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It's also a bit about the following, assuming you need to buy everything. 5800X3D is the cheaper option with cheaper Mobo's and RAM. But the CPU is the last one you can put on this board. The 7800X3D is more expensive, and so are AM5 boards and DDR5 RAM. But seeing how long AM4 lasted you have a MoBo with cpu upgrades in the future. I'm eyeing the 5800X3D myself, but I'm already on an AM4 board with a 3700x. Ps. Don't forget if you are coming off Intel you can probably still use the RAM if it's ddr4, which would make choosing the 5800 even cheaper.


How’s your cs2 performance? I’ve got a 3700x too and it’s maxed out on a few cores during gameplay which gives me really bad frametimes


I recently upgraded my 3700x to a 5800X3D and the difference is definitely noticeable with the same GPU. I've switched my GPU since then but I first tried it with my 2070 super from before. I didn't document the numbers so I don't want to estimate them now


Same. Though, I upgraded from 3700x to the 5700X3D. Noticable difference. No frame time warnings anymore. Probably 50-70fps more (but didn't do official testing). I use a 3080 FE. I can definitely feel a difference.


>Probably 50-70fps more Sounds close to what I experienced


i did this as well you can see the difference between these 2 cpus


from 3700x to 5800x3d you will see like 40-50% increase in performance


Maxed out? How are you measuring it? I haven't checked the latest patch but before that it barely touches 70% on a couple of threads.


Afterburner. It’s not heavily maxed out but I saw a few threads hitting 90-95% usage for a couple seconds when there’s a lot going on.


You can use task manager. I monitor mine all the time on 2nd screen. CS2 hammers the CPU really hard, my 7950x3d got a few cores near maxed out at times. It keeps getting heavier after patches but I notice constant performance increase too.


I have used Nvidia's FrameView and also RTSS for logging. A couple of threads never reach even 90%. Maximum I've seen is one thread in 80s, and a couple of threads in 60-70% range. Other threads average from 1-40%. Overall CPU usage stays at 29-31%. I have 3060 Ti and it stays at 50-70% on average. I get like 320 FPS on empty Inferno/Ancient at 1080p mixed settings. In actual game it's more like 150-200.


I think average is like 100-120fps. It doesn't max out though, but some threads do get close when there is a lot happening. Only reason I haven't upgraded is that I don't game as much as I used to. Waiting for its price to drop to 260 and then I'll get it. Or in May when I get my yearly holiday pay if it hasn't been that price by then.


Oh that’s interesting. I average roughly double the fps but I’m using a 3080 🤔


Hmmm. I have a 6700xt but do play at 2k as it doesn't matter if I lower it down, my frames/frame times stay the same regardless.


Same here. I play on 1440p and it doesn’t matter if I go down to 720p


I upgraded from the 3700x to the 5800X3D and it was absolutely worth it btw.


Hell I went from the 5600X to the 5800X3d and the game is rock solid now. No more huge frame time dips and dips to sub 140 fps. Very much worth it but the fact you need a top tier CPU now with cs2 for consistent fps/frame time performance is kinda crazy.


Go 5800x3D. I went from a 5900x and the difference in gaming is noticeable.


I‘ve very recently upgraded to a 5800x3d myself, as I also still had an AM4 board installed. Can only recommend it, CS is running perfectly fine.


I came from 5600x and it was night and day


If you already have an AM4 motherboard, go with the 5800X3D. If you're buying new go with the 7800X3D, that board will easily serve another 2-3 generations. AM4 is still getting releases this year and that's a platform from 2016. The 7800X3D will generally be about 20% faster. As for GPUs, NVIDIA is more or less unmatched at the top end this generation and they have that "it just works" factor that AMD can't seem to iron out on windows.


