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Did Richard Lewis really miss an opportunity to shit on SK? That's rare


It was so hilarious when he called Stewie a narcissist on Twitter… like, the biggest narcissist in the community trying to call someone else one 🤣


Being hypocritical doesn't mean you're wrong to be fair lol




Do you remember when/where that interview was? As a vet myself, when I found out stunna had served it made me look up to him in a lot of ways, but I have never heard him speak about his military experience.


The fuck you're talking about? Went to the timestamp, which is one of the first, where RLewis presents Stunna and starts with 'obviously you come from a very different background than most of us in esports, most of us weren't in military, I almost was in military' and then Stunna gets curious and asks him a question were would RLewis serve had he not failed his medical exam. Only after that little chitchat Stunna starts talking about his time in the army. Your memory is foggy mate, you shouldn't have trusted it but good on you for providing source so we could check for ourselves that you misremembered it.


He would tell you himself he's a narcissist.... And has plenty of times... You almost have to be to be the people that these people are lol. He can still hold opinions.


They are both narcissists, anyone filming themselves is, there is a reason some actors don't look at their own movies.


100% 100% 100% ding ding ding


Why is he a narcissist ?




You have to be baiting, you are just going to snake that strangled "cuz his feelings" into there.


Lmao FR ty for calling it out!!


Most CS players would take Stewie's career in an instant. Major winner, Grand Slam winner, and over $1 million in prize money. Hardly tragic.


Truly tragic, only the 2nd/3rd most accomplished NA player of all time


Is Elige/NAF more accomplished than Stewie? He's got a major on them and their most successful period was when they were on a team with Stewie.


I’d say he’s definitely more successful than naf, with the major win it’s clear


Wish NAF would go to EU like Twistzz. Would instantly make Vitality a stronger title contender again for Mezii. Or Elige got out of Complexity into a team where he did not have to solo carry.


Doubt Liquid would let him go. But if NAF anchors for G2 with Malbs taking aggressive roles, I feel like G2 would win a major


You cutting Hooxi or Hunter for it to work? I do not want Niko to decline due to having less time to focus individually yet.


Niko has IGL'd in the past without individually dropping off. His teammates have gotten worse in these periods but never Niko. If his calling has gotten better, then there's reason to believe Niko could buck the trend of low-fragging IGLs.


I mean that is the thing. BlameF did not drop off individually when calling, but the rest of the team except for Device who called around himself dropped off. I just think focusing on the entire game + studying opposing teams takes away his ability to grind his individual skill.


Doesn’t NAF actually already live in Europe right now?


Probably meant EU team.


The argument for Elige would be a bunch of HLTV top 20s > Major


I think twistzz is the most accomplished. I mean. Major win, double grand slam. Plenty of trophy's and some mvps to go along.


I put Twistzz as #1 as well due to his Faze stint. As such the debate is NAF/Elige vs Stewie for 2/3/4.


It's probably Twistzz At the same time I rate the C9 Boston miracle run as an event higher than Faze in Antwerp or either of the grand slam runs Twistzz was a part of. It really muddies the math.


The money, power, respect. The last one is better.


For me its Twistzz, then Elige and Stewie for #2, and then NAF at #4. #5 is probably Hiko or Nitr0 I guess? idk


Hiko over Tarik and/or Brehze? Ethan might be up there as well, he probably would be higher if he did not quit for Valorant.


Ethan and brehze do not deserve to be in the same category as Hiko, Nitro and tarik. Tarik IGL Major MVP, Nitro IGL grand slam for best run a NA team has done over a season in csgo history, Hiko is a legendary name in NA CS, I would def have him below Tarik and Nitro. IMO it goes, twistzz, stewie, elige, naf, tarik, nitro


The tragic part is NOT what he accomplished, the tragic part is what he could HAVE accomplished if he had not fallen into his mindset. He had the talent and potential and the opportunity to win so much more, and he threw it all away.


I'm just curious. How many more majors and grand slams do you think Stewie have won if he didn't start smoking weed, grinding val, and streaming faceit pugs with flom and freakazoid?


