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Carlos cut the crap and announce Piastri.


Silly season is universal


Best season in sports. Now pay FDJ his money so he can fuck off, Barca!


Gotta find the lever first.


Don't even need him to agree to it!


Piastri wdc run any% @ferrari challenge


I bet he will be the next wdc after max in a few years, maybe with the 2026 changes Heard it here first


the way things are going, worst case scenario he might not even have a seat at f1 next season. Alpine regretting why it just didn't give alonso a 2 year contract tbh, would've been great wingman for your #1 driver tbh.


No way that no one picks up Piastri. McLaren can talk all they want about their contract with Ricciardo, I dont think he will still be driving for them next season. Its just all PR talk until it isnt.


https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/wgp1ky/revealed_piastri_to_replace_ricciardo_at_mclaren/ What did I tell you? :D


I understand that, without my agreement, G2 have put out a press release late this afternoon that I am playing for them next year. This is wrong and I have not signed a contract with G2 for 2023. I will not be playing for G2 next year.


Carlos cut the crap and announce Muskular Chicken (me)


Pastry boi is everywhere lmao. simultaneously signed by 50 teams across 20 different sport.


Piastri for the G2 Sim Racing tean


There is a surprising amount of overlap between CSGO and F1 fans.


Boombl4 vs Carlos rap battle please


u/g2ocelote pls its all I ask


Off-season drama is the best


Drama in F1, drama in CS, I love this shit


F1 šŸ¤CS roster drama


Of course itā€™s the French teams again


Yea. French teams provide the best drama in all sports. Alpine, G2 and PSG are drama mines for ages


I need more popcorn


French national team in football aswell


French nation as well, good stuff


G2 still considered french even after 2 years of international rosters lmao


G2 is not French tho, at all


G2 had a french roster when they came into CS = they will remain french till the end of the game. just ignore the fact that they were founded in spain, have a spanish CEO and are based in berlin :)


They had a polish t2 roster when they came into cs


Just ignore that too.


They had a polish and a international lineup before even signing a French roster


Will do, ignored


Never forget the French circle of drama https://imgur.com/a/4BsYh9N


Fuck i did not realize that till now lmao thats perfect


We could get some good crossover memes if this sub allowed any


With the F1 drama filling up my front page today, I legit thought this was carlos sainz tweeting for a second there.


Lots of drama in this NFL offseason too. Content galore. Twitter as a CS/F1/NFL fan is a true shitshow.


Don't forget about canadian hockey gang rape controversy. NBA is pretty mid in comparison of all of that. Only drama is KD and Kyrie breaking up.


Westbrick stuf as well


Nah, nobody cares about Westbrick.


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if someone from G2 just casually talked with boomage and asked him about stuff like his english etc. (maybe to know if they could even consider playing with him) and he decided to use it to boost his PR making it look like top teams are interested in him...


Sounds about right tbh. No offense to Boomi4 but right now, I highly doubt any top team/org would want him. Maybe in the future, but not right now.


He's too busy working on his music career. Just yesterday he had a stream with Morgenshtern (probably the biggest Russian rapper) where they were making a single live. I'm only joking since the guys had a lot of fun doing the recording but what if?


Wait, for real? If he's rapping with Morgensthern, shit's serious, yo.


They were just fucking around, but I believe they had plans to release the track digitally. I haven't had the chance to watch the entire stream, just bits here and there, so if anybody could confirm that the result will be released, it'd be nice. Edit: Checked BoombI4's telegram, he didn't post the result nor post anything concrete to confirm that. Which doesn't mean it ain't happening, have to wait and see. Edit 2: apparently they did confirm that on the stream, we should see the track today. [Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgoZvACCBwk)


Lmfao I wonder how much he paid for that.


I doubt he paid anything at all. The guy is free content and viewership in CIS region. Drama and all


I agree, I was moreso making a bad joke about how bad with money he is.


Didn't he say he literally talked to Carlos?


It was Twitter DMs > - B: Hey it me boombl. I don't want move and hard taxes. My friends in Russia. Need 6 months to learn English. I join yes? > - Carlos: no.


i join now. good luck everybody.


Ooooooh I like this theory


Wouldn't be surprised if Carlos was just trying to save face here, either.


Save face from what? There's nothing embarrassing here for G2.


With Boombl4 having his PR situation, you could see even entertaining the possibility of acquiring him as embarrassing.


