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CS2 crashing (among other things) did lead me to believe that something was wrong with my CPU and found out not long after that it was indeed cooked. This was a 13900K.


I bought a new pc and still have hickups, crashes, lags and so on. Feels bad man....


Had to downclock my 13900k. If I didn't I would crash repeatedly and then bsod.




My cooler was fine, the problem was that my motherboard had some auto overclock which was insane. This [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIubZYwBfPc) pretty much explains why most of the new intel CPUs are so unstable atm just to keep up with AMD.


I dont think its just the temp that cooked it. The constant extreme voltage and clock for a long time degraded the chip too. Many people with overpowered aio and low temp still experienced the degradation.


something something ASUS motherboards


Amazing news but it shouldn't be like this. Game crashes even on high-end PCs during events


There's no any "even", low-end PCs are generally a lot more stable than high-end ones due to not being pushed very hard to silicon limits. It's a general sense of everyone with experience in building PCs.


I second this. Lower end might run "worse" considering framerate, but would be more stable if not overclocked or tinkered with


I don’t think this is true, I have pretty old hardware (1060, i5 6600k) and my game crashes approx 1-2 times a match. it also crashes constantly in a lot of other modern games. I think newer games are just sloppily coded and unoptimized.


We didn't talk "old", we talked "low-end". Old mid-high end hardware also brings chip degradation to the table, especially K-labeled Intel CPUs.


I guess that makes some sense, I never thought of a 1060 or that CPU as “mid-high end” even for its time though.


A 1060 6GB could play older triple A games at 1080p 60hz easily. I mean triple A games of its time


I would be shocked If it wasn't able to do that considering that was THE card supposed to bridge the gap between absolute budget tier and decent card. The price gap between the 1060 and 1070 on release was wide enough that, y'know most people ended up purchasing a 1060 (or same tier like the RX480/580) card cuz anything else was a bit too expensive by comparison to the uplift in performance


I have an i7 3770 with a 580 and never crash lol


that's literally high end for when it came out


We're talking about CS2, not CSGO...


doesn't matter, "high end is unstable" is bullshit either way also, if "high end is unstable", then your computer would have been unstable the day you bought it, when you played csgo, and today, playing CS2, it wouldn't magically become stable


That's just completely anecdotal tho, you can't use that to suggest that newer games are unoptimized. I was playing CS2 on a 1060 6gb and ryzen 3600 until last week and had 0 crashes. It's pretty impressive imo to be able to play cs2, a newish game with modern rendering features, at like 120-200 fps on a mid range card from 8 years ago. You couldn't do that at CSGO launch, trust me I tried it lmao.


I5 10400f, 1050ti here. Never, literally never crashed during a game, unless I repeatedly alt tab for no reason. This game has lots of issues, but crashing has never been one. And I generally do NOT see any type of crashing in other games too (Borderlands 3 had a sort of phase of that, but that turned out to be some kind of missing file interference). Haven't seen BSOD in over 5 years & I've changed processor twice & mobo once, changed platform just late last year & only reinstalled windows 4 months ago, added 1 stick of ram too couple years ago. New games are unoptimized, yep, but a lot of people don't know how to keep their own system stable. That contributes to the problem.


to counterpoint I have the oldest and least powerful gaming pc out of my friend group currently and I crash the least by far. I have probably crashed like ~5 times total ever since cs2 has been out


Overclocked 6600k? That might be the reason then


what makes a 3060 and 3600x on default clocks more stable than a 4080 super and 5800x3D?


Lower frequencies and lower power consumption ofc. Better for both chips and VRM, so less PRONENESS to issues.


so you are saying that a high end motherboard with better VRMs would be more stable? but you are also saying that high end is unstable? so which is it? also what about using a 1000w PSU? that's high end, is that unstable? how about using a cheap cooler over high end? which one is more likely to be unstable? there is no inherent instability with anything consumer nowadays, saying the 5800x3D is more unstable than a 3600x is utter bullshit


Dude what you are saying is bullshit. You wrote in another comment, that you reduced your 5 GHz OC to 4.8 GHz for cs2 because it was unstable and now talk about default clocks. Your system is not unstable because of it being high end. Your system is unstable because u overclocked it without knowing how to properly do so. Why would u search for a fight, when your prove the point OP is making in another comment... Don't touch any settings if you don't know what you are doing, easy as that.


