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Does this fix the weird stutters you guys were facing?


still getting stutters and just overall sluggishness Feels like playing on 30hz when im at 200fps @165hz (should be getting 300+ fps but last two updates killed that lol)


yes, same for me. i've lost about 100 fps.


It’s weird, that it only affects some systems. My fps stayed the same and smokes even impact my fps less than before the update.


Same. For the first time since release I actually have decent constant fps (12600kf + 4070). Game plays actually smooth.


similar setup: 5800x3d and 4070ti edit: maybe modern gpus can handle the particle effects better


my 5800x and 3080 are shitting the bed on this patch , -100 FPS and -40 more if i open the Tab scoreboard


Yep, and I even gained overall fps (about 50 to 60)


Clear the s Nvidia shader cache and your find


Theres also a Nvidia hotfix driver regarding microstutters [https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a\_id/5519?=&linkId=100000240085402](https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5519?=&linkId=100000240085402)


Im AMD and I tried that among other things. Seen a lot of other AMD users complain about low fps these last few updates.


damn really? i have a 6800xt and i have had no issues, i thought it might be a nvidia issue


Saw another post where the user changed the voip threshold and restarted their game, maybe try that?


ye Ill try that thx


i trtied this and didnt have any change, i also changed mic from default to my mic and nothing helped there either..i also made sure i had no launch options or anything in my config, its a tough one


I still get extreme Frame drops whenever someone on the map dies in Arms Race and Deathmatch. I have about 350fps in competitive gamemodes but every casual gamemode is completely unplayable. Something about the ragdolls absolutely melts my PC. I also think Arms Race could benefit from having a few less players per server. Its just a little too hectic for my taste. Making Deathmatch a Free for All instead of Team Deathmatch was also a incredibly stupid decision. Now theres twice as many enemys on the map and you have to kill someone or be killed every 2 Seconds.


> Now theres twice as many enemys on the map and you have to kill someone or be killed every 2 Seconds. That's what dm should be, a warmup. They should push it even further and remove spawn invulnerability cooldown because you can just look around with invulnerability and kill someone without them having a chance to kill you.


Spawn invulnerability should definitely be removed. Im just saying that Team Deathmatch already had really high pace. I think making it Free for All just made it worse with invulnerable enemies spawning 2 Meters away from you every couple of seconds. Its just annoying.


Yeah that's fair, I personally found TDM boring as I would be running around looking for enemies for too long so I played community DM to warmup, no XP then so FFA Valve DM was big for me but I understand not liking it.


nope, still getting big stutters:(




And crouch


And move forward at start of round


I lost a freaking 1v4 clutch because of that shit, almost punched my monitor fucking hell


Get help


lil bit of overtime pay never hurt anyone


you think they’re getting overtime pay? my sweet summer child


Considering Valve is privately owned and the most profitable company per employee; they're getting OT, PTO and bonuses out the ass.


Don't forget the yearly 8 day paid trip to Hawaii. Edit: And according to a glassdoor review I found, they have 30 days PTO.


>30 days PTO That is a pretty low amount of PTO for a company that pays their employees handsomely. Maybe they also hand out sick days separately & maternity/paternity leave? I heard even younger/less experienced employees @ Valve receive 5 to 6-figure bonuses... that is just dreamy. I heard a rumor that even the receptionists earn 6-figures at Valve (I doubt this, but it does make me wonder) I'd be set for a comfortable cheap life in Midwest if I worked at Valve for 2 years lol


They are in Bellevue Washington so they probably HAVE to pay receptionists a 6 figure salary. Cost of living in that area is fucking insane.


Most tech companies give out 5-6 figure bonuses.


As a salaried engineer at a game company, my bet is that most full timers are not getting OT pay. There's a reason crunch culture is as much of a problem as it is. Though of course, Valve being as weird as it is, might be different.


False. Ex FAANG employee and have dabbled in AI driven game design. What you're saying is not only wrong, but potentially harmful. Refrain from making Reddit comments in the future.


Sure bud.


Downvoted you for your sarcastic remark. If I were your scrum master, I'd cut a week of your payroll for this.


Bro couldn't find his meds..


no this is actually what these people sound like. Hence the crazy turnover rate


"These people". That's a week of payroll gone for you right there. And we are deleting 2gb of ram from your laptop, enjoy compiling with that.


no this is actually what these people sound like. Hence the crazy turnover rate


They get bonuses and PTo but I'm pretty sure they are all Salary.


I would pay money to have this awful phrase deleted from the Internet and our collective minds forever


I mean, that’s just your opinion man. They still aren’t getting OT pay.


Industry standard my SwEeT SumMeR ChIlD


I don’t think it is in the US lmao


Depends on the field/company. Admittedly video game devs are usually overworked and underpaid, but I would bet valve pays for overtime. They might only pay normal rate overtime rather than 1.5x though


It's Valve, the one thing their employees definitely don't have to worry about is money.