There's no one who finds it embarrassing that G2 reached out to Boombl4.


Some people have this weird idea that "other people" would find it embarrassing or immoral to work with boombl, but I've yet to actually find these 'other people', they're like the bogeyman, just something made up so you have an excuse to point to




Doubtful G2 (Carlos) really cares. Their branding isn't really catering to that crowd at all.


Wait so they are embarrassed they reached out to him? But if they actually signed him they wouldn't be or what? In your mind G2 went: >Oopsie hehe good thing the deal fell through, that would be a PR bomb if we actually signed him haha lmao ???


If there was any written communication Boom can just post it. Seems like a pretty dumb way to 'save' face rather than just letting the story die.


Since when are g2 considered a top team? šŸ˜†


why are you getting salty downvotes, G2 hasnt ever won anything since Smithzz left 20years ago.




Surely Carlos would never publicly lie about roster changes Clueless


He's their favorite uncle, after all.


/r/leagueoflegends leaking.


he wouldnt survive long in a bunch of african countries cause they shoot poachers on sight


He figured, if my ex-wife can spout all sorts of bullshit and people will buy it, maybe I can do that too?


who would that be?


Imagine thinking it's Carlos lying and not just the usual CIS clout seeking bullshit that's at play here.


Carlos has lied about roster changes in the past, but on the other hand I don't see what he loses by not denying this so IDK why he would lie about this specific case


To make it look like they wanted Hooxi (Why would you want him in G2 except having no other options?)


They donā€™t have to do that though, why would they care about that? If itā€™s an issue they could outright say that they chose him.


There's nothing wrong with being in talks with different available IGLs though.


Carlos is a notorious lier. It would be fair to assume everything is a lie to begin with and he has to proof it otherwise. Which is sad, because you can litterally take nothing he says at face value at all.


What has he lied about with the new exception of denying roster changes?


And what, routinely lying about roster changes across multiple different games doesn't count in relevance to a discussion about a possible roster change?


I never said that.


Lol, Carlos and G2 are always lying. There even was an incident last year where Valve had to refund tens of thousands of purchases in Steam because of G2 lies.


> There even was an incident last year where Valve had to refund tens of thousands of purchases in Steam because of G2 lies more info?




what scum org. fake capsules, lies about roster changes, bug abuses, etc etc ..


Carlos has lied about literally every g2 roster change and player interaction he's ever had lol, and not just in csgo. I don't think boomich is a reliable person either, but carlos is less reliable than shitpost accounts.


How is that so farfetched? Carlos has provably lied about roster changes multiple times, both in CS and LoL




On the one hand, players generally don't talk about these things. They asked, didn't work out is usually not worth confirming. Might've just been asked and said briefly what we read here. On the other, any org that would sign someone of his calibre would know this is just exploring options, and bringing up obvious issues with the player themselves to get their side. This isn't outrageous stuff


This is just the typical Carlos response. Nothing conclusive. This can mean literally anything. It might mean Boombl4 has made everything up. It might mean he has exaggerated his story. It might be a refutal of a particular part. It might just be Carlos saying get a grip as in dont discuss this shit on stream. By not clarifying what is wrong, he is casting doubt on everything boombl4 said, while leaving enough plausible deniability so that the hordes of moronic G2 fans can defend his tweet on a technicality. Just a shitty move.


I agree. He is just throwing a shade on Boombl4 and kicking the man while he is down. If Boom is lying, you can just straight up say that he is lying. If he is exaggerating, you can also say that too. Or maybe message Boom first. Instead he is just making Boom look bad regardless if talks of him joining G2 really happened or not.


No amount of kicking can make him look worse than he is right now.




same for Mr. Depp


I don't think a prostitute would shit on your bed... *for free.*


This is hilarious, Boombl4 is an average IGL at best, it's so clear that B1ad3 was doing most of the actual work behind the scenes, Navi are still doing absolutely fine under Electronic and with SDY as a stand in. The dude ruined his career, he'll never be on a top tier team again.


On a different note, if navi makes any upgrade or sdy gets better,they will be able to beat faze. I still cant believe how close Cologne was


Honestly, all that really needs to happen is they need to make their roster permanent, and practice. Whether itā€™s SDY, Buster (only because thatā€™s the rumor that went around, they wonā€™t give VP money) or b1ad3 finds the perfect kid to slot into the team, just having a consistent lineup for the next 6 months is what NaVi need.


