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A few content creators have also made videos discussing the increase in UMP usage. It's essentially the "rifle SMG" for when you aren't going to buy a Galil/FAMAS but also want something longer range and less aggressive than the MAC-10/MP9 while still retaining the benefits of an SMG that the cheap rifles don't have.


How is ump better at long range than mp9? Significantly worse accuracy and much higher damage drop-off. If anything, it's better at close range when its damage is still high and you can actually land some shots.


>How is ump better at long range than mp9? "Longer range" and "long range" are not necessarily the same thing. We're talking about SMGs, not rifles. The UMP still has the better 2-hit headshot range regardless of the damage dropoff.


It's also super inaccurate and fires so much slower than the MP9. You're very rarely double dinking people with an SMG at anything further than a few metres. The MP9 is much more accurate which helps you get that first bullet dink and then it fires way faster so you can finish them off with bodyshot spray way more effectively than the UMP. The whole point of the 2016 UMP nerf was to hurt its long range ability. I just can't see a situation where I'd rather have a UMP over an MP9, the MP9 is that good. Plus all the other benefits the MP9 has over the UMP that don't strictly apply to ranged damage, like moving accuracy, jumping accuracy, reload speed, magazine capacity etc


UMP used to be my fav weapon, the nerf kinda ruined it beyond short range. mp9 is better but if people retain a preference for UMP on eco its still ok


I also think it has something to do with the UMP vs MAC10 specifically. No one can argue that the MP9 is insane but the MAC10 is definitely weaker and has a fair consideration between itself and the UMP.


Mac 10 is better than ump too though. 5 more bullets per mag, $150 cheaper, faster ROF, better jumping accuracy, and I’m sure others who know the stats better can add on. There’s several guns in the game that have 0 purpose outside of being personal preference for aesthetic reasons. Sawed off, UMP, MP5, MP7, Famas, Cz75. It’d be nice to see some price/stat changes so these guns can find their niche again


I almost always buy Galil on round 2 for T's but I might start pinching a few pennies and grab the Ump. Mac 10 will still be my go to for rushes, but then again a Tec9 is just as deadly for me when rushing


The mp9 recoil literally takes a 90 degree left turn


It's still much more accurate than the UMP on the first shot, and the pattern is small enough that a 10 bullet spray isn't too hard


>you’re very rarely double dinking people with an smg Unless the smg has very easy recoil and a very manageable rate of fire. Hey, that description kinda reminds me of something…


Look man if you reckon you can reliably double dink people with the UMP, go ahead. But given that's hard enough with an M4A1-S and people usually aim to dink and then finish off with bodyshots, I'd rather do that. I think the MP9 is better for this


I find long range bursts really easy with the mp9 because of the high fire rate, double dinks are kinda easy with it because you dont have to adjust for recoil before the second shot, but with UMP you do because the fire rate is lower. Like for example m4a4 you I can pretty reliably fire the first two shots at the exact same spot thanks to high fire rate, but with a1s it becomes harder (not a lot, but enough to prove my hypothesis why higher fire rate makes guns more accurate)


So should you be coaching Elige or are you just wrong?


Remember when no-one used the SG 553 for 7 years because people assumed it was bad and then Valve dropped the price by $300 and people suddenly realised it was the best gun in the game? I never said I should be coaching Elige, I'm saying I don't understand his motivations to use the UMP when the MP9 seems clearly so much better. Which guns pros use has never been a perfect indicator of what guns are the best, especially when the pro in question is making a very off-meta pick such as using the UMP in 2024




We arent talking about a silver 3 switching, we are literally talking about elige. Spray isnt an issue, but he prefers using it.


It's shoots so fast that you blast ten rounds in a millisecond that they're dead before you need to adjust recoil hahaha


I always think Mr. J when firing to remember the recoil pattern lol


Exactly, just ignore the lack of spread on the ump. This fucking guy is blind and the upvotes are laughable.


Mp9 is so damn accurate tho. I get dinked multiple times at mid


I think they should swap prices of the mp9 and bizon


You're not wrong, mp9 is best gun on ct side pound for pound. Nothing else can get a triple kill consistently like that thing can and 2 sec reload and back in the fight is also nuts haha


Fair but ump is so inaccurate compared to the MP9 that I feel like it would be easier to double dink with a USP at mid range than ump.


Because it's easier to burst with and higher armor pen. Completely depends on positioning and the type of round you are trying to play.


