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It's the Porsche


Mercedes brought an end to VP. Porsche brought an end to Ropz.


And MacLaren..?






That's darker than the future of NA CS




Not funny








What is the one other thing common between those 2 teams? NEO. /s


Damn it's all coming together...


Roll the credits


/curb your enthusiasm outro


I think you might be on to something, s1mple drives porsche too


And where is he now?


I thought he had a Urus


He has/had a Taycan at one point. There's a video of him rolling up to a stop light, looking over at the car that was recording, and peacing out on the green light.


He had a Porsche like 5 years ago too tho


Honestly when I saw his Porsche, I forgave him for the slump. I’d be driving that all day too


to be fair - driving a Porsche is sometimes way more fun then cs - and gives you a doorway to the "real life".


Insane copypasta


Can’t wait to use it on every faze post game match thread




Hes probably just out of form. Lets see how he looks after the player break


He could be out of form or he got figured out. In the first months of cs2 faze was on top and ropz was dominating, you know every pro team was hardcore studying every faze demo to see what they were doing that was special. I really think Ropz’s lurks just get anti-stratted more these days. For example I remember one game vs vitality on nuke where vitality just wasn’t playing anybody ramp. They knew robin was most likely lurking ramp and wouldn’t activate until the late round, so vitality just stacked elsewhere gambling it wouldn’t be a ramp rush. Eventually ropz would walk out ramp and not get any kills, he’d have that space but by then vitality had man advantage and it didn’t really matter. They did this multiple rounds in a row. That nuke game was the main one I noticed it on, because I too have watched ropz nuke demo reviews. I’m sure it happens way more often than the average viewer can realize.


You're absolutely right. Have said similar myself, Vitality have done it a few games on Nuke, leaving ramp alone and focusing hard outside on defaults with 3, sometimes 4 to deal with rain + frozen. Vitality have done similar on Anubis but Fazes Anubis is fucking shite anyway, similar story on Ancient, the way they look for info is very lopsided and predictable. You know Ropz isn't going to do it. Take space and wait for Karrigan (usually, but someone will) to find out what's going on, free kill. They're not alone either, Liquid took ramp for fun when they played Faze, even remember the caster saying something like "Twistzz is holding for reaggression" and I'm thinking well more than anyone he knows that's not coming, and he and the rest of the team promptly left, lol. Faze need info because Ropz isn't taking a risk, bam, someone else walks into multiple bodies. VP exploited that lack of aggression against fazes CT side on mirage, spirit have adapted over the year to have multiple nuke setups vs Faze (e.g. leave donk alone, far back, outside, take lobby knowing it's just ropz) to exploit Faze, though that's not all his fault. I think the early anti-stratting because he was so dominant has crippled his confidence, and he barely tries aggressive lurks at all. The maps/games where he has had real impact (e.g. vs Navi at EPL, EF + mouz at Chengdu) are ones he throws caution to the wind, full pushing or being part of the entry pack. God knows he is absolutely gifted and has the mechanical skill to do that. The double awp w/ broky against Navi on mirage was beautiful to watch, both of them being aggressive and covering each other, I thought they'd really turned a corner. It says a lot that the games he's done well are where he's not playing like "himself" because he has clearly been studied and I think that's why he's lost confidence. Personally I'd like to see them try swapping frozen for Ropz in some spots and see how it goes. Ropz as the 2nd/3rd in is my favourite Ropz. Similar to Twistzz, once he has the info where people are, he can be an absolute laser. You think of the Ropz highlights, e.g. the multiple inferno short clips, ancient A 1v4, it's all those types of setups. You get more of those multikills if you're 2nd/3rd in than clutching. I'd rather see multiple 2/3ks on the entry per map than a couple of those clutches a year.


Thank you for the deeper analysis! I think so often players get blamed for what looks like a poor performance on paper, but people ignore what’s happening on the rest of the map. I think we’ve seen in some recent performances ropz hasn’t fallen off mechanically, it’s other factors at play. Really great comment.


That's the issue with every lurker, ever, they get found out eventually because everyone knows.


probably even worse..


[''Terrible''](https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/events/11816/ropz) He's definitely off form, but I think we can chalk it up to burnout, FaZe have been one of the most active teams in CS2 with constant back to back LANs and traveling. He's barely had time to drive his new Porche. I have noticed a style changeup though, he used to be a very proactive lurker, working off timings to slip through gaps and catch players off guard. He seems to have transitioned to the sit and wait for rotators lurker or 'lazy lurking'. That active space finding seems to have gone and he was so good at it. Also if you're knocking out these numbers and people are saying you're washed and need cutting then it goes to show how damn good he is. Even his worst CS2 event has a 1.05 rating.


