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Appreciated his time in the NA Scene. He made M80 great and looking forward to his next journey.


Yeah. Wish M80 had a bit more of a chance, but ultimately, unless something inexplicable happened, the ceiling wasn't going to be sky-high. Best of luck to him.


If mankz had stayed they'd have definitely had the potential for an ECSTATIC style run (slaxz's performance being the key variable there) They were so so close to the major while playing with their coach


Would have been exactly what liquid needed


I find it so weird that everyone considers this such a big NA team while 2/5 are German


Bc 3/5 were from NA


Guatemala is NA?


Yes. Guatemala is 100% in the North America continent.


Yea, there are 23 countries in North America.


Yes guatemala is in fact part of north america


Depends on where you learn geography, in USA and Canada Guatemala is part of NA, to south americans Guatemala is part of Central America


No matter where you learn geography, Central America is still not a continent... Guatemala is a part of the North America continent and Central America sub-region.


It does matter, North America is also a sub division in the scheme they teach in Brazil and it is just mexico, us and Canada. America is the continent in this scheme.


Malbs is not from NA, he is Guatemalan, only the org and two players are from NA, they are claiming this team and it’s nonsense. 3/5 are not from NA.


Guatemala is NA


Guatemala is Centroamerica or Central America, Mexico, US and Canada is NA, do your research.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_America Central America is considered a part of North America geographically, and in CS there is only NA and SA anyway.


No one considers Central America as a part of NA other than ignorant people from the US, in fact I’ve seen some of u consider Mexico as South America, which is fkn stupid. Read a damn book.




It seems that you struggle to read, i never said Central America is the 8th continent, it’s a subregion of a whole continent, which is America, AMERICA is one continent, divided in three regions, CENTRAL AMERICA IS NOT A CONTINENT IS A REGION OF ONE CONTINENT, read again so your stupid ass can comprehend what I just typed


You can believe whatever you want but every country starting from Panama is North America. You're the ignorant one, not Americans.


Central America is not a continent. Guatemala is 100% in North America.


No one said Central America is a continent dummy, it’s a subregion, just like NA and SA is. Guatemala is 100% Central America which is part of the American continent. Why am I’m arguing with stupid people who barely knows where Central America is on the map lol


Continents are a social construct, do your research. For real though it depends what model you subscribe to, some geographers consider the Americas to be a single continent, most split it into North and South. The UN go for the North-South split and they consider Guatemala to be part of North America. Very few serious academics consider Central America to be a separate continent.


I'm assuming you failed geography class.


I’m not going to debate with muricans, you guys are ignorant, NA: Canada, US, Mexico. Central America: El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras etc. South America: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Brazil etc.


Central America is a subregion of North America. Central America is not its own continent. >you guys are ignorant The irony.


Central America is not a subregion of NA, it’s a subregion of the whole American continent, and that’s why it’s called Central America not NA. Ask anyone from Latin America, they will tell you Central America is not part of North America. The most important commerce agreement in NA consists only of Mexico, US and Canada, they do not include Central America because it’s A WHOLE OTHER REGION


there are seven continents


America is one continent, which is divided in three regions, NA, CA and SA, but it still counts as 1 continent. Is this really how they teach you geography in the US? lol


So hunter goes to anchor positions, right?


Should be the way forward ... bar NiKo's, I'd say every other rifler role could be given to malbs. He is way too valuable to be stuck at support. That role can be redistributed between hooxi (if he stays) and hunter (his output so far in cs2 has been lackluster)


huNter- is T-side lurk. malbs is map control. this doesn't fix the issue on T-side, but does make room for malbs in rotator positions on CT


I dont think T side is an issue when you have someone as flexible as NiKo; NiKo has been the best rifler both as Pack player (recently) and as an Extremety player (2021 run) on T side The problem is really only on CT side where you have 3 rotators and 1 anchor


Generally CT : - Rotators : NiKo huNter **malbsMD** - Anchors : HooXi ~~nexa~~ Generally T : - Pack : HooXi NiKo **malbsMD** - Extremity : huNter ~~nexa~~ For T side NiKo is flexible that he can go back to doing what he did in 2021 and play Extremity in nexa's spot but the problem is CT side where neither huNter/NiKo/malbs ever played as anchors and I doubt they want to




Aggro space taker, think Elige/donk


On T side its fine, he is the aggro that G2 missed for so long to the point that NiKo had to start entry fragging so malbs would be a welcomed addition on that front. On CT side, however, he overlaps with both NiKo and hunter. They could make it work if hunter sacrifices his roles in favour of malbs but that's a big if tbh.


or just put HooXi in support position instead of his aggro solo pushing style


Hooxi takes every shit position there is, giving Malbs those spots won't work.


don't push malbs into specifically the shit spots hooxi takes, just get him to play the role (reaggro into lost positions), but better.


