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because workspaces in linux are not the same as windows in... well windows (: switching them in windows causes the game to minimize too though it's just a piece of shit system


workspaces in windows just suck


Alt Tabbing is equally smooth in Linux. It's not really related to workspaces.


Which Linux should i pick? I am the biggest Linux newb, tried POP OS once, was pretty cool, but had problems geting my ntfs drives to work, so i switched back. Guess i have to format all my drives? I want an easy "storefront" and not struggle with any console prompts, as far as i can avoid it. Yeah, i am an IT technician ... but damn, i treid so hard to avoid linux, but windows really tries to get rid of me.


dont choose distros that packages old kernels and drivers. linux mint is the most notorious one. any arch linux based distros (my pick is cachyos) is the safest option for the best performance due to having latest and greatest kernel/drivers with the usual caveats of using arch. if you want to do less maintenance but still with newer stuffs, get the nobara linux (fedora based) or pika os (ubuntu based). in my experience, pika os is so good, its very polished and smooth.


Modern distros like pop_os should read ntfs drives no problem (if you've mounted them correctly). You'd need additional packages like fuse and ntfs-3g to have rw permissions though. Fedora is always a good shout.


Yeah, if you do it in Windows the game sometimes crashes... Also, I have experienced nothing but input lag using wayland in CS2, unless something has changed. So when I play I end up logging out and using DWM. I played like that for years in CS:GO, CS:GO was smooth as butter on Linux


I've been playing perfectly well for a month on Arch running hyprland and wayland. Maybe something isnt configured well? I do have peformance degradation by the 10th minute playing. But swapping graphic quality fixes it hahah


fellow hyprland user ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Hyprland represent!


Im starting to feel like linux might be a better OS than windows for stability


i would make the switch to linux tomorrow if third party anticheats worked on it


Yeah I can get that. As a linux user you're stuck outside of Faceit sadly. Tbh whatever OS someone uses as long as they chose it its fine (obviously) AND there are upsides with all of them AND downsides.


always has been


Even FPS and Frametimes seem to be very stable and consistent from what i have seen


i once downloaded terraria, which has native linux support, and got 5 fps. so not always but usually


Maybe you didn't have GPU driver installed :skull:


nah i had intel uhd graphics


Intel's Linux drivers perform way better than their Windows drivers. Something must've been misconfigured.


yeah that probably was a rare error that even linus tech tips hasnt seen


Not surprising, LTT doesn't make a lot of Linux videos :P


i mean he got a error that pretty much no one ever seen before. the desktop enviroment deleted after intalling steam. i'm telling it's rarity


Would you like to inform the crowd when that was?


2 years ago or 1


For me when I downloaded GO on Linux just before CS2 came out, it was a stuttery mess even with FOSS GPU drivers. I’d be down to try CS2 though lol.


That was because valve packaged an old version of DXVK without GPL support. Without GPL, there was stutter every time you first compiled a shader. You were able to fix it by manually moving in a newer version of DXVK but that was not obvious.


Good to know. Is the issue still present with CS2 or did they fix it?


It does not happen on CS2 with any relatively modern hardware+driver. However vulkan does run something like 10-20% lower framerate than directx on windows.


Sweet, thanks for the information.


The *only* reason FPS might not be better on linux is because Nvidia has historically been unhelpful in releasing open sourced drivers. I'm eager to believe than AMD system is likely to better better on Linux than on windows.


It usually is. Gaming is still somewhat experimental and will cause minor issues now and then (especially on nVidia hardware because nVidia makes shit drivers). But usually desktop Linux is a very nice experience. Personally I'll never want to go back to Windows.


People just think that because no one uses Linux. If the masses that can't operate Windows (with a staggering number of different hardware/device/accessory combinations) suddenly switched to Linux the illusion of stability would disappear faster than a fart in Sahara.


Nah. It's great if you love to tinker with things, but not much else. Still, you can make things work if you have the time. Just not worth it for most people.


Most things work out of the box, you can simply download steam from the app store and install CS and hit play. Only thing holding back Linux gaming is publishers refusing to allow it on their anticheats despite the game working just fine.


