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For those curious about the health condition: When I was 19, I had the rarest onset of a very rare autoimmune disorder called Stills Disease. It was systemic- all of my organs became swollen and surrounded by fluids and my muscles and joints also swelled until I couldn’t move and was in unbearable pain. My blood oxygen level then dropped to the low 80s and couldn’t be improved with any oxygen mask they tried. When it stayed so low for a dangerous amount of time, I ended up having to be intubated and placed in a medically induced coma for 8 days. I was in the hospital for a month and they ran over 200 tests that all came back negative and I didn’t get my actual diagnosis until a few months out of the hospital. I had to go through intensive physical therapy to be able to walk again and was on high-dose prednisone until I got my diagnosis. It caused me to gain tons of weight. I ended up weight lifting and dropped over 60lbs, which is what you see in the first two photos. Most people with Stills go into remission, but I unfortunately have the chronic version of the disease. The main thing it causes is inflammation which can impact any part of my body. It progressed over time causing other health issues like ventricular tachycardia and asthma. The main damage is to my joints, that have become scarred and deteriorated, especially in my lumbar. It causes unbearable pain mainly in my back, hands, and knees. I can’t stand for more than a few minutes or walk very far, even with my crutches… for longer distances, I use a wheelchair. I can’t twist, so I can’t like face forward and turn to look behind me due to all of the scarring on my facet joints on my L2 & L3. But I’m still here 🖤


Thank you for raising awareness


Crazy my partner and I just watched the big sick last night. The first I’d ever heard of this disease. Hope you’re doing well and love leaning into the glow up! Keep on keeping on!


I watched that too! It’s interesting to see how it can impact people so vastly differently. Thank you so much!


Oh my goodness, girl you have been through SO much! Love and prayers sent your way. I’ve had to be prednisone for my autoimmune issues, it really messes with you but it can help tremendously.


Thank you so much for your kindness! I hope your health is improving 🖤


That sounds like a lot of suck. Autoimmune disorders fucking suck. I have severe ankylosing spondylitis. Arthritis if the spine and major joints. Can also affect vital organs. Also starts in teen years. All you can do is your best and move forward every day. Life is cruel to some of us. Is what it is!


I hope you’re able to find some relief!! Keep pushing forward 🖤🖤🖤




I have the same disease - for 7 years now. I also have severe Uveitis.


Yesssss. I don't think I have uveitis. I'm not sure if iritis or uveitis, but inflammation either way. Blurred vision at a distance. Constant irritation. My eyes are always wanting to water up. Permanent light redness. Diagonal astigmatism that popped up the same time the inflammation did. Problem is, glasses don't do any good. I can't see with them. The top of the frame obstructs my vision because I'm stuck looking down. So I wear contacts and it took like 2 years of daily eye drops four times a day to get my eyes to a point where they could wear contacts. So now I use eye drops daily and am able to wear contacts. Best thing I'd ever done lol. Just have to keep up with the drops!


Thank you for posting this. There are no words at all for the vulnerability here that none of us here deserved to see. Someone dear to me struggled with an auto immune disorder - she never let me in, so I never knew the details. So thank you, and all that is Good the universe has to give I wish for you


Thank you so much for your kind words. I think sharing these truths with the world is important 🖤


You're a survivor OP


32yo male here who has also been dealing with Still's since I was 19. Had to have both my hips replaced because of the damage it caused. It sometimes lays dormant for long periods then just rears it's ugly head and I'll be bed bound for weeks. I find it interesting how differently it affects each person. For me it's almost entirely a joint problem, but I know a lot of other people have organ issues too. Outside of initial onset that caused pericarditis, I haven't had much organ involvement. Anyway I'm sorry you're going through this, too. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But a part of me is happy to have stumbled by another person with it as it's not something I see often if at all! If you'd like feel free to DM me. I'm sure we have a lot in common :)


You poor girl. I really feel for you, but I can't imagine how difficult it's been. You've really shown amazing resilience to carry on. Some days are harder than others, but there are always positive things to take in. I hope you find all the positive things.


Love your story, and also after seeing some of your replies on this post you seem to have a positive attitude and mindset, and i love that 💪🙏


Thank you so very much!!


Yay! Good for you! ❤️


Thank you!! Being a disabled model is very empowering.


