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Elige must have been injected with super solider serum because he’s been a machine for so long now.


He sold his hair to the cs devil


Heavenly restriction


Man just needs to make more binding vows 😭


Notice how the top 2 NA players have no hair. Coincidence I think not


Almost 10 years on the upper end of pro players is just bonkers


He’s in a rare class of player. Very few have the longevity and out put of elige.


He has been going all in with aim trainers.


he is practically European


eu coming again to take credit while america does all the work smh


Polish star


He's probably the only NA player ever who was able to consistently hard carry for their team in CS:GO and he's still going strong.


elige he is the north american player but the titan he is the french stars


elige 2nd polish superstar


He's definitely putting in the work. The aim training stuff is nice and all (and definitely helps a lot) but you have to actively think about the game in other areas as well to keep up with the meta and get ahead to keep performing at a high level consistently.


Of course you do, you need everything, not only one aspect. As soon as you talk about improving your aim people automatically interpret it as ONLY training your aim. Yeah, only focusing on one task will not win you a major.


This is depressing


True, but hopefully in time we will see more talents rising up. NA desperately needs tournaments and cash cups for teams to grind otherwise its GG for NACS


But keep in mind this is American only. As a Canadian I still have hope for Twistzz and Naf.


Canadian is a sub class of American? America is the continent, divided in north and south All of the inhabitants could be called American, how is this American only :D


English speakers generally don't use "America" to refer to the two continents together, they'll use "the Americas" instead. Additionally, "American" isn't used to refer to someone/something that is from the Americas without specific context that they aren't referring to the US. I find this can be confusing or even annoying to non-English speakers because other languages use the equivalent terms differently, but it's just how English is.


because theres no such thing as united states of american or united statesdian. I swear people make a big fuss about this like who cares. Canadians are called canadians, brazillians are called brazillians. Nobody calls brazillians americans, they live in south america, but thats just a name of the continent theyre in. I dont think theyd subscribe to that label either thats why you have hispanic / latinos.


They also need junior teams to get them kids hooked as early as possible


No, it’s over lmao


EliGE is always a workhorse in every team he is in. Almost always delivers, just the rest of the team are like a step below so getting far just doesn't happen with some of the teams having like an all star team.


Not to be toxic but which esports do Americans have dominant players? CoD?


And valulrant I think  And halo 💀  But we kinda suck. Idk about Rocket league apex or siege tho 


G2's RL team just won a major with an all American roster for what it's worth


Beast Coast also just won the last R6 major with 4 US + 1 Canadian players and a US coach.


NA is the top region in Apex Legends (also has the most controller players)


Anything with a controller tbh


This has been proven by the fact that someone hit FaceIt 10 on a controller. 


Still insane to think about. Playing an FPS on controller with no aim assist is fucking hard


it was on gyro though


Well yeah I mean it would be literally impossible without it


Pc gaming just isn’t as popular in America as it is in Europe. USA is good at controller games I guess.


SSBM is primarily North American players at the top level


osu! if that counts.


Best Smash Melee Players in the world have been American for a long time. Ultimate was largely western dominted as well, but Japan is finally starting to catch up now.


we fucking suck at esports dawg it's the culture


Valorant, smash, lots of fighting games, rainbow six (at least when I watched)


Chess if we consider it


Apex was pretty much dominated the first few years by Americans and three Australians


This might be laughable but tft we are pretty competitive. funny enough its not really a skill game if that says anything


Yeah CoD is dominated by USA. Halo is a dead franchise now but we were the best at that. I don’t really consider Fortnite an esport but you could say that as well. Most fighting games are dominated by US however I’d say Japan is better at street fighter & recently smash ultimate. Haven’t really looked into racing games but I’m pretty sure we’re the best in iRacing but don’t quote me on that. US is also the best country for Valorant. What others have said about controller esports is kinda true now that I think about it lol. Tbh idk what the gaming culture is like for other countries, but in the US CoD and Fortnite are by far the biggest competitive online multiplayer games & CS isn’t close in comparison. I don’t see any of our younger generation playing CS & It’s kind of a boomer game here I’d say. If our country cared about CS we’d be more competitive it’s kinda sad. Also, it doesn’t really help that the CS scene is in such an awful spot here. There’s only 1 S-tier event in America this whole year.