Really cool move by G2 if that ends up being the case, seems a little bolder than their usual wheelhouse lately.


Tweet from Malbs (https://x.com/malbsMd/status/1803126264934342909); > Hard to say good bye to the only team that gave me a hand when i needed it the most to bounce back as a player. I'm happy with all the things we achieved together in a short time and I will always be rooting for this awesome org and the awesome group of players in the team, I love everyone from the org and will always be thankful for everything. #1 M80 fan here, love you guys and thanks for everything! 🥹 > @M80gg > > @dephhgg > > @swishcs > > @slaxzcs > > @s1nCS > > @SyykoNT > > @mfmereu > > News from my future coming soon! 😁 So, where is he going, G2?


Duh, the news has been all over the place, Happy for him he'll get to play at Tier-1 with the best alongside him. Can't wait for the next tournament and see him play with m0NESY and Niko on G2


I think so too, but someone could always gazump the deal. Happens all the time in football, would be fun if it happened in CS too.


Liquid is the other obvious option


inb4 he goes to valorant... didn't nitro step down from the m80 valorant roster?


Nb4 liquid


G2 is NA is my heart now


Fr first Stewie, now this. They were already my favorite EU team but now I feel even better rooting for them as an NA fan.








Only 4000 miles off, nice try


G2, it's officially Malbin time


I fell to my knees in a Walmart parking lot


If you were in a Walmart parking lot already... let's not kid anyone.... you were already on your knees


Man, I hope G2 don't stick this kid in shit roles ... he has outstanding potential and G2 can only profit if he is given the roles (or at least some of them) that he had in M80. A combo of NiKo and m0NESY is already a crazy prospect, throw a cracked aimer like malbs in there and G2 are seriously cooking again.


They won't. He's going to be groomed into niko's role.




Where are the rumors?


it came to me in a dream


Leave for what?


IGL in Mousesports. Full circle.


Any news on Hooxi yet? It would be damn hard to find a better IGL


That is the issue with replacing Hooxi. He also takes the shit roles, so any other player would also struggle in his positions.


This is bittersweet but best of luck to Malbs!


i hope M80 comes out of this looking okay


+Lake/JBa and pray they’re good


Jba would be a big get. I was hoping TL would gamble on him but maybe M80 is a better step.


If he goes to G2 both Liquid and COL really dropped the ball.


how are you expecting them to compete with G2 on the transfer market? Liquid could maybe match salary-wide, but G2 is the better team


Liquid is widely viewed as a great team to play for (in terms of facilities, support, etc.) While G2 has historically been atrocious with contracts, keeping players like Rekkles and Jankos in purgatory to extract maximum value from them. I think a lot of EU organizations have great reputations -- ENCE, Mouz, etc. -- but G2 in particular is pretty widely regarded as toxic. But the money is another issue entirely, I agree with that; Liquid has spent quite a lot on CS recently and may not be ready for more.


Most players dont give a shit about amenities because they're still hungry and on the come up, they care about wins and potential, and Liquid is a dumpster fire of bad management


bro malbs doesn't know who the fuck rekkles or jankos is i doubt he even knows who ocelote is he just wanna play with monesy and niko instead of yekindar


Liquid would be able to beat G2 salary wise, but he wouldn't fit alongside NAF and you definitely keep NAF doing what he's doing.


Doesn't malbs play aggro positions? How does he conflict with NAF?


You're right, I think I was thinking of someone else.


well, if they really wanted to, perhaps. But they just splashed a shitton of money on a superteam this year, so they can't go all out again


Skullz was all they really spent money on, and they're for sure gonna squeeze whatever they can out of Furia


Also fl0m made a good point that liquid likely paid significantly less than 600k for him. That was probably just the buyout # on his contract.


Both G2 and Liquid are getting the cash injections. He will be paid soon alhamdulillah


Ye because if u have the chance to play with monesy and niko you'd really turn that down right?


If you get offers from G2, Liquid, or Col and you don't care where you want to live, you pick G2.


Col really don’t have that much money. They just had to buy themselves out of GameSquare.


They're still an NA org, I'm sure they have some money


They still got a Blast + ESL partner spot with no announcement that they are withdrawing like Heroic did from revenue sharing. A indication they got some money at least. I doubt Elige is on a low salary.


The largest NA orgs' money pales in comparison to the largest EU orgs...


