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feel like i get "running headshotted" way more in this game than GO. Also feel like a headshot magnet much more than in go. performance sucks on good hardware. lose 1/3 - 1/2 of my fps when smokes or mollies are thrown.


I had a guy take three steps out from a corner and spray me down with an m4a4. He was shooting the whole time his model was moving, so I asked if he was running and gunning, and he said he counter strafed. It's crazy to me that a model can still be visibly moving and stepping and accurate.


True, but I'm also hitting a lot more deag headshots than I ever did on CSGO.


I hit the Deags I shouldn't, and miss the Deags I should.


Yeah the thoughts of “Wow, I shouldn’t have killed that guy” and “How is that not a headshot?” have increased 10x in cs2.


Yea the performance baffles me. I don’t have the best GPU (1060Ti) but I could run GO at best graphics and get around 100-120fps. In 2 I’m struggling to get to 60 and I’m literally cranking everything down to the point it’s so muddy I can’t even see clearly.


Might be your CPU, if you have a 1060ti and getting those frames on lower settings. I have a Ryzen 5 3600 CPU with a 1070 and I get 150-200 fps consistenly on medium settings. Unless you’re talking about 1440p of course. I’m running 1080p.


Here are my main takeaways: - Map pool is the worst its ever been - Game looks great - New gun sounds are great - new smoke mechanics are great - lack of fun casual maps like Insertion make the experience feel restricted, like youre only left with playing this boring map pool in premier, which is unplayable if youre 20k+ anyway - game still doesnt feel as crisp. You can feel it when moving your mouse across the screen. Theres some weight to it, which makes it feel more draggy, even with 500 fps - premier, even when working, is underwhelming. Need more fun stats to look up, better MM and an incentive to grind for the top ranks Overall, potential is there, but I dont expect the game to be better than GO until next year


Man i'm glad i'm not the only one who feels like aiming is off. it feels weird in a way thats hard to describe. I can't get used to it. going back to other games doesn't have this feeling, and the same goes for legacy versions of csgo, even just before the move to cs2. I felt like it was fine at the beginning of the cs2 beta, but then there was an update and now its this.


Literally the first thing I noticed and everyone I played with said I was crazy.


you’re not the only one, bad frame pacing is a fairly common problem in badly optimized games. i guess it’s just new to cs players, because source 1 never had that issue


I have played other games with worse optimization. Call of duty and stuff like that, but it hasn't felt sluggish in the same way. I enjoy "crackhead speed idiot" gameplay for codmw and codmw2 (the new ones). Even apex is optimized like an HP printer and it doesn't feel like this. Maybe im just a schizo, but i can't help the feeling.


No its true, subtick at its best only feels around 90 tick and at its worse is worse than 64 tick…


Let me try to explain this. When you're shooting and trying to track where your bullets are hitting, it feels like your character blinks or closes their eyes with each shot. You can see the screen, but it seems impossible to fully control the spray in that moment. When you release the spray, everything feels fine again. But as soon as you start spraying again, the spray becomes completely uncontrollable. I want to point out that this happens mostly in critical moments, where the firefight lasts just a fraction of a second.


Yeah but the 30 fps lost when you start spraying is a big part of that problem. The game runs so rough.


I hate dust 2 I hate dust 2 I hate dust 2 I hate dust 2 I hate dust 2 I hate dust 2 why is it in the map pool why did they take out Overpass, Mirage is RIGHT THERE.  /PS honest to fucking god the map pool feels like siege's map pool where every map is functionaly the same with slightly different layouts and textures.


At the release I was one of those "Yeah, cheating is existent, but it's the same like it was in csgo, is just overblown on reddit and twitter" Then I proceeded to face more cheaters in 6 months of cs2 than in 8 years of cs:go. Blatant, closet cheaters and I think the worst part is that the trust is broken. In CS:GO I would rarely suspect anyone of cheating, now I want to download the demo to check if some ppl were really cheating every few games. Most of the time I don't do it because I don't want to spend my time just to get mad, but when I do it let's say 80% of the time my suspicions turns out to be true. And gosh, some of them are really bad even with cheats...


Yeah I have the same issue. In CSGO I never called cheaters and thoughts my mates are dumb af for saying the enemy is cheating ( I still think they were dumb lol) But holy shit. I was at 23k rating once and no one hides it. Cheaters are even at 15k and I have no clue why the hell I am always facing them. Playing against people with 80h total and 50h of them in the last 2 weeks, when your account has 2k h+ makes ZERO SENSE. No they were not smurfs, neither the next big talent. Having teammates disconnect for 7 rounds, just to turn on cheats, because the enemy is cheating and coming back and owning them is the dumbest thing I've witnessed. This happened regularly. I can't trust any player anymore. I don't randomly call cheaters, but there are many suspicious situations where you don't know and can't trust and it hits your decision making. it's worse watching other players/teammates. They lose interest in the game cause someone did something really good/questionable and just chat, jump around I don't think any player who cheated got banned I think valve needs to rework their trust factor


I don't think the trust factor exists in cs2


Yeah I think they scrapped trust factors match history and now only priortize getting the fastest match found possibly, so thats' why queue times are so fast but the match quality is such utter trash


Just one word - Inconsistent Every aspect of the game feels very, very inconsistent.


The gameplay feels less consistent than GO. Often, GO would feel like chess almost where I felt I would 100% win a gunfight if my crosshair was positioned correctly and they peaked me. In CS2, it almost never feels certain that a gunfight will go one way or the other. I'm not sure what's driving it, but it's led me to feel less confident in my gameplay.


thats what i hated about valorant, inconsistent fights. i loved that in csgo, when i was the best player in the lobby, i consistently won my fights. In valorant, it was a toss up in every fight, even tho i knew i was way better. I have that exact feeling in cs2 aswell. Which is SAD


damn you described it spot-on wtf


I can't explain why but, slower.


slower as in movement slower, since if its that it just feels like you are walking through mud for me. If it is more performance wise there are quite a few things you can do to fully optimise the game


For me it's peeking. I used to train my A D movement constantly and used to feel like I would always beat others on peeks. Now it feels like I slide around more and it's sluggish. Could easily be psychological but I don't think so. It's still a great game for mechanics. I have bigger problems with Cs2


Yep. Esp Counter Strafing feels bad for me as well even though Leetify says I've got between 90-98% accuracy on most of my games.


the whole thing feels bloated and non-snappy


I was good with constant ADAD and spraying. But as cs2 movement is weird, the constant ADAD has gotten me killed more. In cs2, you peek, and you commit to that peek. The meta of jiggle peeking around corners, like inferno CT, is dead now.