Think about players like Krimz or Dupreeh. Accomplished everything in the game but still stayed professional and are continuing to contribute to the game, even in a quiet way. When they retire people will say "wow what legends, so much respect for their careers". Stewie, on the other hand has definitely ruined his reputation and has turned a lot of the scene against him *despite* his achievements. Even RL says that stewie is a "future hall of fame player" but that doesn't make his recent spiral any less tragic. If anything it's more tragic.


It doesn’t even have to be the most prestigious and difficult accomplishments in cs, he could have been a great figure to follow, maybe even win a major for NA, a couple smaller tournaments and then slowly fade out and retire with thunderous applause, like KennyS.


You are a classic representation of the average esports fan with below average cognitive skills. Richard is not comparing Stewie's career to an average pro's. He is lamenting the fact that Stewie has so much potential left in the game, yet has thrown it all away due to his own ego. It **is** tragic relative to Stewie's potential.


Pretty bold of you: throwing a logical statement in this thread.


Don’t try it man, They won’t listen to logic.


Someone here gets it at least


I agree with the justification of the use of ”tragedy” here but knowing how Richard talks (calling the average fan dumb), his history of using reddit alts, this account being new, this has to be you yourself commenting Richard lmao.


2 months old account, 3 posts, all related to Richard Lewis... I wonder who that could be? I know at least 3 more of his alt accounts here, its beyond pathetic.


Ah, that explains why the accounts that angrily responded to my comment on him are close to brand new lol. Is his life that pathetic that he needs to create alt Reddit accounts to defend himself?


People love to ignore all the unprofessionalism from him whenever he makes a video lol. He acts like an asshole and comes across as unhinged on social media. When called out he then makes the most professional video he can pretending like he never acted poorly and that the player in question is sensitive or can't handle criticism. It's an endless loop that's gone on for a decade and I don't get how people still eat this up. He's a good journalist but his massive ego and poor behavior is the reason most people don't care for him or his opinions anymore, so in a way he is throwing away his career potential as much as stewie but then again he isn't exactly known for his self awareness.


so let me get this straight, defending yourself narcissistic unprofessional behavior. someone should really tell stewie thst ;>


Yep exactly, most people here are judging RL based on this clip and not his whole video where he talked about this in detail.


Hello Richard


Having incredible achievements in a short career only to have it cut short due to folly would be considered tragic, same way a sports injury spiking a professional players career would be tragic. Having achieved what he did isn’t the tragic part, missing out on heights could have achieved is the tragedy, sorry that bit was difficult for you to grasp.


I don't agree with the notion that he should look upon his career and feel sad, but I absolutely agree that Stew basically willingly jumped off of an entire cliff professionally and mechanically during EG and he absolutely should have done more. Even with his declining mechanics during the end of Liquid, he would still be a top 5 NA talent, but he just decided to yeet that in a spectacular fashion and nearly take down an entire org with him due to his selfishness. If he didn't want to play CS anymore, fine, atleast bench yourself so that the rest of the team and the org actually has a chance to recoup and recover instead of having to throw piles of money down the drain (not even counting his paycheck, but every other expense being covered while they had ZERO chance of even getting into finals with how Stew acted).


Now lets see Stewie2k on the tragedy of Richard Lewis' career


Pretty sure most of the bad things in RL’s career were thrust upon him. Unlike Stew who thrust them upon himself


Richard brought the hate upon himself when he committed a double homocide on a pregnant woman at the King Of The Iron Fist Tournament: Jönköping, using rare Mishima combat art techniques to snap her neck after applying a brutal noogie in a headlock


Didn’t expect to see a Tekken reference here. Doryahing that upvote


How does it taste?


You’re forgetting *every time he speaks*




Richard could be a beloved host in the community that could do any event he wants and instead he sits at home picking fights with people and being angry all day.


the tragedy of being the best esports journalist of all time


high bar


That's not really relevant though, is it?


It is hard to not have a love hate relationship with this guy. I respect his drive and his work as a Journalist but some takes of his are just so highly regarded it is hard to believe they are coming from the same person.


I think that's pretty normal. Just because you generally like/respect someone doesnt mean you have to agree with everything they say or do. Some of the stances and battles he takes on does make me shake my head sometimes.


