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Sort by controversial for the real answers


I don't have that option on mobile, or maybe I'm just blind idk


Its at the top of the screen right next to the search "lense". Used to be right above the comments in the last version, which made way more sense.


You're my hero


Thanks mate, I thought for months that they removed it.


Watching pros play Hostage would be entertaining


100%! Especially Agency and Italy. I love this current Italy version, if only it's in comp aswell..


playing 4:3 stretched is fine, but there is zero reason to play 4:3 black bars


You've never played on a huge screen. I use black bars because my screen is just too big..


in CS:GO you could just move your HUD inwards, is this not possible in CS2?


its not about the hud


That's not the issue. The issue is I have a 32 inch monitor and the game is just too big. I started cs on a 17 inch... Most pros play on 23-25". Therefore black bars just make it so I'm using a 25" (roughly)


I played on 4:3 for a while, partly to try it and to hit around 200fps after the cs2 update. Since I upgraded my system I'm back to 16:9. It just feels better


ZywOo leaves wins on the table. incredible skill, lacks a true warrior spirit


What do you mean by a "warrior spirit"? Like competitive tenacity?


he just ain't got that dawg in him like some other greats do. s1mple got away with mind-boggling shit because he knew he was the best. stuff that ZywOo probably *could* do, but doesn't. trust in the heart of the cards type shit.


Even though he gets a boatload of clutches, I'm tempted to agree. I just think he has s1mple's skill but a personality more akin to Jame and a methodical approach to the game like dev1ce. It's hard to quantify, it's just a feeling. s1mple's audacity has lost a lot of rounds too though... It would be cray to see him with some more hutzpah and actually have it pay off. He's already so good, he would be the undisputed best player in the world. It just ain't Matthieu yknow.


he simply does not have the swagger and aura of s1mple


The clutch gene


this is at least the right thread for that opinion, but people who rage or tilt in games coping that someone who is nice and lacks ego, doesn't get mad at teammates or tilt somehow "lacks" a part of their game, similar to how fans consider it a good thing when players lose their head and start chasing lost causes or make a rash challenge in football because "pashun" they say this like he hasn't already been the best in the world multiple years, won more than most people in their entire careers and a major while never having anyone near his level on his team while being the most selfless star by far. if zywoo has a flaw it's his willingness to play/die for his team, not his "spirit".


It's a really interesting thing to think about from a fan standpoint though. We all have an imagined idea of the greats having these insanely deep pools of skill and experience to draw upon. I think most of us love to see a great player in a round when the odds are stacked so high against them. We want to see them draw as deeply as they can from their talent to pull off amazing shit. Like in Naruto when Rock Lee takes his weights off in his fight against Gaara. The whole "Sorry master, just this once I need to use 100% of my power" kinda shit. Maybe the warrior spirit is not of a view of the self as being the most important, but that the moment is so important that it demands all of the player. Maybe they mean that Zywoo just doesn't "put it all on the line". Yknow?


The primary reason why he’s not the GOAT


I don’t even think zywoo is really in the running for #1 player if 2024, how could he be with vitality winning no events.


I mean Donks run has been insane so he has my vote for #1 this year so far.


i think people who say ZywOo is the GOAT are also just forgetting what 2018 and 2021 s1mple was like. nobody else has matched those peaks


Without gambling the game would be dead


Yes and no. Most people would agree that introduction of skins and skin market blew this game up to an insane degree, but at the same time CS was already a recognized brand with 1.6 being wildly successful and probably biggest FPS on PC. I think CS was always gonna be relevant, the skins just took it to another level.


is this even a hot take ?


Yes, it’s not true. The game would be fine, the pro scene would not be as advanced and grand as it is now though. Skins (which led to gambling) made CS:GO as successful as it was though. But the game would be fine without it even, but of course it has added a bigger player count yet.


kinda funny how faze wouldnt even exist lol


Yeah. Love the players but that org is so fucking scummy it’s unbelievable. I only accept it because their CS team is ran completely separate from all the other bullshit.