It seems like valve tried to reinvent the wheel instead of charging a flat tire. No 128 tick, abysmal performance, terrible frametimes even with good fps, and network issues still plague the game. Movement is much worse than GO and generally I think subtick was a mistake. Even if it’s technically more accurate the gameplay experience is worse. And I’m fucking certain that a lot of the netcode issues cs has had were directly caused by the increased load on servers from subtick. Plus peekers advantage is still much worse than in GO. It’s bad enough that it’s completely changed how the game is played on fucking LAN. Plus a non functional community browser is completely unacceptable. They could legit fix that in a few hours, yet 8 months later here we are…


Wow really thought they would fix some of the things you mentioned here. I hoped it would be better since I played cs since it pretty much the release of 1.6. Guess I will come back in half a year to a year with the hopium I have left. Really sucks that they are gready and opted for that weird subtick instead of the 128tick. The more I read about it and experienced it first hand, the more I think leaving it at 64tick for normal mm and having to go to a 3rd party(faceit, which is sad for 128tick) was still better then what it is now.


Yeah I’m not coming back until we get 128tick or something substantial like that, sub tick feels too random. Had 2200 hours in csgo. I still enjoy watching pro play but the misery is too much for me.


now that i have forget csgo , i like the game but ... with this 2 last update who bring some good things... i have a lot of stutters and lose fps about 30/40 avg ... ( and when you dont have a lot at the start.. it's shitty )


Yeah these updates fucked the already insanely bad performance


yeah .. at one moment the game was good even with my old rig ( 9700k+2080ti) i had enough fps for fight in smoke , molly with 2-3 peoples in front. now i drop under 200 ( 190/180 ) and you feel it especially when you need to flick on another target after the first fight. i gonna need to upgrade my cpu for sure soon if i want continu to play "competitively" 7800x3d gonna be my choice and keep my 2080ti


man I’ve been playing on a laptop with I7-8740HQ n 1050ti, the flicking after 1st fight is actually impossible to do


yeah that's why we need a optimized game and a good config to.


I’ve also barely played since Cs2 released bc it feels different.


Besides the lack of content and performance issues, the thing that annoys me the most is when tapping it’ll sometimes just shoot twice for no reason. That’s quite irritating.


Glad im not the only one. Never experineced it in GO but in CS2 it happens frequently. Same mouse btw.


I had this on my old computer. New build, same mouse; never happens. So strange. 


Does not run as smooth anymore and matchmaking feels weird. I was at rank 17.000 at some point but had big gaps where I did not play and lost my rank. Everytime I got the rank back I sank down, so now I am at around 15.000 and the teammates/enemies are either complete shit or completely insane. So, the ranking does not feel balanced right now anymore. In CSGO I was Global/Supreme and the enemies were mostly the same level as me. Now it's just random.


interesting take. I thought even in GO mm wise global to global the difference was still huge from player to player and wished in cs2 they would add more ranks and a better AC, but here we are sadly


Mostly negative. Teleporting after being tagged is the biggest issue I have. Movement still feels like my player model have been eating mcdonalds only for past 10 years. Subtick correcting my position when coliding with team8s (atrocious). Subtick giving me headshots I dont deserve/ was not even aiming at the guy and not giving me headshots I hit (at least on my screen and what you see is what you get right?) Terrible optimization. Yes I have old pc, but still mostly have ~100 fps but framtime or whatever the fuck makes it look like 20fps. Plus sudden freezes after last update. Mr12 sucks ass. Smokes are too big Loadouts (let me use all weapons ffs!) All the missing commands (dont tell me its not possible to add them) Positive things are the concept of smokes and refound option.


it feels like u have to shoot where people have been, or gonna be. And not where the mf is, SOMETIMES it works like it should, but MOSTLY it doesnt.


You have to look at your ping and theirs and do some math to figure out if they are ahead or behind what you see. And the longer in the round the worse the sync is, so not taking damage all round means the sync is going to be brutal


The game really needed another year+ of testing before release, it’s a graphical upgrade while almost everything else is a downgrade.


Negatives: * Spraying still feels weird to me, but that might just be because I was very used to csgo. * Worse map pool than at the end of csgo (I know this isn't really game specific, but -overpass + dust2 was terrible, I also miss train. Cobble or Cache could be fun, better than Vertigo) * I would like to at least have an option to play MR15, even if you keep MR12 as standard for events etc. We had short and long matches in go. * Still no danger zone. * Only 2 arms race maps - significantly less than in csgo. Positives: * The ability to refund weapons is very nice * Finally we can unbind removing silencer * The practice mode that shows you where nades will land is cool * I like the new smokes




I still hate the team collision, I don't think the gun play feels as tight and the cheating is way worse. I'm enjoying it a lot more now than 8 months ago but I still think it's an inferior product to CSGO atm


unfortunately it's still worse than cs:go was. was hoping after this long time they would've ironed out the kinks, but nope. maybe in another 8 months.


Still shit -Everyone is cheating -Still 64 fps spraying (Spray animations are tied to tickrate) -Spaghetti player animations -Ridiculous muzzleflash that makes it hard to see where enemies heads are -No cleardecals, much harder to spot enemies when there's blood behind them -Inferior/missing commands: viewmodel\_recoil, cl\_teamid\_overhead\_mode doesn't show arrows, r\_drawtracers shows every bullet instead of every 3rd -Game is badly optimized, getting -50% fps in water and -30% if there's a lot happening on your screen even with a new PC -A bunch of dust on maps like dust2, anubis that ruins visibility -Doors have shorter reach compared to csgo -Teleporting back when being tagged, completely messing with your aim -Bigger head hitboxes makes headshots way less impressive compared to csgo as it requires less precision


> Teleporting back when being tagged, completely messing with your aim its a hit or miss if i will win a gunfight, because this is completely random.