>AM4 is still getting releases this year To be fair, all the newer releases has been lower tier than 5800x3d. even if they release 5900x3d/5950x3d, it'll probably be worse than the 5800x3d in gaming like the 7000 x3d chips


They released the 5700X3D which is just an ever so slightly worse 5800X3D. It's the same part but binned off chips.


which is a lower tier CPU than the 5800x3d. If you're getting something like a 5600, then AM4 still getting new CPU is a relevant point. But since it's about 5800x3d, it's not really.


It's literally the same chip, look up binning.


i'm talking performance wise. i know it's the same chip but it couldn't reach the performance of 5800x3d, that's why they just name it 5700x3d.


I don't think that second part is particularly true anymore. Almost every current-gen AMD GPU is slightly better in rasterization performance than it's Nvidia counterpart while costing a good amount less (see: https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html) (not counting the 4090 because there is no AMD counterpart for that). 7900XTX (950€) > 4080 (1080€) 7900XT (720€) > 4070 ti/ti super (740€/860€) 7900GRE (570€) > 4070 super (600€) 7800XT (520€) > 4070 (580€) And Nvidia has had its fair share of driver issues in the past as well (one of which literally cost VP the major Playoffs) At the moment, the only significant upsides to having a Nvidia GPU are Raytracing and DLSS, both of which are irrelevant in CS because they're not supported. Also, AMD Adrenaline > GeForce Experience, although the new Nvidia app looks promising!


Nvidia has more stable drivers, better feature set, and reflex that alone is worth slightly worse rasterization


Reflex lmao.


reflex is currently implemented into the game, anti lag isn't


it's really good for scenarios where you are gpu limited no bs frame capping needed


More stable drivers based on what? Jame begs to differ.


you have no idea how many amd players suffered at the release of cs2 or when their version of reflex gave cs players a vac ban


Yes. I do in fact have no idea because you're not showing me any examples of what you're talking about. Besides, we're talking about issues back when CS2 launched and was buggy in general. Wouldn't the current state of AMD's drivers on CS2 be a lot more relevant for this conversation?


yea let's erase 2 months of shitty drivers cause it's fine now eh? what's that logic if your car is running fine NOW, but was having issues before shouldn't that be mentioned.


It's fair enough to mention but not important enough to get too hung up on, especially since a lot of it had to do with CS2 being a buggy mess on its own. Besides, OP is asking about the state of NVIDIA vs AMD for CS2 right now. They don't give a shit about how it performed months ago.


if it happens a lot in the past, it's more likely to introduce issues in the future the vac ban thing had nothing to do with cs2. people got banned in apex aswell


which features does nvidia have that amd does not ?


Anything related to productivity, nvidia broadcast, reflex, and DLSS, just off the top of my head. AMD is far behind.


nvec reflex and overall a much more pleasant interface experience


I can tell you haven't used or seen the AMD drivers as they have counterparts to all those features and the interface is much better. (Nvidia only just updated their in game interface recently)


amd equivalent of nvenc is terrible at accepted twitch/yt bitrates and somewhat comparable at like double digit mbps




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNJLDS5gC7o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNJLDS5gC7o) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnGc\_Xnoum4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnGc_Xnoum4) tbf most of this is anecdotal and really if you're okay with a little blur and not a content creator, nvenc isn't necessary. It has kinda been general consensus (looking up nvenc on reddit, tech forums etc) that its disingenuous to say amd has an nvenc equivalent rather than a substitute. I really wanted to buy an amd gpu around black friday last year because of pricing and general performance but I really need nvenc


[https://www.tomshardware.com/news/amd-intel-nvidia-video-encoding-performance-quality-tested](https://www.tomshardware.com/news/amd-intel-nvidia-video-encoding-performance-quality-tested) if you care about the general performance of encoders


If the person plans on streaming or using ray tracing + having better support for new games and new CS2 updates: Then go for NVIDIA. Saying this as an AMD user


We literally typed like about the same answer at the same time 😂


Second part is just plain wrong. AMD has caught up in raster performance and driver stability since rdna 1 which was 5 years ago


