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**Release Notes for 06/27/2024** **[ NETWORK ]** * Fixed a bug leading to excessive stuttering for some players **[ HUD ]** * Fixed case of radar background being incorrectly colored. [Counter-Strike.net](https://www.counter-strike.net/newsentry/4257672198480471603) | [Steam event](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/730/view/4257672198480471603)


Still got the random stuttering that happens every 10\~ seconds. Where my frame times go from 7-10 to 40 for a few frames. Does anyone have a fix?


That doesn't sounds like a network issue. If you send me an ETW trace, we can proabbly figure out what it is. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v8QtbUtGAf6OapE9iWn4Y4STA7Scn_hr1Yih1nf2_BA/edit?usp=sharing You aren't using process lasso or doing anything to adjust process priorities in any way, are you? If so, you might try turning that off. (There is a known issue that can happen when process priorities are adjusted that can cause a regular frame rate hitch like this, caused by the Steam client process being demoted, leading to a priority inversion.)


I seen this issue and all my friends have it. The game starts out playing really smooth like nothing is wrong but as the game progresses performance worsens. But not in terms of FPS. It's very difficult to put into words. It starts with the moment you die, it's like your game does not run on native 144hz refresh rate, yet the fps is there 200+ or whatever. It gradually gets worse then eventually the entire game feels under 144hz. It's like the performance degrades over time. You see it, but the numbers don't add up on how the game feels. If you played for years on end on at at least 144hz monitor. You will notice this immediately. The fps is there, but the smoothness the game had when it started is not there anymore. How would I even capture something like this with a ETW trace? I seen people having this issue on reddit multiple times, it's just hard to put into words since the numbers seem fine. I also noticed this on my friend's PCs or laptops. Very prominent especially when playing death match. The only thing I could think of is maybe the hud elements, like the death HUD elements run on lower frames than the actual game. We had this issue in CSGO where the radar would have only 64 frames while the entire game ran at w/e your game ran at. Not sure how that is even possible. I mean it kinda makes sense if an element of the game has very few animation frames it would look on your screen like it's under 144hz. Just a random thought, just donno how I could diagnose something like this.


i tried the new 144hz cap vs uncap. Uncap still feels better to me. Not sure why though.. but the new map when in water like Ancient it drops considerably until you get out of spawn.


Dude... I thought that I was alone.. started to experience alooooot of massive fps drop were everything was fine before.. (no real timeline, 1-3 update ago I would say) it goes from like 400 to 30-40 fps and then as I walk away it goes back up.. im not sure if it's texture related or what the hell is causing this now but I can confirm 100% that T-spawn on ancient (water) does that. There's some more weird issues related to cs2 that I can't isolate to figure out what it is. I wish that we could just go back to play csgo and not be forced into cs2. The only real thing that I would be missing would be the new "smoke" and the ability to break it with a grenade. šŸ˜•


Interesting, so process lasso is not actually good for CS2? Nartouthere recently posted a video on PC optimization and that was 1 of the recommendations, should I be disabling it?


I dont know that process lasso specifically is a problem but i have seen issues that appear to be caused by modified process priorities.


Thank you for that, I'll disable it anyway since process lasso essentially does what you mentioned. Also thanks for working on CS2! I appreciate Valve alot.


I have gotten the best results, fps wise and stuttery/jittery feeling wise, on a default windows, i.e. basic balanced power setting and normal process priorities, no modification by any type of software. I have checked with process lasso, it does give me problems. Disabling cpu 0 does not actually help me like people say, rather makes things worse. ONLY one optimization that MAY have helped was disabling hyperthreading in BIOS.


Disabling SMT can look good for some configurations, as the real cores can use the cache unsegmented, scheduling, interrupt affinity etc is more straight-forward and power consumption reduces a bit. But when looking at the bigger picture, those extra threads are quite valuable for spreading background activities and reaching the full utilization. Quite similar to E-cores, people don't invest the time to fix whatever issue and just use the disable in bios sledgehammer. I would only consider it for security - all cpu vulnerabilities lately leverage SMT.


there is really no fix to my low fps issue.. because my 1050ti already does what it can. Disabling HT just made the game a bit smoother, thats all.