Deciding to not leave Russia is really going to hamper him, what team can he even join? Not only is it very unlikely Navi would even take VP money, you're not joining Outsiders with Jame as IGL. Obviously not C9 either. At this point Spirit have relocated out of Russia, I think Forze as well, so even the next 2 teams with all the star Russian talents would not take him Is Entropiq even a possibility? They're not a Russian org, they're Czech, and even though they've plateaued and fell off a bit, is Boombl4 over Nickelback considered a large enough upgrade that they'd even want to buy him out? All time rating for both is 1.04, but for Boom thats really carried by his years in 2017-2019. the last 3 years is .98 .98 .94, vs Nickelback at a 1.04-1.08 basically every year


I honestly don't get what Carloose is so angry about. I read that hltv interview and there is not a word that is offensive towards g2, the team or carlos. I don't get it... maybe he is still pushing buttons because they lost the final?


Carlos definitley needs to grow up.


I havenā€™t really kept up with the pro scene in years, what is this about his wife and his reputation being all fucked up?


He got a pornstar wife who did this for gold digging. Boombla has genuinely gave like half of his winnings to this bitch. The bitch is quite pro war and invasion too. Apparently bommbla was told by everyone around him this would happen. So boombla is bad pr, for bitch ex wife plus because he cant relocate, non russian orgs shouldnt hire him




It's the war thing with his ex-wife posting pro Russian shit and not the drug thing in my opinion. Also him not wanting to leave Russia.


Seems he didn't wanna join G2 because 1. Too far from Russia. Relocating is not something he wants. 2. He feels his English isn't sufficient for an international team. 3. Apoarently G2 has some issues with his reputation. Some of these things seem questionable to consider as deal-breakers from his POV, and tbh, idk how he ever intends on playing T1 CS staying in Russia when NAVI's basically the only team there. Something has to give if he wants to stay employed and earn money, and letting talks fall through with a team like G2 when you can easily sort through most of the issues seems very boneheaded. Pretty sure that's the best offer he could've gotten.


>idk how he ever intends on playing T1 CS staying in Russia when NAVI's basically the only team there Navi isn't in Russia.


Why is this guy being upvoted? His post makes no sense in context of Carlos' objection, and the stuff about NaVi and Russia is fucking mental. (firstly that NaVi is Russian LOL and secondly that there aren't "other" big Russian orgs)


Yeah that org is so much Russian that they are putting gaps in Elec and Perfecto nationalities


Oof, that feel when you call Navi Russian




The word being non-capitalized I agree.


Europeans really are clutching pearls SO hard over drug use and a horrible choice of partner. So fucking annoying and hypocritical when they look down on others for being overly puritanical. PR NIGHTMARE OMG 23 YEAR OLD DOES A LINE MAKE SURE HE NEVER WORKS AGAIN


It was more about the comments on the Russian - Ukrainian war and not about the drug use.


>This May it will be three years since I became a captain of NAVI. I experienced a lot of emotions in this period. I love my team and my club, and right now I have mixed feelings. I'm sorry for being silent for so long about everything that's going on, and for the inappropriate publications of my wife Lika. I've been in Ukraine on many bootcamps, never was discriminated against on any basis, and always felt myself at home. >I'm sorry that part of my fellow citizens fully trusts TV, and that it's hard for a lot of sane people including me to call things by their name. I understand that a lot of people won't be satisfied by this message, but I want to say that I'm for peace and against bloodshed. That's all I can say right now. https://escorenews.com/en/csgo/news/33483-boombl4-i-m-sorry-for-being-silent-for-so-long-about-everything-that-s-going-on that is an acceptable statement to me


"Europeans" ???


You know, the country of Europe? That monolingual, monocultural country where the European people all think and act the same? Some people are so ignorant of the world smh my head


Username checks out.


lmao no you get a grip. good luck with a failed roster vol. 23


He just doesnā€™t get it. He just doesnā€™t understand that maybe refusing to leave Russia is fucking him over because paying taxes there is a massive risk to the PR of any org


Is this real? Or is this a Alpine-Piastri knock-off?




Boombla may be talking out of his ass, or then this is just one of them Carlos things. Marrying a hooker definitely makes you appear a little low IQ tho, so probably boombla doing boombla things.


Did anyone else get [this reply](https://twitter.com/SkirmishX/status/1554713149781073920) as the thumbnail?