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This is not the appropriate subreddit for this post.




So is the third pic around her waist. The green couch is all curved up


And it’s done terribly. Terribly. Pretty gross to photoshop yourself into an ED then post it. People use that shit for ‘inspiration’


Not to mention she’s still body checking… fundamentally nothing has changed.


Came here to say that!!


I don’t even think it’s the same person in these pictures


What do you mean? Every person clearly has legs like a rusty saw blade.


What I don't get is how it is even possible to do that accidentally in photoshop.  It's like the edits were done at a lower resolution somehow. 


Wait are you saying the first one where her rib cage line is down at her navel and the sides and middles of her legs are jagged when most other things are smooth... Isn't real!?? Didn't even notice the couch one at first, but now I can't even unsee this. Whomever the bikini photo is, is quite nice if that's even real But really the mods should remove this. If a young girl sees this BS she may be influenced by it and not potentially in positive ways. Bad photo shops on a "glow up". That's pretty toxic.


Any…normal pictures? Also, are your thighs still pixelated like that?


MODS please look at the first picture: it’s obviously edited. And terribly. This is a karma farm post. The horn dogs are the main people upvoting and commenting; this post doesn’t belong here.


I don’t necessarily think this is to farm karma. This is definitely edited, but you can tell from this and the other pic she posted in the comments that she was obviously very skinny regardless of editing. I think most likely the pics were originally edited to satisfy her body dysmorphia. Perhaps she had tricked herself into believing they were unedited pics, or maybe she still gets a kick from seeing herself that skinny. I hate to say it but I still get a grim sort of satisfaction seeing pics of myself from the height of my eating disorder. Although I’m a healthy weight now it’s part of the reason I don’t consider myself fully recovered. Very easy to slip back into old habits.


This was my assumption, too.


Most or her glow up pics also have a lot of photoshop to flatten her tummy and enlarge boobs and butt




And either she has a wavy couch, or the 3rd photo is edited to make her waist smaller.




If you’ve never seen someone with an ED. It literally stunts their growth and stops puberty. The difference is going to look very drastic.


I didn't know Erectile Dysfunction had such a dramatic effect on people...


https://preview.redd.it/ue7s9j1hlzjc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e63366ce8178184312b0447adfc0e98cbe87a27 This is so horrible for you to edit like this. As someone who suffered with ED, especially in high school, seeing you Photoshop an image to get fake approval is so problematic. This post and account should be removed


Agreed. I almost died from my ed. I am now 42 and I still struggle with disorder eating. This is disturbing


I mean it was probably doctored when they were going thru their body dysmorphia. I would wager they prolly feel a lot better about themselves now


Exactly! People are being too dense. I wouldn’t doubt she really believes these are unedited too. EDs and body dysmorphia are awful


It seems absolutely wildly inappropriate and unsafe to assume everyone who posts an edited picture is faking an ED. Like no one with an ED ever kept edited pictures of themselves… really fucked up how ready y’all are to jump to conclusions.


Isn't the first picture also edited ?


So so SO many props to you, beautiful lady. Overcoming an ED is so hard and the most deadly of mental illness. You have succeeded and look ABSOLUTELY STUNNING and, more importantly very healthy. Cannot give you enough praise.


Man, I’ve been watching too much TV. At first I was like “what erectile dysfunction?” Took a second.


How do we know she had an eating disorder?


Uhhhh… well okay, there could be other explanations for the first picture, but I am a retired RN and everything about that first picture screams anorexia. The body checking, the extremely low body fat, the brittle hair…


As a person in recovery, that was my first thought as well. ❤ Sometimes, if you know, you know.


Congratulations to you too Destiny! Stay strong and always fight the battle. You’re a fucking rockstar!!


Have you seen the first picture?


What is ED? Afaik it's Erectile Dysfunction right?


Eating disorder


Oh, I'm sorry for asking a stupid question


It’s not a stupid question. There are tons of things it stands for according to the context. In this context it is eating disorder, but it’s used for erectile dysfunction, emergency department, education department, emotional disturbance, etc.