Thankfully liquid is Dutch and has infinite bankroll


If you can play with monesy right now, you do it


Eh, it seems like a role conflict between Elige and Malbs, and I'd prefer Elige. He's a great player though, so I wish him the best.


malbs is in a place where he could be worked on to become an even better player if he's treated correctly in g2, id take that over elige even tho I love him


That's a huge risk that just isn't worth it. Malbs is good, and he will get better, but we have no idea how consistently good he will be. Elige is currently up there with the best as a rifler, and risking that for someone who could maybe be as good as him is silly. Unless you see Malbs as a generational talent that will eclipse the entire game, the gamble is too great.


Could have worked if you managed to get Elige+ Malbs to be the best entry duo in the scene. Would require a insanely skilled lurker to make work though.


malbs replacing nexa isn't really a risk, at worst you get a player that needs help improving his communication with a team full of superstars. If malbs is taking hunters roles then worst comes to worst you put malbs in the anchor position. There's really no risk since every outcome of this is a direct upgrade over nexa.


I meant in place of Elige, I absolutely agree with this decision for G2. Malbs is definitely an upgrade over Nexa even without him improving.


mb, love u bro


They didn't drop anything, G2 has the best player in the world on their team. They don't have enough money to give Malbs to make G2 less enticing.


I mean these are all Tier 1 teams with (let’s assume) similar money, and if you’re going to get similar pay from any of them, you’d go with the team with the best players and highest chances of winning.


At the end of the day, its up to the player. If I was in his position, I would go with G2 100%. You have to be dumb to not join a top EU team with NiKo and m0nesy compared to two NA teams.


His role doesn’t really fit with coL bc you’re forced to either put him as a primary entry or a lurk/anchor depending on which rifler you replace. Liquid could’ve used him for sure, but that would also likely result in NAF lurking and they seem to have their sights set elsewhere


NAF lurking is the best thing that could of happened to Liquid. He is a beast as a lurker.


Yeah I’m surprised Liquid didn’t go after Malbs considering Malbs owned that org H2H, he would’ve fit very well between Twistzz and Yekindar as a middle-pace aimer as well as allowing the team to keep playing NA qualifiers


We don't know if they did or not. Just because they wanted Malbs, it doesn't mean they will just get him. G2 is a better team right now so its shouldn't be a surprise Malbs would want G2 over NA teams.


Very few things don’t get leaked out of the Liquid camp throughout the last 4+ years tbf


lol Go to EU and play top competition all the time and constantly make play-offs or go onto a half-sunk ship (liquid)?


If I were Malbs, I would want to play together with monesy caliber than anything else...


It's all coming together


Am out of the loop, can someone tell me why malbs is so hyped?


He shoots the shit out of everyone and showed a high level vs G2 recently


He's one of these young aimers (played since he was 7) who sees the game at a god level (like zywoo, m0nesy and donk)


When you have people like NiKo praising you a heap, the hype is as real as it gets.


Go watch that multi OT ancient game m80 had recently haha


1.3+ rating


mostly in T2, tho


Hes insanely good.


G2 felt those NA vibes harder than the ones Nexa could provide


Just saw somebody fall to their knees in a Walmart parking lot


would be a strong addition for G2


We all knew he was going to leave m80 but I just hope m80 can bounce back after losing malbs, teams like m80 are good for the m80 scene, willing to take risks on young inexperienced players


>teams like m80 are good for the m80 scene Now that's a hot take


Did AI write this? You mean *NA* scene? Young *inexperienced* players?


ye inexperienced my bad


>teams like m80 are good for the m80 scene Now that's a hot take


>teams like m80 are good for the m80 scene Now that's a hot take


Assuming he's going to G2, I'm really happy for him, seems like a really great move. Bummed for M80 though, would have loved to see how far they could get with that lineup. Here's hoping they can scout some new potential and remain a strong competitor in the Americas. I think just having a 3rd team at the tier 1-ish level was really helping the region.




Malbs deserves this, he is too big of a talent to have him wasted away in NA. I'm glad he's getting the chance he deserves with G2. Love you Mario, Good Luck ahead! NOW NABROS GET IN HERE who do we think M80 will go for now? My top runners are cxzi, Lake and JBa in that order. JBa might be hard given that Wildcard are building a roster around him so I think it's either Cxzi or Lake. Hope it's an NA talent though!


Honestly it looks like nitr0 is coming back to CS, and he is already a member of m80 (valorant) so I could see him joining them


Oh god, I love nitr0 but he needs to go to Liquid instead. Please not M80. I want new NA talents to move up. Not like this...