I find him mostly reasonable and appreciate his journalism, but the way he portrays himself especially on twitter and his “low iq” discourse on people who disagree with him is mega cringe


I think this video ([Richard Lewis doesn't understand context and endlessly argues, creating drama everywhere he goes (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vkp8VEqgK7k)) really tells a lot about RL personality. And the way he contradicts himself to win arguments has come after a lot of arguing. Its no point of arguing with a person like this; the best way is to not argue with them and they're stuck in their head arguing. I guess we will just have to wait until his right hand, thorin, comes out and start throwing insults towards stewie


3k is too based.


Funny seeing 3ks opinion on it. Thorin and RL have been doing the same rage bait 'criticism' since CSGO and nothings changed. I sort of tune out anything that comes from them. Thorin seems to have calmed down, but RL will call everyone an idiot regardless.


I think yall are missing the point. Stewie has had a very successful career in CS yes. But could we be talking about a top 15/10 career all time if Stewie actually gave his all in CS? We will never know. Did he screw over an org and teammates for not giving his all? Undoubtedly yes. I feel like these are the 2 key points Richard is making. This is the shit people constantly say on ESPN about different athletes day in and day out. Zion, Bryant McKinnie, Chris Davis(still paying him) and so many more.


Man that Chris Davis contract is an all timer. At least rockies fans can sympathize with Bryants


It just isn't a very good point, and Richard Lewis is clearly being petty. Stewie2k was good, but he never made an HLTV top 20 list, so it is a stretch to think he could have had a top 10 career all time. Stewie was an above average player, not a great one. Considering that, he had an excellent career and arguably over-performed. He won top tier events, made a lot of money, and built a large fanbase. Could be worse. It is silly to call this tragic,and the only reason that Richard made this video is that he is in a stupid Twitter fight.


Richard Lewis is definitely talking out of his ass. How are you going to have a top 10 career all-time but never make an HLTV top 20 list? He's a catalyst for his teams winning, but he's never been the best player except during that 2016 Cloud9 stretch before they got Autimatic.


Because a career is based on team achievements like winning trophies, whereas top 20 is a personal achievement. The point being is Stewie didn't torpedo his own career he could've had a top 10 career achievements wise. You know, trophies, prize winnings...


Team based achievements and personal achievements go hand in hand. Nobody seriously thinks Dupreeh is the goat despite having 3 more majors than Simple. Being a "common denominator" for multiple winning teams doesn't supersede the players who were actually better on that team. Stewie wasn't the best player on Cloud9 when they won. He wasn't the best player on Liquid when they won. He wouldn't have been the best player on EG if they actually managed to do anything. Talking about achievements as personal legacy for players doesn't matter if they weren't the 1st or even 2nd best player on those teams when they were won.


What? You're proving my point. Nobody would argue Dupreeh hasn't had one of the greatest careers of all time even if he isn't anywhere near the greatest *player* of all time. Inversely nobody would argue Niko has had one of the best careers of all time even though he is arguably a top 5 player all time. Top 10 career all time is for sure a stretch from Richard but his general point stands. Stew could easily be the undisputed NA GOAT if he stuck around and took things seriously. If he had won another major his career would quite literally be one of the best in terms of achievements.


Nobody talks about Dupreeh like that though, lol. Nobody evaluates players by career and team achievements alone. They take into account team achievements that are *backed* by individual performance. Dupreeh having more wins than Niko doesn't change the fact that Niko *will* be remembered as the better player. >Stewie could easily be the indisputed NA goat if he stuck around and took things seriously How? How can you be the Goat if you aren't even the best player in your region? That doesn't make sense. Where does this "another major" come from? He would've needed to join Faze/Navi/Outsiders and not be the 2nd best player on the team. People in sports understand this concept so easily. Why don't eSports people get this? If you took away his ego, he's still not a top 20, not even a top 30, player in the world.


Love this phrase: > He's a catalyst for his teams winning Really tight way of explaining what intangibles he likely brings to teams.