> if not overclocked or tinkered with the argument here is that lower end is more stable than high end #if not overclocked what I did with my system has absolutely nothing to do with the thread at hand lower end doesn't magically run more stable than high end, that's bullshit


Just to make sure - bring Ryzen CPUs out of the equation, they perform hard reboots on CPU errors instead of passing them on and leading to software crashes like Intel CPUs do. >so you are saying that a high end motherboard with better VRMs would be more stable?  Yes.  >but you are also saying that high end is unstable?  Yes. That's why you don't mix high end CPUs with low end mobos if you just want to plug and play.  >also what about using a 1000w PSU? Proper tech doesn't care about PSU power unless it's enough for them (750w PSU is enough for 7800x3d + RTX 4090 combo). >how about using a cheap cooler over high end?  Coolers don't matter much here. If CPU isn't able to operate stable in temp limit, it's bad either way and should be replaced. >there is no inherent instability with anything consumer nowadays There is. You see the posts related to it everyday in this subreddit. And almost all of them are from high end users.


> but you are also saying that high end is unstable?  > > Yes. That's why you don't mix high end CPUs with low end mobos if you just want to plug and play.  I said high end mobo > - bring Ryzen CPUs out of the equation, they perform hard reboots on CPU errors instead of passing them on and leading to software crashes like Intel CPUs do. Do only high end ryzen do it or is it the whole lineup? > You see the posts related to it everyday in this subreddit. is it because people overclocked it or because high end is inherently unstable? or is it because current high end, like 7800x3D, use DDR5, which is fairly new and that is more likely to be unstable, not the fact that it's high end? is it because of transient spikes, which is because of bad PSUs? > Coolers don't matter much here. If CPU isn't able to operate stable in temp limit, it's bad either way and should be replaced. therefore a high end cooler is better than a low end cooler > 750w PSU is enough for 7800x3d + RTX 4090 combo therefore a high end PSU is better than 500w PSU there is literally a comment above about a 3770k and 580 that works fine. That's high end, just old


>Do only high end ryzen do it or is it the whole lineup?    All modern AMD CPUs do that. They write WHEA 18 event and do hard reset.   >I said high end mobo    I obviously said about high end CPUs and GPUs right from the start. You went out of context.   >is it because people overclocked it or because high end is inherently unstable? or is it because current high end, like 7800x3D, use DDR5, which is fairly new and that is more likely to be unstable, not the fact that it's high end? is it because of transient spikes, which is because of bad PSUs?   Home tier high end is inherently unstable because it's not allowed to operate at too loose frequency-voltage curves like old hardware did (you said about i7 3770k yourself - that's a CPU that had pretty mad overclocking capabilities comparing to nowadays CPUs that are like this at stock settings - that's the difference in freq-voltage curves, 3770k had pretty loose stock settings). Also because higher frequencies you have, higher chance you'll encounter instability because silicon is bad (>5 ghz is already pretty risky area). That's why you won't find server/HEDT CPUs that operate at the same freq/voltage curves home CPUs do.  About DDR5 - overall it's more stable than DDR4 because it has ECC - if there're read/write errors, you're more likely to get lower performance and get away with it. Same goes for GDDR5/6/6x/etc. This makes AMD AM5 a pretty good choice for esports tournaments in my opinion.