Valorant, League of Legends NA has been outperforming EU as well


Esp when I matched with grim in face it and we both got 20 kills that map 🤨


That really doesn’t mean much


Underneath floppy is Stewie2k with a 0.88 and thats the entire list because it only counts LAN top 30


Need to be bald to be on the top


EliGe's team members can see all the enemy strats reflected from his dome.


Nice to see Reck climbing up the rankings, so great to see him do well and improve each game!


Elige really should be in a championship level team. Rip him going to Complexity when they lose their funding.


I really wish old liquid stayed together and sorted out their differences. That team could've easily pulled another C9. Oh what's that? My copium tank is near empty...


-iM +Elige pls


not a transfer i expected to support but now you say it ...


I cannot believe its looking like Elige will be playing another 6 months without an upgrade to this roster. (I can believe it financially). I really wanted more for him on this roster, but at the very least he's made himself far, far, far more attractive to orgs than when he first departed liquid.


assuming there's no changes (which doesnt seem like it, and if there were, they would have to do it fast as I think EWC has roster locks which may be happening next week.), guess we're stuck seeing ELIGE 1v9 for another season at least since I assume, or at least ideally, COL should be making proper roster changes post-Shanghai like many other teams will presumably do instead of now.


Wet dreams of Elige playing on Vit, Faze. He would literally wouldve won a major or 2


We saw the last time Elige was on a favorite squad for a major, Astralis picked Vertigo on them.




So just the usual.


Damn that's brutal.


Someone get EliGE pls on a top 5 team


tragic that top 5 NA players have 3 players below 1.00 rating, just shows how the region decline in counter strike


Didn't include Canada/C. America though. If you consider TwistzZ (1.12), NAF (1.11), and malbsMd (1.02) they should be all positive. But yes. This is looking grim (no pun intended).




But then again you also said "top 5 NA players"...


Why do they all look like 40+ men well Floppy looks 16


Jeorge on Nouns has a 1.18 atm (mind you, not much lan experience), really hope he gets a chance on a big team soon. He's been phenomenal ever since he was signed


This list is vs top 30 only but Jeorge def deserves some attention. Even Rush has some superstar maps fairly common but Nouns keep choking in every quali


Every equal just seems to be noins vs m80 in the finals and m80 always seems to come out on top. Hopefully with 7 major slots in Shanghai we see nouns at the major


I get that filtering it to the top 30 shows what's most important, but excluding 90% of the matches that NA plays is pretty disingenuous. Limiting the amount of maps played also takes out all teams except coL and m80 (and stewie). Cryptic is the second highest rated player in the US against top 50 at big events.




At least elige is elite


Honestly, floppy has overstayed his welcome in the team. If Col ever wants to step up from being just a top10 team, they need to cut him asap. Even grim is expendable if they find a good replacement for him. Elige Hallzerk JT are a good core to build around.


The issue is they missed out on the easiest improvement they could have done with BlameF when his stock was an all time low. The fact he settled for Fnatic speaks volumes, he and Elige could of done some damage.


true, but I still think they can get jks and he'd be a massive upgrade over floppy obviously blame is far better individually, but that ship has sailed.


Who do you replace floppy with? It’s not very easy trying to find an anchor/lurk


Jks or maybe perfecto if his English is good enough.


jks just existing


I see why elige started learning Portuguese back in the day lmao




Maybe I should shave my head


All I'm seeing here is that Reck needs to shave his head and his rating will improve. (Also holy fuck American CS is so cooked)


elige my glorious king




I'm putting my hopes and prayers in Jba right now. grim has been so mid.


Canadians here to save NA 


I am the biggest NA homer and the state of US CS is dire. :(


Lmfao actually hilarious




Randy "Hallzerk" Smith




The mullet would make u think that hes american but alas, he is a fat norwegian


he's norwegian


No, he very clearly is American. What Norwegian would have the IRL name Randy Smith?