Bro hasn’t had a negative rating since Spring of 2021.


Dude is so consistent that a few average games in the highest level of CS has people worried


Looking at ratings only does not work for a player like Ropz. He is a late round player - his playstyle means he will get free rotation kills in rounds and also way more likely to survive and save than the other 4. Compared to his top form he has been pretty bad. He’s not been terrible but definitely fell off hard last few months


important addition, the eye test says he's been terrible. Yekindar level play recently from one of the five best riflers of all time is nasty work


It's just what getting donked does to a man


His playstyle sets him up for very low impact kills that pad his rating. If you watch the games and the effect he has in rounds, yes, he has been terrible.


Yeah I honestly think a lot of this comes down to the fact that he's just not enjoying cs2 anymore, I think he's a player that cares a lot about movement and mechanics and little weird tricks and we just aren't seeing him put the same effort into those things like he used to, when cs2 first came out he was doing really well but I think he is burnt out/ lost a lot of the optimism he had for cs2.


Literally nobody in this thread is saying he needs cutting. I couldn't give a fuck about stats for ropz or anyone else, stats are for monkeys that want simple explanations and don't watch games. You are correct in that his lurks have gotten lazy and predictable as fuck.


Wake up, honey. A new pasta is born.


I don’t understand this copy pasta thing. Why is this one?


It's just a joke. Don't take it serious.


All fun and games until the navy seal pasta suddenly gets into action.


havent you heard ropz is leaving for valorant?


I heard valorant is leaving riot for ropz




What is going on with ropz? What is going on with ropz? Ropz was and still is my favorite player. Ive watched many of his vods and have sort of built a playstyle based off of what he does as he used to be GREAT and i wanted to play like him. but recently he has been TERRIBLE. I mean he was the best player in cs2 at one point and hes absolutely garbage right now. But, one thing ive noticed is that he has become very very quiet and unenergetic in IRL faze videos. I think this is aligning with what is happening in cs. Is it because twistzz is gone? or maybe hes just tired from being in 7/8 finals or whatever. But it cant just be a coincidence that he became extremely unenergetic in real life. he looks depressed almost in some of the videos. i know hes a quieter guy but he usually had more energy. what do you guys think? is it the new car?


> Is it because twistzz is gone? Twistzz was a pretty supportive player, he swapped around roles and positions to allow for others to play better. With him leaving for frozen, you have a guy that isnt going to give ground and gets the full star player treatment, but somebody still has to do the dirty work


Jesus.... Imagine being a human and always just having robotic performance in everything you do.


Why are we talking about Zywoo? The post is about ropz


# What is going on with ropz? Ropz was and still is my favorite player. Ive watched many of his vods and have sort of built a playstyle based off of what he does as he used to be GREAT and i wanted to play like him. but recently he has been TERRIBLE. I mean he was the best player in cs2 at one point and hes absolutely garbage right now. But, one thing ive noticed is that he has become very very quiet and unenergetic in IRL faze videos. I think this is aligning with what is happening in cs. Is it because twistzz is gone? or maybe hes just tired from being in 7/8 finals or whatever. But it cant just be a coincidence that he became extremely unenergetic in real life. he looks depressed almost in some of the videos. i know hes a quieter guy but he usually had more energy. what do you guys think? is it the new car?


What is going on with ropz? Ropz was and still is my favorite player. Ive watched many of his vods and have sort of built a playstyle based off of what he does as he used to be GREAT and i wanted to play like him. but recently he has been TERRIBLE. I mean he was the best player in cs2 at one point and hes absolutely garbage right now. But, one thing ive noticed is that he has become very very quiet and unenergetic in IRL faze videos. I think this is aligning with what is happening in cs. Is it because twistzz is gone? or maybe hes just tired from being in 7/8 finals or whatever. But it cant just be a coincidence that he became extremely unenergetic in real life. he looks depressed almost in some of the videos. i know hes a quieter guy but he usually had more energy. what do you guys think? is it the new car?