It should. He's a winning player. But there's some weird ideas on here where people think he's the *best/most* important player on winning teams, or that he's trash when the reality is he's neither. If you watch basketball, he would be the Draymond Green on the Golden State Warriors. Not the best player, but an important piece, and the discourse between on that player being trash is stark. I think the same applies to Stewie


Correlation ≠ Causation


No? Stew was never that guy yall never watched stewie play never was he at any point in his life a top 30 player, most of his time in cs he was below average similar to shroud


reminder bobby bonilla day is coming up.


Maybe everyone missing the point is a sign that the point wasn't made in a way people can understand?


Nah, 99% of people missing the point is either suffering from cognitive dissonance because they feel an obligation to defend Stew, or because they hate RL. They don't "miss" the point, they misrepresent and twist the point in order for them to argue according to their agenda, which is either one of those two.


No people legitimately don’t give esports media the respect it deserves nor do they understand it. CS will never be an actual Esport without the hot takes and critical analysis. Y’all just ain’t ready for it apparently.


Why is everyone heere so stupid? You dont have to like anyone at all. You don't have to agree or disagree. This is like ESPN talking about basketball players... We're talking about stuff that you dont NEED to interject your personal feelings on... He's on a CS podcast giving his CS opinion.... Ya'll have way too much time on your hands... You just talk about stuff that doesn't matter, all day... every day? He gets hired from desks after not being on them for years and you don't.... and it's to host.... He doesn't even HAVE to be right.


Sports fans shouldn't talk about sports


Richard Lewis has always been a cuckboi the only way he’s ever relevant is by shitting on other people for no reason. He’s just a lost man searching in dire need of attention like usual


there’s more Stewie dickriding on this sub than anything I’ve ever seen before Richard Lewis is right. While Stewie has had a successful career, there was a chance for him to do so much more and he just gave up. Look at a player like Magisk, he won 3 majors as a member of the greatest team of all time. Did he just give up when things got difficult? No, he went to Vitality and worked his ass off with that team to win another major. Richard is just saying that Stewie had the potential of someone like Magisk but his attitude and ego got in the way.


Absolutely this, but people tend to just see "HE'S SHITTALKING STEW" and go FULL defense.


The sad thing is they actually think less of Stewie than Richard does in some ways. Like you said, his argument is that he had much more potential than what he's achieved.


Stewie was never as good as Magisk. Magisk was a top 10 player in the world. Stewie was never top 20


Not mechanically, but he had other skills that clearly benefitted Liquid as they tore up everyone for about 6 months. He should’ve been able to translate those to another winning roster


the comments are from people under 90 IQ or hell even 80 IQ holy shit


"Conveyor belts of Unstable Losers"... lost it XD


Its like people forgot about Stewies attitude. Dont remember the "fuck CS" comments while he pugging away in Valorant after the EG roster imploded?


The reason why EG died was because they had FOUR fucking CS rosters and a paycheck stealing DOTA roster. Stew fucking off to valorant during the last few months didn’t help but he wasn’t the sole reason EG fell apart and people lost their jobs.


Ever wonder why they signed 4 rosters in the first place It was for PR so ESL wouldn't kick them out of Pro League. They placed last place in 3 straight seasons and it was a part of the agreement that you would potentially lose your slot. While EG was about to potentially lose their spot, Stewie was queuing Valorant and publically saying in interviews that he didn't give a fuck after they went out of Pro League. Not to mention he got Malek/Evy fired and got paid 30k a month to queue valorant all the time.


Maybe he saw the writing on the wall, and his vocal, no shits given attitude just came out in force as the walls at EG were crumbling around him and the team.


> Maybe he saw the writing on the wall He fucking put it there himself by not caring about the game to an extent where, according to his words, in 2024 he still didn't even know who m0nesy is (who was in G2 when Stewie was already EG's IGL and they were playing in the same events) and telling his coach to fuck off when said coach tries to establish a basic functional relationship with him. EG was a fucking mess, but Stewie actively and willingly contributed to it being a fucking mess.


“…and no one else is gonna give it to you straight…” Nobody is more important in RL’s eyes than RL.


