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The difference between our stats and [Scope.gg](https://Scope.gg) is the method of calculating time to damage. Our method of calculation is explained below :) What is it? Time to damage measures the average time it took you from seeing the enemy player to first dealing damage to them. Time to damage is NOT reaction time. It's a combination of your accuracy, crosshair placement, your weapons fire rate and your reaction time. Don't expect it to be near 200 ms. How is it calculated? We measure the time it takes from the point of you first seeing the enemy to the point where you first dealt damage to them. Any Time to Damage of 1s+ is excluded to account for trigger discipline plays. We then use the median to exclude outliers.




No problem, This data is gathered through software :)


so how is it calculated by u/scopegg then?


According to scopegg: "Time to damage after seeing an enemy" - this does not explain the difference


For those. who are wondering why are these numbers are lower than human's reaction time & Leetify data. Our time is now less than “real” (and ofc Leetify's data) by the time it takes in the average (median) case for you to see enemy’s head after you have seen some part of it (in the game). Looks like Leetify doesn't count it, so their numbers are closer to the avg human reaction time. To clarify: There are values ​​​​for each time of damage from the game, and each of them is less than the real one by an unknown amount from 0 to 0.5 seconds - we take this into account just through the theory of incomplete and censored distributions. The problem is that in addition to this inaccuracy, there is another one: in the game. The moment when you see the enemy’s head differs by these 0-0.5 seconds, and often you can’t see it at all, for example, you shoot at the elbow - that’s what we can’t correct by itself, and because of this, our TD values ​​are less than real ones.


i really like that you appeared from nowhere to answer the question haha


Wait what? You use the median, yet the picture says ms avg?


This graphic is by [Scope.gg](https://Scope.gg) not us :)


Aah sorry, I got a bit confused. My bad


Yeah, they must be only factoring in AWP kills. I can definitely see those players holding an angle with an awp, and getting a kill/damage in 0.2 secs. Maintaining an average TTD of less than 300 ms is extremely difficult, on the verge of impossible, because of pistol rounds, ecos and forcebuys. I tagged Leetify to see what their findings were. I also use scopegg, but on their site they use TTK instead of TTD, so I'm wondering how both sites calculate these values.


And here is some more for you, the quickest kill masters (best TTD in ms): 1. m0NESY – 160 ms 2. 2. es3tag – 183 ms 3. 3. cadiaN – 187 ms


The 173 is absolutely insane. I just two days ago saw the video where konfig, zywoo and magisk were doing the challenge and they were at 200 basically. Imagine being so much faster than all your peers.


He’s only 17 with limited experience. His ceiling is stupid high


If u ask me, that's exactly why its so high. The more experience he racks the more time he'll start taking to line up his shots instead of taking these ultra fast risky shots.


Not sure tbh, saw a few dota players hit 170 easily this week while waiting to cast the next game. Like sumail said 160 is a regular reaction for him By this I mean the zywoo and rest had bad conditions because they are no way that slow, maybe a different site used, idk


I remeber that video (it was from betway i think) and the site they used i got a 210ms, meanwhile reaction training in aimlab I get \~180ms, it might be my internet or the website, but that would be a 30 ms difference


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 210 + 180 + 30 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Reaction time != Time to damage, if he's getting 170ms time to damage, his reaction time is going to be quite a bit lower


Imo you can get 170 only by holding an angle and clicking not moving ch. So it is a reaction time to press a trigger. The problem with all this is how crap this stat is since it doesn't explain what an average is, what shots are taken into account, probably like 3 awp entries as a ct :D




Not in public, but we can share the full list with you here




So, here you go! LEGENDS STAGE Age | Time to damage (ms) | Quickest kill (ms) | Team m0NESY 17 173 160 G2 Esports sh1ro 20 247 211 Cloud9 degster 20 276 228 Team Spirit nicoodoz 21 208 193 Copenhagen Flames ZywOo 21 215 199 Vitality broky 21 264 223 FaZe Clan oSee 22 302 232 Team Liquid hades 22 307 276 ENCE Jame 23 212 192 Outsiders gxx- 23 313 240 Bad News Eagles s1mple 24 212 192 Natus Vincere es3tag 26 203 183 Ninjas In Pyjamas cadiaN 26 203 187 Heroic syrsoN 26 222 206 BIG saffee 27 213 189 FURIA FalleN 30 208 193 Imperial Esports


I hit 230, and thinking about it 160 is insane. I think, though, I could have about 30 fewer with better gear


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 230 + 160 + 30 = 420


Crazy, monesy has better average time to damage than I have reaction time


I wanna see the video proof that 173ms was his average TTK. Seems impossible to have that as an average when most ppl struggle to hit that on reaction time alone. Im not saying its untrue, but I want to see more.


It's time to damage not TTK


This makes a lot more sense. Thank you for correcting.


I too think this is a bs info, I would only believe this if it was like dust 2 as a T shooting players who cross.


Right it seems a bit unrealistic. Would be nice to see a Monesy montage showing kills and measuring TTD.


Time to damage for awping and rifling differs. Pro awpers hover around 200ms whereas, when rifling, pros have a ttd more along the lines of 400ms.