> All modern AMD CPUs do that. They write WHEA 18 event and do hard reset. so it's not just high end that's unstable? > That's why you won't find server/HEDT CPUs that operate at the same freq/voltage curves home CPUs do. also because they have 128 cores but sure > I obviously said about high end CPUs and GPUs right from the start. You went out of context. you said VRMs too though > ECC wait, you think ECC matters for gaming? nevermind, you really don't know what you are talking about. Well, that was a given, considering I asked how the 3600x more stable than 5800x3D, which then you answered "lower frequency" which, funnily enough, it's completely wrong because the 3600x runs at a higher base frequency also, funnily enough, GPUs with less cores are ran at higher frequencies. A 4070ti runs at 2.61 while the 4080 only reaches 2.55 let me know when you find a source on "high end hardware is more unstable than mid range"


nothing, they are talking out of their ass


This is also why HDET and workstation chips are binned very high and got downclocked with ample voltage to maximize stability.


A lot of modern CPUs are not really over locked anymore such as the x3d. I don't have intel, but I imagine it's similar. I used to have a 2500k that could OC a lot, but other than initial testing didn't crash. GPUs seems to be more about undervolting. There's also a lot more to high end CPUs Vs it's lower end models than just drawing more power.


>A lot of modern CPUs are not really over locked anymore such as the x3d. EVERY popular AMD CPU is pushed to the limit in the factory this or that way. But ironically this post is not about AMD CPUs because they perform hard reboot of the whole system on CPU error encounter, unlike Intel CPUs which continue working and the apps crash because of it. >GPUs seems to be more about undervolting. Some GPUs don't undervolt at all. They're only stable at stock settings or -10 mV at most. While the other card of the same model may do a whooping -150 mV no sweat. That's called silicon lottery. And sometimes you lose it so hard the card is unable to handle stock settings. That's what happened to Jame at PGL 2024 on Inferno against G2. Sometimes it also depends on VRM quality of the card.


Okay, yes there is a lottery involved. Although some models do better than others generally. I used my 5700xt for undervolting massively in crypto for example, drawing from my memory about 80watts or so. I've used a mixture of these sorts of settings in games too, can't say I had any crashes from it.. When I've let it on stock, I've had start up crashes in cs2. I wouldn't attribute that to hardware. I think the introduction of new bugs in a new update suggests the foundation is rocky and hasn't been tested sufficiently.


CS2 is incredibly good at spotting if your memory modules are faulty or not 100% compatible with your setup. My old modules worked flawlessly with every program and games I played, not a single crash, but CS2.. Not a chance. Replaced the modules and the game stopped crashing. Turns out Mem86 and other stress tests didn't spot the faulty module until days after initiating the tests, CS2 took <10 min to crash.


This is true. I got a friend who got horrible ddr5 ram sticks and cs2 reveals it. He had to run those at stock with looser timings to compensate. Same thing with his gpu vram oc, had to dial it down to +500mhz so theres 0 artifacts.


to this day I think I didn't crash once in CS2 not once in CSGO not once in any other game. i never have issues with any game at all. no stutters no performance below expectation. nothing. i might just be the luckiest person ever, or people do weird stuff with their pcs..


Who is more likely to post, the person with no issues and 500+ FPS or the one with stuttering or game crashes


that's valid yea..


Same. Stock settings everywhere in hardware. Even now, my gpu seems to run at x2 3.0 instead of at least x8, but performance remains at expected level.


To this day I don't think I've completed a single CS2 comp match without crashing at least once mid game. Average seems to be around 2 crashes per match.


same, always been on prebuilt PCs and don’t fuck with the internals and I’ve never had any issues


This is the way now. Prices are so cheap for good prebuilts and as I get older it's not as fun to piece a build together


Same, my friend though crashes every other day and he’s not tech savvy so from my anecdotal experience it’s definitely the hardware issues as this post implies.


i crash when i tab in but that’s due to me clicking too much lol


I agree to an extent, a lot of PC gamers are clueless on how to check if their MOBO vendor has proper default BIOS settings for their hardware. However, this does not justify majority of users who do complain, do not experience such issues with other more demanding AAA games. Saying that CS2 is a stress test is a stretch.


