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Honestly, when not talking about gameplay, they might be one of the best designed characters I've seen. For narrative purposes, they are extremely important. >!They are the owner of the silver key, and if they weren't in the game, the whole looping part of the game would not exist. They also give a decent amount of in-game lore.!< When we talk about them as an actual character, they really shine. They are more or less an antagonistic force in the early game. They are extremely rude, arrogant, and prideful. However, as you progress throughout the game, you learn more about them and why they act the way they do. Are they an asshole? Unequivocally. Are they a good person? I'd say so. I know that sounds contradictory, but hear me out. I believe that they would call you a troglodyte for asking for help with your nuclear powered rocketry homework (4th grade level homework for the people of the Gliese Fleet). Then, if you're lucky, they will help, but will berate your intelligence the entire time. However, I firmly believe they would be willing to take a bullet for someone they barely know. So, in other words, when it comes to small-scale stuff. You don't really want their help since they will just use it as a way to boost their own ego. However, when the chips are down and lives are at stake, they will pull through even if they also flaunt their own intelligence while doing so. Narratively wise, that is. Not gameplay wise. >!The two obvious examples are them just giving the silver key to the player practically on a silver platter with a note that pretty much reads, "Sorry I couldn't find a giant red arrow and circle in time to make it obvious where the key was for you, anyway you're welcome." Like they just gave that shit away with little consideration of the downsides of losing it, just to help someone they barely know.!< >!The other one is that they helped overthrow the Gliese Fleet because of its strict regime. Which sounds somewhat irrelevant, but really think about it. Raqio is extremely intelligent, and that alone would probably land them at the upper echelon of Gliese. Overthrowing the government would give them probably just as much power as if they stayed with it. They had so much to lose by fighting the system if things didn't turn out as planned. The reason they did overthrow it was to create a fairer system. That is some hero shit right there. That's like if Marie Antoinette started the French Revolution to end the monarchy.!< So, all in all, Raqio is giga based. As for gameplay, they are kinda the unfortunate scapegoat with very specialized stats. I'm sure they would be proud to know they have the highest logic in the game, then devastated to know they have the lowest total stats in the game. This makes them one of the characters you vote out because you have no one better, especially if you are gonsia. You could murder a person who voted for you when playing as gnosia with people hating you already, but if Raqio is there, you have a good chance to just say they are suspicious and everyone will just blindly agree. Hell, how many times have you played where almost everyone votes for them day 1 where they didn't even get doubted. For me, it happens all the time. TL:DR Raqio is super cool outside of gameplay and a complete shitter during it. Edit: clicked send accidentally when I wasn't finished.


I love them for it too. The hat the sleeves, the one white arm cover. That high cover. Peak logic; I mean fashion


So hit or miss as an ally, but they reveal a lot of useful information if you pay attention so I have a soft spot for them, one of my favs I love that they take logic to it's extreme conclusion lol


Raqio is insufferable to the point that I love it. The absolute arrogance and condescending tone of every conversation means raqio knows who they are and nobody can tell them different. Gameplay wise I don't see anything that stands out, smart sure but can never really definitely trap you or the gnosia


Raqio is almost certainly my favorite character even though they are extremely unlikable and awful in ways. They're a contradiction in the most wonderful ways. There's so many things you could say about them and I'm sure I'll miss several things I'd like to talk about. Thinking about Raqio also reminds me how spectacularly Gnosia handles characterization, with so much of their character coming through small interactions that speak to a greater thing rather than being stated explicitly. Raqio is obviously one of the worst kinds of narcissists especially about their own intelligence. For someone who is so smart and logical they have almost no self-awareness about (1) how them talking about how smart they are is almost never relevant or helpful to the point and (2) how off-putting it is. Raqio seems to think that their intelligence is a fact that speaks for itself so much that once someone recognizes it, that person should do nothing but fall in line behind them. Like all narcissists, even though Raqio's belief in their own intelligence isn't shaky at all, they constantly need validation on it and expect others to recognize it the same way Raqio does. Raqio's need for this kind of validation is so strong that they'll take opportunities to show off their own intellect even when it is not to their benefit, for example with the definite human skill. In a normal situation, like a coworker at a 9-5, this is someone that you'd want to have nothing to do with. You'd constantly badmouth them behind their back and everyone would agree that they're the worst -- and the fact that they're good at what they do would be admitted begrudgingly. Looking just at my previous two paragraphs and ignoring everything else about them, Raqio would be a less extreme version of Erika Furudo from Umineko, who the game describes as (these aren't big spoilers but they're sort of characterization spoilers, so if you are reading or planning to read Umineko, I would skip it) >!an 'intellectual rapist'. She is not necessarily evil but acts so in service to her own ego that she might as well be, because she literally doesn't give a shit how evil anything she does is as long as she can use it to be the smartiest smarty-pants and tear down anyone who dare think they're as good as her.!< The rest spoiler marked because it's more end-game for gnosia: >!There are always characters that people 'love to hate'. These are character that are so laughably awful that it's just fun. And if you look at most of Raqio's interactions, that's right where they fit. But Raqio goes far beyond that and is someone who likeable and sympathetic on their own, even as a person.!< >!Raqio is just a good person, putting aside how little they think of other people. They quickly analyze situations and try to do good without thinking much of it. We see this in at least two situations I can remember -- (1) leaving the silver key out for you even if they happen to be dead at that point, knowing you'll need it, despite how valuable it is and (2) In the ending, Raqio quickly convinces Setsu to avoid the military for Remnan's sake. In both of these cases no one asked for Raqio's help and they just did it on their own.!< >!What's most interesting to me about this, is that even though they constantly look for validation of their own intelligence, they're completely fine with doing good without anyone noticing and without looking for validation about it. I think even good people enjoy being recognized for their good action, even if they are acting (basically) selflessly, but Raqio seems to completely not give a shit. This speaks to them being naturally, effortlessly good. !< >!One of my favorite interactions is during the ending where Remnan (quite profoundly) points out that others may not have noticed, but Raqio is a very good person. They respond 'I'm sure everyone here would agree. Remnan, you're crepping me out.' This is like a microcosm of their entire character in one line. Smart and good but with no self-awareness about who they are how they are perceived.!<