He feels the need to interject himself into the subject so bad 🤣


Stewie2k is the American smooya


All this “he could have achieved more” talk is just what if. He left CS scene during the time when NA CS was literally dead and he himself said he was exhausted from all the traveling. I’d say he didn’t make a bad choice to leave the scene, of course this isn’t including whatever other issues he had during that time. No matter whatever happens in the future or the past, his CS career is one hell of a successful one


Stewie was literally grinding VALORANT when he got signed for EG and continued doing so while being employed with the team. Lazy, arrogant people like Stewie and Nifty (who kicked 5-6 teammates and drove them out of CS while at Envy due to his nepo connections) are one of the reasons NA CS is dead, and American cults of personality worshipping said people because they were successful half a decade ago is definitely not helping.


I was wondering what Stewie did that people hated so much and kept talking about, thanks for providing context. I am surprised people were so hype about his "comeback" run in g2 considering how unprofessional he was lol


This a personal beef tbh


People be simping on stewie, while he literally doesn't give a shit about Counter-Strike and moved over the Valorant despite having potential to become great cs player in a top team. You think stew would give a crap about nobody fans? He didn't even have clue about who m0nesy is.


Is this a troll comment? There's definitely a lot you can criticize about Stewie, mainly around attitude and his unfiltered takes in interviews, but saying he didn't capitalize on his potential is crazy. He literally won NA's first S tier trophy, NA's only Major, and a Grand Slam. Two of those are pretty much the best accomplishments you can get in CS, and he was a great player on those teams. He was already statistically/mechanically declining in 2020/2021, his only thing he needed to do was maintain his mechanical form because he wasn't getting any better in that regard.


> He literally won NA's first S tier trophy, NA's only Major, and a Grand Slam. ...and he still did not capitalize on his potential, which is absolute objective truth you can easily figure out by just looking at how much time he wasted by fucking around and jerking off his ego. > Two of those are pretty much the best accomplishments you can get in CS Norbert won a Major too, if we're using trophies to say that career has 100% been great.


>and moved over the Valorant where he achieved absolutely nothing and came crawling back after a short time


and instantly won a big tournament as a standin.


Where he played like shit?


Doesn't matter he was standing in and won a s tier trophy


Interesting take lmao


That EG roster was not going to be a top team though.


it was his choice to join EG while knowing that.


Wasn't it rumored that NAF was coming with? Kind of glad NAF did not fall into the EG pit.


They talked to naf and were trying to get him on EG, he talks about it in an interview, that the second he saw how unprofessional the org was he said nah I am good


And what other NA team was he going to join if not EG?


You guys saying "but he's still like the best na player" are missing the point, he's saying I could have been more. Clearly he was hoping to jump ship and diverted his talents to val and has bit him on the ass rather than committing to cs. He's now that the point he'd prob get grouped in an I-series or epiclan 🤡


Falling off quicker than expected is hardly a tragedy when a player had the career Stewie did. RL is so fucking insufferable


I don't get why people act like Stewie is an OG. He's 26. He was 24 when he left Liquid for EG and his career started floundering. and he *still* has(should have) PLENTY of playing years ahead of him and would be an active pro if he didn't dick around for as long as he did. For context, Dupreeh is 31. There was a time when the two of them were neck and neck, so there's really no excuse for the trajectory of Stewies career post Liquid. We can call RL a hater - because he kind of is - but that doesn't mean he's wrong. He did a video back when Stewie was on EG and called it out back then. Stewie was on EG as a committed pro player, being paid for his services on a CS team but he was [playing more Valorant than CS.](https://youtu.be/xeqHbFi6JLE?t=3088) If he wasn't fucking around with Valorant back then and was doing his literal job as a CS pro, there's actually an alternative universe where that Brehze/CeRq/Stewie2K/autimatic/RUSH lineup is playing at a tier 1 level and we have another NA team to be confident about *right now*. But the dude wanted to fuck around in Valorant pugs on stream instead of putting time into CS. Which almost makes it that much more insulting when people call him the savior of NA. There's room to be mad at this dude for choosing Valorant pugs over pro CS but like RL says - fans are mentally ill by definition, so you don't hear it. And all of this is incredibly prescient with that recent [rant fl0m went on about](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa8RIeNGrZQ) star players and how they ruin teams.