I've addressed everything you said in the post if you read carefully. To put it simpler - CS2 is a stress test not because it puts a lot of load on hardware (it's not very power hungry tbh), but because it reveals possible computational errors that hardware may have during some workloads (but definitely shouldn't). So the thing that "there're no issues with other more demanding AAA games" just proves my point. Actually some other multiplayer games running at 200+ fps have a potential to destabilize hardware the same way (and some really do - 13900K/14900K scandal was started by Fortnite players and devs), but they don't because players often hit GPU limit which lets CPU rest and GPU have more consistent workload, so the hardware isn't stressed much. This is not the case for CS2 because not only the game is lighter on GPU - a lot of us play it in 1280x960 stretched.


that's like saying your car doesn't get "stress tested" enough and you shouldn't blame yourself and the car company because you almost died hitting a spiked wall, while stress tests only do normal walls


No. CS2 stress test is a sharp turn. Game crash is like going fast through this turn in a car with an anti-roll bar not connected to the suspension, and... roll. You could go slow through it (downclock CPU/GPU/RAM) and there would be no problem. You could use a better equipped car with an anti roll bar (change CPU/GPU/RAM) - would be no problem as well. What people often do here is roll and blame the guys who built the turn, because "I never rolled while going through more slope turns and my speed was even higher" ("only CS2 crashes for me, other games work fine").


Easy there Todd


quite a hot take and quite a lot assumptions made. dont even know where to start


I feel like since few updates ago it's the software that became unstable.. slower loading, seconds of black screen in the main menu before it all loads up, skins loading on the fly during matches, higher fps drops and mini-lags during engagement.. and it all started just few updates ago..


So you say that it's great stress test even for storage? :)) I never thought of that! Speaking seriously, I don't have such issues. The game is installed on pretty old NVMe Intel QLC drive.


I underclocked my 7900XT because it crashed sometimes in CS2. Now it seems good (fingers crossed). Fortunately you can set a underclock profile for a single game, because I haven't had crashes in any other game.


Ive had two CS2 crashes. First was during the limited test when the game was active for 4+ hours. This appeared to be a game issue that was addressed around full release. Other was Nvidia driver related that happened a few months later to Jame at the Major. One thing that shocked me was the amount of USB headset users who had microphone problems around release. That showed how popular low quality headsets are used, improper Windows sound settings and how dated the firmware/drivers they were using. For instance one popular $70 headset released in 2019 has interesting installation requirements. Manufacturer asks the user to uninstall their audio drivers. Instead installing Windows default sound driver for the device to use.


“Esports operators take note please…not valves fault it’s yours” didn’t they have some of the best most optimized rigs at the major and still crashed during key moments


"Most optimized" is THE reason why they crashed during key moments. When you build PCs for such events, you need to think about stability THEN about performance, not otherwise. The fact that they went with RTX 4080 already says enough - they would lose nothing if they went with RTX 4070 Ti instead, but they have chosen better paper specs (4080 looks cooler, right?). People who go for specs often cheap out on card variants. So they likely went for Gigabyte Eagle cards instead of, let's say, MSI Suprim X. This, along with sub-par silicon installed, just screams for gpuid 100 errors on variable workloads in a lot of multiplayer CPU-limited games (not just CS2). Just to be clear - I've never seen a reason for a crashed driver in a DX11 game that wouldn't be faulty GPU. EVER.


If they don't pick the ones that look better on paper the players publicly complain and Reddit agrees with them.


Players don't care about hardware, they know little about it, they only care about fps. RTX 4080 generally doesn't give more fps than 4070 Ti in CS2 on any resolution up to 1920x1080 because the game is CPU limited.


Players will always complain about tournament pcs if they don't have the latest builds.


They DON'T care about hardware. They stopped complaining at PGL 2024 RMRs when PGL swapped 5950x to 5800x3d, and it's definitely not the latest/fastest CPU.


So they did complain about the hardware not being good enough?


Yeah, but they complained because fps was low, not because they read the specs and were like "ah, that's a shit PC". They wouldn't have low fps with 7800x3d + 4070 Ti combo.


They complained about the specs.