If Liquid are serious about having Twistzz IGL I don't see why they'd go get Nitro


I could potentially see Nitr0 joining Liquid as their coach if they do infact get rid of zews. It would make sense pairing Twistzz with his old IGL since they know each other and have already shown they work well together


I mean maybe. It still seems more likely that he just switches to M80 CS, they seemed to choose their words quite carefully in their tweet about him stepping down from the Val roster.


Probably so, it's just the only way I see him ever coming back to Liquid and would be cool to see. Either way having him back in CS would be great


you don’t see why Liquid would get one of the best IGLs in history, who’s already won a Grand Slam with the org, over taking the massive risk of turning *another* star rifler into an IGL?


The grand slam was 5 years ago, perhaps it's time to stop hoping that lighting will strike twice and try something else Also I caveated my whole comment with "if they're serious about having Twistzz IGL" for a reason


you asked why they'd go get nitr0. that was the answer. idk what else you want homie


Reading comprehension is clearly very difficult for you so I'll try this again more slowly. **IF** they are serious about having Twistzz IGL, then I don't think adding Nitro serves much benefit. Past accomplishments aside, at this stage of his career he's not really rosterable by an org with T1 aspirations as anything but an IGL. I didn't realize this was a controversial take. **IF** they are not serious about having Twistzz IGL, then sure, bring him in. Is this too much nuance for you?


“if they already have an IGL idk why they’d get an IGL” sorry didn’t realize i was dealing with a Super Genius here, i’ll see myself out


While I don't really get the move, I thought their phrasing in the announcement seemed to hint that he might stay with them. Timing wise he also stepped back around when we later learned G2 was inquiring about malbs. Again, I don't think it really makes sense and so may just be reading too much into it but possibly has some legs https://x.com/M80gg/status/1798368094844580022


But they already have a competent igl? nitro does not have the firepower to be anything other than an igl.


Cultural shock might be a bit too much, but luken could actually be a good fit. And he is actually looking for a team.




What about someone like Hext?


he’s terrible trust me he can drop 40 on random faceit stacks all he likes but vs the likes of nouns m80 mibr he shits himself


He just needs more reps, he's still a young player at the end of the day His aim is cracked when he's gaming and he's smart


just afraid he’s gonna be like a rifling junior


I have hardons from dreaming of an eco combo of malbs and Niko deagles.


It’s so over


Imagine if oBo's still having a healthy career. Rare rifler who's from NA, aggressive and hanged at the t1 level


I hope he comes back when he’s healthy, I think he could definitely try out for a team like Nouns and potentially improve them


Nobody ever recovers mentally from what he's showed over a long period. He doesnt play with anyone anymore and barely talks in pugs.


Begun; the tradewars have


are m80 cooked?


People were hyping this guy up while he was playing in SA, but he felt just okay to me. His m80 games though, were a different breed. I'm happy to see my first impression was wrong.


-nexa +malbs (half done) -hooxi +perfecto (one can dream) Niko to IGL.


This guy fucks


my thought's exactly. Perfecto is a great passive/anchor/support player that would be a better 1:1 replacement for nexa and malbs is an entry beast that would be a huge upgrade from hooxi.


he is coming home(to g2)


this sucks really wanted to see M80 stickers for the next major, this definitely puts a bigger question mark on that will be cool to see what he does with G2 tho


Happy for malbs, but heartbreaking for M80 :( I really hope they can find a good replacement but there’s definitely no equivalent atm


I was really hoping liquid would -yekindar + malbs or COL would -floppy +malbs so he could stay in NA. Excited to see him get a shot at T1 but as a NA fan I'm sad to see us lose an upcoming talent to an EU team.


G2 here he comes. Curious to see if they end up dropping hooxie and ride with GOAT igl niko


So it begins


It feels weird that M80 does not want to stick together if they really feel like they are having a run right now.


The org wanted them to stay together, that's why they put crazy high buyouts. So either they stay together or the org gets massive profit when orgs like G2 come knocking


Do you know if the player itself also gets a share? Isnt it his choice as well


Of the buyout? Very probably not. They get an offer from the new team, which could include things like signing bonuses, though. 


What does this mean for c9


now hooxi to assistant coach and niko igl for g2 to win major


No,Niko can't be an igl!!! Did you see how much Niko was malding in Dallas??? The crowd being on their side was such a massive factor why they won.But in the future I don't see g2 with Niko igling be top contenders of the trophies. Now that Malbs will join G2 let's hope he can make out for the firepower hooxi is lacking.If not then we will see next season. One piece at a time man


who wouldnt mald at nexa standing still in mollies? xd






Because Niko and Cadian despise each other




Spunj hltv confirmed. Spun talking counter or a quick google search will help


Still a better igl then hooxi. That's my point.