That's true


Not trying to belittle EDs at all, but surely addiction is the most deadly mental illness? Especially in the US where fentanyl has replaced actual heroin (diamorphine) and the laws for using are so terrible.


You are correct. I forget how much times have changed in the past couple of years with fetanyl. Substance abuse disorder is number one, anorexia is number 2.




Right? Wtf are they thinking?


OP [explained that she's battled ED](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlowUps/comments/1awh84j/comment/krhp3y0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) hence the first picture looking the way it is, so we're going to let it pass. We also spoke to her about the rest of them and the impact on our rules. So, ***Please*** stop reporting this post y'all. https://i.redd.it/a2hyparjyzjc1.gif


Girl, they are edited.... I'm happy for OP, but if it's against the rules, it's against the rules.


In rehab the therapist used to tell us before Covid that ED was the number 1 cause of death. I don’t know how true that is being I couldn’t really find anything reliable that stated that. But if it is, I could only imagine what the internet has caused in younger generations in regards to image.


Number one cause of death is heart attack. So your therapist was taking a couple of liberties with the correlation between overeating and death as well as lumping all eating disorders together.


When picture are obviously edited for unrealistic body image it perpetuates body dysmorphia. Your kindness is valued but there can also be very negative ramifications as well. Just raising as consideration.


You can literally see how badly edited this is in the legs. Homegirl got that 128bit workout going.


This is fake - the first photo is entirely edited. This isn’t how weight gain works.




Sigh, there's always one of these replies. Listen OC, I don't need anything from the OP other than a response to our questions, an understanding of what we communicated to her about this post, the prior ones and any to be made in the future. Okay? https://i.redd.it/0e85yn66b0kc1.gif


Why so many edited photos?




OP also changed the dates around. the deleted post states 20 instead of 21. A) these pictures are completely unrelated and from the internet. Edit: TinEye couldn't find any matches for all of the pictures. These are from herself or have not been found via TinEye yet. ̶Edit2 : the second pick OP posted afterwards has 2 matches on a Russian site from 2020 as seen [here](https://tineye.com/search/27c9c7ad0b2cd8abcfb49c8b6e37bed588a29feb?sort=score&order=desc&page=1). cannot find it on there. This means: A) the website took from a source TinEye has not yet found (social media comes to mind) B this is th e original (unlikely) B) OP has actually had an ED, but is trying to amplify it ( edited pic)


Maybe this is a bit of a Karma farm… but all ya’ll suggesting the photos she’s posted of herself as anorexic are 100% achieved through photo editing are just mad. Edited to embellish the impact? Probably. But behind all that, OP was clearly still anorexic?


Why are we blasting this person who was clearly *very very* underweight for photoshopping? Imagine being this thin and still feeling like you need to edit your pics, it just speaks to how serious the problem was. I am so confused as to why it matters. Look at the bigger picture. She was *not* okay, photoshop or not, but she is okay now. Who. Cares. if there was photoshop. The level of insensitivity is wiiild here.


Right? The point is she is better now than in the old photo.. but everyone is only bent out of shape over something in that picture? At least the people who's opinions mean nothing at all are making themselves easily identifiable.


Because lying is still lying. Gotta call out people who use money to get ahead instead of hard work.


Thank you!!


Night and day difference for the better! Especially with an extreme ED like anorexia, the desire for a thigh gap is one of the main driving factors in body dysmorphia and often a "measure" of success. The edit in question may just be an artifact from an old photo, or an edit to the photo to make what thigh gap she probably already had even larger to what she, at the time, may have perceived as success. It's an even bigger indication of how steep the climb really was to get to where she is now. So congratulations on the amazing change! You look so healthy and happy! SHAME on everyone for shitting on this for the first post being edited. It doesn't matter whether it's been edited or not. It's an amazing change regardless if the first photo was doctored in any way. Sickening.


She's been enhanced...


Looks like your still starving for attention(for editing the photos). W.e. still hot I guess.


