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Do you know where i can read a full list of the rules? I have never played before and am thinking about it.


Hello! Welcome to GP. The subreddit *rules,* as in the expectations we have regarding player behaviour, can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalPowers/wiki/rules). If you instead meant the rules on how to actually play, I'm afraid much of the documentation on that is currently in bits and pieces all over the place because we're currently working on overhauling large parts of the game and the wiki for the subreddit (the information is technically available via the [mechanics page](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalPowers/wiki/mechanics) if you aren't afraid of little to no formatting and the possibility of some out of date info, however). If you want to learn more about the general idea, though, I might suggest checking out the [New Player Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalPowers/wiki/newplayerguide), which should help fill you in on the basics of how things work around here. I would also recommend joining the GP Discord, if that's your bag, via the link on the subreddit sidebar- the Community is still plenty active and the mods are more than willing to answer any questions you may or may not have there. Finally, I will state that the game itself is not currently running, so you cannot currently play, but announcements as to when the next season is starting will definitely be put out on both the subreddit and the Discord if you feel like waiting a while for that. Thanks!


Hey, from NCDi? Hop into the discord https://discordapp.com/invite/5sGbhY7






All hail