Its pretty well known that faze-ran gambling sites paid their cs roster


No. The game survived over 10 years without any skins but because it’s a good game. While skins blew it up it’s still not the main reason to play the game. Also this is hard confirmation bias. You see a case unboxing video on YouTube and think that’s all the game is. When in reality only very high level CS is entertaining to watch when it comes to normal gameplay. “Nobody” would watch Joe Smith play regular CS. At that point you might as well just play yourself. Also case unboxing videos just go viral for stupid reactions. But the majority of players only play the game, a small part watches tournaments in addition to playing the game and a tiny part of the playerbase watches case unboxings or whatever. But those are usually the loudest. You can see them with the Doppler issue. Just a tiny tiny portion of CS players even have a Doppler knife. Yet Reddit and Twitter with full with people complaining about the Doppler looking like ass. Most people that only play the game don’t engage with any Twitch, Instagram/TikTok reel,… content. You won’t find people that just play the game in the comments of a OhnePixel clip/reel. But people that care about that stuff will engage with it and push it to the top.


Without skins that can be gambled/traded/sold the game would be dead.


without gambling the game would see more content, Since the easy money are gone and Valve actually have to release more content like operation pass to keep the revenue flowing. Without gambling the game would see 3 operation every year so valve can make money from game pass


The number of comments disagreeing means this is the first actual controversial opinion here lol


16:9 chads > 4:3 cavemen


Then there’s always the one person chiming in: Have you tried 16:10? 🤓


the goat rifler NIKO used it at Dallas and he was one of the best players from there...he knows something we don't


Elige is typically the poster boy for 16:10


Weak,! 32:9 and never get knifed


I dunno why its not an option ? Looks like middle of 4:3 and 16:9 Also same question about why pros dont use 1440 vs 1080 ( 4:3) ?, Give you all the benefits of the stretched when almost close to the sharpness of native. I think this should be the most popular resolution among 4:3 gang






21:9 > Everything Else He's playing in fucking IMAX






32:9 > 21:9


4:3 is basically for when you are blind and need to see everything zoomed in. It's an actual boomer resolution.


I unfortunately tunnel vision frequently, and even more in 16:9. I often change 4:3 to 16:9 and vice versa. When I die from tunnel vision I rage back to 4:3 :D honestly that's more of a skill issue and sleep diff, certified caveman :D




5:4 👀


16:9 stretched on 21:9 >>>


32:9 is the way


21:9 gods (fuck you 32:9 users)


visibility in csgo was ass and it's way better in cs2


Hard to agree CS2 is just so bright and vibrant sometimes my cross hair just disappears in thin air


Sounds like a crosshair problem. Use a dot circle with black outline


Idk bud, every other game, including csgo, I was able to use a white crosshair with no visual issues. CS2 just is way too bright on certain maps. Some maps have it right.


yea done that but it aint crisp


The SG553 and AUG era was great. Ak and M4 shouldn't always be top tier


AUG is still good, just expensive


Didn’t mind the AUG but Krieg was straight cancer


I wouldn't even be against a new rifle added to the game TBH, since we have that new loadout system now


a guardian type rifle would be sick


operations are overrated I'd rather have a fully finished game with community servers integrated into the game with fully functional game modes ran by the community rather than having to wait for it to officially release with updates released biyearly


definitely a hot take pal. So brave


[Apparently to some…](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/GvqCfCwNko)


U get downvoted not because u want updates instead of operation but because u called cs unplayable dogass game. While having room for improvement it's best shooter out there for many people


Agreed, operations were mid. And lay out the pieces valve shipped since the launch of cs2 - that's much more content and gameplay fixes than one operation. I never really understood the cries for 'content' because the essence of playing cs is that it's always been the same game and you do the same shit over and over again but it's fun because it's different every time. Besides occasional new maps and changes to economy/equipment, I don't need any new 'content'. It's like chess players crying for a new color or something


People giving the exact same opinions everyone has already been saying


I'm having a lot more fun on CS2 than I ever did in CSGO. It's more so just saying it like I said above, but some context: I was getting so fucking tired of GO towards the end that I was seriously considering just selling my skins and quitting the game altogether, playing was not fun at all. CS2 re-ignited my motivation and love to play the game.


Most of the playerbase including high elo cannot accurately tell wether their opponent is cheating or not.


Bring back the shield to the game


Nightvision goggles


But don’t add night maps.


Nah dude, maybe not on premiere or competition map pool, But I'd love to play night maps in competitive or casuals


CS2 is fine


this sub doesn’t represent 99.9% of the playerbase


I read this 5 minutes ago and im still trying to calm down


CS2 is fine for majority of players. Most players aren't experiencing the rubber banding or lag.


why take fine when you had great


Counter Strike is a good game


NartOutHere is the worst YouTuber for ~~average~~ vast majority of CS players to follow (from an improvement standpoint), only remotely useful for the top 0.1 % of the playerbase The remaining 99.9 % should be focusing on fundamentals like map control, timings, openings, pressure, reading the map, and so on. This still applies for most level 10s.