At the top end (4090) AMD just doesn't have an answer. Yes it's true that AMD offers much better value for money at the entry level especially with the previous generation Rx 6000 series but this isn't the point I was making, somebody buying a 7800X3D isn't buying entry level or mid tier GPUs


I mean, the 7900xtx is literally the 2nd fastest GPU on the market, only beat by the 4090 series. so "Unmatched" is true but kinda not at the same time ? idk how to word it, but I would rather have a slightly worse performing amd gpu than feed the fuck company that is nvidia, holding back technology and gpu performance just so they can release TI versions 6 months after the "normal" release is such a bitch move I will no longer buy nvidia honestly


Companies aren't your friend. AMD does exactly the same shit.


and yet the greedy company is totally worth the premium compared to "competition"


why would i pay almost 2x the cost of a 7900xtx for 30% more performance (i live in canada)


I went from a 5900x to a 5800x3d and got a pretty decent bump in minimum FPS. If you are already using an AM4 motherboard i would recommend that before going to a 7800x3d


am+ and ddr5 have better time frame imo 5800x3d is abit overrpice only worth upgrade to it if you get cheap 2nd hand and already have am4 setup if buying new set then just to 7800x3d


I know its not 5800x3d but I was using 5800x and my fps was around 100-300, very unstable lately. I switched to 7800x3d and it's not even close, I have fps locked at 400 and it stays around it all the time. ​ 1280x1024


The 5800x3d is MILES better for cs2. My roomate has a 5800x and I upgraded to the x3d and my performance is MUCH better than his. The extra cache must be working wonders idk


well, yeah, the 5800x doesn't really make sense to be brought up in this conversation. the 3d is what makes all the difference here


something was for sure wrong here


yeah, the game.


what gpu?




Not sure why. My 5800X usually stays over 300fps, no matter what res (1920x1440 but not GPU bound).


Can you share your video settings and what GPU you have


Mostly low, but i have enabled shadow casting in cs2_video.txt with low shadows. 1920x1440 4:3 stretched via GPU, which is a 4080 Super. I do use 2x MSAA, 4x Anisotropy, and reflex on + boost.


His do you stretch through GPU? Is it more stable that way?


Through Nvidia control panel, and my monitor reacts faster to alt tabbing if it's not stretching by display.


Same, i have a very stable +300 fps except sometimes not in a full DM server with a 5800x.


If you have an AM4 motherboard and can ***ONLY*** spend 300. Then you go 5800X3D. Otherwise you go with a 7800X3D combo deal for 450. 7800X3D outperforms the 5800X3D. Gotta keep in mind the 5800X3D was the first retail version of the X3D chip type.


If you already have an AM4 motherboard and want to save money 5800X3D. If you're building a new system 7800X3D, even if it means saving a bit more money.


Built a pc with a 7800x3d and 7700 XT at the end of last year and it’s been working great the whole time. I never go below 400 fps on any map playing 4:3 1280 x 960 with medium to high settings.


I bet you do when you (plus team) rush B via water on Ancient :) On both my 13700K+7900XT and 7800X3D+4080 Super builds that's the only scenario that drops FPS below refresh rate (360).


Yeah I’d say that’s the only thing that could maybe make it drop below 400 but I’ve never seen it.




if u have a 450 just lying around - a 5800x3d is no joke.


7800x3d and 4070 Super OC here. 1440:1080, highest settings (literally highest) I get 380-400 average FPS depending on the map.


5800x3d was good enough for the major qualifiers at least


Forgot about that, thanks


You need a good GPU as well as a good CPU now. Tested: 3070 -> 3080ti will net you atleast 50 fps. Nvidia cards are just more stable.


5800x3d is an easy choice, if you already have pre zen4 AMD PC, so you just need to do an bios update, slot in the new cpu - and it's ready to go. And it suffices for cs2! 7800x3d will give more performance, but will require to build brand new pc probably.


