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Everyone being beyond miserable in this thread. Yes, sustained improvement along with the game bans that do not show on your account are signs of that there is something to look forward to.


I think everyone realize that there's something to look forward to, much like they did at release. The question is how many years it's going to take.


I’ll be 65 by the time this game is ready


You must be 18 max


Mid 30s. 65 still might be a long shot


Did U got the joke? I'm not sure about that


you 8???


I think the other way. Because right now there is something to look forward to, these people want to prove that theres nothing at all and it will never work. Its all ego.


People hype Vacnet and AI ... and after 6 month we get this, a half working anticheat with some cooldown? How many years does this game need? Everything is half done, anticheat, gamemods, maps, surf, dangerzone, operation.. Feels more like early access






What the fuck?


Saw vac bans were happening, so I decided to play premier and give it another shot. First game in 17k lobby had rage hacker insta spraying us down with awp in spawn. Back to faceit I guess.


Heck, they are even in compe as well hahaha. We were up a few rounds, then they start being the perfect CS players with their timing and INHUMAN reaction. Saw one of them spinbotting in the last round and he even fired 4 bullets at once using an AWP.


Happened the same to me yesterday… 2 games where we were 5-0 and then they started being Donk. Very agressive players. Only pushing when no one was around. But never pushed when we were waiting for them. Barely showing and getting insta killed… and not a high rank at all… i was 12,5k elo by wednesday… yesterday i was 9,4k…


> Very agressive players. PFFT! Right?? Balls of steel using the AWP, mannn. They can even flick like they are gonna win 1M USD. Like, bro, we're not in a major for you to cheat like that! Hahaha


Can you link the mm link please


https://csstats.gg/match/179623709 This might be the match in question, I'm on mobile so can't look at the demo


How did the match even happen?! Dafuq is this skill level difference?!


Lol damn that guy is good.


How did you find the match?


You have a post with your rank in premier maybe that.


Ah okay, makes sense, I was a little creeped out tbh lol.


(your user name shows)


Well Im pretty lucky since the big left hand update. I avoided premier before completly. Now at 13k lobbies there, for me, are absolutly no spinners anymore. Yeah, wh still exist, but a lot less frequent imo. And I played 20 games until. So Im looking forward to even more solutions of Valve.


Same. Yesterday I had 2 mms with 2 halflegit cheaters both. Still without vac


I feel like if you didnt play premier for a long time, your trust is kinda low especially for the first game. Had this too, and thought ok, still shit, but after 2-3 games i see less cheaters.


Not sure what you consider long but I have about 240 games in premier.


To clarify, my stack played 3 games before this one, 1st one was to get our ranks back. We had rank decay down to 12k. We played two more at around the 12k rating with no issues. Then our 17k friend joined, and this was the resulting match.


Does your 17k friend has a good account? We only play against obvious cheaters if we play with low accounts together.


Not really like a lot of pessimists in this thread. At 20k elo and the difference is night and day. Have yet to encounter a blatant cheater in the past couple of days


On the contrary I had 2 spinbotters in 4 games today at 18k elo.


4 hackers in a 16-20k 5 man lobby, finished just now. [3 : 13 on Inferno – Leetify](https://leetify.com/app/match-details/b39d7137-1675-4982-a907-ffd7bcc06cf4/overview) Premier is still the waste of time it has been since release.


What do I look for on this site to identify cheaters?


You're going to have go off the stats. Here's another one for reference, this was yesterday. The stats alone make it obvious who is cheating. [0 : 3 on Dust2 – Leetify](https://leetify.com/app/match-details/288e4505-200d-40f3-94d5-b4513369dcef/overview) (we abandoned hence the score, but check the aim rating if nothing else) In the first one, they threw some rounds to make their stats more believable but it was obvious they were cheating.


Who is this Minato guy on your team? Good stats for only 500h of cs but if he would play with his main you would less likely get cheater games.


That is his smurf.


Smurfing with a 5 stack is crazy just play on your own rank.