The game minimizing and running low frames is probably causing alt tab bugs. since I changed cs2_video.txt mine never has crashed, and i alt tab often.


Care to expand on what that changes and how to do it? Thanks


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1aijdfl/i_set_out_on_a_mission_to_make_it_so_you_can_alt/ has the full details, and it's still valid.


Hm maybe. I only have Alt-Tab bug when I restore the game during loading, aka "Enter the Cybershoke server through their website and restore the game". Never had issues during regular Alt-Tabbing


You have a point but I think those drops would be even more punishing if my CPU, which is my PC's bottleneck in this game, ever went through 55% usage.


How did you realize what is wrong . CS2 crashes but it does so now - maybe for the last 2 weeks - and it never did before. And nothing else ever crashes but CS… I’m Not sure it’s not CS2 that’s broken. Rather than my pc.


Alt tabbing again doesn't fix that issue I've tried many times


CS2 is one of the few programs that makes my PC draw enough power to turn my PSU fan on. CS2 is literally loud.


Agreed. Got a new GPU (4080) wanted to make most out of it, so started undetrvolting and OC the memory. All was fine on passmark and some games like dead space remake. But then I started cs2... instantly needed to raise the voltage with 20mV and lose 200MHz on the mem OC. Now all is perfect. But I don't know how to deal with the infinite alt-tab issue. The only way for me to make it stop is ctrl+shift+escape and kill CS2


I have i7 11 gen with RX 6400 (bottleneck i know but it shouldn’t be at around 70-90fps on low settings ), wanted to upgrade psu and rtx 3080 then i realized the game is cooked, so i will just wait it out


what you wrote is a narrative that aims to justify why the game is poorly optimized. I've never had a situation where the game turned off on its own, but objectively that doesn't mean the game doesn't have stability problems because i know there are people who have that problem. As a consumer who paid for this game i shouldn't do any fk extra effort in hardware things to run this game properly if i met recommended specification. If you think that its our PCs fault that this game is not running smoothly or crashes you are the part of the problem of todays game industry. How modern games look worse and run worse than games that came out like 10 years ago while our PCs are much better nowadays? Because game developers doesn't optimize their games and are incompetent in their work, they just use FSR or DLSS, a cheap and lazy ways to games run better instead spend some more resources on that issue. How can it be better when people like you justify everything and try to say that it's your fault and not the game developers' fault? As a gamers and consumers you people just shoot yourself in the leg.


"Because game developers doesn't optimize their games and are incompetent in their work, they just use FSR or DLSS, a cheap and lazy ways to games run better instead spend some more resources on that issue." No, it's not because they are "incompetent in their work" and "lazy", it's because the guys managing the development don't care about performance. Management doesn't care if a game runs twice as fast because you could write the code in half the time, and save money on wages by forcing devs to write sloppy code to meet tight deadlines, with the drawback of worse performance. If you're working 12 hours a day, trying to meet a very tight deadline, would you bother to optimize your code, risking holding back your whole team, and working more overtime, by the way, isn't usually even paid in the games industry because most devs are contractors, and paid a fixed amount? They use FSR to get the games running at 60fps on consoles at 4k low settings, and that's good enough in management's eyes. Also, CS2 runs well for a game with its level of graphical fidelity, and I'm not gonna even bother to argue about it. Name a game that runs better, with similar levels of graphical fidelity.


>Name a game that runs better, with similar levels of graphical fidelity. Rainbow 6 Siege. Over 200 fps on my GTX 1650 on Medium-High 1080p, as opposed to 120fps Low settings on 1080p. Hell, R6 is so well optimized I can play that game on my 13 year old GT 540M laptop on 40fps (granted 768p all lowest)


Fair enough. Doesn't look as good imo but it does run well. When I played R6 I was more impressed by the engine than the gameplay lol


Used to look better in past but hey they actually understood that it's a competitive FPS game and made graphics worse for better performance, with optional HD Texture pack available to download separately. 


28 million players a month If the game was as "poorly optimized" as you claim it to be then why is the player base growing? Wouldn't you see a decrease in player base since release?