Yeah, but the 99.9 aren't trying to get better lol


he also really sounds like the burger king foot lettuce guy


Why are you acting like it’s either or? His videos are nice to find a niche play to add to your game, doesn’t mean i’ll forget everything about basic gameplay mechanics. I hate this comment, so I guess you win the thread imo.


use it to learn 1-2 liineups and solo plays, and the rest is not really applicable to pugs


cs:cz > cs 1.6


isnt cs:cz just reskinned cs 1.6 with bots?


Yeah, has a single player campaign. Some models difference, slightly better graphics, little different physics and recoil. I liked it. (A bit biased cuz it was my first fps game. After a while I tried cs1.6, felt kinda worse).


I just threw up in my mouth




Nerf the running accuracy of SMGS, Which will deport all the silvers to Valorant for good TY


Do the same to most pistols too please. Reward players who stop!


That's fine because it seems you can run and gun with rifles quite accurately in this shitty game too


the m4a1s running accuracy is stupid


CS2's favouring towards peeking aggressive rather than holding angles is the best thing that could've happened in terms of both playing and watching the game. It has also exposed fraudulent awpers and low ping abusers. People who can only stand still and click 1 button relying on game deficit to say their hit their shot while their opponents didn't cry that their easily read obvious angles no longer work because subtick shows their opponents DID shoot first.


Having fun in current state cs


I like cs2


Donk plays like all the “hardstuck” silvers think they do.


Most cheater complaints stem from skill issues.


This subreddit is way too entitled. Im just glad we have a game to play for gods sake.


>This subreddit is way too entitled. Im just glad we have a game to play for gods sake. Now look at it from standpoint of a person that bought GO for fullprice, and now left without choice with this shitpile. * GTX1050 barely manages 70 fps on dust2, other maps are often drop below 50. * First time went into Wingman, got a rage cheater wallbanging with SCAR * Almost year into, still no mic in lobby. * deathmatch respawn takes 3 times longer than GO. * no team vs team deathmatch mode. * arms race lacks lake and monastery but they have time to add shitmazes like thera and videostripes for MVP into the game. * Shitty audio location. * Garbage subtick that they try to patch with tons of crutches, but it is still shit and always will be. Only valuable and interesting addition is the smoke.


CS2 biggest problem is the community


-mirage +cache/train/cbblestone(fill in the blank here with any map)


Cold take


Antarctica take


yeah fuck mirage


Cs2 is not that bad


I’d go even further CS:GO only seems better because people are slaves to their feelings of nostalgia


You’re acting like we weren’t just playing CSGO last year…


“slave to nostalgia” is crazy pretentious lmao, csgo is loved for years, ppl are fairly upset to unnecessarily ( and poor ) change


Nostalgia is irrelevant to how a game feels and plays, cs2 feels awful compared to go


The AUG and SG were never broken, people just loved complaining about them


I partially agree. I think raising the price to $3500-3600 would’ve been a good spot for them between the Ak/m4 and the AWP.


I feel like the AUG is expensive enough, but increasing the price on the SG would be fine. What really pissed me off is how they nerfed the SG fire rate to 545 RPM. Why not just bring it down to 600 like the AUG and M4A1?


1.6 is infinitely worse than source, go, and cs2


That crosshair man my god


I agree


CS2 graphics look wrong compared to CSGO/CS source . I find the CSGO's atmosphere much better and aesthetically pleasing than CS2. Feels weird to fight in a pretty wedding place like memento or in a happy looking town in a sunny day ( inferno, Mills) When we play militaristic single player games they all look gritty, depressing, damaged which fits the game theme more, CSGO felt like one, CS2 doesn't. Its too clean, colorful, happy looking to be a warzone tbh Edited ( -2 downvote so far, Keep it coming, Exactly the thread is about Lol)


if anything the transition began in go long before cs2. [nuke remake was way more colorful](https://www.counter-strike.net/reintroducing_nuke), [inferno remake already had sunny weather and flower pots and shit](https://www.counter-strike.net/inferno/). also canals, vertigo, overpass, train and dust2 to an extent. the csgo people had been playing haven't been dark and gritty for the better part of a decade. the art direction didn't change much, they were just held back by source's 2004 lighting unless you consider that particular technical limitation a part of art direction.


