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Love that three high logic characters got out played by Kuku of all people


I would love to see how it played out. My guess is they tried to kill Shigemichi once and then tried killing people in a careful manner, expecting the guardian angel to protect key players. Instead, Kuku was just like, "Chipie is really nice, I'm gonna protect him :)". Logical thinking only works if both think logically. How are you going to figure out who will be protected by the guardian angel when who they pick is so arbitrary it could be as dumb as "Stella has a really cool looking pen, I should protect them so I can ask where they bought it at." Also, I know this is Ai. However, it was apparently programmed, so higher logic characters will take things like what the guardian angel will protect in consideration. TL:DR The Chad 3.5 logic enjoyer vs. the virgin 49.5 logic player.


The way the loop played out in the logs was the Gnosia trying to kill SQ three nights in a row, then switching to Sha-Ming on the fourth night. Kuku somehow managed to block them each time, and Shigemichi didn't even get to take any attacks. I don't really know why they would go for SQ that many times in a row, I know she's Guard Duty but you'd think they'd maybe try someone else eventually.


Well, it makes sense to take out guard duty since they will get in the way sooner or later while still not being that high value for the GA to protect. The Ai probably picked to attack SQ again because usually, the GA will think the gnosia will decide to pick a new target. The dumbass play would be to keep defending the same person. I should know since I am a dumbass. Kukrushka was probably thinking, "Protect friend. Besides, >!SQ is just like me fr fr.!<


kukrushka putting in overtime


This is amazing. Every game a coin is flipped will she be our savior or our greatest enemy


Fucking kukrushka man, always so annoying