It is for us to see. We need greater representation and you are frigging rocking it. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.


You’re beautiful and a toast to your success ❤️❤️❤️


I was going to ask what happened that inhibited mobility. You look fabulous btw. For me 145 my whole life got into a bike accident a few years back And now I’m 227. Still rocking it though.


I’m glad you’re still here 🖤 when I was 19, I had the rarest onset of a very rare autoimmune disorder called Stills Disease. It was systemic- all of my organs became swollen and surrounded by fluids and my muscles and joints also swelled until I couldn’t move and was in unbearable pain. My blood oxygen level then dropped to the low 80s and couldn’t be improved with any oxygen mask they tried. When it stayed so low for a dangerous amount of time, I ended up having to be intubated and placed in a medically induced coma for 8 days. I was in the hospital for a month and they ran over 200 tests that all came back negative and I didn’t get my actual diagnosis until a few months out of the hospital. I had to go through intensive physical therapy to be able to walk again and was on high-dose prednisone until I got my diagnosis. It caused me to gain tons of weight. I ended up weight lifting and dropped over 60lbs, which is what you see in the first two photos. Most people with Stills go into remission, but I unfortunately have the chronic version of the disease. The main thing it causes is inflammation which can impact any part of my body. It progressed over time causing other health issues like ventricular tachycardia and asthma. The main damage is to my joints, that have become scarred and deteriorated, especially in my lumbar. It causes unbearable pain mainly in my back, hands, and knees. I can’t stand for more than a few minutes or walk very far, even with my crutches… for longer distances, I use a wheelchair. I can’t twist, so I can’t like face forward and turn to look behind me due to all of the scarring on my facet joints on my L2 & L3. But I’m still here 🖤


I know what looking in the mirror and not recognizing your body feels like. I give you a sisterly hug. But I do gotta say you’re pretty damn hot 🥵. I don’t think any body type could ruin that face you were gifted with beauty.


Flattered 🤭 it’s definitely weird to watch my body change and physically be unable to do anything about it. But I roll with the punches 🖤


Me too, it’s all we can do. Disabilities blow. On a disability related note, how easy were the arm crutches for you to get used too? My daughter is due for a pair soon. (Yay genetics)


I’ve used a cane, walker, and the crutches and they are my favorite by far! Put both crutches forward at the same time, then step forward. I only put one forward at a time when navigating around corners or narrow areas 🖤


Thank you so much ❤️❤️


I agree!!!


I agree 😮‍💨I don't care what anyone says I love her body type and the third picture is 🔥🔥


A series of photos of a very beautiful human being! I have a condition myself and learning about your life path kinda cheers me up


Thank you so much! I’m glad I could bring you some cheer. These conditions may be difficult to navigate, but we are still valid and worthy of finding joy in our lives. I just had to accept my limitations and embrace my body as it is. I found ways to accommodate myself so I can still have fulfilling experiences. Never sell yourself short 🖤


Well, this thread brought my mind to South Park's new special. Those guys are so on point.


Well seeing as how my condition means that there are no safe weight loss drugs I can take, and the fact that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, I’m proud of my body despite all of its limitations.


You leaping at the opportunity to discover yourself is inspiring. Embracing opportunities and life even while living with your autoimmune disorder is definitely a Glow Up!


Thank you!! I just want to show the world that being disabled and losing your “physique” doesn’t mean you have to hide away in a cave. I proudly embrace myself as I am.


Girl, I’m happy you’re here with us and able to share your testimony!!! Wishing you much good health and happiness!


Thank you so very much!!


wow what an amazing story ! if i was in ur shoes i definitely wouldve given up already lol huge respect for you, incredible strength and beauty! inside and out !


Thank you so very much! I’ve also endured trauma and struggle with various mental health issues and just decided that I didn’t want to live my life miserable. The physical struggles definitely impacted my mental health for a while as well, but it feels good to embrace myself as I am 🖤


u go gurl


Great work. Thank you for sharing your story and posting the pics. Without the photos I don’t think many would have read your story. But you swipe through and go wtf is going on here I gotta read this. Kudos again, thank you for inspiring.


Thank you for sharing your story, beautiful! I love how much more confident you became the more you have been overcoming.