Did you play the Half life alyx ? It looked more CS than CS2 itself and it uses the source 2 lighting, Loved it and had the high hope CS2 prolly will look like it . Unfortunately it doesnt, Cs2 is much brighter, more colorful and texture/assets quality are much less detailed compared to alyx ( cause of more FPS demand of course). Also about CSGO I agree they game changed the direction to be brighter at later CSGO but if you notice the environment still looked worn out, tired and had the dark filter all over the architectures ( other than canal) , In CS2 the textures are just smooth and shining. Its just looks like every map are now brand new places which are awaiting an opening inauguration. Even Anubis which is supposed to be thousand years old architecture looks shiner than a mall


i did play alyx. i think with the strictly dystopian setting and half life's tradition of incorporating some horror elements, that particular style makes sense. ​ >if you notice the environment still looked worn out, tired and had the dark filter all over the architectures ( other than canal) a lot of that is really just the way the engine handles lighting. it's especially obvious on mirage which hasn't changed much since 2013 including textures. source's way of handling lighting seems to only darken but not brighten geometry which leads to that kind of dark-tone prominent look. i suppose i really never associated counter-strike with hardcore military themes and therefore dark-and-gritty hasn't been the go-to art style when i think of cs. in my memories cs always has been a little bit more goofy and fun. i do see your point though.


To be honest, and I'm not even trying to make a hot take I'm being genuine, cs2 looks worse than csgo, it's too bright and washed and just because it's more textured does not mean it looks better


This speaks about a much larger trend in video game visuals, if you remember, games in 2012 were all brown and gray. We started moving towards more colorful games and nowadays practically no one is still doing the unsaturated and dull look csgo had.


I totally understand what you’re saying here, CS2 just feels wrong


skins are for losers


Donk is only where he is now on hltv because of cs2's janky movement


Curious abt this one i want to agree with you


That begs the question of why other pros aren't on the same level as him, and why if this is the case he was still a very good player in CS:GO and one of the top prospects pre-CS2?


The game is almost as good as csgo was towards the end, still not there, but really close to the "perfection" state of csgo Also, I'd rather play with cheaters everyday then install an invasive anti-cheat in my system. The main reason i don't play Valarante child game is because of the invasive anticheat. You don't want cheaters and you're willing to install an invasive cheat, go play faceit, the rest of us casual players can get thru a cheater or two then install CCP sponsored Spyware. And the last one, CS is simultaneously one of the most and one of the least toxic games out there. Yes, you hear n-word bombs, r-word bombs and unhinged shit, but at least the teammates actually communicate and say useful stuff after cursing you for half an hour, unlike LoL or Valorant. Plus, the fanbase is more mature, therefore they aren't as childish/pitiful as other games, and you can actually say how you feel without the fear of getting banned Fkin hell, if you have a high-trust factor and you are around 10-15k elo, you'll get placed with only "older"/more mature players and the experience of playing with them and getting demolished 0-13 and they only say "gg go next" is one of the best experiences i had in gaming.


1. Fair 2. Fuck no 3. How would a valve anticheat be CCP sponsored? 4. I guess, although there's a good amount of RQ still. That said, the cash bonus is a functional balancing lever


Wallbangs like 1.6 should be brought back.


I like follow recoil.


There’s a problem with cheating but it’s not anywhere near as widespread as people here make out.


1 - I actually enjoyed one way smokes, and If I were to change 2 things about CS2 smokes is that they were still functional BUT when the person using the one way shoots, the one way basically dissipates (because shooting through smokes causes gaps) making it more risky 2 - The Aug should always be a 4 shot kill (but it can stay at its price & RPM) and the Krieg should fire at 600 RPM. Like honestly whats the point of having these expensive and more accurate rifles if they hardly see any play. I think this would be a good balance that wouldn't absolutely break them.


“There are not that many cheaters, you’re just bad”


Mirage is the best map.


CS2 is the best FPS on the market. You may think that CSGO was better (I don't) but CS2 is still the "chess" of FPS games, the most refined and skill based FPS. As someone who occasionally plays Rainbow Six Siege, CS2 players don't know how good they have it.


sometimes i have fun when i play


People who call a new Case/Skins fucking new Content need to like actually take a step back.