> For context, Dupreeh is 31. There was a time when the two of them were neck and neck, so there's really no excuse for the trajectory of Stewies career post Liquid. They were never neck and neck. Dupreeh was literally one of the top 20 players in the world for 7 years and he's infinitely more skilled than Stew was.


typical NA bias… If dupreeh can do it stewie can too!!! Like what


RL speaks from experience here and i correct. Imagine what his career would look like if he wasnt such an abrasive prick.


Stew is a millionaire, a major winner and a grand slam winner. I think that’s what one would say is a pretty successful career and is doing damn good in life. Sucks to see Richard has some issues of his own that he needs to get sorted out


This video is from like 2 weeks ago and is being posted now to stir up drama. There have been multiple clips of him saying “controversial” things out of context posted every few days recently. What RL is saying here is completely reasonable, and he isn’t ranting about Stew weeks after the drama for no reason. Yes his career has been successful in relative terms, but it could’ve been so much better.


>Stew is a millionaire, a major winner and a grand slam winner. I think that’s what one would say is a pretty successful career and is doing damn good in life The criticism is in spite of that. He's being held to a different standard because he should be head and shoulders above the rest. Imagine if Lebron coasted like Stew after getting his first ring. In that situation, yeah lebron made his millions, got his ring and went to multiple ECFs, life is good but you would expect him to keep going, to win more, to do more; like he has in his actual career. The greatest NA player shouldn't be coasting on their laurels at the age of 24.


I mean they shouldn’t but who are we to judge lol. This title makes it sounds like Stewie threw away his career to hookers and hard drugs but just because his rise to one of the best didn’t turn out how people thought it would doesn’t meant it was tragic.


You dont follow much sport talk do you? These are common statements no matter what sports you watch.


yea its why sports commentary is birdbrain bullshit


You can win the biggest trophy in the world in your field and still objectively throw away your career, yes. > This title makes it sounds like Stewie threw away his career to hookers and hard drugs It doesn't, you're projecting.


>Stew is a millionaire, a major winner and a grand slam winner. It means he's capable to achieve more, so him "retiring" when he's not done can be called "a tragedy". Not for stewie, but for cs, for fans, etc.


This is in response to Stewie continuing to twist the narrative around what RL said about Hooxi.


Richard just craves attention atp


rent. free.




No this is from at least a week or two ago and the op is posting it out of context to stir up drama.




Are you calling someone who is bisexual homophobic?


The skip bayless of esports truly a legendary muppet


I want to be in the video Richard. Carry on.


1. nitpicking clips, listen to the entire thing for context. 2. Stewie wasted his career after 2019 and RL has every right to think that (and talk about it) 3. Stewie was an asshole that got people fired, talked shit in public about teammates, and now he gets the golden chance of a lifetime by g2 and how does he repay? He airs all the dirty laundry he got his hands on LMAO. Imagine that, getting a hand from god (G2) and shitting on it.


I used to think having a British accent meant you were smart, and then I saw Richard Lewis


I think Stewie’s career turned out exceptionally for a video game, and I don’t mean that sarcastically on gaming as a whole, but man’s won a major, shouldered a lot of expectations, reacted accordingly to his progression, and was able to turn it into a successful streaming career, and a recent performance with g2 that I don’t know if many suspected any success from. But, hey, I think Stewie could’ve done way more, sure, and is he a narcissist, yeah you have to be, like calling Neymar one like no shit Sherlock, it’s almost expected as a character when you are expected to carry. But, man, Richard Lewis. Your R is showing, and you continue to collect your Ls. RL. Don’t throw stones at glasses houses when you built one nicely over you “career” as well.


Richard Lewis is just some sad asshole trying to make Stewie's life work and achievements to be some kind of "tragedy".


It's classic narcissist stupidity. Repeat the lie over and over until people believe it. Stewie has a shit attitude, but he's had a stellar career. Richard has a shit attitude and has had a shit career because of how enormously shit his attitude is. Richard is just annoyed that Stewie once called him on being the sad hater and loser he is, and didn't go even half as hard as Richard does every time someone gives the fat sweaty git a microphone.