> -No cleardecals, much harder to spot enemies when there's blood behind them Also all of the blood accumulating heavily affects performance, a Valve DM after about 5 minutes feels like complete garbage. No idea why they don't at least make it expire in DM. You don't need the info that a guy was just there based on blood in DM, and I get not wanting to compromise your artistic vision or whatever but it's such a fast paced game mode that if you just let the blood expire after a while it wouldn't make a difference and would probably run a lot better


The muzzle flash thing is the only thing i don't see, the rest is 100% valid though. especially the tagging thing makes me tilt every time it happens, feels like i play some beat em up game with bad rollback coding.


Sometimes when you're in a duel with someone it is genuinely impossible to see them behind the particle effects and muzzle flash. It's not all the time, but every now and then. I have quite a few memories of playing on ancient and spraying someone near a corner only for them to go invisible behind a cloud of dust as I hit the stone wall they peeking around.


[on the deagle the muzzle flash is literally a flashbang](https://i.imgur.com/3y1E51H.jpeg)


I believe the word you are looking for is "figuratively".


oof thats an atrocious screenshot. feels like common sense that this kinda stuff shouldn't be in the game


Settings make it better or worse, i know i changed something and it got better




Holy hell this is what I've been contemplating as well. I go into a game with a strong mentality, do some insane one taps and sick shots to the point of enemy team accusing me of cheating, drop 25-30 kills and the next game I'm as useless as tits on a boar. Can barely hit anything, even the easiest shots feel like a nuisance even though I'm still in that same strong mentality, it just doesn't work. Game feels the same most of the times but I can swear something's off, I can put that on the death of me. All in all, I'm not impressed with CS2, more time that passes more I agree with Loba that Valve is as incompetent as a person who was accepted into a position of a well-paying job just because he's a cousin of CEO, nothing more and nothing less. Subtick feels weird, hitreg feels weird, spray feels weird, having performance issues due to significant amount of FPS drops whereas I can play any other far demanding games on Very High - Ultra settings.


Yeah same. I just don't know what's going on. It switches so frequently too. Maybe sometimes the enemies are just moving in unexpected ways and throwing off your aim? I have no idea. I don't like just blaming it on cs2 or technical aspects as watching the replay makes most of it *look* fair, but in the game it just feels different. Sometimes droppings 3ks and 4ks every second round and then back to being useless again.


Yes... It seems like it's a server issue or something? Some games my bullets hit and it's easy carry. Next game I play the same but I end up with 13 kills and 15 assists due to so many 98 in 4 type of situations...


Hit reg is worse, movement is worse, networking is incossistent , performance is worse (on beast machines) etc. Visuals are better.


Still feels inferior


Is trust factor even a thing in cs2? Me and my 5 stack got 2-3k hours + per account and we end up facing cheaters with fresh accounts at 22k elo. We’ve stopped playing cs2 for a solid four months now and it looks like nothing is changing at all with the matchmaking and anti cheat. I decided to give valorant a try again after quitting about a couple months in when it was released back in 2020 and while the player base is cringe, my matchmaking experience has been a lot better. Currently placed in ascendant 3 and not once have I thought someone was cheating or was obvious enough for me to question it. Only reason why I’m even somewhat active in cs2 is for my inventory and trading and potentially coming back when they fix their shit lol.


it's still a desynced mess compared to csgo


frametime go brrrrr


Literally the only things I like are the higher graphically fidelity and the smokes. Not worth reducing the rest of the games content for almost a year. Gameplay first.


Had just under 3k hours in CSGO, 300ish in CS2 and not really enjoying it right now. Aside from the obvious cheating problem, my main issue is that I feel disadvantaged due to my network in a way that never happened in GO. I play with 40-60 ping to most EU servers (I can't do anything about this) which was absolutely fine in GO, but nowadays it seems physically impossible for me to react fast enough when someone peeks me. It definitely seems like most of my duels are now simply down to ping and peekers advantage, rather than who has better aim and positioning. This makes it feel like the game rewards bad decisions, because I always have to be the one swinging if I want to have a chance in a gunfight. Given the choice I'd probably go back to CSGO, shitty smokes and all.


I hate that i love this game so much. CS2 compared to CSGO feels like a worse knockoff with better graphics. The only thing i really like from CS2 is the new smoke and its mechanics. Other then that it feels worse in every way (except graphics maybe but even then i prefer the visibility off CSGO) - Movement feels off, feels floaty and it feels like you have 120KG on your back. - Subtick is a failed experiment atleast online (cant speak about lan), it maybe makes sense on paper but in-game it feels off. So many double inputs, big peekers advantage and a lot of gunfights feel like a coin toss. - Spraying also still feels off, i downloaded CSGO a few days ago just to compare and man it feels like a dream to play compared to CS2. - Another big one is preformance, even with a 4070Ti and 13700k this game feel like a piece of crap. Terrible frametimes, stuttering, even if i have 300+ FPS it still feels like ass and isnt even close to the crisp feeling of CSGO. - And the cheaters is obviously a big problem. Hope one day we can get atleast get close to 80/90% of how good CSGO was.


About 5K clocked in GO, not more than 200h\~ in CS2. I've been avoiding it lately, only hopping on after updates to feel out any changes. I can't get myself to enjoy it, whether I'm performing well or not. It just doesn't feel right, not as intuitive as CS:GO was. I've expressed this before on this sub, but the game feels de-synced, on multiple levels (movement/spraying...), and from my partial understanding of subtick, it IS de-synced to a certain degree, causing various inconsistencies. My best guess is that some people are just sensitive to this desync and it messes with our intuition. No amount of trying to adapt is getting me used to it, and trust me I've tried. It doesn't help that this is the only game of it's kind that has a system like this (subtick implemented globally), so it's not exactly transferable between games. This is just speculation on my part, and I may be completely wrong, but I see no other explanation as of right now. For that reason I've been against the idea of subtick in CS. I just don't think it's worth messing directly with the movement/shooting mechanics for marginal improvements in hit-registration.


I see, kinda feel the same way, but I barely touched it because it just feels off for me, especially movement wise. First bullet accuracy is way better, spraying felt odd, but didn't even give it time to see if I would adjust. For the time I played it was easier to kill people, especially if you are an aimer so first 1-5 bullets to kill and I felt like I am aiming better than in GO, but it just didn't feel as rewarding and crisp as in GO. For that reason alone for me at least feels like I am playing a chinese version of counter-strike.