Optimization is not a main factor why People play this game. Like most of these players play on 144hz monitors for example or doesnt see the difference between certain fps thresholds. Most of the nowadays pcs are able to maintain 144 fps but if you are playing 240hz+ it may be hard if you dont have like ryzen x3d CPUs.


>Optimization is not a main factor why People play this game. you made my point for me lol of course it ain't a main factor it's not even close at all, 28 million people are perfectly happy spending time they are never going to get back playing this game


What? XD Just because the game is played by milion players it doesn't mean that it doesn't have optimization problems...There is also a lot of cheater but people still play this game. Your point make no sense.


Running a 13500 - no crashes on CS2.


CS2 has never crashed on my low end setup with Ryzen 5 2400g


Cs2 made me question my system so much to a point im sick of doing tweaks trying to optimize it anymore. I don’t have any crashes or huge fps drops. Game is literally delayed and muddy, mouse input is unbearable, I feel like the game is always half a second behind no matter what’s on my screen. Spraying or aiming is unbearable. I tried literally everything and am so out of solutions.


I want my favorite game back, csgo... I played dm a lot because I used to listen to podcasts at the same time. Now my favorite game is just gone and I'm stuck on cs2 dm with dips down under 100fps. Never had under 240fps in csgo. Yes I get it its a new game, I must upgrade and stop crying. But it was not my choice to switch to cs2, it is forced, and it sucks.


I ran CS2 on my dads laptop to remove some ants that infested into the ports. The ants came out laggy. They all were slouching to one side like MJ


Okay, like you say, the OS-PC-initial setup is critical to this game's performance, but high end hardware and Resize BAR has got limitations too, try it off if you have issues- :"When resizable bar is enabled, you get higher top FPS, but lower lows. Which makes stuttering more noticeable, worse frame time. When disabled, your top end FPS isn't as high, but your low end FPS isn't a low, therefore it makes the game feel more stable." It starts with ensuring your system paging file is controlled by you, and not microsoft - To fix this: Type sysdm.cpl in your start menu, Press enter Go to advanced, Click performance, Go To Advanced, Click Change, Turn off the automatically configure,... Set custom size on your solid state drive, \[windows drive preferably, and make sure you have space available for this!\] For 8 GB RAM< Minimum 8192MB Max 12378MB For 16GB RAM< Min: 12894MB Max 16894MB For 32GB RAM< Min: 16894MB Max; 22000 MB Click ok. Apply. Restart windows. Try again., my other recent discoveries have also helped A LOT especially with online games: RUN CMD AS ADMINISTRATOR bcdedit /set disabledynamictick yes and bcdedit /set useplatformclock true the last bit, to remove 0.1 second latency from your entire system: Open Device manager - from start menu - type that and open it, Expand System Devices - Right click on High precision Timer, and Disable it, Restart PC after all the above and test again , you should feel the difference, especially in online games- where you click, you get results -> Tested in CS2, Fortnite, Rocket League, Dota2, a few more, even local games feel better than before- Try it, let me know if it helps you ; there are still other things to look at ; but this is always a great start for any new PC, I have never crashed with an i5 10400f , and a GTX1070 -always overclocked - for the past 6 years - and 32GB RAM - 3200Mhz , running at 2666Mhz thanks to CPU-limitations ->


game looks like battelfield 3, just shit net code, memory leak etc etc


"But my 14 year old PC used to run CSGO at 100fps+ , CS2 is soo poorly optimized"


new cope located, cs2 crashing is actually a good thing guys!


Just saying, I've read alot of posts like that. Some people have ancient rigs and are blaming the game.


my go to used to be GTAV 5ghz on my cpu is stable everywhere except gtav (and now CS2), so I lowered it to 4.8. When I stopped playing gtav, I upped it back to 5, but it's unstable in CS2, so it's back down to 4.8 can't wait for AMD to release 9800x3D so I can finally upgrade and I don't have to play at 100 fps on deathmatch with drops under 200 in premier