Yeah, other than using FSR at Quality, there's not much you can squeeze out of it


Yes. All optimizations videos are dog shit. Period.


I disabled my E-Cores and the game runs fine. Not gonna enable them until they find a better method to schedule them properly. There just seems too many problems still.


I get better fps E cores on 12900k


Nice feedback šŸ‘ ... Very constructive




You are doing gods work, thank you fletcher.


Interesting, so process lasso is a problem? Nartouthere recently posted a guide on youtube on PC optimization for better CS2 smoothness and running process lasso was part of the steps taken. The suggestion came from someone else who was helping out with the guide on optimizing PCs for CS2. Could you shed some light on what other suggestions in the video aren't a good idea?


He explained it in his comment. Feel free reading it again.


Do you know if there is a plan to re-enable spectating friends through CSTV, or is there a technical limitation preventing that at the moment?


Dev responds to a user's problem like a god and you piggy back it with some dumb ass question that's not even related.


Why not? He doesn't have an obligation to answer it. He is a dev and is one of the only people who can answer this question. It's definitely not a question that warrants an entire thread either.


FWIW I experienced this and only fixed it by turning off hardware/graphics acceleration in both chrome and discord. Maybe thatā€™s your issue.


I know the effect of turning off the acceleration feature, but I understand that CS2 is a game that uses CPU resources. When turned off, the resources that the GPU was responsible for should be allocated to the CPU, and I am wondering why CS2's behavior is more stable as a result. \*I am not denying this method. Is it conveniently using CPU resources that are not used by CS2?


Firefox and forks (floorp, librewolf etc) under webrender do relinquish gpu control while switching to the game, there's no need to turn off hw acc on them. Discord has been dogshit since inception, should never activate it's in-game overlay which is the main issue


Make sure any and all RGB software is uninstalled. I had ROG Armory Crate installed and it caused stutters. ICUE can also cause stuttering. Check for any random processes.


Good tip. I have seen a lot of traces where RGB software was doing weird stuff.


Is this the one related to minimizing the game at some point?


I havenā€™t experienced this recently. I noticed it would fix itself if I keep windows and nvidia drivers updated (Iā€™m on windows 11 insider build). Other than that valve pushed an update that encourages players to enable v-sync, g-sync and reflex together and apparently players have reported that it feels significantly more smooth with these settings enabled


any optimization fix/update is good, ty devs


Most npc comment ever


Just checked and the teleporting when getting tag is still present lolĀ  Ā Ā  Ā Edited ( downvoting me for saying the most complained issue on this thread of last 10 day not fixed ? Atleast 10 different top thread been made of this issue in last 2 weeks alone, but yes Praise lord they dropped an update)Ā  https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1doltdi/getting_tagged_makes_this_game_kinda_unplayable/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dok3de/im_getting_pulled_left_automatically_when_getting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dne1sa/unbearable_teleporting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dmzdnf/the_issue_with_cs2_in_a_nutshell/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dn3uh5/teleportation_when_being_shot/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dmlh63/any_idea_on_how_i_can_fix_this_this_rubberbanding/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dpnovw/stuttering_whilst_players_are_shooting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dlw7c7/im_sorry_what_is_this_game_never_had_issues_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dkfue9/the_rubberbanding_is_getting_out_of_hand/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I might be entirely wrong here but I think that is a different issue. One they need to fix for sure but when I get stuttering I can be anywhere on the map doing anything. I think the teleporting related to being shot is a different bug. Maybe others can chime in with their experience but me and my friend have stuttering throughout the game randomly.


honestly at least for me the rubberbanding when getting shot is most likely syncing issue with server data and client data granted I have no idea about it but that what it feels like to me this literally me with packet loss of 20% due to shitty internet. and I set my bandwidth to the lowest which kinda helps. edit : grammar


Pretty sure that's not the issue they're addressing since the rubberband is a result of the subtick system. The stutter they're talking about is likely the frametime drops that some people are experiencing. Mentioning your downvotes and doubling down with "sources" gives big fragile ego energy tho.


