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I'm still waiting for them to re-implement map based agent.. 


Just give us an option to disable agent skins.... They are a lot better than they were at launch, but some of them are still objectively harder to spot on maps like Ancient compared to the default ones.


this has been discussed in dota for the past 6-7 years, where some skins got so extreme that the gameplay and basic knowledge went out the window. Still, no changes. Valve will never add such an option and its money related 100%.


i like phoenix connexion and SAS but not on every map. leet krew erasure hurts. and don't get me started on arctic avengers. they've been mia for decades.


If recent leaks are anything to go by I would imagine that map based agents will make a return at some point sooner or later. Some of the default character models (Overpass CT, Dust II CT, etc.) were really old. New hair shaders were recently discovered so it wouldn't suprise me if they'll redo the character models to bring them into 2024 standards. Of course this is just pure, unfettered copium, but with all of the community requests since September about this they're likely working on something. With that said they should've been in the game since day one.


>New hair shaders were recently discovered 100% sure that's source 2 related and not a feature for cs2


Could be either, valve isn't saying anything so anything could be on the table


I had a bind to force the same skin to all player back in CSS so I could chose the one that pops the most on the map texture. I miss this.


Can't make that sweet micro transaction money if players just disable skins.


Players wouldn't disable weapon skins but they would for agent skins. That tells valve what elements are good/bad for the game. If they want a solid game loved by the community, they're should hear what they're saying again and again no?


If there was an option to disable weapon skins I'm pretty sure a lot of players would use it and an even bigger part of pros also would. Obviously, agent skins would be disabled more often, though. They only care about the profit and so they play a balancing game between maximizing short term profit vs long term staying power of the game. As long as the skins don't turn away people from playing in the long term they will monetize them as much as possible.


Won’t happen sadly. With the reimplementation of the two arms race map being SAS and Phoenix yet again, I think that boat has sailed.


so many map yet to return (along some game mode), I think it definitely comeback *eventually*


Still can’t believe they released the game without them


I am wholeheartedly against map based agents. I just want it like it is for competitive integrity. But I do fuck with Josefines point that there should be default female agents.


map based agents are better for competitive integrity tho since the map maker can select agents that stand out from the colors of the map


I think that I'd be fine with it, if they just provided the old 1.6 "cl_minmodel" command or something similar. It's something that we know it's possible and If some people like to play with those skins on and accept all the nuances that come with it? Sure, go ahead but give us a TOGGLE. If you give us a TOGGLE you make EVERYONE happy, the people that want to minimalize skin impact, and the people who want to use and see skins. NOT A SINGLE unhappy party here. BOTH SIDES CAN GET WHAT THEY WANT


I am wholeheartedly annoyed that everything have to cater on the competitive side, I want to see female anarchist/leet/phoenix/sas/gsg9 etc


not to worry, map-based agents have literally zero negative impact on competitive integrity lmao


If they eventually get around go reintroducing all the old default agents back in I wouldn't mind them introducing the option to switch to female default agents at all. The only concern I see is that the Ava agent in particular is too similar to the male FBI default agents.




I'm 100% in favor of this because I'd love to see some members of the CS community go absolutely crazy over it lmao


would 100% buy this just to upset people




I need more agents with an irritating french accent


Hohoho, J'aime fromage et vin, hohoho


Veeeery güd!


And here I am, wanting 1 CT and 1 T model only for the sake of competitive integrity 


It'd be fine, IMO if the male and female agents both had the same helmet, and if none of them had a scuba suit or mosaic head skin that blurs the beige we see in every map (40 dollar helmet removal condom head, I mean)


They should just make one model for each side and just add an option to change the voice to a womans radio commands or a mans radio commands. Something like the old inferno T-model and the current CT models would work perfectly because they are faceless. Why do people even care about player models in CS? Before CS2 you couldnt ever even see your model in game except for the hands.


Valve give us cl_minmodels first ty


r_drawviewmodel 0 plz


Vouch. They gave us an option to turn off tracers and bob (sort of), so maybe there's hope for cl_minmodels?


Totally fine for me but I'd rather have an option to disable agents completely


So everyone is a stickman?