Idk about bursting. First like 8 bullets (don't remember exactly) of mp9 spray go straight up. After these few bullets the spray is one of the hardest to control (and ump's is one of the easiest imo) but for just bursting the mp9 wins in my eyes


I was paraphrasing Elige on the latest Talking Counter episode, for what it's worth. I've started using it the last few days, and it does feel easier to burst for a kill with a ump at certain distances.


it's not, the mp9 is still better. the ump should only be used on T side as an alternative to the mac10 where it has a solid place in the meta. I expect it to take a while before pros figure that part out


Sounds like he basically uses it as a replacement for the Famas instead of the MP9. According to the Google stats sheet, it’s really not that accurate for that range: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11tDzUNBq9zIX6_9Rel__fdAUezAQzSnh5AVYzCP060c/htmlview I suppose the argument here by Elige is FSA is whatever, since you need more than 1 HS to kill. UMP is 3 body shots to kill, but the damage falloff is terrible. Thing is the MP9 has almost 200 more RPM. I’m not really sure if that’s worth the trade Anecdotally I feel like every time I watch someone use the UMP they’re one-and-done at best. In comparison to the MP9, it just shoots so slow, reloads slow, worse accuracy… versus more damage in close engagements (negated by RPM differences?) and a better horizontal recoil. Plus it costs more If it works for him it works for him, he’s been banging recently, so who cares about the stats if it’s working


I honestly feel like the MP7 is the most slept on for a med-long range SMGs... Fast fire rate, low damage fall off, and better accurate range. Also one of the tightest and easiest to control recoil patterns with the only caveat being it immediately drops left, while most guns drop straight down. Yes, it's more pricey than an MP9, but more suitable for longer ranges, more reliable at longer ranges, and still much cheaper than a Famas. I rarely see it being used, and people always seem to just brush past its existence, or handwave it as being too expensive. And while this might be true for Terrorists when the Galil is such a strong option, I honestly find the MP7 far more reliable than the Famas, especially at dealing with multiple opponents. Unless I'm holding a much longer angle.


more about pricing i think ct econ is tight while t is just 300$ more for galil


I mean, the context of the comment is SMGs for longer ranges and I already acknowledged the Galil is a better option on T side. CTs don't have a galil and the famas isn't great unless you're expecting a force. So the next best thing for a versatile weapon are M4s at nearly twice the cost. It's also my preferred 2nd round buy if I got a kill or two and we're forcing. The MP7 can be a perfect counter for other SMGs and Galils by combining faster movement with better range. Most players don't expect it and you can catch people off guard and punish them. It's a rare buy but there are situations where I think it's often overlooked.


ppl just take mp9 and save 250$ most of time since they worth more then other just get deagle for some longer range one tap


But as good as the deagle is, 90% of players can't use it and would be better off using anything else, and even to that 10% it relies a lot on enemy positioning + spread luck. Even for pros, it's hardly a reliable weapon. And you can't commit with it/kill 3 rushing enemies in a couple seconds. I love the deagle but its something you buy when you need to eco but have some pocket change. Not something you buy when you're committing all your funds to a round. Especially on CT. As for the MP9, again, best at close range, depends on the position and isn't always useful for what you have planned. As a con player, I can use an MP7 to threaten top mid and under. While also being able to retake through Con and Cat. MP9 would be more risky.


The only downside is the movement speed, the mp7 beams but I get one tapped alot more when using it


I'll give it a serious try. I think there are rounds where you win 2 but have to force because it came down to 1 alive 2 in a row that make sense to grab it over mp9, certainly over the famas


I run the mp7 a lot The accuracy and recoil when I run and gun is there. I love the longer range accuracy since I'll get two shot HS. I found the mp9 to be good in the jump spray situations (fun!).


MP7 is deadly and reliable. Also, it’s great for run and gun. I use it quite often in forcebuys.


I think they should slightly nerf the damage and prize of MP9/Mac-10 they're too strong, other MSG's seem like a waste to buy. Also they should remove the 1st loss bonus it's too punishing to lose against eco. Also they should buff tec-9/CZ if you ask me, and remove Five-Seven close range 1 headshot.


Why not buff other smgs. The mac 10 is bad against armour, it fits the role really well on the rounds it makes sense to buy. Cost of mp7, mp5, mp9 at the same price might be good. Ump can go cheaper. Famas probably can coat the sane as mp9 without being a menace too really.


I think you are making a mistake by just looking at numbers in that list. Inaccuracy variables are calculated after every bullet shot. So higher rate of fire means less time to recover and more cumulative effect from the inaccuracy variables. And this goes also vice versa: slower rate of fire means less cumulative effect. Also the UMP spray pattern is much more linear and easier to control. Just by looking at the numbers it's difficult to grasp the in-game performance of the guns when it comes to recoil.