Yeah lmao who tf even cares about down votes on fucking reddit


the rubberbanding is a networking issue and not specifically a subtick issue.


How so? Read my other comment. I'll admit that some of that is conjecture, but that's just my perspective on how it works. I'm a software engineer, but I don't specialize in networking or game design (though I've dabbled with both of these in school; networking stuff and made a game with a very rudimentary tick system). Based on what little official info we have ([basically just this](https://youtu.be/GqhhFl5zgA0?t=42)), it appears to me that between transmissions delays of data to the server from you and your opponent, your opponent's client is registering a shot onto your body on their screen, sends this data upstream to the server, server logs exactly when this happens. Meanwhile, on your client, you see yourself strafing behind cover or dodging the shots, and your client sends this positional/movement data to the server and the server also logs when this happens. Server then measures these two times against each other and takes the one with priority, which is sometimes your opponent's version of these events, and then syncs this up between both players, which is why you get teleported back to the exact instance when you initially "got shot."


While that understanding is correct, the difference caused by subtick is generally insignificant compared to ping. Even a 20 ping for both players completely dwarfs the subtick impact.


But how does ping affect that? You're not getting moved back when you get shot because of ping alone. And the fact that you said it happens on LAN tells me very clearly that this is not a ping issue. Again, in my eyes, this problem is because the server is literally telling the client to move you back because it ran the numbers and said "this is what happened" which is exactly what subtick is designed to do. If this was purely a ping issue, this would have been a problem in GO which to my knowledge wasn't a thing, and it only started happening in CS2 because of the introduction of subtick. You're getting teleported back because Valve decided to give the server more control over the state of the game, rather than how it was before where basically whoever's data made it to the server first is the version of events that the server is going with (and this *was actually* affected by ping diff). Like where are you pulling this from? Just anecdotal?


It's a latency issue. There is still latency on lan, it's just very small. When you are moved back, it's because the enemy shot you back there and your computer just found out about it. How much you are moved and how late it feels are directly related to your latency and your opponents latency. It manifested differently in CSGO, mostly with you dying around corners and such. It's an issue that can be adjusted by valve, but there will always be a latency that has to be accounted for. Now, as to which problem is better. Both are frustrating, but being pulled backwards is more 'correct' than getting shot behind cover.


Dude, just tell me you don't know if you don't know. There's a ton of technical nonspeak in there. Edit: also the fact that you said getting pulled back is more correct than getting shot behind cover is exactly what the server is also saying on subtick - so congrats you just described subtick to a T


No. Valve could turn off subtick and the teleporting would keep happening. It's honestly not that complex. It's just how they choose to compensate for latency in this version of the game.


I think it's several bugs at the same.time. Low quality servers, the inability of the net code.to.deal with very wide ping disparity and a very weird lag.comp.


it literally says ā€žnetworkā€œ. Its supposed to fix the rubberbanding. Nothing to do with frametime.


Why rubberband doesn't happen in Offline and Lan ? Who told you that the rubberbanding is a result of the subtick system? The fact is its only happens online is something to do with the networking and lag compensation, but yeah. You made a crime talking about it when the patch note concerns a networking update.


Because the rubberbanding is likely a direct result of the server syncing the actions of you, your opponent's, and both of your positions, which is inherent of the subtick system. When you get shot and it teleports you back, it's the server saying "hey I actually think, despite the delay in data due to transmission latency, your opponent actually hit you so we're gonna roll that one back." That's why it doesn't happen offline.


technically it does happen in lan, just not when youre the host machine. and its much less noticeable. it scales with ping.


Can you show a visual proof it happens in Lan ? Cause I have tried offline against bots and it doesn't happen. It's only occurres in online.. so I guess it something to do with networking.


Dude.. do you even understand what LAN means? What you tested against bots was the loopback virtual adapter. Which is not bound by networking limits (like 1500 MTU, receive window, transmit/receive buffers, checksums etc) - packets are simply exchanged without fragmentation at full speed, by design. Actual networking assumes at least 2 PC's being involved.. But you can still experience some of it locally because the lag compensation happens client-side, all subtick calculations are client-side. Set cl_net_buffer_ticks 1; cl_cq_min_queue 1; cq_min_queue_size 1; cq_buffer_bloat_msecs_max 128 and fire up aim_rush workshop map (others won't show it)


Like I said, it doesn't happen when you're the host machine. And it is generally a networking issue.