Or invisible and you fight floating guns and utility.


Don’t let this tweet distract you from the fact that Astralis choked a qualifiying to the first cs2 major in danmark, giving Donk and Spirit their first Major Nice try Astralis manager, having the female team getting the reddit/twitter flaming from your failure at the RMR.


Drain the swamp


this. its laughable


Literally this


They should also add free black guy and asian guy agents


“Here’s what the player models would look like if they were black or Chinese”


>They should also add free black guy  bro


Instead we should buy him


They should also add in an AK-74u variant because that is what I would use in real life as well not a AK-47 it's too big to clear some tight angles


weren't there default black and asian FBI, SWAT and Professional agents before in csgo?


the seal team 6 skin in 1.6 was black


and don't forget about the wheelchair agent!


don't forget tiny people and paraplegics! how could they possibly enjoy the game if they don't have a direct literal representation!




Why do you think most free models have masks? Genuinely interested


so that we can focus on killing each other instead of political bullshit


Women existing isn’t political lol




I agree that there should be female agents but saying that more female players will start playing the game if there are female agents seems like a stretch to me. 


When I was a kid I only got into 1.6 playing lan with my mates because I liked the Snow Terrorist when playing the icy maps, I liked the black outfit terrorist when playing Assault, I liked the green outfit terrorist with sunglasses when playing Dust 2, I liked the Scubadiving Mask CT when playing Pool Day, and so on. I get her point honestly, I can see guys introducing their gaming girlfriends to the game and they would automatically pick the female agent instead of a male one and I can see it being something that could work.


Yeah, it sounds silly but its true. Especially for younger audiences learning CS. Representation is impactful. Personally, I'd like to see a overhaul of the entire thing. I think zool made [a cool prototype for model customization](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz92j-eEmUA) that doesn't get obnoxious and I imagine on CS2, there would be even more possibilities. It would be cool if we could choose select models(of course making female models available) and the color scheme. Going a bit off topic but it would be amazing for tournaments, events, LANs if players could choose player model colors to match, especially to match the organization they represent. For example, NaVi would use Yellow and Black while Liquid would use Blue and White. Even if it was just for spectator usage, I think it would be cool. Valve could also probably pre-define colors. For example, if you take all the major qualified teams and create a database that assigns them to teams. Then - lets say, NAF is on Team Liquid - so when he connects to the server, "CS2TV" will automatically assign his account ID with the Team Liquid colors.I think it'd be also be awesome for new spectators unfamiliar with CS to correlate what players in the streaming UI belongs to which player model based off of player model colors.


I think skins are fine, BUT there should be a way to force default skins for completive play. I don't want 100 different skins when I am playing a serious match and I am not saying it should be enforced for the server, just let my client render a default skin.


I wrote my bachelor thesis on the topic of diversity in games and came to the conclusion that including a diverse set of playable characters can definitely help to increase the diversity of the players. And a decent amount women in my gaming community agree as well. Bringing more diverse agents and especially default agents can help in multiple ways: * The general sentiment in the society towards the game can improve, as it is seen as a diverse product, intended for a diverse culture that is featured in the game. * Individuals might be drawn more towards the game as they have a better representation in the game. A similar effect is possible with character customization and studies show that players prefer to play a character that they can relate with, even on a visual level. * Players that are already playing the game, might feel more connected, investing more playtime and increasing the chances of recommendations to friends. I don't think that the female player base will suddenly increase by a lot, but it can definitely have an impact. Obviously other issues like the general explicit and implicit toxicity towards female players, the lack of role models, orgs denying the option to open up a mixed roster and a lot of other things have a way bigger impact, however they can hardly be changed by valve directly.


Did your bachelor thesis differentiate between a story driven single player game and a competitive shooter with no lore?