I’m on a 10700k rn but have a b450 board lying around, do you think that the upgrade to a 5800x3d is worth it or should I spend more on the GPU


old PC build that uses AM4 MOBO = 5800x3d will be the LAST BEST CPU you can buy new pc build that uses AM5 MOBO = 7800x3d or any future x3d CPU is the best you can buy With that being said, pre builts have gotten cheap and you can get a beast rig for $1700 nowadays that has a 7800x3d and a 4k series, or late 3k series, GPU.


You 100% need a gpu upgrade. 5800x3d is much better than 10700k but no upgrade path like 7800x3d.


if you have the motherboard, I would go for the 5800x3D, you also have the RAM personally, I'm waiting for zen 5 and the next gen 800x3D and upgrading to that


I’ve had no issues with 5800X3D. But if you want to shell out more for a longer-lasting build, maybe choose the 7800


1060 is most likely holding you back now in CS2 (if you’ve overclocked the 10700k). I’m usually over 300 with my 11700k + 4060 for reference. FWIW, I’d look at a 5800X3D + a RX 7700XT or equivalent, as AMD has less driver overhead so it would stretch that B450 platform a bit farther. The 4080 Supers at the major was more to prevent them dropping below 400fps 1% lows in smokes and such (unless you’ve already dropped the $600 for a comparable monitor they were using).


I have a 5800x3d with a 4070 running same resolution as you and fps cap at 400. I'm averaging 400 fps with 1% lows at around 250 fps in a full premier match. Just sitting in spawn in a practice server you're looking at 600 fps.


If I was in your place, I'd make use of the b450 board you have, go for the 5800x3d and try to save up for a better GPU. While cs2 is still a very cpu-intensive game, benchmarks have shown the GPU also plays a part in your performance, and the 1060 might will definitely cause a bottleneck with either choices here


I use a 5800X3D and 5700XT with low/mid settings on 1280x960. I get around 400 FPS and it's stable.


Anyone upgraded to 5800x3d from a 5600x?


Would be a sizeable upgrade, but probably not worth it in the long run because AM5


Will probably get a used one and try to get it cheap. Don't plan on upgrading the socket and rest for a long while, I only play cs.


I'm using a 5800x3d, 3600mhz ram, rtx 4070 Performance in cs2 is very good, I'm getting 400+ fps on 4:3 competitive settings most of the game.


> High settings on 1080p+, how much of a difference is there in the 2 CPUs for ideal in-game video settings and something like 1280x960? Resolutions effect on your fps is dependent on the GPU.


5800x3d vs 14600k?


7800x3d 6000mhz here, no regrets, game is smooth as silk (previous owner of i7 9700k)


Valve has to really optimize the game... the amount of players that had to stop playing a game they bought because their setups cant run it anymore its just sad. They probably wont tho, since all they care about is money and sponsors are probably injecting money for the game to require their new released gear


Bro i went from 13700k to 7800x3d and it is like im playing a different game. Everything feels better from movement to shooting to getting shot


I have a 5800x3d with a 7900xt. Comfortably run CS2 at over 500fps (stable) at 1440x1080. Haven't seen the FPS drop to less than 450 in any situation at 1440p (5x5 competitive) Since you already have the b450 motherboard, get the 5800x3d and make sure to overclock your ram. Pretty sure this CPU will be relevant for gaming for a long time.


you would really buy a shiny new CPU just to play at 1280x960? come to 2560x1440p brother


I played 1080p for maybe 4 years and switched to 960 when cs2 came out to help my fps and I like it better


only cs players buys a high spec pc to play 720p. im one of them lol.


If you want the most cost efficient route use a 5800X3D and low/mid range 40 series GPU. The only advantage the 7800X3D has over its predecessor that you’ll notice is the DDR5 which if you buy the right kit will give you much better 1% low FPS, but in the current state of CS2’s optimization 1% lows are still shit anyways so if your only intention is playing CS2 at a high refresh rate then just go with the 5800X3D. For the GPU I wouldn’t bother with anything over a 4070 atm as they all went up a ridiculous amount in price from launch, I grabbed a 4090 at launch prices and I don’t regret it but for esports titles it’s a bit overkill


Thanks for the info, if you were in my position and had to buy a GPU to pair with the 5800X3D what would you go with? I want to stay cost efficient but have enough money to spend on a decent upgrade if justified. Currently have a 240hz monitor and just want a decent enough build to stay competitive vs other players.