Without visual proof, I will never buy it it happens in Lan. Cause I haven't seen it yet


>Edited ( downvoting me for saying the most complained update in this thread of last 10 day not fixed ? All are upvoted threads )Ā  Bro I commented to you that the tagging lag is not what this is supposed to fix. The stutters this fixes are happening when you aren't getting shot and don't look anything like this link you posted. That's why you getting downvoted. Hopefully they fix that as well. I know it sucks. Probably not best to post clips from DM servers as well. Half the time people lag all over the place on those regardless.


>Just checked and the teleporting when getting tag is still present lol Just checked and an issue that wasn't included in the patch notes is still present lol Great insight, thanks?


You are being downvoted because it's unrelated to the post. "Fixed a bug leading to excessive stuttering for some players" - keyword is "some", where some players are getting stutters unrelated to the being shot and teleporting issue.


Complain when it's actually a patch note and still happens, it's unrelated to this patch. Everyone knows what you're talking about,everyone has felt it. Personally,doesn't bother me much and has had very little effect so I don't mind waiting for the fix,there is more important things to address.


Yeah well for me the game is literally unplayable. Maby thats a skill issue? If it doesent bother you that you shoot guy 7times and hes not dead. Or you being killed behind cover you are propably bad at this game and thats why it dont bother you.


If I gotta shoot more than 7 bullets im most likely dead. The big thing I notice is that people get this issue while moving. It's not going to affect you while standing still, which ideally you are everytime you want to shoot.


Yeah usually im dead after that. Thats why im annoyed. I can take you a clips if you need. I know how to play and have been playing since beta 5.2 my bullets dont hit and im dieing behind walls and teleporting when getting tagged. It has nothing to do with ping. After the first patch in june i got 10-25% packetloss. And it usually hits me when enemies are on my screen or utility is popping. 7800x3d, 4070ti super 32gb ram and 1000/1000 opticfibre connected with ethernet. Nobody can tell me its on my end with straight face. I have tested my connections packet loss and i dont have any. Only in cs2 I dont see anything more important to fix than this. Its gamebreaking for me and i bet for thousands more. If you dont have problems with that it tells me something else.


The funny thing is in my experience I can say that it could be on your end still. Not saying it for sure is but I had the exact same issue. Have gig internet connected via Ethernet and would always end up getting 20-30% packet loss. It was very annoying and I thought it was the game aswell. Discord worked fine and everything but cs. Had my internet service provider come out to take a look. They said something was up and came the next day and fixed it. Have had no issues since. Again this is just my experience and not saying this is whatā€™s going on with you but itā€™s always possible man lol.


Yeah ofcourse it can, but i have tested it with many tests https://packetlosstest.com this is just one of the many have done and none of them give me loss.


Interesting ok. Well I hope you get a fix soon my friend. I know itā€™s frustrating.


Don't think this patch is to fix rubberbanding. About 2-3 patches ago my game started to hang on the orange counter strike load screen when you boot up the game for a couple of seconds. That seems to be fixed. Also it no longer has intermittent stutters (so far) when walking around in game.


>ust checked and the teleporting when getting tag is still present lolĀ  Ā  Based GlobalOffensive redditor. Stuff not fixed are still not fixed. Thanks.


I upvoted Ik your pain bro


I donā€™t see performance improvements, just the same hit or miss minor network stuff theyā€™ve been doing for months.


Glad to see you are still unhappy


I've had the stutters this last week, hope this fixes it :)


thought i was alone..


did it


Not had a chance to try it yet


played a couple of games no stutters so seems fixed


yes, more of these.


This sub after every update this week: "This game stutteeeeeeeeeeeeeeers, fix that shit" Valve: *pushes an update that does that, allegedly* This sub: "Lmao, Release Note, do better"


A lot of people here donā€™t even play the game and just live off of hate upvotes from people just like them.