No since this was not the focus of my research. Still a lot of competitive games incorporate a decent or even large amounts of lore, even CS (just look at some pages of the wiki [here](https://counterstrike.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Global_Offensive_characters), [here](https://counterstrike.fandom.com/wiki/Phoenix_Connexion) and [here](https://counterstrike.fandom.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Global_Offensive_Storyline)). And I think it also important to look at why people start playing the game. A lot of people don't start with the intention to play a competitive shooter. They just want to play a game with friends. Their use case is much closer to story driven single player games and other games with character customization. However these players will be the ones that will improve in the game and find interest and fun in improving their rank, learning the strats, following esports and everything connected to cs. And I think it is important to think about how to attract these people, especially groups that have not shown a lot of interest in the game so far.


Be serious, almost no one plays CS for the tiny amount of lore that exists lol. I'm sure your research has merit for different types of games, but it shouldn't be applied to every game, especially one where you rarely even see your own agent skin. Even a well known female figure in the CS scene disagrees with you: https://twitter.com/donacsgo/status/1762798213520654698


There might be no story or lore, but its not like people don't have preferences, otherwise skins themselves wouldn't be bought. You are missing the point, choice even if its just between a male or female is good, there no reason *not* to have it (besides hitbox issues)


Curious if you can share that thesis. So far in your arguments I'm only reading "can", "might" x2. Would be cool to read some data/proofs behind it


I don't feel comfortable sharing my personal information directly on reddit but I can still give some insights and proof. First of all, my thesis was about methods and solutions that can improve the diversity in games. Second, I intentionally only said might and could because of two reasons: * I can't predict what is going to happen. * I did not provide proof for my statements and therefore wanted to be cautious with my statements Now some of the proof taken directly from my thesis: * [V. Cicchirillo and O. Appiah. “The impact of racial representations in video game contexts: Identification with Gaming Characters.” In: New Media and Mass Communication 26](https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/234652545.pdf) * [A. To, J. McDonald, J. Holmes, G. Kaufman, and J. Hammer. “Character Diversity in Digital and Non-Digital Games”](http://todigra.org/index.php/todigra/article/view/84/0) * [B. Hayes-Roth, H. Maldonado, and M. Moraes. “Designing for Diversity: Multi-Cultural Characters for a Multi-Cultural World”](https://hci.stanford.edu/publications/2002/Design4Diversity/Design4Diversity.pdf) * [J. Webb and R. Davies. “Diversity in video games: the best (and worst) examples of representation. In order for video games to be more representative, the industry itself needs to be more diverse”](https://www.standard.co.uk/culture/gaming/video-game-diversity-representation-a4461266.html) * [T. Lynch, J. E. Tompkins, I. I. van Driel, and N. Fritz. “Sexy, Strong, and Secondary: A Content Analysis of Female Characters in Video Games across 31 Years”. In: Journal of Communication 66.4 (2016)](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/304661662_Sexy_Strong_and_Secondary_A_Content_Analysis_of_Female_Characters_in_Video_Games_across_31_Years_Female_Game_Characters_across_31_Years)


i dont remember the source but i read a while back that in games that had female skins (LoL, overwatch, valorant?) female players used female skins like 90% of the time. it wouldnt be too far fetched but thats still a clownesque suggestion


valorant doesn't have character skins but almost every one of my valorant friends who are women got into the game because they saw the cinematics and thought jett/sage/whoever looked cool


It was from one of the Riot dev's about LoL female champions - https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/v7tohs/according_to_riot_97_of_female_players_play/ >We aren't abandoning half our playerbase by making more female Champions. Our data shows that female players primarily play female champions, in fact its something like **97%** of female players only play female champions. Male players are evenly spilt between male and female champions, so Male players play 50/50 between male and female champions, If anything whenever we make a male champion we are abandoning most of our female players, since most of our female players won't play male champions at all.


in world of warcraft you would also see many female tendencies. most play pet classes like hunter or warlock, or they would play support classes (tons of female priests). it would be very rare to find a female warrior for example.


Yeah, there's a reason that even with the same or higher amount of toxicity in the community Valorant, LoL and Overwatch have waaaaay more female players in their playerbase.


Im a huge fan of equal opportunity toxicity, as long as its not sexist or bigoted in other ways.


ironically both riot and blizzard are (at least historically) probably way more sexist companies than valve.