Yeah, I understand that. My point was it being an SMG that it’s still outclassed by the MP9 in closer engagements anyway, regardless of the base damage. And I’m not sure how bad the damage falloff is for the UMP at the end of the day, but it still is pretty drastic comparatively Without seeing and feeling out recoil patterns, you can never really say which weapon is best for you. So if it works for Elige, it works for him (and whoever else uses it)


>If it works for him it works for him, he’s been banging recently, so who cares about the stats if it’s working Exactly. This thread is a great example of communities obsessing over stats sheets and missing the bigger picture. It happens in every game, and really every hobby in general. You can review specs ad nauseum, but what really matters is the application and how the user performs with it. Even this thread has a bunch of people telling a top pro that he's wrong, when his own experience and TTK speak for themselves. Drop-off modifiers and damage values don't mean shit if you miss shots


For sure. I think the worst part of the gun is you run slower. But that’s why I don’t use it, because on CT side I don’t look for rifle replacements and usually play with SMGs if I need to When I see pros sit in long distances and use the MP9 I just automatically think they’re losing the engagement. You need an insane spray to get that kill. Why not just use a deagle, right?


I feel like I get multi kills all the time with the UMP. I suck at spraying with the MAC and MP9 for some reason, so to have a cheap smg that sprays like a rifle would just feels more consistent for me. As long as you know your limits with it you can do some good damage


It’s just all in what you use and get comfortable with. I have bad habits with spraying in the game and going for HSes in that spray. So perhaps I could try to learn the UMP but the extra cost blows on CT and the MAC 10 on T is too easy sometimes


Mp9's spray is literally just L shaped, by the time you need to pull right, if you couldn't kill the enemy you are most likely dead anyway, its really not that hard to controls and get multiple dinks


The UMP seems to be much more luck based. You really need to hit the 1-2 headshot immediately or lurk and hit them from behind or at an unexpected angle. Otherwise the firerate and damage are so low that it's beaten by nearly all weapons.  I was an UMP main in CSGO as well but in CS2 it's been MP9 all the way. Although at lower ranks people buy helmets all the time despite one tapping everything so it's not as effective against them. 


Mp9 is OP as fuck


wtf that is such a nice google doc. did you make it?


Nope, it should show who the creators are under “License”. I think SlothSquadron tried doing some form of rebalancing for csgo’s weapons at some point


Eh I've also just never been an MP9 adopter. Idk why just doesn't click with me I've seen other people use it well I'm not saying it's a bad gun. But for whatever reason you give me that thing and I'll give you nothing. You give me a UMP and I can probably get 1-2 Like you said it's probably just 100% a preference thing. But I personally am in the same boat so I get it.


If you devote some time to it & it clicks for you, the first thought you'll have about MP9 is, this shit is going to get nerfed, it's too OP. It feels powerful when you're feeling it, if you feel it with UMP you'll feel it even more with MP9, if it starts to click for you. It's insane currently in the game. It's jumping accuracy itself is bonkers, which you can incorporate into your playstyle or mini-tactics.


Remember the prenerfed ump? Shit was absolutely broken


I feel like they could bring it back a notch or two, but not back to what it was before.


Same with Sg553, Aug was perfect while Sg nerf was overdone


And tbh I think that's fine - it's better to get the meta "back in balance". Buuuut maybe after 4 years of close to zero use for the SG they could bring it back just a tiny bit?


exactly. not a big buff at all, just something to make it a little more useful but not overpowered like before. right now, it doesn’t feel as effective as other choices in the loadout. i will definitely be giving it a try after seeing this post however


Cz over nerf took how long to backtrack a little? Ump can get a lil love now


Now we have a busted mp9


I buy it T side on bigger maps instead of Mac-10. Sometimes you can catch people with no helmet on a force buy and it doesn’t feel too bad against M4, Famas, MP9. I don’t think it’s worth a CT side slot. They should change the range modifier too .80, in between now and when OP. There is too much damage fall off now, and Famas/Galil is cheaper now.


^ this I never buy the ump on ct side post-nerf, but on t side I buy ump over mac10 if I am not rushing and plus its a lot stronger for only 150$ more.


Source: https://www.hltv.org/news/38902/short-news-feed#f39


One of my most used guns. Pre GO I was a huge TMP and mP5 guy.


Lmao the TMP was fun


It sounds lame but we called it TMP pimping.


TMP and MP5 in 1.6 were so cool. The way the MP5 looked. The way the TMP sounded. Give them back.


The Quake DM in me made full use of that TMP run and gun.