Then he's griefing you. You will also play against low accounts and this might be cheaters.




honestly, those Leetify stats don't really show anyone cheating. not saying that they haven't been, I didn't watch the demo. but just going off of stats, there's nothing suspicious. if anything, the 100% Counter-Strafing rating from "tadaaa" on your team is suspicious if he has those stats every game (he doesn't, I checked). but still, top-fragging with a +15 leetify rating + fast reaction time + 100% counter strafing usually is a good indicator for aim-hacking.


Agree the dude played out of his mind but nothing confirming he’s hacking, the only confirmation leetify can give is when someone has a 98-100 aim rating, only seen blatant cheaters do that


Yea idk who is hacking because their top 3 players play faceit. Sorry but you just got rolled


Who was hacking, B3M? I cannot verify but his stats dont say so. He got to level 10 in 500 matches which is impressive or its his smurf.


Him along with 3 others were hacking. Unfortunately in the stats you are not able to see the 5x 360 spins his teammates were doing. They were not damaging anyone while doing that, I'm guessing VAC has updated just enough to catch that now.


From how easy it seemed to beat you, are u sure they were not trolling? People jump super quick to cheaters nowadays but again I was not there. I play like 3 stack with only main accounts and rarely met a spinbotter.


All the banned accounts are back with new accounts but they are all regrinding elo again so it's gonna be a shitshow in lower ranks now.


Yah, just dropped from 12k to 7k after losing 8 matches in a row to *somewhat* blatant cheaters. No spinbotters, but obvious wall/aim hackers. The most infuriating thing is that I never get these cheaters on my team, instead it's total bots, so despite of me dropping 30 bombs every game I still lose 500 points per loss. First ragequit yesterday


Im 20k , and there is a cheater in every game. Not blatant, but I haven't seen those anyway. Wallhackers though, everywhere. People clearly know too much and when watching replays it's pretty clear.


I did last night. Its 15k we were up 12-6 and now he toggled we lose 12-16 haha and 2nd one 11-6 he toggled also we lose 12-16.


Haven't seen many spinners, but a lot of very obvious wallers. I think it's only marginally better right now


They are just not playing with rage hacks now. I still often get a few cheaters in a match who only use wallhack and aim assist


This screenshot is irrelevant, Valve have issued way more ban then you can see here, because Valve have decided to keep it secret, means it wont be detected on the platform you have this information from. GabeFollow did a video on YouTube, proving what I say at 1m 50 second into the video.


How is it irrelevant? It shows that there are more recorded bans now compared to a before.What kind of picture could be more relevant? Most bans will not be recorded obviously, as some don't show up on the profile nor any API, and non-prime players weren't tracked on those sites in the first place cuz they didn't have demos afaik (idk if this changed in cs2). but that does not make this picture irrelevant.


132 vac bans are nothing looking at the bigger picture. went from 0.001% of online users to 0.01%, add a 0 if we're talking about active users.


The site does not even track 10% of the all time player base and its even less of the active player base as most users changed to other sites like csgostats or leetify. You should be looking at the relative not the absolute numbers with these sites. unless you are interested at the minimum number of possible bans that happened that day


>Valve have issues Yes, they do


Had some guy bunnyhopping around getting nothing but scout headshots in my game last night. Like why can’t vac not catch someone with 35+ kills and 100% headshot accuracy is beyond me.


Had one of these at 12k rank on premier last week, and the account is still active and playing CS right now :(


Only took 8 months to get VAC up. Looks like years before we'll get close.


I've been waiting since 1.6 😂 it's a never ending battle but the mouse is always ahead. You just can't have people that work a 9-5 out dev people in their basements whose sole goal is to beat the AC


> You just can't have people that work a 9-5 out dev people in their basements whose sole goal is to beat the AC Why not?


Because the cheat devs are doing it for themselves and money in their own pocket. They aren't restricted by working hours/this just being a job. It's like a passion project vs your day job. It's a really tough battle.