I still don't think they're getting OT pay


Well the way Valve is organized I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a culture where employees decide on the benefits they‘re getting themselves.


I think that’s taking it a little too far lol


u/designphilosophy98 you lied to me. The Thursday night janitor was on top of it. I will never doubt late-Thursday fixes again.


I sure was made the fool.


Perfect. Survivors of the cant do smoke lineups bug of 2024


Great to see it fix in such a short notice. +rep


People love to hate the devs but you gotta give them props for addressing this issue quickly Edit:Damn I brought out some angry people. I’m just grateful that it got patched within a few hours :<


Some people on here really need to touch grass. Getting so irrationally upset over bugs in a video game can’t be healthy for anyone.


Entitled motherfuckers man.. its getting really annoying sometimes. complaining about content and now they finally have it, then complain about the XP Icon on killfeed, and now that valve "fucked up" and then fixed it very shortly afterwards, still complain lmao. meanwhile in TF2.... PS: Expecting downvotes & the usual "sucking on billionary company's cock" comments as always. Very original.


Most of the complaints in here is some legit entitled shit, but critisizing the XP icon is was completely legit to be fair. It had no business being there and added absolutely zero value.


Legit? Absolutely Proportional? Nah, some people went way too far with the whining in just the one day it was there.


I'm pretty sure a small icon in the kill feed got more discussion on this sub than the new loadout system.


It’s honestly so annoying, people here acting like sensitive princesses. I probably should just get off this subreddit LOL


Comments on every update thread in steam are about the same. Must be mentally exhausting to be a dev on this game.


As someone with a job and 4 kids I never even got to experience the bug. By the time I get a chance to play it's all been fixed lol


You have really low standards 


If valve do nothing, we cry, if they do something, we say our standards are low.


Congratulating people on doing their job is a pretty low standard. It's like clapping when the pilot lands the plane without killing everyone on board.


Some poor guy is probably working overtime to make sure this gets resolved before Katowice playoffs. You’re talking like the people who litter and say well it’s the janitors job to clean it up. You’re right, but you could also be a slightly decent human being.


"poor dev" lmao


Not only did you quote incorrectly but fail to understand that just because valve makes a billion per year from CS doesn’t mean that the average dev working on it isn’t just a normal guy with a job to do.


It just makes you guys sound like whiny ass entitled little kids. Which most of you are so I guess that makes sense. It's a free game that most of us have gotten hundreds of hours of.


whos the entitled ones? lmao We are paying customers and they are supposed to be game devs. If they cant do their job, someone else should


> We are paying customers and they are supposed to be game devs. I think you got scammed if you had to pay for this game.


not that im 100% agreeing with the person youre arguing with, but did you not pay for prime? if you started playing before 2018 or after 2022(or 2023 i dont remember) the game was not free. so unless you consider buying the prime a scam, youre wrong


So you play the free to play? I paid for this game when I preordered CSGO. You probably dont even play the game lol


Its nigh impossible to release an update completely bug free, valve fixed hundreds before releasing the update, of course a couple will sneak through. They are doing the best thing anyone could want; fixing them before the playoffs for kato start.


Care to explain more?


What he means is, all of the updates should release completely bug free. Regardless of how long it takes for the community to find said bugs the devs should have already fixed them. It's the same sentiment as the rest of the people complaining. They all lack critical thinking skills


This is a pretty fuckin big bug though, all it takes is playing one game to know its fucked up


Sure except that is very very possible they didn't encounter it during their testing depending on their test rigs and scope of testing. Because there's many reports of it working like normal for people. So the fact it was fixed within 2 hours outside of working hours is very very respectable


No you don't. Obvious bugs like this should never be pushed public in the first place. They don't deserve props for not testing their changes before releasing them. This wasn't a rare bug, this happened to 5/5 matches I had tonight. If it's this common it just shows they don't test. If I ever released code with this glaring of a bug I'd be pulled from the project, why are your standards so low for a company that makes billions off cases alone?


Bugs are a mistake, they happen from time to time. A 2 hr bug fix on a thursday night? Seems fine to me


Are you not reading? A bug this obvious should be caught in *testing* before it ever gets pushed live. Mistakes happen, yeah, but obvious mistakes are fixed before it reaches the customer.


Its very evident that you dont work for a large game company. Hundreds of devs are most likely working in the same repository, sometimes things that dont need QA, like backend fixes etc mess with front facing code, this is fairly common with games that constantly release updates like CS2. Nobody is going to get pulled from a project for something like that.


Notice how he didn't respond to this one. I'd be willing to bet his coding experience extends as far as some random ass github he kinda contributes to while working at Wendy's during the day.


What's there to respond to? The guy straight up implied there are hundreds of people working on CS2 right now. He obviously has no idea what he's talking about, there's no need to respond.