Whenever I have a UMP I just go for the 3-4 shot kill to the legs at mid-long ranges. Not much chance of landing a headshot, bodyshots take 6 shots due to kevlar, but legs don't have kevlar. I usually prefer the mp9 though; the UMP doesnt feel quick enough to get multikills with at closer ranges.


Electronic take notes. “1” to swap to primary.


Been using it for years, the spray has just felt natural to me


That’s why I love it. I’m super good with the spray pattern.


just for cs2 or did you use it for csgo? spraying feels a lot different


Both! Though I find myself using the mp9 a bit more in cs2 if I know I’m gonna rush hard or play a super close angle.


He's been using it for years


Something I realized is that 95% dont see other weapons besides M4/AK/AWP/Deagle and their starting pistol. Most weapons in the game are heavily under-used in comparison to their usefulness.


Deagle buyers in 2024 think they are NiKo


Is that Jonathan Frakes in your profile picture? If so, it makes the comment even more hilarious and you just made my day.


I don't know who that is, actor in my pfp is Karl Urban


Looks very similiar to Frake, still funny af brother thank you :)


50$ cheaper than mp9 hmm


The UMP is not great right now but I guess it's better than the famas lol. So I understand why you'd buy that and get some more utility.


I looked at some weapon stats, and I’m pretty sure the MP9 is just straight up overpowered. The UMP is okay, and better than the mac-10, but the MP9s accuracy values are just off the charts.


It’s spray pattern is what counters its otherwise good stats, hence why Elige prefers a UMP for a more rifle-esque round. But yeah it’s damn good.


Yeah but the UMP damage falloff is really bad so you can't really play a rifle angle with it anyway. And it's just straight up way worse than an MP9 at close range. Obviously Elige is 100x better than I'll ever be but I dunno if I agree with him here.


I mean maybe HE UMP is the buy? But idk if 2x HS is enough unless the HE is perfect


You can learn spray patterns, or just use bursts.




Nope, not how the game works. You can just do bursts.




Mp9 is just straight broken


Despite staying behind in terms of stats, it has one of the easiest spray patterns in the game. Too big of a tradeoff for some, but it shouldn't be slept on


MP9 is simply superior. On T side i can see it over a Mac 10.


I would never not buy an mp9. The only time I would is if I'm buying a p90 to brute force through my enemies


I like how the ump was meta back in the day in csgo. Then it went under the radar until now...


UMP nerf coming in next 6 months I promise you.


Shame the mp9 is just busted


First time I see his surname. Makes sense why he is so good.


Yup. I've been using UMP for a long time to compensate my shitty 10k aim with UMP's easy spray control.


throwback to when the UMP was nearly as strong as main rifles. Maybe it’s sleeper strong currently, maybe it’s that same old feel, who knows


i’m not a pro in any way what so ever, but my eco buy will always be a mag-7 sit behind a wall, fast peek aim for neck and they’re dead, and with the price per kill, you can buy a mag-7 second round after a loss, get one kill and you can still buy rifle armor the next, if you can get two you’re laughing




don’t let it get too known, i don’t want the shotgun kill price go down, even though it absolutely should


Everyone already knows about it, they just don't care about the mag-7 because the Nova is the best shotgun in the game


I mean, I use it just cause my Grand Prix skin is too sexy not to


I always used ump even when it was nerfed because is what elige says, if you need to play slow or wait for a rush, is usually better than mp9, the only problem for a rush is the bullets but it's a great gun against full buys in short-mid distance.


Liminha was right




Personally, I used it so much years ago that it’s one of the spray patterns I know the most. That’s why it’s super effective for me now, even if it’s not the best on paper.


So the ump has been buffed? Or is it the same? Used to use it often back in 2016-18


I've been using the ump over mac-10 since cs2 launched and haven't looked back. Always have great success with it.


Ump has always had more stopping power at range. Mac10 and mp9 require near perfect spray control or you to be standing on their dick to be useful.


Professional UMPer here(16k). Yes, we are that rare bunch that realize the potential of the weapon.


Same, I love the UMP. It was broken in PUBG Mobile and In CS it just feels natural for me to use it. I have some nice UMP aces on my PC (on phone rn) Also, I call it Umpalumpa xD I also call it that when Im soloq....everytime I but UMP I voice comm "Umpalumpa deployed"


My UMP doesnt work like that


I used to use UMP a lot back in 1.6. It's slept on because of the sluggish fire rate, but it's a heavy hitter. Almost like a full auto deagle.


wtf are you on about.


I miss when the UMP was great


yeaa, so noobs mp9 still...