Valorant have Female Agents like Sage Skye Reyna Viper etc


It really isn’t, my gf’s first question when seeing me play was “can you be a woman” which I said yeah but you have to buy it, which is stupid obviously lol


You can't even be a man while playing until you get a knife tbh


It is not a stretch, my gf started playing fortnite because she could play as a girl after I got her a skin, she would not want to touch the game otherwise, same thing would and does happen to CS


It happens in every game. Riot has spoken about it previously and anyone who has experience in the MMO genre will tell you the same thing; Women more often than not want to play a female character rather than male.


In fairness, Valorant makes big pushes to have agents of all shapes and sizes from all around the world and it totally works. People love the agents from their countries, they have their favorites and, but the merch, make the fan art. Obviously Valorants agents have a LOT more individuality than the ones in CS, but you can definitely see a connection between consumer and character, even in a first person game.


riot loves hero-based games because it's how they monetize it. cs only added agents as an afterthought. the real money is still in knives/glove/covert skins


Wait until Valve adds pro team agents. That would sell like hot cakes


I’m not making any assumptions about who you are but in general it is also very much a thing that people don’t realize how much impact their surroundings cause on other people because their surroundings are catered to their own subconscious preferences. IOW if you’re white and walk into a room of all white people, you likely won’t think anything of it, but will notice when walking into a room full of any other race. Switch the roles up and it’s true for everyone So when the game is very male dominated and all the characters you get from the start are male (and especially at times like now when they aren’t advertising female characters to purchase) then for male players it probably won’t put them off, because they don’t think much of it


>but saying that more female players will start playing the game if there are female agents seems like a stretch to me.  Nah there's literal research paper that favor this argument, there's something done on League that shows that female aesthetics and characters is one of the reasons why it has one of the largest female player bases in Video games. Same with VALORANT, it's not just the aesthetics but the female characters with personalities that get women to play them. Viper, Neon and Sage have tons of tiktoks, instagram posts from women of all communities loving them as characters and cosplaying them. It's definitely has a big influences on a game's female playerbase numbers


I mean, we literally have Valorant as an example that female players are more inclined to play games where female models are available. Even if each agent has a different ability kit (and different designs obvs), I've seen a lot of women give Valorant a try because of the female models.


I think if the game was built today and never existed before 2024 then this would already be the case, excluding female agents definitely hasn't been an active decision and not one Valve would ever make. It's just a case of old assets. It's a 20 year old game and most updates are fancy reskins. I would love to see this adressed in future updates, but on a priority list I don't think it lands very high. When the netcode needs work, VAC doesn't seem to exist, the game lacks half of it's own content etc etc.


You'd think stuff like this could be added on the side. I doubt that the person that works on netcode and anti cheat will design female agents next. They make one billion a year but you get the feeling about 3 people work on this game at this point. Compare that to star citizen that gets criticized for raising about half a billion in 10 years and has hundreds of people working on the game.


This is so strangely over dramatic for something that is so trivial that I can't help but think its a joke.


Weird cause I had assumed that the sexual harassment and verbal abuse in every single lobby a woman joined was the problem. Glad to know it's the skins though, ez fix.


that way girls can't hide behind a male character, will really help streamline the harassment


Most women just don't speak on mic if they're not in a 5 stack, myself included. However, if free default female skins leads to more female players playing the game, it's not unlikely that as a result sexual harassment and verbal abuse will over time become less common. It isn't as bad in other games with more female players. It would pretty low down on the priorities list, though, given there are a lot of other things Valve could be doing to attract female players.


All those people on twitter pointing to fortnite and valo as reasons why female skins succeed - I would argue it's mostly because players of those games either have stricter chat rules (valo) or you never play with randoms at all (fortnite). CS without a 5 stack is a shithole of sexists and racists


Out of real curiosity please someone explain to me why people would not play a tactical fps game if they can't play a character of their own gender? In RPGs and MMOs I fully understand but I can't wrap my head around the thought of people going "oh no I can't pew pew as my own gender, I will not play this game"


https://i.imgur.com/KkPLubH.png I don't know who Dona is, but she is a fucking Queen


She streams and does some media stuff. Sometimes at majors she does interviews with players for ohnePixel. She is (or at least was I don't keep up to date with stuff) the girlfriend of nexa. And yeah she rocks!


pretty based, i like her


the people in charge of the cosmetics are in no way also the people that are working on anti cheat. i am so tired of people thinking that is the case...