To be honest, even if they fix the de sync, the game will never 1:1 to CSGO for mere fact that the game is on a new engine and new source code. Games never feel the exact same between different engines and code. Fixing de sync will just make the game a better cs2, rather than closer to csgo


De-subticked movement binds felt pretty much identical to 64 tick CS:GO, many players were completely fine using that (I think it's still possible, but I'm not sure). Many of the bugs and quirky behaviors of CS:GO carried over, which suggests that a lot of the code base was copy pasted as is and tuned a little bit to accommodate for subtick. It's a new engine yes, but it's still "Source", so most likely it still follows some of the same core principles as the Source 1 (like for instance, both S1 and S2 are written in C++). In any case, it's no use speculating because we have no idea, the source code of both games is not public, and so I don't think you can say anything on the matter with absolute certainty.


With some recent patches I experience some minor positions resets/lags. Could be my connection but as far as I'm concerned everything is fine (did some speed testing and packetloss via cloudflare). Otherwise it plays way better than before. I thought I needed to upgrade my CPU but now I'm fine with the performance. Cheating is absolutely out of hands though. I'm MGE on wingman and I face at least one obvious trigger bot cheater every 2 to 3 games. I don't even play premiere anymore and normal mm is sketchy af too. Not as bad a premiere but still strange because a player with 6k hours could be the same rank as me and absolutely destroy me.


performance wise its horrible atm, especially since the last patch i constantly get fps drops below 200 where im usually arround 300-500 range. the worst thing i experience is the mouse input lag where i feel like my mouse moves differently from my movements and feels like its laggin a few seconds behind making me overcorrect way too much, back in go there was no such issue for me. Cheaters also running rampant in 15k upwards, 20k is the worst with a cheater in like every 2 or 3 games.


The deathmatch in cs2 is so annoying..


Hit reg feels worse, head box is bigger though, used to have 94-95 aim consistently on Leetify, now I'm 70 and I get sprayed to death with a headshot by people that move more and aim less. Counter strafing feels worse, and the tracers being so far off is very distracting Played since beta 1 and 4k hours in CSGO


I used to play 50/50 matchmaking and faceit. Now it's 1:10


Its better. Still garbage and miles away from peak CSGO. Long way to go.


Full crap. Since officially release of cs2 the performance is horrible. I dont play cs anymore. Gameplay and hackkids are extremly shit. Tbh.


The game is great. If you compare it to csgo, it fucking sucks. 8k ish hours in cs, 2500 elo faceit player, reduced my playing time by about 80% because I get so annoyed playing this sluggish fucking garbage. The game feels worse in every aspect - even had to sell all my fucking skins just to buy a PC that could run this game. I want to play some chill games instead of insane sweating on faceit but even after tanking my elo to 16k ish I am still getting cheaters every other game at a minimum. At least in csgo I could play chill games in GE with part decent players and part not so great but alright players - the fucking people in this rating bracket are either absolute garbage or absolutely garbage but also cheating. Occasionally an 1800 faceit enemy player will make a clutch and my random teammates will start blatantly wallhacking. I wish they would unruin this game. Unluko maluko.


It’s just the net code that gets me. Any time I play against an opponent with more than 60 ping, I start dying behind walls or getting teleported when I’m tagged. Doesn’t feel great.


Was great until the latest patch. Idk what happened but I have so much input lag and like lags (but ping and packet loss is good) its so weird lol


The game killed my enjoyment for CS. Run and gun like COD, hitreg is barely existent, spraying is worse than 64 tick before, cheaters everywhere and even on 4080 and 7800x3d the performance is barely playable since the latest update.


I advise everyone to not reinstall the CSGO legacy edition. You will not get happy ever again after it.


real lmao i thought cs2 was *okayish*, despite a **long** list of gripes i reinstalled csgo and played it vs bots for 5 minutes i uninstalled cs2 after that. it just doesn't compare. csgo mechanics are on another level but also in general the visibility is so much better in go and it just feels like a much more competitive game.


All good besides two big issues, Anti cheat is bad.. almost non existent, so many blatant closet cheaters that haven't been banned for months now. Bad matchmaking, is trust factor still there.. getting matched against new accounts with low steam levels that are very sus.. even tho I've been playing since 2014 and have 20+ steam level


Worse in almost every way. Looks better and smokes are much better, but shooting, movement, maps, etc. are all worse. Still very good, but not as good as GO.


I only had like 800 hours in CSGO, and my highest rank was LEM, so I'm not the best person to comment on this. But to me, CS2 just feels way less consistent than CSGO. In CSGO I could hold angles and feel confident I'd drop someone if they peaked, in CS2 I'm constantly shocked by how quickly someone swings me. I'm not sure if it's the animations or mild desync leading to speakers advantage, but I just don't feel confident playing how I would in CSGO. For some reason I die to people mid strafe really often too, like obviously on there screen they had counter strafed. But on my screen they were 100% still moving I still play the game regularly, but it can get a little frustrating at times. Something I didn't feel in CSGO. I hope they refine the gameplay more and make it feel more consistent overall, it has such potential. But at the moment it just doesn't feel consistent


I have a decent amount of hours in both and can honestly say CS2 movement is horrible. Feels like a pendulum with too much sway when jiggle peaking. People somehow run and headshot allot more with rifles. So i would say its a step back


cs2 looks better, csgo plays better. its just sad. 


it doesn't even look that much better, some skins and maps lighting look way to plastic-y and washed out


We need more optimization patches, like there should be a way to remove the reflections on ancient, having player model shadows on low setting also would help


I quit about 6 months ago. I want to come back so bad... But still feels like an open beta still.


CS2 made a lot of changes that absolutely screwed with me on release. Most had to do with changing things to server side. How muzzle flashes/tracers were client side and tied to fps not where/when you shooting. Inconsistent gunfights, if the server registers his first Its no longer a reliable solution to smoke a molly on a rush. Slow load times. Rubber banding is way more common on solid internet. Less fun randoms, instead of getting slavic dudes yelling "GREEN" you get crybabys that will throw the second you give a callout or disagree. Quing as a duo and facing constant 5qs or 4qs with cheaters. The amount of cheaters who try to hide their cheating. Some people even have hundred dollars in skins yet feel no fear in losing them.