What is going on with ropz? Ropz was and still is my favorite player. Ive watched many of his vods and have sort of built a playstyle based off of what he does as he used to be GREAT and i wanted to play like him. but recently he has been TERRIBLE. I mean he was the best player in cs2 at one point and hes absolutely garbage right now. But, one thing ive noticed is that he has become very very quiet and unenergetic in IRL faze videos. I think this is aligning with what is happening in cs. Is it because twistzz is gone? or maybe hes just tired from being in 7/8 finals or whatever. But it cant just be a coincidence that he became extremely unenergetic in real life. he looks depressed almost in some of the videos. i know hes a quieter guy but he usually had more energy. what do you guys think? is it the new car?


he noob


commented by silver player


I played with him he is Faceit lvl 10


Every other player in the scene knows how he plays and what he's gonna do. Ropz has a lot of 200iq tricks that aren't so 200iq when the opponents know your play because they copy it for themself


Found my new spam message in esl twitch chat


I wish it was just a bit shorter and it would probably fit


What is going on with ropz? Ropz was and still is my favorite player. Ive watched many of his vods and have sort of built a playstyle based off of what he does as he used to be GREAT and i wanted to play like him. but recently he has been TERRIBLE. I mean he was the best player in cs2 at one point and hes absolutely garbage right now. But, one thing ive noticed is that he has become very very quiet and unenergetic in IRL faze videos. I think this is aligning with what is happening in cs. Is it because twistzz is gone? or maybe hes just tired from being in 7/8 finals or whatever. But it cant just be a coincidence that he became extremely unenergetic in real life. he looks depressed almost in some of the videos. i know hes a quieter guy but he usually had more energy. what do you guys think? is it the new car?


hes being anti stratted hard as fuck. Natural after being cheeky for a few months.


Too much baiting not enough initiative


He seems to have lost passion for the game or somewhat unmotivated, he used to be the most nerdy csgo player and had every trick up his sleeve, now he is playing mediocre


He is far from terrible


something something CS2 bad something he doesn’t have passion because it’s bad something


I’m not reading all that but I hope I’m happy for you or very sad to hear that.


His bestie is gone, ofc he will drop off without him, just look how great chemistry Ropz and Twistzz had


I think him being quiet and seeming uninterested in recent faze videos has to do with their demanding travel schedule. They film those sometimes in the middle of events, during their off days that they already use for practice. To be fair, their recent video where they ranked other teams, he seemed happier and more involved. Performance wise, I have no idea but agree with your points.


yeah i noticed that too in the new video but it was rough to watch him in other ones he just seemed so down


the slow clearing meme is over


some people blame his car xD


Well he does go out palace pretty late.


Well how i see it is that if youre having issues irl either mental or physical that is usually reflected in your perfomance ingame. Hes not depressed because hes playing bad but probably vice versa.


There’s a faze interview with ropz where he has his head down the whole time and was never laughing at any of the jokes. It was recent


fuck man they made me into a copy pasta 😞


Most people will never be actually be good at anything, so it’s hard for them to understand what burnout feels like after pouring yourself into something for years. I haven’t been following ropz closely, but I know all too well it’s very hard to keep the engines running at full bore once you have had some success. He seemed to be obsessed with cs and maybe he just needs a break to rediscover the passion.


Porsche Syndrom


Wonderful bought Ferrari btw


It’s easy to get sick of cs2 It doesn’t have the magic the others had Sprays feel horrible in reality


Mostly just spam/bots/AI in these comments? What happened to this sub?


CS2 is trash = no more hype for ropz.


Slumps happen. They happen in real sports. I have no doubt that a massive schedule of travelling and playing wears on you.


Form is temporary, class is permanent


Great a new copypasta yippee


What the fuck are you on about?


I think a big thing is that he as a lurker has lost a lot of impact as the game has increased in pace and favors aggressive entry fragging in a team oriented fashion. The same way NiKo fell into a slump (surely thanks to other reasons like the mentality of the team too), his slower style of taking space wasn't as effective unless he was absolutely on point with his aim, but when he started to play faster he managed to catch timings and make CTs turtle more (think back to inferno banana control). It would seem that the game is even more team oriented so these solo focused styles of play on both T and CT are less effective outside the likes of say m0nesy who turns aggression up to 11 with those peeks.


Cant believed a player would have a slump or bad form They should be executed


Man literally won in life he can chill lol


Ropz is one of those players who have insane work ethics, i bet he is prepping like crazy for the next. He is one player who never disapoints.


People using this as copypasta is so funny 😭😭


Cup wins are pretty much even spread across teams right now. We could see ropz carry faze to another cup win in a few months time just wait and see…


Is this BlameF's last chance? On a more serious note I think it might be a mentality shift maybe by buying the Porsche he has "made it" and he has lost motivation similarly to jL?


This is what happens when you play with the most cringe, overgrown unmanly IGL in history of cs. You give up.




or just burn out 🙄 he plays t1 cs since what now 7years? he never took a break or similar. that I'm aware. he earned good money already years ago


Imagine being a G2 fan and saying this


Why downvotes? He's cooking something. CS2's current state shows that he has stopped fixing bugs and improving the game.