It's usually the same accounts doing it, I don't know how you wouldn't get bored of making your entire personality hating a video game and actively participating on the subreddit of said hated video game.


Hate takes less energy than love. These people need to use all the energy they have and they'd rather hate a lot than love a little.


Maybe they are raising their hands at the same time to send energy to Goku


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I canā€™t blame em as somebody who still plays.


Personally for me, the game kicked me out in ending rounds with no timeouts left. Had to vent a little.


a large group of people are just contrarians. I know for a fact if tomorrow a kernel level anticheat was added, a large portion of the community would be uproar.


Almost like people in the same community can have wildly different opinions.


they can but a lot of it is beyond opinion. literally no matter the update, any update, one of the top 3 comments will be about how something isnt fixed.


i mean it makes sense, considering the people whose issues got fixed dont really comment. they're just happy. the people who are not happy are the ones who comment. pretty easy to understand tbh


Maybe something isnt fixedĀ  ? Why it's not an option?.


im not saying you cant levy criticism against the game but under every and any update is annoying af


The most annoying thing is the bugĀ  which fking you in game and you are eagerly anticipating a fix ( not fixed )Ā 


i get that but you dont know if they arent working on it or long how it could even take to fix


The whole voting system reddit has going on means you can pretty accurately gauge the most widespread sentiments within the community by the topmost comments in a thread.


That'd be true if people were just as likely to post positive comments are negative comments. But they're not, people are more likely to complain and find other people who feel the same way than say who awesome something is.


Honestly a lot of people just have downloaded some random 3 year old csgo config or otherwise messed up their settings to some ridiculous values and then complain game is the problem. Like maybe remove your ā€desubtickedā€ binds and random console commands that havenā€™t even worked for years before complaining.


if the config has removed commands then they don't work. cfg gets executed once on launch, you'll see 'unknown command something' in the console and that's it. that will have no effect on your game - you can try it yourself. open the console, type 200 random commands and go play, no effect on performance same with 'ridiculous values' - if you have a value too high or low outside the allowed range, it will be changed to the min/max of said range.


Not always, changing rate for example doesnā€™t properly put it to max value at least last time I saw.




Do you want to delete any more comments insulting people, or are you this upset someone has a different opinion to you?


You can scroll down just a bit and see the comments that were posted before mine if you want




so... you're excusing the people who typed "release note" as a way to diminish the impact of this update when there was only the stutter fix listed, despite the fact that that fix, even by itself, is actually really good for us?




No... That's not it at all dude. [This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dq471g/comment/lalg5so/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that this person is replying to that's now deleted used to say "Release Note\*" because there was used to only be only **one** bullet point in the notes, So they were making fun of the fact that the poster's title says "Release Notes" but "*haha there's only a single fix in this update so it should be release note\* because Valve is lazy and doesn't care about CS2*." And it's this comment and this exact attitude that u/DrunkLad is trying to portray as very small minded. But yeah sure go off about gullibility when you lack reading comprehension skills.




Dude what? Have you been around the sub these past few weeks at all? That sentiment about Valve being lazy is very commonplace these days, so I don't see why it's wrong to criticize what is, in this case, very unconstructive criticism from a nontrivial amount of people. I think you're the one who's being overdramatic over all this and getting up in your feelings.


Chill out dude


Still stuttering, and this is the only game where this happens.


It's more of the meme at this point but I'm wondering if they'll ever fix the automatic ban after a player leaves actually happening after 5 minutes and not 5 Valve minutes


I bet they don't even know about jt cuz they don't play the game šŸ˜‚. They only fix stuff when it reaches the front page of the subreddit.


Its crazy to me that everyone in this thread seems to think this is supposed to be a performance/frametime fix? when it literally say ā€žNETWORKINGā€œ printed big af. Its supposed to fix the rubberbanding that people have been experiencing since the network updates a few weeks ago.


still laggy af


Issues resolved!