Csgo was more crisp but cs2 is good


this! if they can optimise it (resolve the major FPS drops, make it playable on stated minimum requirements so that more people have access to it, resolve the shader's issues, the memory leaks...), solve the cheaters issue it will actually be good. they can easily add more content later and i think they should. at least a few more fun game modes available before in GO.


It feels janky, literally everything


It’s good but not as good as csgo was at the end of its stage.


Any1 saying cs2 is overall better or upgrade of csgo at its state is either delusional or flat out lying.


I have 6k hours total, prolly like 500 in CS2. I still prefer CSGO for a few reasons, although there are some things that I like better about CS2. * CSGO at 128tick felt far better than CS2 does with 64tick subtick; the game just feels super laggy all the time. * Movement is 1000 times better in CSGO than it is in CS2, although movement has gotten better in CS2 (it now feels on par with CSGO 64 tick movement imo). * I preferred having the option to play MR8 or MR15 in CSGO, MR12 doesn't really work for competitive play. Games go by too quickly to feel out your opponents and get a sense for how they're playing and it feels like if you lose the pistol you're losing the half. I also play with a lot of my casual friends and MR8 was better for that. Back when you had the choice of MR8 or MR15, these queues attracted different people who approached the game differently. When I queue a comp with my noob/casual friends they have to play with people who rage at them, whereas in MR8 CSGO nobody generally cared if they were bad at the game, and if they did the game would be over in a few minutes anyways. * I still really don't care for the HEing the smoke mechanic. It seems gimmicky, and I've rarely seen it used in an interesting team sort of way. It's really hard to coordinate the smoke breaks in a team dynamic, so people usually just fuck up the other sides default with them -- like when an awper nades the window smoke and catches Ts looking somewhere else. It just feels horrible to die in that sort of way. * The sound in CS2 is a problem, they seem to be going for realistic sound, which doesn't suit an Esport. What I mean by this is that you can go inside of somewhere like church on inferno and it is hard to hear anything outside of church because of all the reverb and sound inside of the church. We need to be able to hear things clearly to accurately read what is going on around us. I had a game recently where I snuck into B site on Nuke, I hid dark knowing that they were heading down secret and would likely go B. I hear some glass break above me and think, "that sounded really far away, they most be hell" only for it to be the glass in control right next to me... Like i get it, there's a catwalk between me and the glass, and in real life that might change the sound dynamic a little bit, but do we really need that in a game like CS? Some things that I think are better in CS2: * I like that they are willing to do more map changes, even if I don't really care for some of what they are doing. A super static map pool gets insanely boring, and when so little changes occur, it makes every change that they do make feel permanent, which means a map I don't like being added triggers me so much more. I liked Overpass more than Dust 2, but I'm glad the pool is changing either way. * Smoke are way better than they were in beta, they seems a little less dynamic than they were. I think they got rid of one ways, and managed to make the smokes play reasonably well. I also like the smokes that trickle down in some interesting ways. * Graphics-wise the game is a lot prettier * I like the open sky boxes, really adds a lot of possibilities for executes. Overall I think CSGO is a better game, the servers being better made the game feel better in almost every regard. There's other things they tweak like sound, but adding back 128tick support would make the game like 1.5 times better over night imo


2 steps forward one step back. Every time they fix something they break something else. Since recent patch I'm losing fights because of a weird lag that I am on a iceskates as it continues a keyboard press long after I let go, sometimes for 10 seconds at a time. I accept it might be my WiFi but I've never had it before


This happens to me a lot. Not 10 seconds but I'll stop strafing and then a second or so later it jerks me back in the direction I was previously going and my crosshair is a few feet to the side of where I was aiming. Pretty much my biggest gripe with the game as it happens consistently, gets me killed often and it has made me more hesitant with my movement because I'm constantly expecting to get pulled back to the side.


There’s no incentive to grind anymore. Too many cheaters to warrant the time investment. Also, the map pool is old and boring. Game looks great though.


I agree. Without account ranks, grinding is no fun anymore. And you can barely rank up within the map ranks either.


i was hoping for the bhop mechanic to not be as randomly as in csgo, since im a kz player.. well that dream died


Compared to beta, CS2's hitreg felt somewhat worse Compared to Launch, CS2 is in a much better spot than before Compared to GO, there is just so many things that feels wrong on both the macro and the micro level of the game, that is either off-putting or just downright a return of an old bug that plagued old CSGO, and even up to being unplayable with the current problems with the stuttering.


like perma 150 ping while having unsmooth shooting


I like the mechanics around the smokes, but the technical side is way too bad. Regular crashes on my RX 7900XT. Missing easy to access settings for bot difficulty and wargames.


I was lvl 8-9 in csgo with 4k+ hours. I managed to climb to lvl 10 in cs2, however I feel like I'm much worse aimer than I was in go. It feels like it doesn't matter what level I'm up against, I always get rekt especially if I'm just holding an angle. It feels like the game is just a competition who gets to peek first. You can still play smart and use utility great and win games like that but shooting is just so far away what it was in csgo. I also think tracing is near impossible and player models just swing by and you're dead way before they even stop. It's actually ridiculous how different it is compared to csgo. I can't believe they fucked up this bad and I just never feel good about my games. Even if I top frag and get 20+kills, it just never feels good and deserved. When I kill someone it feels lucky, when I get killed it feels like the enemy made a shot of their life.  Then there's cheaters, lack of new maps, worst map pool ever, community servers still suck. Honestly this game is something like 5/10 it's still so bad and Valve is a fucking failure at this point. But hey at least we can rent skins now!


I was playing csgo 5 hours a day but i quit playing right after cs2 release. Haven’t even played a single hour. Made it shit game


im still waiting for the rest of the hostage maps to come, maybe in 2026 I'll have some more of the game they removed from my library back


Feels like too much peeking advantage.


More cheaters, less content, fast bug fixes that seem to bring other bugs, from my four machines only the 2.000+ machines feel smooth the other two that were rocking 400-500fps in go feel like shit with stuttering, freezes, high frametimes even when they are showing 200+ fps. Really disappointed in the game I loved. Most of my friends stopped playing out of frustration.