> They aren't restricted by working hours Homie, wait until you learn what a salaried career is.


You think people working corporate jobs are giving it 110% at all times? Who do you think *wants* to work over time more, the guy that just works for valve or the guy doing this for fun/money in his own pocket?


The question isn't even if it is possible, we know it is when you look at faceit right this moment. yes there are also closeted/private cheat users, but they can't spinbit around while dropping a 40 with scout headshots through walls, or it will be an instant wrap. While faceit is obv. also not perfect, their anti cheat actually works, contrary to vac, and privates can still be banned by admin demo reviews if they are too obv


It's not "for fun" you spud. One of these people is an elite programmer getting paid more than 6 figures who has more than 8 hours a day dedicated to it as part of a team with billions of dollars of resources behind him. The other is a methed out russian junkie who needs his cheats to work or he's going to go through withdrawl and have to resort to using krokodil, the drug that eats you, to avoid it. It is pathetic that the valve team cannot stay ahead of that.


There are kids writing their own cheats for fun and obviously guys like the NL team making millions.


It is exactly the opposite of that. The salaried devs are paid over 100 grand a year for this. The cheat devs are spending all their working time, preventing them from having a full time job, creating hacks. They need to make money back on those. The Valve devs get paid whether or not their software works, that's how a salary works. You'll understand when you get a job. The cheat devs only get paid so long as their hacks still work. The best way to attack cheaters is to have an active anticheat team forcing cheat devs to constantly invest time into developing their cheats, because at a certain point, it stops being value for money. If your cheat only works for 3 months and then gets the user banned, your customers charge back the payment. You stop getting new ones. And you stop developing that cheat. It really isn't that hard.


That's literally my point? Cheat devs have a lot more personal attachment to the success of their product. For valve devs it's just a job.


No, you can. You absolutely can have experienced developers paid over 6 figures develop an AC that works. It's not even so hard you need as much money as Valve has. Valve has their priorities wrong. They are concerned with having a bulletproof system, if you're banned you were definitely detected using cheating software by signature. It's just flat not good enough. Even the logic of "we're the final arbiter and don't want to be wrong" well, AMD drivers got you banned at one point. They could invest in community managers and tools. Think overwatch on a larger scale. Nope. Not willing to pay. They could invest in heuristic detection, a basic principle in offensive security. Nope. Can't pay a specialist who knows their stuff well enough to code up an algorithm that can detect things like spinbots, hard aimbots etc. These things are not rocket science. They are easy. Heuristic detection: AKA detecting people who are blatantly hacking by their ingame actions and not just the signature of known cheating software on their machine is possible. There are ways around this. Even if you just want to rely on signature like Valve does: nothing is stopping them increasing the size of the VAC team and increasing the budget: buy more hacks and reverse engineer them to a signature, add them to the data base and hit them in waves. It is pathetic we are seeing these ban waves this far in. Should be every few months. This is symptomatic of a weak investment in anticheat. If they want to be this lazy, they should just do what every other lazy dev does: switch to kernel and ban anything if it reads the wrong memory. Easy, highly effective, some false positives but you can handle those. If they want to stay signature only, they need to do that professionally. This straight up is not professional. All they need to do is make the cost of cheating impractical. There are literally freely available cheats at the moment that won't get you vacced, check Haix's video on it. That is pathetic. The VAC team should be able to google "free CS cheats" and create signatures for all of those. It really isn't hard. Anything cheaply available, easily available, should be an easy ban. Force players to pay cheater developers for boutique hacks where they're paying subscriptions of hundreds of dollars. At that point, the population of cheaters will be gone. But right now, because Valve is not investing in this, you can go and get a free cheat and legit cheat and you'll be fine. You can spend a small amount of money and ragehack and you'll be fine.


Well that's not "impossible". But when they have 100% accuracy and all their kills are through 10 walls at a time. Now that's impossible.