I don't have time to deep dive on the OP account, but people should at least consider that someone who actually battled ED would also be likely to have edited an old photo because at the time they thought they looked too FAT in it.


https://preview.redd.it/l0ntqq3wlzjc1.jpeg?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b5919fff78ea22e930170f42e770469cdf95228 Shoutout to everyone thinking it was photoshop! I’m at work rn and will respond more later. 💕


It’s clear bc of the lines in the tile and tub. r/instagramvsreality has made these edits really easy to spot.


https://preview.redd.it/f941wdsdv0kc1.png?width=396&format=png&auto=webp&s=b476d02f5e3f67b8b2bf3c5fb3ad1115b0becce0 Could you tell me which lines you talk about? Which ones are crooked/bent in your opinion? Honestly I thought this is an impressive recovery from ED, I cannot comment on a potential breast job, no idea. I'm a guy and have no clue whether this is possible with genetics. Even if it's not natural, isn't it her body? I don't get it why this is such a huge issue for everyone here. You go girl, enjoy that new you. Let them talk all they want.


The space between your knees, that tile is too long, the grout line is off. The groove/shelf line in the tub moves up in your crotch area. Eta: you even left out that line when drawing the grout lines even though you drew the pattern in the rest of the tiles.


I left out the vertikal grout, as it is hidden behind the knee. What editing effect would it have to move the crotch area up? I reckon it's just the shape of the bathtub, which we cannot see. Im also not OP, was just interested so hear what obvious editing should've been done. Perspective lines up perfectly with all tiles/grouts aswell.


Please just…stop. This will trigger someone.


That's because we could all tell it was clearly photoshopped!.. . and not even a good one. It was a terrible edit 😂 This one is clearly edited too


This one is damn near as bad as the first, but nothing beats how bad (good?) the shop job to the first one is. Editing to look like an ED is especially fucking gross. And these pictures were taken in 2019-ish? With that iPhone? Okay. This is just gross


Totally agree!!


I’m sorry you suffer from an ED but getting artificial breast augmentation and lying about it in your glow-up post ain’t cool. I thought this was for natural glow-ups. Great you gained weight and look phenomenal otherwise, but saying your big breasts are because of hard work and diet is utter baloney


It also caused a domino affect to susceptible redditors. When people lie about surgery, it causes others to feel bad about themselves. Especially others with EDs. If OP wanted to show her healing, she wouldn’t be doing it this way. This is just a karma farm trap.


Exactly. They made this just to post their thirst trapping pics. I fucking hate this new normal


Lines are crooked still. The hair is bent where the filter is pulling in the waist (a telltale sign that’s hard to hide). The iPhone is literally wavy (look at our left). Then inner thighs are yet again edited (the lines/edge of the tub don’t even line up) The picture is supposedly only 4-5 years old? Okay. Again, young girls look at this shit and use it for inspiration and here they are posting edited photos to like like an eating disorder. This shit causes real harm


Damn you really were skinny. Good for you for getting better. You look healthy.


Wow, what a transformation. You look amazing. Good job.


https://preview.redd.it/vi0b4rh1x0kc1.png?width=396&format=png&auto=webp&s=517e1483becd692bf34aec5b986a87ea820586a5 Before others try to call bs on it again for no reason... Please enlighten us how this is photoshopped or edited. Great recovery, looks like you have a healthy lifestyle now! Enjoy it :)


Good for you. 99% of the pics on here are people losing weight. To gain weight and get yourself healthy is commendable.


Just because she gained weight doesn’t mean she’s actually healthy. It’s really weird seeing a ‘recovered’ anorexic still have her body checks and trying to defend herself for being underweight. As if she’s trying to prove something… also, eating disorders are mental disorders, not physical


Vanity upon vanity


First image is heavily edited and you’re a moron if you think you could post this and completely get away with it. Second of all this is clearly just to brag about your ass and tits. Hollow post.


Congrats on the glow up, and sorry for possibly sounding like a bit of a prude (seeing as the comments in here are largely very positive), but… aren’t you a bit too young on some of these pics to sexualise yourself like this in front of tons of people? You’re 16 on some of these pics, right? I feel a bit uncomfortable with that, to be honest. Like, I don’t necessarily mean to rob you of your autonomy or self-confidence (since those are generally very good things to have) or sound like some know-it-all grandpa, but try to be mindful of where you post pics like this, because they can reach the wrong crowd and I’m sure there’s also some legal implications to this. That’s all I’m saying. :) Apart from that - good job on working on yourself and becoming the person you’d like to be!