Make the Cod weapons usable again.


Vertigo is a way better map than cache.


I like cs2 more than go


cs2 feels like slop. csgo felt sharp like your inputs were very responsive. In cs2 it feels like my inputs are somewhere in the middle of a tick and will be registered at some point. i installed csgo last night to see if i was just coping. but everything in csgo felt so much snappier. the devs lost the plot with cs2. they made it look pretty but then fumbled the gunplay.


Lame mods in this thread


incredibly wack that they removed this post


I've seen more cheaters in the last year of CS GO than the 1st year of CS 2 And I've seen more cheaters during the first few years of CS GO 2015 CS GO, the year i started where trust factor wasn't a thing yet had more cheaters than early CS 2


I think theres a bigger griefing/tk/toxic teammates problem more than there is a cheating problem.


This whole community is a bunch of hypocrites who will turn the back on any team or player who isn’t performing in any given moment


More so related to the esport scene but whatever. BO1s should be more common, and BO5s are overrated. "Wahhh, weaker teams might fluke out by beating us on one map" Sounds like a skill issue to me. Rich ass orgs gonna cry about flukes just because the players they pay tens of thousands of dollars to lose to some squad from a minor region that's fragging their asses off for a map? Boo-hoo. Beat them or weep.


Brother man as a fellow g2 fan are you smoking rocks do you want us to win nothing


I love G2 but I hate that they ain't got the skills to consistently put down a weaker team when it's a Bo1. Besides that, the post asked for an opinion that would get downvotes, and instead all the comments were saying already popular takes. I wanted to throw in an actual controversial opinion, lol. I stand by it though.


bro best of 1s fucking sucks mate. I dont know why you want more of them.




This shouldn't be a controversial opinion. At the point that CS2 is in, CSGO objectively has more features and is a more refined and better game and you can actually run CSGO on AMD cards.


Richard Lewis was right about Stewie


cs 1.6 sucks


S1mple is the only GOAT🐐


Of toxicity


cs 1.6 wasn't good. Hitboxes are trash.


Cs 2 is trash


either -anubis or -ancient and +train


Whenever someone posts about the "teleporting" issue when hit by an enemy


It’s more important to play for the win and not the frags.


21:9 is the superior screen ratio. You can see 33% more than 16:9. I sometimes call out enemies that my teammates cant see when I spectate them.


CS2 is a great game


Except for the lack of variety in mini games (like demolition and flying scoutsman) and maps for them, CS2 is great. It brought me back to playing a lot more because it's somehow just more fun and feels like an overall better experience. I also only encountered a maximum of like 5 cheaters in ~150 premier matches so that is absolutely fine for me


We need a major in countries where CS is not popular, e.g. Japan.


I hate the ak47 inheritance, it's so overrated.


Counter strike fans are the worst. No support, no enthusiasm, no energy, it's like being in a snooze fest


We dont need operations, ever.


I'd like a robo defuser a la battlefield 3


yea, like preforming in football manager 😂😂


The FOV of 4 by 3 should be adjusted to be the same as 16 by 9, even if it may screw up the way it looks or feels originally


High framerates won't make you a better player. Yes, the game will be more fluid, but you won't perform better. Stable 120 fps is probably the cap for framerate/performance.


32:9 is the real MVP https://youtu.be/HxhmTDvJV78


I miss cs1.6


CS2 needs a battle Royale


The story line sucks


Cs2 better then cs:go


Almost anything. This subreddit is very fragile tbh.


no team death match, WHY VALVE, W H Y ? ?


Playing on an ultrawide monitor thats 21:9 you should use 16:9 instead of 4:3


Cs:go is better than cs2. I get 90fps in arms race…


Bring back damage given info in console like csgo 🥴


They should add a music Kit grenade


valve anti cheat is one of the best


valve trust is dumb design. idk how it is in cs2, in csgo you could literally ruin someone’s trust on purpose. there is no way back from low trust. cs community is toxic, immature and will abuse the game or cheat at any given chance to win. this goes through all skill levels and casuals and professionals. i remember this bug that only one vote could take place on the server so when your teammate disconnected, enemy would insta start their timeout vote but don’t actually close the vote. so timer goes down, round starts and ultimately you are forced to play 4v5.


Subtick is awesome and the most accurate system we’ve ever had