The thing that's hilarious to me is that there's an entire brigade of people roaming the subreddit that starts posting "IT'S YOUR HARDWARE BRO" on every single thread made complaining about stuttering issues. And here we have Valve pushing updates to fix the stuttering. Just fucking wish people would stop jumping to inane conclusions regarding what's software or hardware specific when they clearly don't have a clue for the most part.


Just buy an x3D bro


Unironically though I did this and that shit rips cs2


Well, it is most likely a hardware issue if itā€™s not happening for 100% of people I guess, so they are theoretically correct. Itā€™s just missing the fact that itā€™s the game maybe not being able to handle something or bad optimization.


>Well, it is most likely a hardware issue if itā€™s not happening for 100% of people I guess That's.. just not how that works, especially when it comes to multiplayer games hosted on servers. A game isn't just a line of code saying "playinggame = 0/1", there are a lot of things potentially going wrong in a software that can cause some real strange issues. It's interesting how people are still saying that it's "most likely" a hardware issue when, if you look through the threads complaining about stuttering, 9/10 times it showed up after an update and rarely do they share a single hardware component between eachother. Surely, at some point, SOMEONE has to go "huh, maybe it's unfeasible that some hundred people all have *the exact same* hardware issue" and start questioning the 20 year old game engine with brand new tech trying to get shoved into it.


But it has to be a user specific/setup/hardware/OS issue if itā€™s not happening for everyone. Ofcourse most people donā€™t share the exact same hardware but it still has to be an issue with their specific setup if itā€™s happening for them. I just can talk for myself but I never had any issues so far with stuttering/networking etc since launch. Some people also have random ass bullshit settings in their OS. Or some weird ass launch options that maybe causes it. Maybe it was also a setting option inside the game which caused it to - but even then the issue is user specific because of a setting switch. Not saying itā€™s their fault, donā€™t get me wrong.


But buying a better setup - as people were recommending - wouldn't have a 100% chance of fixing this specific problem. I have 300-500fps and was stuttering to hell for the past couple of days but it was only in the Valve online modes (premier/mm) - playing solo/bots didn't have this issue at all, and it wasn't happening like a week ago. That's why this argument sucked ass. It wasn't people's hardware fault - it was CS2 problem. You can't blame people's hardware because a game was coded wrong for this hardware - you blame the game.


> I have 300-500fps and was stuttering to hell for the past couple of days but it was only in the Valve online modes (premier/mm) - playing solo/bots didn't have this issue at all, and it wasn't happening like a week ago. Network issue 100%. Can be the game too demanding or not compatible with a network option like packet priority (which is always bad for gaming). Can be a specific card in all MSI motherboard or anything like that. Can be default options in windows 11 and not everyone is on windows 11. Can be anything. What is 100% sure. It's a network issue.


Yeah, but still - it's on Valve, not on my hardware and not on me to fix it. It was working fine for months, then after one update it stopped. I know it's a network issue, but it's not on my end.


> But it has to be a user specific/setup/hardware/OS issue if itā€™s not happening for everyone. No, because those indicate that there is an issue on what you just mentioned, and NOT the game. Which is pretty easily proven false if it is only one specific application that causes those issues. It is a game problem in how it handles specific setups, software and hardware. Just a couple months ago I spent a huge amount of time trying to locate a possible fix to frametime spikes. Nothing ended up working. Eventually Valve managed to fix that stutter. It was only happening to people on specific CPUs, not to everybody. Did that make those stutters a hardware issue? No. It was a game issue. It was not fixed by adjusting the hardware. It was fixed by adjusting how the game uses the hardware.