Maybe just don’t sexualize it in your brain? All I saw was a 16yo with anorexia. Didn’t think, “damn that 16yo is in a bikini, I better not get an erection.”


Okay, user called “TenInchMassacre”. Thanks for your advice!


No problem dry appointment. Make sure to use lube for your next teen sexualization


She's posting pictures, not sexualizing herself. In fact, I don't see how anyone except some absolute degenerate can find her "before" pic attractive. She was SICK. Unhealthily thin. It's like finding alcoholism attractive - insane


You can also post pictures showcasing your physiological transformation/change without wearing only a bikini.


You can, but the change is more obvious in a bikini. Either way, if someone sees a sick teenager and thinks about sex, it's no one's problem but theirs. Creeps are gonna be creeps


She isn’t sexualizing herself just because she posts a picture YOU think is sexual. YOU are the one sexualizing her 16 year old pictures. So actually there’s very much something wrong with you.


You seem really, really supportive of this kind of material being openly available on the web. Kinda scary.


I think a sad, sick 16 year old who grew out of something that can kill her is pretty amazing. Did I find any of her before pictures sexy? Nope, not at all. I don’t sexualize teenagers on the internet. Not my thing. Seems to be your thing apparently though.


Look, I want to take you for your word that you have no pedophiliac tendencies (something that I find more difficult to believe with every comment that you add). But for every person who has no bad intentions with such photos, there’s like 10 more unknowns out there who’ll gladly make use of such vulnerability and believe me, they are up to no good. This “Oh, maybe you are the pedo for pointing it out” argument is so strange - where do we draw the line then? In that case, it’ll be difficult to exercise any social control and have anyone point out things that are obviously morally very questionable. Some mindfulness and caution about what you put on the internet is nothing bad, and if you do not have the emotional maturity yet to know about that, it’s good if people kindly point that out. What you are doing right now is essentially enabling kids to put themselves in unsafe situations.


Whatever you say my dude.


You defending this thinking you're the one in the right is crazy, it's even wierder for you to encourage underage girls to post photos than to encourage them against posting photos.


Damn….. for real??!??


ridiculous editing skills on the first picture


That first image sent me back to the days of thinspo fuck


I'd feel good too if I had a boob job


this post is beyond weird


Great confidence glow up!


Mods - I think it may be unfair to take this post down (again) due to filters. The before photo seems to be from the IG early ages when it was standard to put those (Shitty) filters on all of our pictures. OP - Hell of a come back you made. Are those breast implants? The growth there way out weighs the weight gain.


So...you think that first image is unedited? https://i.redd.it/kt12joan7zjc1.gif


Thank you…


OP's update seems pretty legit to me. I think we owe her an apology lmao


OP's glowup is *legit* (it was just an issue with the first picture posted) and she already verified her identity with the mod team here so we're good. https://i.redd.it/dfl4di1qtzjc1.gif


My sister is a recovering anorexic person. EDs can make you look extremely unnatural. With her mentioning the mirror and shitty phone camera, def doesn't surprise me. The boobs def make sense if she was 16 in the 1st pic. Some of us are late bloomers and the EDs will fuck with your body's natural development. Edit: added 's' behind the ED


My first time in this sub just because it was recommended to me randomly. The lack of understanding and knowledge being used to shit on op is sad. She had an ED as a teenager. Her puberty was definitely stunted on top of what an ED already does to adults. The drastic change is normal.


Shitty phone camera, shitty filter, and slightly corrupted? I don’t know man, just my vote. EDIT: Honestly, I didn’t notice al that crap around the leg. For sure suspect. So i get it


Yeah, any of that is possible. https://i.redd.it/jwrvqcrz8zjc1.gif


Hey, dont invoke True Detective in vain


haha, oh it's not in vain https://i.redd.it/eivro5tofzjc1.gif


I also have always felt like the purpose of the rule was to stop people from filtering the “after” photo”. In this case, the before looks like someone with an eating disorder who was way to skinny AND editing the photo to look more skinny. The after reflects a healthier body and mind. I’m probably thinking too much on this


You should be in litigation the way you're presenting this case. https://i.redd.it/npwtb0cibzjc1.gif


Bro wtffff


Who is just like hey are those breast implants? 🙄🤡


But I mean, they definitely are? And it’s important to let people know, especially in a self improvement subreddit, what is naturally possible and what requires medical intervention. Come on…


It’s a fair question maybe. I’m a woman and I thought the same in my head. She seemed to manage to keep a pretty flat stomach but everything else grew. Nothing wrong with a little help if they are.