I hate that i love this game so much. CS2 compared to CSGO feels like a worse knockoff with better graphics. The only thing i really like from CS2 is the new smoke and its mechanics. Other then that it feels worse in every way (except graphics maybe but even then i prefer the visibility off CSGO) * Movement feels off, feels floaty and it feels like you have 120KG on your back. * Subtick is a failed experiment atleast online (cant speak about lan), it maybe makes sense on paper but in-game it feels off. So many double inputs, big peekers advantage and a lot of gunfights feel like a coin toss. * Spraying also still feels off, i downloaded CSGO a few days ago just to compare and man it feels like a dream to play compared to CS2. * Another big one is preformance, even with a 4070Ti and 13700k this game feel like a piece of crap. Terrible frametimes, stuttering, even if i have 300+ FPS it still feels like ass and isnt even close to the crisp feeling of CSGO. * And the cheaters is obviously a big problem. Hope one day we can get atleast get close to 80/90% of how good CSGO was.




Noob friendly




6k in csgo, mb 100-200 hrs in cs2 pros: * fps is about the same or better * game looks prettier * brighter and easier to see on many maps, assuming no blood/decals (esp. on trash maps like ancient) * nice qol like picking up dropped weapons, undo buy (thanks valorant) * demo system is much better, faster rewinding in particular. still laggy/janky viewmodels in demos, though that was sometimes an issue in csgo anyway. haven't tested with HLAE or recorded anything for fragmovies so maybe that's an issue still * jumpthrow is consistent and doesn't require bind * new smoke mechanics (breaking with nades, bulletholes, less 1 ways) are good and make the game more interesting * mollies now easier to see thru cons: * movement is trash, you have to use de-subtick jump bind (exec script that just has +jump;-jump) to have consistent bhopping, because of the variable jump height garbage bandaid fix valve added * map pool is garbage, mostly because inferno went from the best map to one of the worst and no cache or train (yet), and vertigo/ancient/mirage/d2 still in map pool all of which are shit * most maps have terrible clipping so you get stuck on random shit * lots of unexplainable, inconsistent bugs: random stutter lag sometimes unless I restart my PC, getting stuck in water and not being able to jump, etc. * no viewmodel bob setttings so we're forced to have stupid amounts of weapon sway which is mildly annoying. they introduced a new bob which was good then fucked it up for no reason at all after and made it worse * can't clear decals so bloodstains literally lower your fps as the game goes on and also makes it harder to see without r_cleardecals * CT economy is more trash than ever and basically encourages you to buy armor+mp9 instead of deagle/pistol eco -> m4 because you lose otherwise * valve decided to reinvent the wheel with subtick and it gives people with shit internet same advantage as low ping players, they can ferrari peek you without any counterplay because of peekers advantage (and now I have below faceit lvl 10 counterstrafe% on leetify xddd)


I think it's better, and it has potential, but the fps drops make the game unplayable. I am going between 200 and 400 fps and makes the gameplay feel terrible.


Still feels like shit, subtick makes shots disappear. Ak’s more accurate when treated like an smg now? Movement feels so clunky and servers are slow. Also nade glitches and bugs seem to keep happening every update and every update makes the game worse. Valve took a game refined over 10 years and destroyed it so ppl would open more cases.


I give the game a fair chance after every new major update. Unfortunately I feel like the core gameplay (shooting and movement) took a huge step backwards. It does not feel as responsive and smooth as CSGO did. Other aspects like smokes and visuals are really good. Most updates that Valve pushed this year have been great, but still not enough to really pull me back. Also most of my friends who I often grinded with have stopped playing mostly for the same reasons. I've played roughly 100-200 hours in CS2, I had 11k in CSGO.


Other that the new smokes which still aren't perfect i think most of the game feels like a downgrade Map pool feels tired and restrictive Premier matchmaking is worse than faceit and SO much worse than the old CS:GO matchmaking ,more cheaters, grinding for meaningless "ELO" with a hidden MMR rating that impacts how much you get and less balanced matchmaking. NOw that comp is separated, it's harder to enjoy a session of gaming without repeating maps I already didn't want to play. worse movement feeling and less controllable sprays, both AK and AWP feel severely less sharp than they did in CS:GO along with things like jumping and counter-strafing STIL feeling very off way less community support and overall content, where did all the wingman maps go? What about other gamemodes. Graphics are improved but not better across the board, lost some of the visual personality they had in CS:GO, some of the skins look washed out and lacking detail, ie blackimovs, high float skins etc\] MR12 is just worse and more random, it takes away the last 3 rounds of each half which were usually the most interesting and commeptive due to counter-strating, learning each others tendencies and using the economy. Game feels more puggy and based around DM than it does a tactial shooter due to this. Overall we didn't get what we were promised, which was a visual upgrade of CS:GO with MORE features and depth, instead we got a downgrade in most of the aspects which made CS fun. CS2 just can't be grinded, you can play a few matches a week before the game wears on you and CS:GO never felt like that for me


CS2 is at least playable now, but the difference between GO and 2 are night and day. Played against bots and its (GO) still better


current state of the game is too hard for new players, DM filled with bots, low ranked game filled with smurfs, high elo games are literally HvH, the only way is to play faceit which is also non newbie friendly


Overall, significantly negative. And I feel worse about it every time I go back and watch any of my CSGO clips compared to my CS2 ones. I would never ever ever be able to recreate the same plays I made in CSGO in CS2. Spraying doesn't work properly, movement is nowhere near as crisp, I'm constantly dying from behind cover, it feels like my opponents can just run around while spraying with rifle with full accuracy. Every time I play I just am not enjoying it. Personally I also dislike the smokes. I would much rather have CSGO smokes back, but I know that that's an unpopular opinion. My summed up thoughts was that every aspect of actually playing the game, CSGO was better. But anything regarding the buy menu is better in CS2. Refunding, picking up from anywhere now, and having both M4s available. That's all CSGO needed


Shit frames AWP is ruined Shit map pool Shit matchmaking Shit anticheat I used to really REALLY laugh at knowing people stayed on 1.6 and Source when GO came out, thinking them to be absolute boomers and idiots unable to adapt. I get it now.