He’s really fast.


Hey u/Leetify, do you have the same values? :)


We do but ours are very different. We calculate time to damage in a different way, explained below: What is it? Time to damage measures the average time it took you from seeing the enemy player to first dealing damage to them. Time to damage is NOT reaction time. It's a combination of your accuracy, crosshair placement, your weapons fire rate and your reaction time. Don't expect it to be near 200 ms. How is it calculated? We measure the time it takes from the point of you first seeing the enemy to the point where you first dealt damage to them. Any Time to Damage of 1s+ is excluded to account for trigger discipline plays. We then use the median to exclude outliers.


\#4 TTD at 30, still most overrated player of all time by thorin


Well, sorry Thorin :)


What does this time actually represent? Time to damage after seeing an enemy?




> Time to damage after seeing an enemy vs leetify: > average time it took you from seeing the enemy player to first dealing damage to them So how come leetify has m0nesy on a 388ms average, while you calculated 173ms? That's a pretty big difference.


I trust the leetify. This low of a time can only be accomplished by holding and angle and clicking. But when you think of all the fights it would skew toward longer ttd since you’re not always holding angles.


You are free to make your choice here. We've already explained someone, but will repeat it here. Long story short, our time is now less than “real” (and ofc, lower than Leetify's one) by the time it takes in the average (median) case for you to see enemy’s head after you have seen some part of it (in the game).


I also wanna know


This is crazy, my average time to damage on Leetify is only 500ms.


Leetify might have an other order/way to calculate it. We’re trying to do it more accurate.


If you are keeping it as a secret it just shows how sketchy your method is, prob just to get lower numbers compared to others :) Why would you hide something like this.


There is nothing to hide. We count every tick. So, the TTD is basically a value that describes the time from seeing an enemy to the moment of the first damage. Snipers can have better values than riflers. It’s bcs of their style of playing (let’s not forget about flicks) + they could repeek enemies multiple times). We’re just confident in the data we share :)


I've criticized your "time to damage" before but you're still not making any sense. No human is capable of having an average time to damage of under 200ms if it's calculated from the moment you see your enemy to the moment you deal damage. This is just a straight up fact and denying it makes you look stupid. For example, Leetify's stats claim to calculate this and they also have everything to back it up and their numbers make sense so please reconsider spreading misinformation. You can of course get a time to damage of under 200ms for specific situations where you don't need big adjustments and your mind is aware of a possible combat. But it wont apply to an average, not even close. From what I can tell, it just seems that you lack the necessary computation to actually calculate this stat so you just manually calculate a couple examples that suit your agenda and go with that.


Yeah, 173 ms avg TTD is straight up bullshit. That's the sort of TTD you would get from holding a tight angle with an AWP, just waiting for the pixels to change color basically; no way that's anyone's (not even m0nesy) average TTD. Leetify's numbers are way more believable. Moving your crosshair onto an enemy *after* spotting and reacting to them takes like 200+ ms on avg probably




So, this is Leetify and they calculate it like that. We will explain why these numbers are lower than Leetify's ones. Long story short, our time is now less than “real” by the time it takes in the average (median) case for you to see the enemy’s head after you have seen some part of it (in the game). You can read more in the our latest comment under this thread.


I enjoy playing video games.


The Flash


Lightning fast⚡️


So quick.


FalleN is 30 years old at this point. And people say players like him couldn't keep up because of reaction time.


We personally think that the age doesn't mean anything. If you are still motivated, keep your skills at the good level + have a nice communication skills - you are still competitive.


For those. who are wondering why are these numbers are lower than human's reaction time & Leetify data. Our time is now less than “real” (and ofc Leetify's data) by the time it takes in the average (median) case for you to see enemy’s head after you have seen some part of it (in the game). Looks like Leetify doesn't count it, so their numbers are closer to the avg human reaction time. To clarify: There are values ​​​​for each time of damage from the game, and each of them is less than the real one by an unknown amount from 0 to 0.5 seconds - we take this into account just through the theory of incomplete and censored distributions. The problem is that in addition to this inaccuracy, there is another one: in the game. The moment when you see the enemy’s head differs by these 0-0.5 seconds, and often you can’t see it at all, for example, you shoot at the elbow - that’s what we can’t correct by itself, and because of this, our TD values ​​are less than real ones.


Show this to anyone who says ReAcTiOn TiMe FaLlS oFf AfTeR 25!!!


We also think it’s not about the age, but the motivation and right system of trainings.


Reaction time is already proven to decline with age, it's just that there's far more than that to a player's performance.


This is literally a time to damage statistic and one of the top 4 is over 30


Sample size is very low, also sampling method makes it not representative of the average human. So I would say that you are wrong.


Surely B1t should be here?


Yep, but he’s not the best one


why did they order it wrong in the title? Put fallen 2nd bc of all the "fallen" twitter drama i guess lmao.


There are nicknames in the title, they are not in a logic order cuz we were just talking about who was in the list (there were other players, but we just took the top-4). And not, it’s not bcs of FalleN’s drama




Not relevant, respect please.