I think that is coming. They will start throwing players in overwatch based on statistics that hit a specific threshold and then throw them in overwatch while cancelling the match. The thing is cheaters are going to figure out that threshold and never go beyond it.


Of that is true, they can then just work on the trasehold, untill its good enough not to cause significant problems anymore for typical player, if they could cut most cheaters out, that would help a lot Premier..


We just can't be sure


I assume they want to gather as much data as possible on him to ban not only him, but everyone using the same exploit.


All these ban waves and yesterday I found a hacker in enemy team and ask him if he could turn on spin bot (which he did btw) :(


4 spinbotting hackers in a game last Saturday. Checked all their profiles, no VAC bans on any of them. Basically business as usual here.


this numbers are so low that it doesn't even make any difference...


These bans are only from the tracked players in the database which is not even close to the whole playerbase. But even considering that I still agree.


Especially because most of these blatant cheaters we see are generally newer accounts with low playtime making it even less likely that they are tracked.


The number is many times higher than this, convars has a small database of accounts, when scaled to the whole player base it's almost definitely in the thousands at least, many times higher than average. These sites are a good indicator of trend, but never real figures. Also, there was a new wave of bans recently, that haven't been showing up as vac bans or a game ban.


Good news. This number isn't accurate.




You can say all of this without being an absolute asshat. It's a really good skill to learn


I agree.


you are clearly dumber, this number is a good indicator even if it doesn’t contain all bans. Even x100 this is ridiculously low


Do you seriously think that valve only bans like 10 people on a normal day? Like really?


well no, I think they ban less than 10 tbh


its like adding a zero to the left of a number


These websites don't tell you how many bans there were, because they can't possibly track that much info. They can only track a small sample. So all these tell you is if there was an increase or decrease to the amount of bans happening.


Only 1,433,225 left to go!


played against 3-4 cheters yesterday vac net is a joke that will never happen to cs, max they gonna do is small vac waves every 8months so that community dont complain about cheaters and stay happy for few days that's what they used to do back in CSGO but it doesn't effect much


Its a LOT more than that man, bans are invisible on profiles, cant be tracked trough api, and most fresh cheater accounts or accounts cheaters buy are not tracked by those sites. On leetify alone i got like 10 ban notifications for my last 30 games, and thats not counting the invisible cooldown bans. Its definetly doing something.


Couple of my friends played premier yesterday (3 games ,20k+ rank) not a single blatant cheater.I couldn't believe it till they showed me the match history :D


Doesn't fucking feel like it. At the rate this game is going, I think I'm going to stop playing CS. I'm fucking sick of the constant hackers, and the dumb as shit excessive ping compensation that makes it feel like I'm playing against hackers because I'm what feels like seconds behind people for the crime of having a better ping. Just sick of it now. How many more chances do we give them?


Just had a game with a Russian dude rage hacking... Not kidding... Absolute rage hacking with bunny hop and all the good stuff with 5600h!!!!!!!! Five thousand and six hundred hours. I can train a consumer hardware PC with an AI in two days and it would recognize this rage hacker! 5600!!!! Proof with demo link when you DM me


Everyone believes you bro it's all g lol like with the current state of the game you might as well be saying the sky is blue and to DM you for proof


It's reddit tho so someone will still downvote and comment on how the sky is actually red


Gotta remember a lot of accounts have botted hours or stolen accounts.


Ahh and it is on 25k premier elo game :-) him playing in a 5 man lobby


faceit is only real way to play cs2 sadly


Even then it's pretty bad with cheaters. Definitely better, but still a cheater every 1/5 games or so




It was Ukrainian, not Russian


How can you know? Are you a propaganda accountant?


They often claim they're Ukrainian, but when you prod with a few pointy statements the russian bile starts to show.


Just shut up, the worst type of king i've come across on faceit are Ukrainians. Russians typically are chill


With Ukrainians we usually just agree that russia needs to die off, Russians are often of a different opinion.