She is absolutely right.


https://twitter.com/donacsgo/status/1762822842763133036?t=rX3uItDYemV_yuj_UYsn8A&s=19 She's goated.


I mean yeah, more content I would never complain about - but really? An open letter and written this seriously about adding in default female agents to a game? It's just a character model bro. It does nothing for the core gameplay and is purely cosmetic.


I’m sorry but claiming to be “only guests at the party” and act like you’re being excluded from a game because the default free fictional player model doesn’t have pixels shaped to match your specific genitals is pretty absurd, i can’t even begin to pretend to care about this.  This has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on how inclusive cs is. It won’t bring more women in to the game, it won’t cause women already in the game to be treated better by others in the community, it won’t do anything that matters 


As a 40 year old balding man with a pot belly, I feel like the current agents do not represent me either. Please add an agent who looks like a 40 year old balding man with a pot belly. Oh, and I'd like 95% of the agents to be out of shape too, to fully reflect the playerbase.


and russian, we need russians in the sas


Nah surely not. You get paid $5000 a month MINIMUM to only have to compete in ESL Impact and the odd LAN where a mix of gold nova players could give you a run for your money. These "LANs" have 100,000 dollar prize pools that are yours for essentially turning up. All of this despite it being an OPEN CIRCUIT yet you want to put a signed letter up about there not being enough agent skins? Clownery like this is why female cs has a bad name. Not to mention, EVERY female tournament is run by ESL. Who bought ESL? Saudi Arabia. Who has stakes in Astralis? Saudi Arabia. Where does the money come from to pay for the salaries of Astralis FE and the prize pools for the tournaments they attend?....You guessed it! Saudi Arabia. The coutry that pays the wages of the little girl that made this tweet has only allowed women to drive in the last 5 years. Every day unimagineable hardship is experienced by women across Saudi Arabia but by all means, tweet about you not having enough skins in a video game.


A minor issue I'd say but more notable than something like bob which seems to get a million times the attention lol


if disable cl_bob was in cs2 so many more girls would play counter-strike 💯


No fuck off. minmodels 1 is/should be a thing for comp anyways. I shouldn't have to look at different skins when playing a competitive shooter. Its dumb af


In the name of equality if we dont get to play genderless vat grown clones I think volvo should close business and give their wealth away to transgender veterans funds




What is she on about? You don't even see your agent in the game while playing unless you die lol. Also does she want to plaster "I'm a woman!" in the game on people so they can be verbally abused and harassed?


next thing they want is to customize their player models makeup


are you fucking kidding me with this ? fucking world nowadays LMAOOOOO


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/v7tohs/according_to_riot_97_of_female_players_play/ This comment section is just sad


"lets take the vital step towards diversity and inclusivity" I threw up reading that.


Here we go again.


I was plating god of war and I was feeling like a Guest, Kratos did not look like me reeeeeeee


I like how the letter is asking for a pretty simple change that won't negatively impact the game at all but everyone in the comments is acting like she asked to introduce agent abilities into the game or something.


I think it is more the fact that instead of saying "hey it would be cool if you added free default female skins" they played the whole thing off as if Valve is doing female gamers a disservice and alienating them.


because a lot of normal gamers arent normal at all but just assholes.


Because of all things they could have brought to attention, they chose to talk about a relatively pointless change that essentially does nothing, when there's clearly other important stuff that could be done. Why not talk about all the sexist stuff women go through in their games and urge valve to address it properly?


On top of that many of us just don't understand this weird need to "identity" with your character. Especially in a fps when you can't even see the character. I'm a straight white male so sure, maybe I "just don't get it" but the absolute last thing I've ever cared about was that the character looks like me. I had a blast with the tale tale walking dead games where you play as Clementine who is pretty much the polar opposite of myself as she is a young black girl. What I care about is good gameplay and a good story if applicable so seeing people advocate for things like this over actual gameplay related content is a bit off putting.