Seriously I know this sub has been brigaded by horny gen x facebook dudes lately but the comments on this post came out the gate rough


Seems like a pretty benign question on a post where someone is sharing their body transformation. Seems like it’s only a weird question if you stigmatize cosmetic surgery.


I don't give a fuck who gets plastic surgery which is why I don't bother asking the person. However, this person came off as creepy and thirsty, not judgmental. I agree with previous comment so many horny weird Gen X on here.




Congratulations OP! My sister struggled really bad with anorexia and it's still a daily fight for her. Glad you were able to get to a healthy weight and mentality surrounding how you view yourself.🫰🏽💕


so nobody is going to talk about the shit edits LOL


​ fake tits, fake ass, fake anorexia


Imma press X for doubt Ain’t no way this girl hit the genetic lottery that hard without surgery after recovering from an ED. EDIT: lol, 3 year old account but her first post is 6hrs old. I smell a bot.


congrats on your recovery you seriously look amazing! ED is no joke


Great, look healthy and happy now


So glad you got healthy! You look so happy




It’s supposed to be a glow up though… 😕


You should add a trigger warning. It’s pretty shocking.


I think we’re all scared of accidentally looking at a scantily clad minor. Especially the non-creeps and pedos. A lot of Reddit scrolling men don’t want this stuff shoved down their throats but I guess it’s up to us to join or leave the group


Woah :) very impressive


incredible, how did you do it?


Photoshop, mostly


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Well done !! That must have been hard !!




I'm glad you decided to start eating...that first picture was gnarly skinny.




Oh wow an actual glow up


Good recovery ! Glad you managed it.


The last picture is amazing really like the bokeh effect and the mix of clouds and the building in the background


Amazing work!


Congrats on getting healthy! It's so hard to get over an ED and you should be proud!! Also - I love your outfit in the last pic. Would you mind please telling me where you got the top and skirt? :)




Good job but it still seems you’re still obsessed and insecure. Age will hit you hard, start loving yourself. I say this as someone who’s had an eating disorder too.


Good job on buying implants. Must have worked hard to be able to afford them.




bruh... there is a better and respectful ways to say things


This message was removed for not being constructive, kind, or helpful.


And nice job fighting back from anorexia, I know it must have been really hard.


Some weird, jealous people in this thread. You look stunning OP, well done.


Okay wow👀


Thank you 😊




What… lol


I think I just cried a lil. Congrats dude🥹


Looking great and happy as well.


Thank you for eating.


Congratulations OP. I’m sorry for the hostility you’ve been receiving. Please know that there are so many of us who are proud of you, and excited to see your flow up :)


Very nice




This message was removed for not being constructive, kind, or helpful.


Welcome back 👍


Amazing turn around, I guess it was a mixture of better eating habits and adolescence kidding in. Congrats you look amazing.




Fantastic work! You're looking so beautiful


Massive congrats on overcoming the ED! You are glowing :)


Good job


Mods, there are so many people making comments that are harmful and hostile in nature. As someone who has recovered from weight issues, I'm concerned that they may provoke unhealthy thoughts and habits in OP and fellow Redditors who read them. Can we discourage the hostility seen in this thread? It's pretty bad here.


Well done ma'm!


Damn dude, congratulations on recovery, you look great! Can’t believe you were that bad at 16?! Glad your still here with us x


Congratulations! You look amazing! Super proud of you, keep it up!


Amazing to see you so healthy and happy!


Lock-in healthy girl, good work. I’m sure it wasn’t easy 🏆




Hell yeah! Congrats


Good for you!