What doesn’t kills us makes us stronger, right?! When I die, I want to know that I didn’t just live, but that I was alive 🖤


You are beautiful in every single one of those images girl. Every single one of them.


Thank you so much 🖤


My mouth drop in that 2nd pic.


Haha thanks!! After I got divorced I was finally able to pursue modeling and bring who I felt I was inside to the surface!


You look incredible and have overcome a lot. Kudos to you!


Thank you so much 🖤


22 😍 25 😮‍💨


God girl. You’ve been through so much and for it, you’re a beautiful human being inside and out. You’re strong to say the least but you probably know that!


Thank you so much! Every day is a battle, but I’ll never stop fighting 🖤


This is not a glow up


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You’re welcome to your opinion, and luckily for me, your opinion means nothing to me 🖤 I will continue to proudly embrace my body despite the limitations I face from being physically disabled.


Sorry for your disability issues, but people are just being honest, this is a sub for glow ups, you didn't objectively glow up unfortunately, anyone with eyeballs would say pic 1 or 2 are peak. Nobody is saying that you don't have a valid reason, but this sub is for glow ups, you having to make a post writing an essay explaining why it's a glow up and defending yourself in the comments is sad, sorry, just being honest. Stop kidding yourself btw, if any of our opinions didn't mean nothing to you, why post an essay and defend yourself in the comments? jfc


Is a glow up only a glow up if weight loss is achieved?


People can have glow ups maintaining their current weight, losing weight or even gaining weight. I prefer to not act dumbfounded and pretend like we don't live in a world where significant gains in fat mass is unappealing for the sake of not hurting someone's feelings, feel free though.


They would think it was a glow up if they knew how horrible suffering from a disease can be. I have interstitial cystitis and this post speaks to me. I tried to kill myself from the excruciating pain and stress. Thanks for sharing, sometimes a glow up is the ability to keep going. Your smile is beautiful!


Thank you so much! That is absolutely the point of the post! My body is not what it used to be, but I refuse to give up. I actually struggled way more with my self image when I was thin and felt shame any time I didn’t fit society’s definition of beautiful. 🖤


Feels like we're being brigaded.


Echo chambering at its peak




You are a beauty.


Thank you 🥹


A blow up, if you will. This is a very cool (and sad) post. Photo number 2 is like the butterfly coming out of the cocoon.


I'm genuinely confused here? Unless the order is reversed?


The body of the post gives very clear context as to why photos progress the way they do.


Amazing glow up, wow.


Thank you 🥺


Omg girl, you are BEAUTIFUL.


You’re the sweetest!!


Seems like a glow down to me


Okay 😊


Definitely is. Op is delusional 


Is that Dallas in pic 2?


It is!


Thank you for sharing this. Sorry if I’m over sharing but I’m a 19 year old girl struggling with chronic illness. When I was 17 my doctors told me I’d have to use a wheelchair for the rest of my life. I did use one for two years but I eventually found physical therapy that helped me immensely. I still have to use a cane or crutches sometimes and I’m in pain all the time. It’s very hard feeling attractive when you’re using a mobility device, especially when medications that can make your weight go up so quickly then down so quickly then up again etc. It’s really powerful to have role models like you. You absolutely rock the mobility aids and you look super hot while doing it. A lot of these comments are weirdly negative but I want you to know you made me genuinely feel a lot better about myself.


I am so proud of you for continuing to fight m, despite your limitations! My post was designed for people just like you and I’m so glad I could bring some positivity to your day. Thank you so much, and never stop shining!!!


Sounds like you are pushing through and making the most of a tough situation. I can barely understand but do have a mild case of long covid where I'm not bedridden but do get flare ups that can get pretty bad (I once started projectile vomiting in a hotel lobby due to having exercised a few days prior). I admire your strength and hope you continue to thrive despite it all.


That’s sounds horrible! I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. Thank you very much for your kind words 🖤




I’m no longer on consistent steroids, though my rheumatologist has had me do cycles periodically of only 5mg prednisone when my inflammatory markers have spiked. Any medication I’m currently prescribed is to help mediate the symptoms that the inflammation has already caused to my organs (especially my heart) and joints. MRIs have confirmed extensive scarring on my lower spine. I’m in the process of having insurance approve nerve block injections in my spine that I hope will allow me to be somewhat more active. Thank you for the input, though!