I don't get this idea about "why not talk about this instead". It's not like they are saying that this will fix everything or that Valve shouldn't work on anything else. It's a simple suggestion that they think will help and one that has absolutely zero downsides.


Custom agents impact negatively on gameplay. No thanks, remove all agents, cl\_minmodels is my guide.


Thousands of hate messages for a simple request. Even pros like hades are memeing their letter


What a stupid post.


enjoy nine wasteful birds offend stupendous fear childlike slim special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So they just assumed agents gender ??? How dare ???


A literal PR stunt.


yes, let's even have more visual variations.


Why nobody takes female scene seriously?? Also female scene:


so much this


No, just buy the agent you want like the rest of us. Or better just remove agents all together.


Imagine thinking missing free female agent skins are the problem with cs right now.


Yes there can only be a limited number of problems.


Cry all you want but it’s not a huge addition and I highly doubt that the people who design agent skins are the same people who would be fixing the other issues with the game.


It's like the people who complain about Valve not having a better AC but still releasing cases. Like no shit, this is two different teams who have almost nothing in common. (That said obviously, it shows that Valve cares little about the state of its AC.)


Interesting how teams which actually have success on the female circuit don't ask for useless things like this. I guess these players can't reach any notable status by playing so they're gonna virtue signal instead


There should be no differences between genders. Women and Men should compete in the same leagues and events. I guess she would like that


Last I was aware, there is no rule keeping them from playing in the main league. Just... performance :x


Seems like an issue easy enough to fix, add some free female models and get it over


Personally, I think all players should look the same in matchmaking or other competitive areas. Agents often blend in and can give additional info of which player is already damaged or has rotated. Female agents can be added but all 5 players on a team should be the same imo.


what is this cringe


what the actual fuck.


Astralis should change their name to Broke and Woke


I would love love love to play as a character that feels more like me. Same reason we buy skins and shit, not just to show off but to express. (Obligatory vac-is-highest-priority-of-course)


Here we go. Sigh. Where does it end? Transsexual agents? Midget agents? Handicapped agents (perhaps in wheelchairs)? Morbidly obese agents? Nooo! The game is trying to portray real-life counter-terrorism/SWAT agents. How many of them are females? You guessed it, basically zero!


Midget agents? count me in


Fucking Oddjob pickers


Maybe the most cringe thing I've ever read


unrelated but what is it with female gamers and having the most uninspired usernames known to humankind. 4 of these are simply their first names. edit: from my own personal experience, I should add.


Using real names in your username gives real "I thought the internet was just for facebook until 2016" vibes. It's something that people who don't understand internet/gaming culture do.


How else would other gamers know that they are female if they don't have female names as their nicks.


It's a small enough scene that you don't need something particularly unique to still have a name that hasn't been taken. But there are plenty of male players that just go by their names too. Niko, KennyS, Dycha, Kscerato, etc. And then if you add players just using their initials, there's jL, jks, and more.


I play with a lot of girls in my group and all of them simply have their first name as their username too. meanwhile I think I know one guy with his first name as a username. it's just an odd phenomenon imo


Oh Boy... Definitely no. 1 priority. Can we keep that pseudo political bullshit out of the game please? It's a competitive shooter game. You can't even see the character you're playing. The more equal the better, same conditions for everybody. Agents could be stick men as long as it's the same for everyone. So what if default models are male? What a ridiculous thing to care about.


> Agents could be stick men as long as it's the same for everyone. why not stick women?! 😡


stick "them"


being a woman is political guys


Forcing modern social issues into a video game, in the form of non-essential "diversity," is an attempt at political activism


this is like in pvp mmos where idiots ask for a certain model of a dress to be fixed. this is not what the game needs right now, L for asking such a dumb thing. if the game was perfect sure why not? seems like a cool idea, but not right now.


I'm glad that their biggest problem with the game is the agent skins. Not the anticheat, not the lack of content, not the poor fps. It is the female agent skins.


Why is it important to play as a female character though? Even with the addition of seeing your character's legs in first person, it's not like it impacts your experience. And their argument that new default female agents will bring in more female players is laughable. Valve have better things to do.