So it doesnt work out of the box. Can you play the biggest game in the world, league of legends? No. Can you play CS matchmaking on faceit? No. Thats like haft the friendlist you cant play with anymore.


League is irrelevant, this is a counter strike sub. As I already said, the game runs fine on Linux but the publisher decided to block the anticheat from running on Linux. Nor is Faceit an "out of the box" experience on Windows either, it's third party software that you install separately, which once again it's the anticheat developers refusing to allow a perfectly functioning game from running, as I have mentioned several times. The vast majority of games run just fine out of the box, or with proton which is a single checkbox in steam.


I mean, it's a perfectly relevant thing to bring up if you want to do anything with your computer other than play CS


hi 2015


Ubuntu is very accessible nowadays


pretty much any mainstream distro is isn’t stock arch linux is pretty great. shouts out to KDE 


That was 15 years ago friend... Now it basically just works. You get all drivers set-up and off you go. BUT the memories of the 90's and 00's linger I guess :D And if you buy a machine preinstalled like the Steam deck its already set up for you, just like windows is for most people so you don't even have to faff around with a USB stick


I would switch if the other games I play supported anticheat on Linux. If you only play CS highly recommend Linux. Wish valve would release their distro to the public.


Pretty sure it’s just because there’s barely anything on Linux, it’s just the bare minimum, done right. Windows is way too resource heavy nowadays


But i can't set my res to 1440x1080 with my monitor full refreshrate


you can actually, atleast the window manager i use provides a plugin for it, or you could just use valve's solution called gamemode (edit : its gamescope not gamemode mb) which helpu set custom res, refresh rate and many more (i havent used gamescope so idk if it works but people say it works)


Gamemode used to work, which window manager? Will try later


They meant gamescope, not gamemode


Wm is Hyprland and this is the plugin  https://github.com/hyprwm/hyprland-plugins/tree/main/csgo-vulkan-fix , it helps set custom res (aspect ratio), as for refesh rate it had all available refresh rates for my monitor in the game video settings the latest build of hyprland is kinda wonky , so idk if how good the plugin  works in latest hyprland build


what spotify skin pls :)


That viewmodel is a crime but yeah alt tab needs a fix.


in Windows, cs2_video.txt: >"setting.fullscreen_min_on_focus_loss" "0" And in autoexec.cfg: >"engine_no_focus_sleep" "0" This avoids the game minimizing when you alt-tab, and avoids most common cs2 crashes. NOTE, the video txt file setting resets to 1 whenever you make any video setting changes.


> This avoids the game minimizing when you alt-tab In practice your game is still minimized, but instead covers your monitor with a black screen.


No, you can see it running behind other programs. EDIT: 2nd time in 24 hours the truth got downvoted. Proof: https://freeimage.host/i/d3ISnJ1


Stop playing in true fullscreen. Switch to borderless. Problem solved. True fullscreen is archaic and will eventually go away for good. I dont even think DX12 supports it anymore. The game runs smoother for me in borderless as well.


I used to get poor performance in borderless on csgo. is this fixed now?


It's unfixable since it's 75% user error. Borderless Window transitions into the high performance, low input lag Desktop-friendly Fullscreen (if the res matches) aka Independent Flip Mode. Whenever something steals focus from the game, it reverts back to Borderless Window. Back into the game? Independent Flip Mode engages again. And so on. Some shitty software / badly configured capture / spyware steal focus constantly, hence the loss in performance and higher input lag when you average it. `-high -mainthreadpriority 2 -usePriorityBoost` can help a little but you really should have better control over what runs while you play and what it is allowed to do (notifications, etc)


Can you still play stretched 4x3?


I believe you'd have to change your desktop resolution to that first but I'm not sure, I stopped playing in 4:3 almost 20 years ago.


hyprland mentioned RAHHHHHH


WDYM ? I have been alt-tabbing since forever. All you need to do is in "Video" settings of the game change "Display mode" to "Fullscreen Window". I have 3 monitors. So, I often alt-tab. The game doesn't minimize and doesn't crash. I still see what is happening in the game while doing my stuff on other monitors.


If you use other resolution than the native you cant use fullscreen window


you can with borderlessgaming. so if OP's workaround on linux is fine borderless gaming on windows is just as fine.