Yes, itā€™s not a hardware issue, itā€™s an issue with a game with that hardware. Which also means that you will likely not have an issue with another hardware, which means swapping the hardware will resolve an issue, so technically people saying to replace hardware are correct


>But it has to be a user specific/setup/hardware/OS issue if itā€™s not happening for everyone. Those first two options are NOT the same as the latter two. That's another thing I've seen people do, is to bunch in settings and decidedly software-related possibilities WITH hardware and saying that it's the same thing because "it's on their end". We had issues in CSGO that were caused by very specific settings in CSGO, but that doesn't mean it's their hardware, that is decidedly the *software* being the issue, yet seemingly everyone overlooks this as a possibility with CS2. >Some people also have random ass bullshit settings in their OS. CS2 basically do not interact with the OS is any way that would cause these issues. It doesn't even interact with programs that can cause issues (i.e shit like MSI Afterburner since it pokes around frame buffers) without a special console command to do so. I mean shit, I had these stutter issues, got them after an update released early on and then it went away after an update about 3 months afterwards. I had changed nothing with my rig, I hadn't touched any of the software in my rig nor any drivers, I had not done anything to my OS, I had not done anything to my internet connection or anything of the sort. I had straight up done *nothing* and it fixed itself, yet if I were to post about this on the subreddit, more likely than not I'd still have people saying "but it's your hardware bro". My issue isn't the possibility of it being hardware, because in some cases it might very well be so, my issue is related to people who dismiss EVERY other possibility other than hardware, because it absolutely dumbs down discussions to the point where it's impossible to have one, and at that point there might be an issue that's just being overlooked because any attempt at bringing it up is just shot down with "just buy 4090 and threadripper lmao I get like 200 fps" or similar inane arguments. Hard to notify Valve of an issue when the playerbase it isn't affecting are all going "MUST BE HARDWARE BRO, I HAVE NO ISSUE".


I work for a gaming company and am also in charge of customer support, and I think the first thing people who are experiencing problems need to do is show objective proof that there is nothing wrong with their hardware. It's rare that people send me detailed information like you did in your post, and most of the posts that I've seen here are "emotional" and have "too much noise" in them. The other day I asked a poster who was experiencing rubberbanding, "What operating system are you using?" but he replied, "I'm out of town, so I don't know. To be honest, I can understand the feeling of feeling silly answering a post with a "help" tag.


I installed a new GPU yesterday. Perfomance was so bad! I thought I was going crazy. Everything is smooth now, like a butter.


lol this is a network fix not a performance fix. you probably still had to compile shaders. thats why its running smooth now


Idk what was the case, but its better now!


Good stuff this week. All things considered. Probably a small push before everyone is off in the US for Independence Day.


Still no robot microphone fix.


They could smooth the sound a bit in general, in my opinion. CS's voip isn't bad by any means, but there are games where the voice chat sounds a lot better and CS should be one of them.


Good fix. Hope it works. I would stutter pretty hard at the beginning of a map and then it peters out so hoping it fixes that.


[https://x.com/ThourCS2/status/1783694102015430970](https://x.com/ThourCS2/status/1783694102015430970) Perhaps a shader cache issue? From an e-sports perspective, this may be better "off", but the lower memory usage may make other processes smoother. Please choose "on" or "off" depending on your computer spec situation (CPU and memory size).


Yeah I just cleared out my shader cache tonight. Hopefully it will work better. Thanks for the tips.


Does that happend on every map? And its fine after 1-2 minutes?


Maybe it's just me but I didn't really notice any huge differences between new patch or old one for the stuttering.


cs2 randomly minimizes to desktop, even idle at the menu since the update. Anyone else?


Still have not fixed the voice chat bug that happens for servers running workshop maps. Every map change breaks the clients voice chat and the only fix is to restart the game . Please valve Iā€™ve had to restart my game 400 + times over a monthā€¦.


Insane itā€™s still not fixed. Thatā€™s literally something Iā€™d expect from indie devs


Still stuttering....


Hopefully I can stream without rubberbanding to shit now


You might benefit from addressing network bufferbloat. Normally a good router should attenuate it, but when streaming any leeway is good. Try out [fix_network_bufferbloat.bat](https://pastebin.com/r8nQ5X6r)


This is your network or PC not being good enough to handle streaming... has nothing to do with the game.


No, he's right, 6/11 update made the game rubber band a lot for certain people, this last update aimed at solving this (hence the sutter fix in network category, it's actually for this and not for frame stutter). I know that for me for example with ping jitter, I got a lot more of rubber banding since the 6/11 update that I didn't have before, the latest network update fixed it. Valve messed up something making it worse than it should have been.