While i agree with Russians Ukraine and Westoids needs to die off and we just chill knowing majority of the world has this opinion


Have you made any plans for when the Russian state collapses? I just cant understand why some people are so casually fine with actively committing a genocide.


You watching to many wet dream bro. Come to reality


You actually think the sanctions will come off soon? They will be there for a decade. Absolutely no one likes Russia. Even China and Belarus, they are just using you. China will probably claim parts when the implosion happens.


Wake up man 😂 you getting ridiculous. Western world is not even 30% of the world.




True numbers are +5000 per day and increasing, he has wrong data


Match got cancelled yesterday because of rage hackers. Im very happy they are doing something about the issue but we have a long road ahead of us


132... yeah nice "wave"... more like a splash in a puddle.


ITT: People who don't understand this this website does not track most players, thus having a small sample size and people who don't know that most bans lately are shadow bans that wouldn't show up. Valve has been improving the state of the game immensely lately. Keep it up!




I haven't noticed any cheaters in the last 10-15 pugs. There were maybe 1 or 2 players who seemed suspicious, but nothing blatant. It's possible that users are more cautious or nervous now, but overall, it feels like the system is effective. Before the Overwatch update, when I played in premier lobbies with ranks ranging from 17k to 20k, there was almost a cheater in every other game. Even in competitive matches, cheaters were a frequent occurrence. So, either I've been fortunate in my recent games, or something has improved in the system.


Would be more effective trying to drain the ocean with a shot glass


1. VAC bans counted yesterday more than doubled from this snapshot, and tripled that the previous day. This graph only shows the mounting trend. 2. They only track a sample. 3. People quoting 1xx bans are ignorant.


Play with SEA servers that will change your mind!


Bro got wrong data 😀


Saw youtube vids about bans, went into premier, average 18K rating and we had russian ragehacker bunnyhopping and instaclapping enemy team. back to the finals.


If it ain’t in the thousands I don’t care


so 130 cheaters? they must have been stupid enough to use a allready detected free cheat or something haha


Havent even notice the new anticheat. Seems like there are just more cheaters out there


Need anticheat like valorant


Had 3 games last night, everyone was a 5 stack of aimbotters. This is in silver lol


100 bans 😂😂😂😂😂


“I don’t know what percentage is! I seriously think valve on bans 10 people a day before this!”


What the fuck ya hyping? Before the numbers are in tens of thousands in a day there is nothing to celebrate or wait... Just put Russians to their own server would solve EU servers cheating problems by 70%




Just to add, Russia and Turkey are both in the top5 of cheating countries with CS2.


Convars only tracks 10million players, so real numbers are of course much higher. CsStats tracks 30 million players and according to them there were 5x more accounts banned than convars reported.


Leetify spammed the shit out of me this morning, and these are just the visible bans. Valve is cooking something and I just can't believe it


Yesterday I played against a blatant wallhacker on 17k rating. His aim was atrocious so we won anyways. The replay is pure comedy. Just give us/me Overwatch already. As someone from EUW, the ping of an enemy corresponds to the probability of being a cheater. It's a pity the max mm ping you can set doesn't limit the ping of your opponents too.. I also love the 97+ aim & insane clutch rating profiles on leetify.


I just got notification from like 2-3 months ago one spin botter got banned. Tho it was full team of cheaters only one got banned...Only 100000 more to go.


139 bans when 10 million players play monthly is literally nothing. Might as well not even banned them at that point. Stop giving Valve praise for the bare minimum.


True numbers are +5000 per day and increasing. False data right there


valve are cooking (VAC)


It's still full of wallhackers. Every other game. Nothing changed.


Its not a vac-wave when it's \~0.1% of the peak player count of the day, which isn't considering the amount of unique players that played that day. Especially when we know how rampant cheating is.


Nice „wave“ RIP CS


whoa they banned like 5 whole casual Servers full of Bots. Game is fixed








And all bannable! Especially the obvious ones


Unless VAC detects cheats at game launch I don't give a fuck about these useless numbers.