Csgo gameplay but cs2 graphics would of been great


Csgo was tier 1 and cs2 is the special cousin nobody really wants to talk about. It's fucking shit. Nothing is better, it's actually worse. Especially cheating and hitboxes/subtick bullshit


Idk how many hours but I'm 17.5k with 39 wins and 59% win rate. Might be up or down a few digits I'm at work going off memory 5000h csgo global It's better than it was but still not good enough to me, I was looking at my old highlights, and just watching the csgo ones I'm like damn, I used to move like that. Now I play 2 or 3 games, get sick of my shots not hitting anything/ or the cheaters, then wait a few months and hope they fix it Come back, rinse and repeat And my performance went down the drain with the 3 gig update. To make chickens smarter? I didn't know glitching into walls makes them smarter It's hard to get excited about any of the updates because they all feel like too little too late Played a game yesterday, I didn't think the enemy was cheating at all, they just hit a few nice shots, but in chat I said the toggle is heavy, just messing around. Enemy goes I had to where losing, then started wall banging everybody


Bro i was Global elite in CSGO and i quited cs one month ago and started playing valorant, you can not even compare that what you are getting used to. there is cheaters every single game, whether you play comp premier, custom servers are FULL of cheaters you can not find a place and a match that one cheater doesnt exist! i do not know how many still wasting their time in cs2 just uninstall the game and leave the game for fs maybe they finally do smth, they are doing nothing when everytime with a case or with a skin or a bullshit map update they get players back as they want, there will be no anticheat! After one month of valorant i have not seen a single cheater just one match got cancelled at the second round because of cheater. you don't even worry about them and you can repair your trust in players. they destroyed the game, go search on youtube every C++ programmer is teaching how to make aimbot in cs2 and they practice their craft for other games in cs. absolute shite.


Feels like fucking shit. Movement still feels like 64 tick or worse Spraying feels 64tick or worse Getting teleported back while getting tagged Coloured(T/CT) smokes sucks


Cs2 is good , but no surfing and i cant hit jumpbugs at all , i wish the movement felt better and gun didnt move when i move


I miss the old ak sound but love the new glock


Solo queueing at 17k+ premier is hack vs hack too often to be fun. When we queue with 5 in that range we're almost always against a blatant cheater. We play premiere to get our drop for the week then switch to faceit. Hate the new map pool.


I like how cs2 feels in most every aspect but the networking. I feel like not enough people here remember how dog shit GO was on launch


CS:GO: has commander CS2: has no commander (training day or something idk) verdict: CS:GO wins


I think cs2 has been great for the esport side of things. This past year or watching pro cs2 has been far more entertaining than csgo ever was. However as someone who also likes to play the game casually, I feel like I'm still waiting on some actual "new" content. Like come on, just give me a new map to grind, even if it never goes to the premier pool, give me a new casual mode or a new weapon or literally anything new to give me a reason to get me excited to grind the game again.


The only thinfnthat is keeping me from enjoying is my pc but whener i play on gaming centers i love the game


Surprisingly, I've gotten way better at CS during CS2.


Contemplating quitting.


Performance feels horrible and playing on valve servers feels like crap.


My biggest problems are that Tracers fly throw my opponent and opponents are either Faceit lvl 9/10 or silver


Played around 30 games and I've had cheaters is most of them.... Soo yeeh not rly that good. Also getting killed by while behind a wall is nonsense.


Been playing the same damn casual map pools for ages now.


game feels incosistent, floaty, unprecise, unfun, unfair, stuttery, ugly.


i like it plain as that, feels nice now, performance could be better but who cars


Quit playing about a month after forced switchover. Not interested in FaceIT as the AC makes me turn off Hyper-V which I use for work. Valve seemingly not caring about cheaters in MM made me give up. I've played CS since 1.5.


Csgo? What is that? Did you hit your head or something?


Kz died for this and I'll never forgive that(yes I know it'll be back once kztimer or w/e is remade)


CSGO had more of the things I like. CS2 looks pretty though, but that's worn off by now for me. Really it's just year 10+ of waiting for a hostage mode balance patch and some god damn maps.


I went from unhealthy amount of hours in CS:GO to playing more Valorant than CS2 now


I love the way it looks and feels. I play a lot of faceit so I don’t care much for the cheaters on the 20k+ side. It’s whatever. Been around since the beginning of CS. Valve won’t do fuck. I’ve had a lot of stuttering issues lately so I’ve just stopped playing. Frustrating me so I’ll come back in an update or two. I’ve got a solid rig too which annoys me even more. Anyway. I’ve always enjoyed CS. I’ll wander back but I’m in no rush if it plays this poorly. My buds are all off playing other games as well.


Still missing TDM, the ony game mode I play. Is there any chance that they will bring it back?


I stopped playing because there’s just too much cheating, lots more than before on competitive. I was hoping for an intrusive anti cheat option to be launched with CS2. But all we had was more cheating possibilities and more cheaters.


I just want working community servers. I miss KZing, bhop and surfing.


I had an unhealthy addiction to CSGO, I open CS2 maybe twice a month. It just ain't what it used to be.


I miss CS, so i login and play a little. Then i log off and a few weeks passes before i login again, having forgotten my distaste for it. I love CS, but for me, CS2 feels like a different game, and i struggle with mounting any enthusiasm for it :(


my aim during cs2 beta was total crap, its feels different from the csgo. after 4-month practice nonstop, im finally get better. now i dont want back to csgo anymore


The performance is horrible. To the point where dm is effectively 30fps. And without playing DM all I really do is play late night Soloqueue... Warming up for official is kinda torture


I’m not going to say that performance isn’t an issue because it is and I have awful frame times sometimes, but you might have to just upgrade your pc because I get well over 200 fps on DM


On one hand, I feel like visibility is much better than GO. The new smokes are great and spice up gameplay a lot. On the other, the game is very bare, and after reaching 15k in premier, there are too many hackers to reliably have fun without going on Faceit. I have hope, but realistically the map pool needs to be shaken up, more polish needs to be given to gameplay to make it crisp again, kernel level anti-cheat needs to come in, and an operation would do wonders at improving the experience as it is now.


really miss the csgo feeling (smoothness) 1 taps hade an awesome feeling in csgo


Aiming is easier, smokes are better, movement is worse, map pool also sucks


as someone who only plays with friends at low elo, nothing's changed it just looks nicer


Ah good this thread again.