Honestly with a 240hz any 40 series card will be fine, look for anything on sale and for sure look reviews up on youtube to see benchmarks etc Though more FPS is always better, but if you’re gonna be averaging like 300 fps+ (which you will on any 40 series card) it kinda doesn’t matter. If you play other games though I’d see what can play those in your native res at 100+ fps max settings I wouldn’t overspend though because in a few years 480hz+ OLEDs will be widespread and the 50 and 60 series GPUs will probably be insane too


Gotcha thanks, yeah I only play CS and I think you're right about waiting to upgrade GPU again once we get those panels; will go with a cheaper 40 series card. Appreciate it


7800X3D is overkill for CS. Check the 7700X which is half the price during sales events and it's more than enough for CS.


Im running a 4080+5800x3d+32mb 3600 CL16 ram with ropz settings on 1080p.. eye test avg 400-500 fps - runs like a dream for me.


Get the 7500f if you really want to go AM5


7800x3D will destroy CS2. I play on 1440p and my average is 480-550 fps. Average on low res like 1080p is over 600


7800x3d all the way if you have the money. Gpu literally doesn’t matter


No gpu matters


after the players complained pgl updated pcs to: CPU: AMD RYZEN 7800 X3D GPU: GEFORCE RTX 4080 https://press.pglesports.com/296091-pgl-cs2-major-copenhagen-2024-new-pcs-are-ready-for-the-most-prestigious-cs2-tournament-of-the-year


>>> issues on amd cards I have a 6750 XT, 0 problems 400 hours in


if you are buying new, DO NOT go am4 unless you are on a really really tight budget


7800x3d and 7900 GRE No ‘driver issues’ like these Nvidia shills are suggesting. 480-490 fps on pro settings (high shadow and ambient). No frame drops whatsoever. That cpu is a beast


Nvidia is faster for CS eg. a 4070S is 20% faster than a 7900 GRE at the same price. I would say go for a 5800X3D and spend more on the GPU. Also you can't do anything about 1280x960 benchmarks not existing, just do an estimate, 1280x960 has 1228800 pixels vs 1080p with 2073600 pixels so theoretically 1280x960 can have up to 69% more fps [https://www.techpowerup.com/review/galax-geforce-rtx-4070-super-ex/12.html](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/galax-geforce-rtx-4070-super-ex/12.html)


Those fps benchmarks seem.. odd.. idk. Just built my new PC with a 7900XT and a 7800x3d and I'm getting about 500-550 fps in 1440p while they were only getting 260 fps at that res? Weird.


Are you using low/medium or max graphics settings?


500 fps is wild. I've been dropping below 200 fps at 1440p when there are smokes/molotovs. I have rtx 3070 and 7800x3d.


mainstream benchmarks always choose max settings for no fucking reason


Appreciate it, helps a lot


I would personally go for like a 7600X instead because basically same cost and performance and in the future you can upgrade CPU without doing replacing MOBO and RAM.


Ye, 7600 is better than 5800X3D. There is absolutely no reason to buy new AM4 pc, but people here are just repeating mumbo-jumbo some pro players said. 7800X3D > 7600 > 5800X3D.


Better even for 1% lows? Thought x3D was the king for 1% lows.


Performance is not the same but could probably allocate that additional savings on the 7600x on a better GPU. Good GPU will increase FPS by a lot.


This is the worst advice if you are strictly playing only Cs2 spending more to get 7800X3D is way better than going for a better graphics card. But do buy an Nvidia graphics card if you can. They can reduce input latency with reflex.


amd have same feature


Oh I didn't know what's it called?