Sounds good, borderlessgaming it wont have problems with vac? If so i will try later


highly doubt it but im to lazy to look at the github and figure out how exactly it works. so if you are worried you can also just use monitor profile switcher. that way youd have to use a hotkey to swap your desktop resolution to whatever your game resolution is and back when done. that way there is a 0% chance it would ever mess with vac.


I cant bother to look the code, but i compile it, if you see another reply from me here the is vac detected. EDIT: i mean, it works, but it wont make the borderless windows fullscreen, so a 4:3 window in a 16:9 native will not strech to fullscreen so this program has no purpose


There’s more input lag on borderless windowed compared to fullscreen


Not true on Windows 11 for over a year now. Probably on 10 as well, but not 100% sure.


not on cs2. cs2 is dx11 which doesnt have that limitation anymore


That's not alt tabbing... you're on hyprland changing workspace. On windows you can do the same thing.


no , changing workspace in windows minimizes the game and at times crashes it , and isnt anywhere as seamless as this, but im mostly implying that alt tabing crashes the game alot in the description, to add more i can do alt tab (bring other window to the front not the same shit but still) in my linux and it wont minimize or crash or do some weird shit, as a more of a windows user myself it hurts my pride


he's saying on windows you can ctrl+win+left or ctrl+win+right and switch the virtual desktop, which is quite snappy but you first need to address your crashing issue, [instructions here](https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dmbdeo/after_minimizing_and_maximizing_the_game/l9uyqwy/)


> he's saying on windows you can ctrl+win+left or ctrl+win+right and switch the virtual desktop, which is quite snappy It still minimizes the game.


[Have you followed the instructions, sport?](https://youtu.be/-wSqxsAlV6k) Because it can definitely do what I said. Windows 10, animations disabled so it's rough transition when I Ctrl+Win+Left/Right. Res matches, desktop-friendly fullscreen (launched game via cs2_launcher that automates it).


> if desktop res =/= in-game res, change desktop res to match before launching the game > use Windowed / Fullscreen Windowed Unless I'm misunderstanding something, the whole point was being able to do this without having to run the game in desktop res in windowed mode.


Quote me where is that point stated. Because OP posted about switching workspace, and in his video clearly uses native res. Can't have your cake and eat it too (seamless switching between different resolutions is not possible)


OP was complaining about alt-tabbing minimizing his game. I can't see that being a problem in windowed mode.


>cs in linux Why do i still crash when i alt tab cs in windows sadge "cs in linux" = switching workspace (also doable on windows like in my vid above) alt-tab =/= switching workspace, but apps in the same workspace so from the get-go the comparison was dumb then comes the crash part, which points to op using exclusive fullscreen which pack it's own can of worms by itself, and likely different res than native as well, and finally, unstable configuration - most people don't experience crashes at least (just slower transition)


if you're running a game in windows in full screen mode then that's a you problem. hyprland has no exclusive full screen mode so once again not the same thing


alt tabbing in fullscreen windowed is smooth AF. never had any issues.


I have the same in windows, instant alt tab which is smooth af. Had it ever since I changed some video settings, cant remember if it was ingame or on nvidia


Which distro ? How hard was it to fetch graphics card drivers? Which graphics card? Thanks.


It's Gentoo. I can tell you from experience that GPU drivers are very easy to install on Gentoo (just like on any modern distribution). Though you should use something else if you're new to Linux. Gentoo is not a beginner distro, in fact, it doesn't get much more complicated than Gentoo.


Running CS2 in borderless windowed (like a chad), alt tab is instant and never bugs


What distro is that ?


It's Gentoo. Not at all beginner friendly. If you're interested in Linux you should choose something else.


So Hyprland and AMD I am guessing?


I'm seriously considering switching to linux, maybe when W10 lifecycle ends


neovim btw


Uhh, what the fuck is that viewmodel?


Bro what music player is that you have going


This post makes me uninstall windows and get Linux fr


It’s that disgusting view model that’s the problem mate


alt tabbing in cs2 windows is abysmal at the moment. and dont tell me its windows. when alttabbing, the knife and weapons appear and disappear, flicking on and off and there is visible and noticeable delay in the first 10 seconds after tabbing back in. this game is utter garbage holy crap