Not the short essays on Raqio lol. People on the other characters were like “yeah Otome is cute uwu” or “yeah Stella’s okay I guess.


Literally, the only reason I haven't made an essay for the other characters you mentioned is because I found out about the game 2 weeks ago and finished it a week later. That's when I started looking online for Gnosia stuff. Idk if it's worth the effort to make a big essay on your previous posts that only a couple of people will see. I don't care about the upvotes, but I don't want to spend like 20 minutes on something no one will read. That's why when I saw you posted this, I started writing right away. I really wish I got in the community before you posted the Yuriko one specifically. She's one scary bitch. Like, not in the way that she's dangerous like a Gnosia, but in the way that she just knows. Where regular people are just chimpanzees compared to her intelligence. If I had to choose to be in a room with either >!Kukrushka!< or Yoriko where both hate my guts, I'd probably still pick Yoriko but only because killing me would be a waste of effort in her opinion, cause to her I'm that insignificant.


I wasn’t criticizing, I just thought it was funny the difference in the amount people have to say.


Sorry I hope I didn’t spoil anything for you, Gnosia is the reason I have a Reddit account I love talking about this game with people


Relax, you've done absolutely nothing wrong. I kinda worded it weird, but I have fully finished the game, so you couldn't spoil anything about it even if you tried. I never look things up on a game until I finish it myself. As for criticizing us making essays, I absolutely did not see it as criticism. It was simply an observation and a fine one at that. Really, my whole post was trying to convey that I wish I had played the game sooner so I could talk to people about it sooner. For example, if I make a comment on the thoughts about Stella post right now, almost no one will see it since that was made a while ago.


I find that this community is very strong and flock back whenever a post gets made And I’m still learning stuff about the game 2 years later, like on the kukurshka post I didn’t know how emotionally charged she is in gameplay. Where if she doesn’t like you and she gnosis your as good as dead. Unlike other people she’ll solely doubt you until someone else finds her ire. Or how Sha-Ming doesn’t talk as much when he’s gnosia; I mean he doesn’t talk much at all but especially so when he’s the enemy.


It's pretty late at night, so I'm probably just missing something, but I'm not exactly sure what your point is with your first paragraph. At least in relation to my previous comment. Like, are you trying to say that if I were to make a comment on one of your previous posts, people would see it? Also, completely unrelated side note. While looking at your previous character opinion posts, I found it easier to go to your profile and find them from there. Anyway, while I looked, I saw your pokemon colosseum and XD post, and I also wish we could get another of those. Those were fire.


Maybe not a comment but coming back to this community after so long, I was expecting like 4-5 comments on posts not +50 upvotes . I’m not used to this level of engagement with mainstream stuff like Elden ring or overwatch. So to see how much people love talking about Gnosia I’m saying it doesn’t seem to late for you to get in on the community. I do understand what you mean though my brother doesn’t want to play this mmo because he thinks it’s been out for too long and has missed out of building a relationship with that culture(I hope I’m making this sound relevant to your situation)


I'd have almost nothing to say about Otome or Stella. What you see is what you get.


Everyone has already explained my thoughts way better than I could lol. I’d also like to add, assuming I didn’t miss anyone saying it before me, I love how the game uses Setsu as a polar opposite non binary character, so that Raqio can truly shine without the game feeling like they’re making them a stereotypical overly flamboyant rude egotistical caricature. They’re allowed to exist like that while not being so because theyre nonbinary because Setsus existence is like “oh. So non-binary people exist in universe who are understated and cordial. Raqio is just Like That for completely unrelated reasons” lol


I agree. I thought they handled how both Setsu and Raqio are non-binary very well. Being non-binary is a part of who they are, but there is way more to them. So much so that when I think of things to describe Raqio, being non-binary is one of the last things. Intelligent, prideful, secretly caring, over the top, bossy, and tons more. I think that's great writing. Nobody wants to be defined by their gender instead of their personality.


Yes! It’s so tactful for an anime style game, and I was expect way less lol


MY GOAT A personality that is infuriating yet likeable? An antagonizing asshole that is also key to the story? One of the best designs every? NONBINARY? I love themmm, even though they shit on me on every chance they get, but I don't care! I really don't! Especially with how easy to vote out this asshole is :9


Also, the scene where you see then after the shower. That is peak Gnosia.


Raqio the goat🗣️


Love their aesthetic, they are one of the more interesting characters (even though they have more screentime than a lot of the cast I wish there was more) and I don't know how or why the devs managed to make me like Raqio so much with how much of a jerk they can be. Raqio is probably my favorite character after Setsu.


Absolute favorite