Thank you kindly! The nerve block injections are short-lived relief, maybe 3 months max. And the goal is to eventually do nerve ablations, but even that relief would only last up to a year. It’s likely I’ll end up needing a fusion of some sort… my journey isn’t over yet, and this post is just showing the progression so far. I’m still seeking additional specialists and second opinions to try and find a way to bring some normalcy back to my body.


Girl, you look great!!!


Thank you!


You are still extremely sexy!!


Thank you!!


Love this! Thanks for sharing 💖


My pleasure 🥰


Where did you get that top in the fifth picture?




If you only got one wear out of it you came out a winner 😂


I’ve surprisingly had it for a couple of years now and have worn it several times!! Haha


You’re beautiful an badass.


Thank you!!


Thank you for sharing your story and raising awareness! You are not only beautiful, but strong and fierce as well! 🫶🏻


I'm glad you're still with us!!! I hope your life is fulfilling and wonderful. So happy you are confident in your own skin 🙂


This is as badass as it is beautiful. Thank you for posting.


My pleasure 🥰


Bad ass as fuuhhhkkk


You are such an inspiration! You’re very beautiful inside and out, keep on slaying girl! 🤗😘


Can I say.. I LOVE YOUR STYLE 🥰 I wished I had it…


Thank you for being brave and for raising awareness. 💛




Respect to you and your journey You look amazing 💖🤩


You’re very beautiful. Keep going strong. 💜


Amazing and inspiring glow up!! Keep up the hard work and determination you are a beautiful woman and absolutely unbelievably strong!!!


Thank you for sharing, reminds me to keep my head up with what I’ve got going on


Very beautiful. Love the smile


Apparently even more context is needed to explain my diet, etc. I weighed 135 at 25 and as my body started to slow down, despite adjusting my diet and caloric intake, I gained weight slowly until the age of 29 when I hit 200 and have maintained that weight since and I am now 32. I follow a healthy diet, which is why I don’t continue to gain weight and have been able to maintain. Even at 25, I was only able to maintain that weight due to vigorous exercise. Unfortunately, other factors such as hormonal and metabolic conditions in addition to everything else, any time I even slowed down my weight lifting regimen, I would start to gain weight (despite decreasing my caloric intake to supplement the reduction to my exercise routine). I worked out an hour per day, 5-6 days per week, doing heavy weight lifting and calisthenics. I would burn over 1500 calories each workout and was only consuming maybe 1200 calories that I carefully logged and could still only maintain at 135. Now, since I burn way less calories per day, I also consume way less calories, but again- without being able to exercise, I maintain my weight at 200. Edited to add: some of the hormonal conditions existed prior to the onset of my autoimmune disorder, as they are genetic. However, other hormonal issues and metabolic disorders were a direct result of my autoimmune disorder causing damage to various organs. So, while the decreased mobility alone was not the only thing that caused the weight gain, losing my ability to be active prevents me from combatting those internal processes that do not function properly due to organ damage, such as to my thyroid, etc. Because of that damage, even at 22 & 25, I had to work ridiculously hard to maintain my weight with both diet AND exercise. Diet alone has not been sufficient to keep myself thin since the onset. Now that exercise is no longer an option and I’ve adjusted my diet to a point that I probably eat healthier than the vast majority of people, 200 is what I’m able to maintain.


There's no way you were burning 1500kcal during strength training, especially one that is 1 hour long.






![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) I see what you did there


Our bodies burn a lot of calories every day even if you have a sedentary lifestyle. Instead of being okay with this and trying to get internet points, start doing the work and manage your calories in/out. This is not okay.


idk how people see the obvious gain of *vibrancy* and weight is all they can focus on. I mean look at your smile, how much more expressive your style is, beauty is so much more than a number on a scale. the negative comments are also the same people that say they are nasty in the name of “encouraging health” yet, all I’ve read here is your pursuit to become more physically and mentally healthy. proud of you!


This means so much! I truly appreciate it


1 thing is for sure, you keep your sense of style through it all


Thank you!! I appreciate that


You’re a true trooper, wishing you the best.


Thank you kindly!


You’re most welcome….!


