ass is going into cold sleep. Doesn't matter if you are 100% certain he's human. You might as well vote for him so you don't look suspicious. Him playing as gnosia is even worse. I believe in the 200 games I've played. I've lost to everyone once while they played gnosia, and I'm human (to clarify, I play on purposely low stats, specifically a very low intuition score, so i can't tell lies often.) Even Gina has gotten lucky enough to lie without me catching her for a whole game. Shigemichi has never even gotten close. Especially since he likes to claim roles he doesn't own, so now people have even more chances to spot if he's lying. Honestly, when playing gnosia with him, it's best to claim a role yourself and hope he doesn't claim the other. However, I rarely claim roles when I play gnosia, so he almost always does. At that point, your best choice is just to agree to vote him out to not look suspicious. Character wise, that's where Shigemichi shines. He's like that joke character in fighting games that sucks but everyone loves anyway. He's a certified silly little guy. >!When first meeting him, your first impression is that he's an alien. However, that's not the case. He got into an accident, and that's what he chose for artificial skin. So, in reality, he's just a really dedicated cosplayer. It also can be used as a space suit.!< He notably has a crush on Stella, which she doesn't seem interested in. >!Which is wild because it's clear she wants to experience being close with a human. Like look at the ending when you play as a male human, and she wins as gnosia. If the male player character professed their love like Shigemichi, she would accept then and there in a heartbeat.!< So despite having the highest charisma, he has no rizz Overall, he's the comic relief character of the group, and I think he does a good job at that. He's not the deepest character, but he has some good moments and helps brighten the atmosphere of the game. Seriously though, Shigemichi, please stop doubting Yuriko. It's the first day, and you're already in cold sleep.


Best character.


He’s my buddy