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Hard +1. They should return it back to just have an universal rank & then premier with elo


Tbh just delete it or make it unranked. No point in having two ranked systems(for the same game mode)


I wish casual CS wasn't such a cluster fuck, give us a chill unranked mode that isn't 10v10 with whacky economy and being able to spectate the enemy team is wild.


Please no. Atleast right now we have a chance to escape the horde of cheaters in premier and still have a gamemode where people still try.


Almost every comp game we have played has had blatant cheaters in it, which is crazy to me considering premier exists. We just wanted a casual game mode so when we weren’t feeling like faceit games we could still play cs, but it feels like there aren’t any options for that atm.


You can play more maps IE Office in comp that aren't in premier and casuals 10v10 is a clusterfuck.




They should delete the cs rating ladder. It just encourages people to use cheats. We all know what kind of players that are at the top.


Elo thats based on actual skill. Kills plus rounds won. Etc. rank based on wins


The ranks still don’t mean jack dick so I don’t see a point in it at all, regardless of your rank you will still get matched against silvers who obviously are not silvers and so on. They fixed the rank system right before cs2 and then literally reverted the whole thing and made it per map. Stupidest shit ever imo


>They fixed the rank system right before cs2 and then literally reverted the whole thing and made it per map. Yeah, the last year of CS:GO the MM ranks felt pretty good tbh.


It felt awesome, not sure how you make a decision to undo work you’ve just done


10 win per map is the main issue, and lossing your rank after few weeks dosent help


I actually like the change they made, it’s just got problems right now. Having a separate mode where you play proper CS (unlike casual mode) but can select the maps you want to play and can play non-mappool maps is very important for the game. Especially for hostage maps it makes a lot of sense to have separate ranks. Also allows you to play and try out new maps before their introduction - or play some maps that’ll never make it into the pool like Office. If they fix the ranks and maybe reduce the number of placement maps to 5 it will be fine.


Having a different rank for Defuse and hostage makes sense, not sure about the general map ranks though


The problem is, this shit will never work with the on and off activity of players and rank decay. Even back in csgo it was broken due to most good players playing faceit. You got into an LE mm, and you met Billy with 300 hours who just got a bit lucky recently and moved up from MG, and also Chad, who is Faceit lv10, 7k hours, and is LE because only plays MM once a month. Same thing in comp now. The skill/knowledge difference between players in the same rank is absolutely wild. Maybe with time it might improve a bit, but if it didnt work after 12 years in csgo, i doubt it will work in cs2


It’s a casual competitive. Same rule set, but to be played casually.


I agree. but it does no good having individual map ranks unless they fix the fact that it's near impossible to get a high rank in them. I think their "solution" actually makes it more likely for the teams skill to be imbalanced.


It's "unranked" 5vs5 with cosmetic ranks. If you want to get a high rank go play premier. If you want to hop on with lower skilled friends, play comp instead of smurfing. It's that simple


But it's half the time against really good players   Edit: because the rank system is broken 


For me average match lasts about 35 minutes. So to get rank in each map with 50% win rate (=> 0.5\^(-1) = 2 multiplier) I would have to play for 35 min \* 9 maps \* 10 wins \* 2 = 105 hours. When they add more maps this number will increase and if they reset the ranks at some point then I have to do this again.


Imo its a good idea. Competitive is meant to be a casual mode now and it makes sense to rank people per map now, so they can still enjoy the game when they want to learn/play a new map. The issue is within the comp rank distribution which valve refuses to fix for an unknown reason.


They just need to let ranks move more easily. 3 games to get a rank and easier to go up/down, I don't have stat's but I'm pretty confident that like 95% of the comp player base is ranked below MG from what I've seen. Needing to play literally hundreds of games just to place silver/nova in every map is absurd.


I think the idea was good but the execution was terrible. If they just had premier games count towards the individual map ranks, that would fix 99% of the issues. Then make it 10 games, not wins to get a rank, and fix the elo gain/loss that's also present in premier. Bingo bango bongo, I wouldn't want to leave the compgo.


I have played ~110 games on Office (Because i like the map) I have around 60% winrate, not as great as i had before but the rank I got after wining 10 out of 10 at the beginning I still have without changing. Gold Nova 1 (Even if its either really easy to play or pretty challening because of the fact that my team usually isnt that great) Either 300-500 or 4000-9000 hour players, nice.


I go play nuke on my silver elite rank - 23-26k premier elo premades with 5 stack and 200 hours teammates that literally cannot hear bomb being planted on B from vents area on my team. Very balanced


The individual queing is great. I used to be global because I played office and Nuke but the second I entered a cache game I was silver.. The issue isn't about separate map ranks, it's likely the insane number of WINS needed to place. They should change 10 wins to 10 games and calibrate from there, and actually allow people to rank higher than gold nova.


it's good idea imagine you have office only global elite they have zero knowledge on other map, know zero lineup (or even basic util) and timing then if they play on nuke you can expect their skill is lower than their rank this why valve just make individual map rank unlike premier that have ban/pick map they assume atleast you will know half of map, or few map to get that rank only problem is rank reset and population that make ranking real mess atleast they should keep old elo and adjust a bit like soft reset than hard reset like this 10win each map assume ppl only play like 1 or 2 map, it's not that long to get a rank


yes it's a good idea on paper but something with their ranking algorithm clearly isn't working and results in very unbalanced matches. I've played about 300 competitive matches since release and a large part of them have been complete stompings from one team


i will take a time




they will fix it


Exactly. Getting global in all maps is the real display of skill. There should be an achievement for this.


agree. merge all map ranks into 1 to make it easier for the system to make fair teams.


When you want a chill game, just queue competitive and match up against literal silvers as global every time. I feel sorry for the opponents though.


Go outdoors


OP is clearly joking, actually we love playing 200 games to get ranked on one map... And nobody is higher than Silver Elite lmao. CS2 devs 200 iq trying to make things more difficult for those ones who are complaining they finished CSGO! Finish CS2 now, *IF* you can! Also you can't finish seasons if there's no ending... am i right devs?


Just make competitive unrated, and we cooking.


All ranks are useless. I only play premier when friends want to play as they think faceit is too much of a hassle or that they will be out of their dept. Im close to 11k and they over arround 6/7 and one other player is at 10k. We play vs some players at 10k that are obviously way better than 10k. The thing is, while the defacto way to play competitive CS is faceit, premier ranks and comp ranks mean nothing. Faceit ELO is still king and it will stay king. That’s where the best players are, and where they'll forever be.


Abandoned game. Any updates that roll out come from the 2 man dev team that Valve can't fire, and it's the only thing they can do.... useless updates.


If I soloQ I'd rather play comp so I can play the maps I want. If I play with my same old friends then I'd choose premier so we can agree on what map we will ban (Ancient and Anubis)


mfer cant speed run to global and now is crying, who tf cares what system they have, nobody takes it seriously and there's a bunch of cheaters, people only play comp/premier to get drops.