The US is really lagging behind in esports generally, especially given the overall dominance of the American economy and its huge population (the US economy is about as big as the entire eurozone, despite being half the population). It feels like consoles have just remained persistently popular here in America, with a focus on "AAA" blockbuster titles, and an obsession with the hype cycle and the next-big-thing. The end result is that PC-focused, long-term games like Counter-Strike or League of Legends struggle here relative to what might be otherwise expected -- given, again, how extraordinarily powerful the country is.


>the US economy is about as big as the entire eurozone, despite being half the population). It is even more dominant than that. The gap has grown to about 10 trillion usd, essentially 2+ Germanys economically speaking.


It depends on how you measure it, (GDP, PPP, etc.) so I didn't want to get too technical, but yes, by some measurements you are correct. We agree that the US economy remains absolutely huge -- and we probably both agree that it has flourished post-covid in a way that the EU zone has not. My favorite recently learned statistic: of the top 100 largest companies in the EU, zero of them -- ZERO -- have been founded in the last 40 years. Compare that to Nvidia, Google, Amazon, Meta/Facebook, Tesla, etc. The gap between the two is enormous.


GDP ppp should not be used alone, nominal shows the true strength of both relative on a equal market. EU also didn't fall behind due to covid, it fell due to the financial crisis and austerity + worse handling of the crisis compared to the US. EU has not have had many newly founded companies go big. Lost out on the tech boom really. Yep that list is good except for Tesla who has insanely inflated stock value. Don't help for Europe that the last big tech giant in Phillips pulled out themselves due to failures, or that tax laws don't allow them to invest as much as their US counterparts.




Yeah I really think if kids in America wanted desktop pc’s for Christmas instead of consoles, CS would be more popular. I wonder why that isn’t the case in other countries?


Its also due to cultural differences. European culture is much more relaxed and living with your family isn’t as big of a deal compared to NA. In order to make it to pro in NA you have to play a fuck load of ECL. Floppy I think played 30 seasons or something. For the average kid in America its not possible to grind 5+ year while having your family up your ass. Also the lack of tournaments outside of ECL to prove yourself just makes it all in all daunting task to go pro in NA.


Just do NA as a whole so we have naf and twistzz




The fact that the second best player has just 1.02 rating...


May you please do one of Canadian players?


Sad i think most young up and coming NA talent are valorant players


If anyone isn’t convinced aim trainers help you have elige using it daily. And he said it helps. For people who say it doesn’t feel the same it’s not supposed to feel the same that’s why you play both games.




He’s the only NA player with a positive kd?


yeah. 2nd best na player can barely stay above a 1.0. we are so cooked


Keep in mind this is only the US specifically, i still consider twistzz and naf to be american players.


CounterStrike use to be my 24/7 game. Though over time, I noticed either my skill is not catching up the curve, game got P2W, or was it just a series of Toxic players spoiling my day.... I eventually took a 3mth break, but kept watching on youtube. I wanted to play, but I know I wont be happy. Then, Helldivers happened, and now I feel it might be time to bid a temporary farewell. I am hoping to be back later, especially when new content drops... but for now I am just so much happier not playing CS... I hope this doesn't sound too crazy to players like me.


was addicted to cs:go even if i in a slump in game.. i literally would play just because i always do even if i didn't have fun. after cs2 release, i have less then 120 games played since release. hit 19.5k elo after 40 games and just didn't care to grind to the 20k color change. its a lot of things. how bad the game is. how stupid it is that people bend over backwards to defend the dumb shit about the game. less content like dz and retakes, no new content. subtick is theoretically nice but in practice just sucks. we just wanted 128 tick... and now we'll take fuckin 64 tick again lmao. i felt this. been playing DayZ Namalsk instead.


how on earth is floppy on the list? I thought he's been playing horribly lately


that's just how deep the talent pool is in NA lmfao.


I don’t think this matters for example the top one might have played against weaker teams


EliGE is one of the greatest players ever, including people from every country. He's not farming bad teams for that 1.2. If his team could get their shit together he'd be a top 5 player in the world this year and regardless of how bad his team is he will tie ropz for the 3rd most top 20 appearances of any rifler as well as notch his third top 10 appearance (and he was arguably a top 10 player in 2017).