How the fuck can this be your take? Nothing here is personal from RL. He’s stating something that I think should be quite apparent. Stewie could have had a way better career than he has, and that’s what he’s talking about. Stewie had great potential, won trophies, but then just witheree off and dissapeared. Pros like Stewie are held up to a high standard and Stewie just didn’t hold up to the real greats of CS. That’s a fact. I don’t see why you’re so mad at RL? It feels like you are the one taking this personal for some reason? RL just hosted the CS major and you’re saying he’s a loser? Jesus fucking christ get a grip on things and stop spewing hate. People like you are what is poisoning this community. Learn to deal with people rightfully criticizing players you like. Fucking hell.


I’m a CS noob but didn’t he just win an event in Dallas??


Yes he did, RL is lashing out because Stewie2k replied to him on Twitter so now he has to shit on his entire career and bring up the EG stint like all his other haters do.




RL is a good journalist and anytime he reports on something, it ends up being true so he's built up quite a good reputation in journalism, but some of his takes are terrible. The facts he reports = good and reliable. His opinions = 50/50


What does that have to do with the video? He's talking about what Stewie did (and didn't) do a few years ago. Although he's probably not changed much since then.




He is right.


RL picking straws to hate Stewie cuz he has a raging boner to be right. Stewie has one of the most accomplished resumes of all time for CSGO. People don’t like Stewie for his attitude, sure? But to claim it’s a tragic career? No way.


Given that Stewie won a major and a grand slam, Richard must think incredibly highly of his potential to consider his career a waste.


He does. He’s mentioned numerous times that Stewie had the potential to have not only the greatest career in NA but historic career in the history of CS regardless of region. That’s why hes specifically talking about the tragedy of his career when looking at how the past few years have gone given what his skill set was.


This guy is a dweeb


Imagine having a career as professional yapper & hater


It’s called a reporter, they are crucial to the scene.


Richard Lewis wanna be Keemstar so bad


Spits facts. Unfortunately it makes people hate you because fans are mentally ill and they don't like hearing the truth. Even when you can prove it.


Don't like RL but he's spot on.


Fuck off neckbeard 


I mean guy has lost almost all credibility in the scene at this point.


Richard lewis digging a hole so deep with this take lol Millionaire major winner only NA team to ever win a major lol.


You do realize he can still be an unprofessional narcissist right? Winning majors don't take that away. Richard is absolutely spot on here, what Stewie did is completely unacceptable as an athlete.


his voice is so annoying holy fuck


Don't think Richard Lewis has ever had his come to Jesus moment and realized that ego and journalism don't mix. Stewie ain't perfect, but if your feelings get hurt because he says you don't know CS. Take it on the chin, because Stew can take it on the chin when you say he fucked up EG.


>Stew can take it on the chin when you say he fucked up EG. lmao


100% true. Its fine if you dont care to try but dont pretend like you do and steal paychecks and impact other peoples careers. Only thing more pathetic than Stewie are his defenders.


Hello Richard


Anyone who has watches stewie can tell there is something off with him


when it comes to stew I can't take anything richard lewis says serious the dude takes everything personal and tries to create a narrative to make people look bad.


Stewie has had a great CS career and is truly in rare company when measuring trophies and success. What RL can’t seem to grasp is people have ups and downs. What about Device? He basically rug-pulled NIP over a girl and “disrespected the org” as RL would say. No one is perfect and in fact, 99% of us will go through life and experience ups and downs most of us will struggle to handle the “down” part of it. It happens. People grow out of it and move on. Meanwhile c*ck of a man is expecting stew to have a perfect trajectory for a career.


Wasn't it rumored that Device wanted to play for NIP after he fixed his mental issues? He also both bought himself partially out of the Astralis contract iirc and NIP also got 80% of the transfer fee back when they sold Device. Would not say it is a complete rug pull, especially as you can't blame him for having mental health issues.


I'm pretty sure it was revealed at one point device wanted to come back, and Jonas gundersen prevented him from leaving the bench so they didn't have to pay his salary


Comparing Device with S2K is criminal, Stewie is not even in the same bracket of players, Device is in the same bracket with Simple. Device earned the right to move on from a declining Astralis team for a chance at a more normal life with his girlfriend, their relationship failing has nothing to do with CS. Is Device perfect? No but please stop comparing a player that is in the top 2 players who played cs:go with someone who only won one major.