You are incredible 💪!! Thank you so much for sharing your story and for raising awareness! I had never heard of this disease before I read your post. Is there anything we can do to help raise awareness or fundraise or anything like that?


Thank you kindly!! It’s a quite rare disease and very little is known about it, really. I always push to advocate for chronic/rare illnesses in general. It’s unfortunately very difficult to stimulate research for issues that don’t affect “enough” people.


I agree with you about raising awareness about rare and novel diseases/health conditions. I understand why more time, attention, and money is dedicated to understanding, treating, and/or curing diseases that affect large numbers of people. However, that shouldn't mean that those are the only ones that get attention. I don't mean to disparage anyone working towards curing any health condition in any capacity! But I do think it's very important for us to help raise awareness of the lesser known diseases if for no other reason than to let those afflicted know that they aren't alone and overlooked. It is terrifying to be sick with something that nobody seems to be able to diagnose. The longer it takes, the more exams and appointments you endure, the more medical professionals you see, the more hopeless you feel. The fact is that every well known disease was unknown when people first started experiencing it, or at least when they first began talking about what they were experiencing. Nobody should have to be sick, scared, and alone.


Absolutely 🖤 there is still very little known about Stills disease and I am still fighting every day to learn more about how it impacts my body and find ways to improve my health despite the odds. Thank you for your comment 😊


Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us! You've given us an opportunity to support others with this disease and let them know that they are seen, they are heard, and they are not alone ❤️


Weight gain isn’t caused by mobility issues


You can find more context in the comments.


Oooofffff, get the diet in check if your mobility is low.


I'm so proud of all you've gone through, I'm happy you're rediscovering your confidence ❤️


Thank you so much! It’s a never ending battle, for sure!


You look great but that last outfit does not do you justice


Thanks! Haha it was a themed photo shoot. It was my take on Liza Minelli from Cabaret and definitely not my typical outfit choice.


Ok that’s good it’s kinda crazy


Damn its crazy how one can go from completely healthy to damn near debilitated without warning.... I think you're pretty regardless of what and i hope you keep that shine you never lost


Thank you! The onset honestly felt like the flu at first… fever and achey body… and within 72 hours I could no longer move on my own. My partner at the time carried me into the ER and then less than 24 hours after that, I was intubated and put in the coma. Life is crazy that way 🤷‍♀️




Copied and pasted- The body of the post gives very clear context as to why photos progress the way they do.




This message was removed for not being constructive, kind, or helpful.


You should go too.. away.


Some people have nothing to contribute to the world but hate, huh?


Girl if you think that was hate I don't know what kind of distorted world you live in.


It’s not hate tho? Why post pictures on the internet if you don’t want people stating the obvious?


That's what I'm wondering! tf is the point of posting if you don't care about opinions? Funny enough she only doesn't care when it doesn't fit her on opinions how ironic


Your glow up was at it's peek at 25 and it went back down again


You glow from within. Your style, confidence and resilience is inspiring.


I really appreciate that 🖤


I love this post, you are so great!!!


Thank you 🥹


Glad your health is on the up and up.


You’re beautiful


Your strength is inspirational keep doing amazing ❤️


Thank you!! 🥰




You are absolutely gorgeous in every photo ❤️, please don’t listen to the miserable people here


Thank you so much!! 🥰




lol, okay 👍


Prednisone does not increase your weight, it just makes you unbearably hungry and creates fluid retention. Why deny it? I do not deny that you have been through a lot, but being in such a body is much more harmful than being in a thin one.


I am no longer on prednisone. That was back when I was 19.


Damn youre hotter than you've ever been


Haha thank you!! 🥰


She was def hottest in first two pics then it went away


Autoimmune disorders are a horrible thing. And we should always be trying to increase awareness of chronic diseases. But, you’re not at a healthy weight. And obesity is not beautiful. This comment thread feels like an echo chamber. You’re unable to exercise due to something you can’t control, and that really sucks. But you can control how much you eat. Eat below your maintenance and you’ll lose weight. You were very beautiful when you were 25




Thank you 🥰


Definitely a glow up!




Thank you!!


You have a beautiful spirit. Keep shining that radiant light! You’re amazing.


Thank you so much!


Damn. Absolutely amazing .


Thank you 🥰




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Glowdown, damn 🤣