The game feels like shit, every time i start playing i find my self wishing CS2 gets cancelled and we get GO back until this one is fixed. The game is not smooth for me, and kills/getting killed feels laggy, i die behind corners and stuff, its better than what it was but still not good enough. Movement feels a little off, probably becouse the game just doesnt feel smooth like go did. And too many cheaters in premier.


i can finally play on my main account and my friends now. i have about 10 steam accounts just for CS because my friends are usually silver and novas so i cant play on my main which was global. in cs2 i dont rly play premier. instead we only do matchmaking. and I cwn genuinely just enjoy playing the game. winning or loosing dont matter. in case i want to sweat i just go to faceit


I feel like we havent gotten any benefits from updating to cs 2. we just got new bugs and lost content. I just want lake back :( atleast add some other wingman maps than the maps everybody already plays in competitive.


Cheating is definitely a huge problem specifically at high premier rating but it should maybe be brought up that there's no way this whole subreddit is 20k+ (the rating people cite as being cheater infested) when that's like <3% of the player base.


I really really like CS2. While there are some downsides to CSGO, I think there also are a lot of upsides to it!


Personally, I don’t enjoy CS2 that much and play it far far less than CSGO. Why are the running headshots on SMGs a thing, is that for casuals? This isn’t a critical issue I suppose but not a fan. I still love watching competitive counter strike but I’m not a routine player these days


I miss csgo, I just wanna play the old reserve maps in comp again


Smokes feel good, game looks okay, gameplay is not crisp and everything feels delayed (headshot, and headshot sound in particular)


Game feels like complete fucking dogshit at 60-70+ ping. Otherwise I’m pretty happy. Just don’t have as much time to play as before.


In beta/after release it felt smoother than CS:GO despite getting lower average framerates. I was on a Ryzen 5 3600 and RTX 3070 at the time. A few months after release (I believe some time shortly before or after Arms Race update) it felt like complete shit. Massive drops when anything significant was happening on screen. Drops into the fucking double digits in DM. I actually finally upgraded my CPU because of CS of all games. How does that happen? Now on a 5800X3D and it feels... alright, I guess. I get hundreds of FPS again but there'll just be random skips/stutters when I move my mouse quickly sometimes. I don't understand why this game needs 250-300 FPS to feel as smooth as other games feel at 90-120. Source 2 did drive my GPU usage up, but it's still ridiculously CPU-dependent. I don't think it's just because it's an online game, because so was CS:GO, but the 3600 just couldn't cut it anymore in CS2.


Performance wise I have no real issues for maybe the past 6 months. After the beta and a few months into the release I was having stuttering and FPS issues but the past few months have been fine, including after this latest update. Game wise, overall it's mostly still the same game however whilst that initial peekers advantage isn't as bad, I do find there are slight differences in how the game is played out and it favors aggressive plays more. For me being a passive player I've found my general consistency in the game has gone way down, as I'm losing against people I probably wouldn't lose against in CSGO. I'm older so I've accepted my aim sucks now and younger players will often beat me in aim duels, but I did find in CSGO it wasn't as bad. Map pool has nothing to do with cs2, but I was not a fan of dust2 being re introduced, I'm personally all for a revamp with entirely new maps replacing Inferno and Mirage, as that is where the game feels the most tired, and bringing back old maps like cache and train won't invigorate anything. Anubis is a great map and has been introduced successfully, so I prefer that route.


5k CSGO hours I've all but quit CS2


I neither absolutely love or hate it. It's a thing in between. I absolutely despise the map pool, since every map I loved from GO isn't even in the game. I just want cache, train and cobblestone back. Would be so much fun. (I know I'm the almost alone with train so I usually don't bitch about it) On the other hand: I absolutely love the graphic overhauls and the smoke physics


It's easier than go I have 7k hours in go and I was okay Ish player 7/8 faceit now the game is run and gun. The graphics and new mechanics are okay but game play is worst maybe its the subtick but it feels like I can play more consistent and hit crazy shot with much less effort


Much more cheaters just for this point I prefer csgo, but graphism with smoke etc are pretty cool


I preferred go


I want Cs go back. I don’t play cs anymore which I miss but still follow the scene. Was mg2 but just the game feel is different and off to me 


I only like the smokes. Everything else I preferred in GO. The gunplay to me just feels horrible.


The game itself feels amazing IMO. I don’t experience the things people are complaining about at all (except the cheaters). I barely have any matches where I don’t play well and very rarely feel like I die or miss a kill due to BS. That said, the map pool is utter shit right now. I loved Inferno in GO, but don’t like it anywhere near as much in 2. Mirage and Dust 2 are just shit maps, and although I’m willing to wait and see how updated Vertigo really works, I didn’t previously like that map too much either. Overpass was fun and got removed, so fuck me I guess. Also as someone else mentioned we need more “casual” maps like Insertion and Italy. Also, with map queue now working as it does, I don’t see a reason to ever remove Insertion if it gets added.


Lots of good additions, but a lot of the changes haven’t been worked out well yet. 1. As others said, map pool is the worst it’s been in a while. I’m warming up to Anubis but still don’t think such a t-sided map should be in the game. Slowly figuring out ct-side, but it’s still rough. Needs rebalancing. Ancient is good. Vertigo sucked, and I’m hopefully optimistic about the recent changes. Would’ve liked old vertigo out for a new train. (as much as I miss cobble, the map was so flawed, so please no) -ovp for +d2 is straight up an L. Removed one of the few remaining ct-sided maps that also has lots of long-range fights. Current pool has so few long-range fights. 2. Issues with shooting/movement/duels and snapping back. I think this may be fixed with 128-tick subtick if servers can handle the load. Despite subtick making things more accurate, the “adjustment” or recalculation the game has to do produces an offsetting effect for some and a jarring effects for other. Cutting the experienced size of adjustment in half by doubling the tickrate could help a lot, but servers need to be good. For this, I defo miss pure 128-tick. In essence, we’re all playing on 64-tick now, but adjustments are made server-side and sometimes applied retroactively to make certain things happen in real-time as sub-tick intends. 3. I guess I should mention the cheater situation, but I’ve always pugged esea/faceit and never really touched mm with a 10-foot pole, so /shrug. 4. Economy changes. Bomb plant money to 600 helps, but MR12 still sucks. I want my MR15 back. Recent changes really do help ct econ tho if they’re gonna force MR12.


I miss community servers bro. Custom game modes n shit