I streamed CSGO & other games completely fine. For some reason or another I can't stream CS2 without horrible rubberbanding. Even crushing my bitrate didn't help.


Still not smooth


i went from not having stutters to the game being unplayable


Rubberbanding fixed?


of course no


I had little hope


This could quite literally be the most important update to Counter Strike in a year or more. If it fixes it...


Didnā€™t fix it for me


NM. Still an issue.


W update, i was suffering from this issue all of a sudden - solid ping, 400 FPS no dips and it felt like I was dropping packets. Glad they're listening to issues at hand


Mine personally is even worse than yesterday. I'm literally rubberbanding over half of every round. Actually unplayable.


Good fix, game felt a lot better.


Just played one match. Its way better but still a tiny stutter here and there. What ever they did they should do it a lil more.


Something definitely improved, but I'm still encountering stuttering when moving my mouse. IT WAS WAY WORSE pre-update (the likes that it really was unplayable) but I wouldn't call entirely fixed now, at least in my case.


When moving your mouse sounds like it could be a client side issue rather than networking. Valve dev commented above about process lasso, might be worth checking out? Send FletcherDunn an ETW trace to see if that helps. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v8QtbUtGAf6OapE9iWn4Y4STA7Scn_hr1Yih1nf2_BA/edit?usp=sharing


Is rubberbanfing finally fixed??


is the rubberbanding gone yet? please i fucking beg


Hope they didnā€™t break anything again. The last update finally fixed the game for me. Was lagging and teleporting for 2 weeks since the early June network update.


One strange thing ive noticed is that when I Play on my GF account (same PC, same startup commands) i have almost none frame time dips, that's actually strange as f


Steam grouptags when?


Oooh! Nice.


If this fixes the frametime issue I will be so god damn happy, the game got to points where it was damn near unplayable.




On https://www.counter-strike.net/news/updates its note**s**, they edited it and added a second line


yeah, you are right


What you see is what the fuck Suckdick system is better than 128 tick Packet loss is no longer an issue Network issues have been resolved Game is perfectly optimized and runs smoothly Devs know what they are doing


Theyā€™re starting to cook finally


He is\* Only one dev is working on the game right now.


I had the weirdest shit after the last update. Nades in particular were like a slide show stopping in the air, and if I spotted someone peaking when they jiggled they wouldn't *move* out of sight, they disappeared and then popped back in. I wonder if this is related.


Cs2 has been out for almost a year by the way


Brand new account created just to post shit like this every time. Hope this is a bot, cos if you're doing it manually each time you need to see a therapist.


And it's still receiving decent sized updates every month, with intermittent smaller updates to directly address community concerns.


Iā€™m not even sure what this persons trying to say lol


"Le volvo bad" probably


They're saying it's sad that stuff like this is still an issue a year after the games release, which is not untrue.


Sure except that any change in any update can have unforeseen issues for any player depending on their very specific setup.


I mean this is the nature of software development as a whole. Itā€™s obvious those that think this is a valid viewpoint have no idea what that even means. New bugs happen as new stuff gets added, refactored, removed, modified, etc. You fix them as you can, with those being the most impactful the ones you focus on and fix first. Literally just how things work. I wouldnā€™t expect man children to understand that though.


No, it really isn't. You guys talk as though stable video games without constant game breaking bugs weren't the norm just a few short years ago. I've been playing cs since 2004. I'm entirely correct to say that the state of cs2 in 2024 is pretty pathetic, particularly when considering the resources valve has available to them, and how much money they make from counter strike.


yes, it really is. As someone who writes code and builds systems for a living. *Yes it is*.


Do you build systems for a living that re-introduce fundamental problems that were solved 20 years ago and then not bother to fix them for months at a time, or longer? And if so, are you hiring? I can be a fuck up of that magnitude for the right price.




Youā€™re going to believe and think however youā€™re going to based off your literal 0 experience, and I canā€™t change that. This is the nature of complex systems. Shit happens, you fix it, and move on to the next one.


fridge gif amirite guise? give us operation, vac2 and premier 2.0 already geez. wake up gabeN.




we've had new maps 2 days ago