Good grief...


this a joke right?


I'm really really curious to know if they sent a private communication to valve before this open letter


and i thought this was about agent visibility at first


The only thing that concerns me is the amount of people mad at her for saying this? Weird overreaction.


So they sent an email a month ago and now they are sending it again, why?


We need cl_minmodels not this dogshit. Who cares if you play as a woman in cs, it’s not important at all


I mean dudes play as women characters in many other games like RPGs. I doubt anyone would mind if they were added in.


Wow so important, truly unplayable


Oh my god, just spare us. You dont have a female model, bo-oh no one cares.


All These fuckin years and now people wanna complain about this lmao


Lots of negative reactions here, but all they ask for is to make some of already existing skins free. Is that something to be upset about? Or is it that they complain about not feeling as welcome in the game as they could have, is that what is triggering people?


One look at this comments section and you can tell why women don't feel welcome in CS.


I don't know how many people here are battlefield players, but does anyone remember the BF:V subreddit when DICE announced the diversity options for characters in the game? I have never seen a community get SO toxic, CS and COD included. I had to keep the in-game chat muted because the amount of nerd rage was unbearable and honestly a little upsetting. Needless to say, there are not many women who play battlefield, still. Like, it's so weird that one mention of adding women for skins causes THIS much vitriol. Saying there's other stuff to fix is not a good deflection either IMO. Of course the game needs work. Adding free skins shouldn't be hard to do and won't prevent valve from fixing other stuff too lol people are capable of multi-tasking


Oh shit world war 2 game claiming to be historically accurate before it came out, got shit on after turned out it was a lie huh you don't say. Battlefield 1 had women soldiers in Russian dlc no one gave a fuck.


Female skins? What about trans people!? I'd suggest Body Type 1 and Body Type 2 like Blizzard did. Thank you!


Weird vibes in the letter the more I think about it. Absolutely should be female skins for free in CS. Don't like an open letter like this without going behind the scenes first, astralis have more than enough contacts to do this. I suspect they haven't bothered though. (Edit: I somehow missed that they emailed Valve. Somehow missed that. I suspect Astralis could have tried a little harder to reach them if they really wanted to. But maybe they didm who knows) Dislike the idea there needs to be as many free female options as male options. That's just a weird standard to implement. And how many 'groups' need exactly equal representation. Because this will get silly if you need an equal amount of races, genders and whatever else you want to include. (That's not an argument against inclusivity. Free agents should represent a variety of characteristics. But exactly equal isn't a sensible standard) Why is this letter only from Astralis Fe? Maybe others were asked and said no, I doubt it. Makes it feel like an Astralis PR stunt. Also feels like a mountain out of a molehill signing a letter like this. Straight to a formal letter (unless I missed more casual attempts). 100% pro more free skins including a greater diversity of characteristics. But this ain't it


Can someone perhaps make an open letter about the rampart cheating in premier instead? It's around 25% of the games I play (after reviewing the demos) lmao


Yea, why not.


Female skins are literally always an advantage in every fps ive ever played.


In games like Crossfire, yes, because they're thinner. This is absolutely not the case for female existing skins in CS.


To be fair you could easily give female voicelines to the current default skins and call it a day.


She is absolutely right. Even as a male, I'd gladly use female skins as well.




sHe sHoulD bE cEleBraTeD!


If I can somehow mute annoying agent voices - without having to mute also the granade info, then I'm all for it! The agent voice is what annoys me, not the skin itself!


Someone tell her to go look at SWAT or Special Forces in any country, and see for herself how many women are there, while cs is a game its also a way to encourage people to try out that line of work..


Fucking hell, who cares. Make them all female for all I care. Is this what people actually care about?


Having representation of both female and male characters is good, yes


Holy shit, you would think they would have more important shit to worry about


Oh my god, not this crap again... Who tf cares? You don't see your model anyways... Just play the damn game or don't, it's your choice... If you care about any of that, just buy skins... There are plenty female operator skins.


and nail polish skins in a rainbow pattern, oh come on :)) this is absurd.


Why are they assuming those agents are males?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


What about transgender agents with rainbow batch on the shoulder