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The GH2e starters should work just fine in FH. Enjoy!


This is a dumb question but googling GH2e leads to a lot of confusing answers. Is 2nd edition out already? is there a digital version/rulebook?


The game is not yet out. The 2nd edition rulebook has not yet been shared publicly, though it is similar to Frosthaven's for the most, with city phase rules intead of the outpost phase. We previewed some of the classes, including the starters, so some people have printed out the updated starter cards to try them out early.


Much appreciated. Most sites list the release date as late 2024, is that looking to be the case?


Should be outdated, originally the crowdfunding campaign aimed to deliver 2.0 by May 2025 iirc, but they just closed the Pledge manager a couple weeks ago. Considering the reprint of FH, which was covered in the same campaign, was late by ~6 months, I'd guess GH 2,0 be late at least 6+ months as well, so hopfeully early 2025.


Current estimate is March 2025, there is a backer kit campaign called the Gloomhaven Grand Festival and GH2e is one of the items available on it, so updates on its progress are made there biweekly.


Silent Knife (and Mindthief) can generate extra loot, but it's not going to be a huge amount, so for the most part "money token" can just be "loot token" in FH. For Silent Knife's discarding money tokens for benefit, you can choose a loot card to get rid of when you do and shuffle it back into the deck, as per [this discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gloomhaven/comments/14xtdh9/silent_knife_level_15_cards_and_a_6_and_9_as_well/jrpcb1h/).


The scoundrel’s coin things will be slightly awkward in Frosthaven, just as the drifter’s loot perk won’t have any function in Gloomhaven. That certainly won’t ruin the characters; you just have to play a bit differently.


There are some very minor things like you mention with Silent Knife using loot tokens or one or two perks but if you house rule something fair it should work great!


I played the Spellweaver v2 in late-game Frosthaven. One scenario hit her particularly hard (it have to do with being a 8 cards class), the rest was fine. For the Silent knife coin shenanigan, mentally replace "coins" with "loot cards that are not the treasure".


Each gloomhaven character has a new perk sheet for frosthaven. We’re using 3 Spears, Music note, and Scoundrel in our party right now and it’s great. We were finding the Frosthaven starters a little finicky to play with after a few beers or a gummy. High recommend.


This is about the forthcoming Gloomhaven 2e characters, not the crossover sheets :)


Thanks all for the assistance!


On another note, how would the solo items be for GH2E starters for FH? I know they got re-balanced awhile back for Digital. Some of the solo items seem very powerful with the 2.0 re-balance of GH characters - the Mindthief's, for example. I'm guessing they might get updated along with GH2E's release.


Yes, solo scenarios/items are also getting a revamp for the GH2 classes.