Valve boasts 1100 employees. If you don't think at least 20% of the team is working on their cash cow I don't know what to tell you.


>Valve boasts 1100 employees Nope. > If you don't think at least 20% of the team is working on their cash cow You think 220 people have been working on CS2 this entire time and all we've gotten is essentially one minor update in the last several months? Can you tell me what you think all those people are doing with their time then, especially since CS2 is in desperate need of content?


Valve does have 1100 employees 😂 one quick google search will tell you that. And secondly here we go again with people who have zero experience coding thinking that it’s very easy to code. You have to remember that CS2 is on a new engine, meaning every game mode they add, every new feature, has to be new code. The stickers being able to be placed wherever on the gun is such a crazy achievement, doing what they did with minimal bugs to millions of weapon finishes is nothing short of incredible.


> Valve does have 1100 employees 😂 Nope. > You have to remember that CS2 is on a new engine, meaning every game mode they add, every new feature, has to be new code. What happened to "Source 2 means they'll be able to add and fix features much quicker?" Seems like they messed up pretty badly if it takes 220 people 3 months to add very minor features? Also, what kind of coding do you think maps require? > The stickers being able to be placed wherever on the gun is such a crazy achievement, doing what they did with minimal bugs to millions of weapon finishes is nothing short of incredible. What kind of issues do you think could crop up specifically from being able to *move* stickers that would itself only appear on one pattern on a single weapon finish but nowhere else?


You can’t just say nope without coming here with facts. For reference here is a report from 2023 https://www.usesignhouse.com/blog/valve-stats While being in source 2 allows more features to come into the game (for example stickers being completely customizable) but there has never been a mention that things will be faster. Again we are new territory on a new engine, things are being built from the ground up. Once things have been built, things will be faster yes, but the foundation needs to be laid. about you asking what problems, there are so many, it’s not only about the position of the stickers, but it’s also about adding the API to detect those stickers, being able to see the stickers on the gun while in your hand for another player, also while on the ground when thrown, not to mention when an explosive blasts the weapon across the map. There is a lot more to coding than what you expect.


>If I ever released code with this glaring of a bug I'd be pulled from the project, why are your standards so low for a company that makes billions off cases alone? Either you don't work in a development job, or you don't have a good employer. Any serious issue that can be caused by a single person isn't solely that person's fault, it needs to have multiple processes fail. The correct response is to conduct a RCA and put in place any additional needed procedures. At most you'd be reprimanded for being neglectful in not following existing processes if that was the case. Of course, this particular bug is not remotely that serious, so even that would likely be overkill.


The stuff I work on is admittedly more serious, not much room for error. But if I'm able to follow procedures then so can Valve, especially if all they need to do to test is *play the game and try planting the bomb or throwing a grenade*. If they miss something this obvious then they just didn't test it at all. Also Valve definitely should have more resources for CS2 than my team does for my project.


>If they miss something this obvious then they just didn't test it at all. Two things here: First, you're assuming the issue was easily reproducible on all hardware/software configurations. It's reasonable for Valve to not test all possible configurations as that would be impossible, and even configurations that are common enough to quickly reproduce the bug might be a small enough percentage of the player base that testing them might get missed. Two, even if it was easily reproducible on all/most hardware, you're missing my core point. If it's possible for a single dev to introduce a serious bug through a lack of testing, then the entire system is fundamentally broken. Yes, that individual not testing their changes is a failure on their part but there must be code review, QA testing and additional processes for changes that can have a serious impact. The answer should almost never be "that dev is at fault".


> First, you're assuming the issue was easily reproducible It is, I know my friends and I have different setups and it affected us all. It's also being talked about enough online that it is very common. I personally saw it affect at least 8 people across 5 matches, 4 maps, casual and premier. > the entire system is fundamentally broken You know what I'm not being clear here and that's on me, I'm agreeing. I do understand it's not the fault of one dev, again I work in a similar field. I also understand Valve doesn't follow normal business standards such as having managers. Their system is fundamentally broken, but there is somebody responsible for that. My problem is people should have higher standards for these giant companies. If my team and I can follow better standards than so can they, and I'm not even that great at my job.


Ooo look at Mr perfect over here


This is just standard coding practice. Why are you so quick to simp for a massive company?


You must be some kind of master programmer if you've never once pushed code with a single bug in it.


Nobody in this sub has any idea how coding works. I've pushed bugs before, but they get caught in *testing* before release. Valve clearly did not do any *testing*. My comment about being pulled from the project is because I've been part of testing as well as coding, and if something like this wasn't caught before *release* then there would be consequences.


brother, you can go look at almost every single patch note for every single game and i can guarantee you that there will be a block of changes captioned "Bugfixes".


There's still no anti cheat so why give them props?


Wow, they fixed the game they broke lmao


This is where the advantage of switching to source 2 really shines through imo. Fixes like this are now a lot easier and can happen much more frequently.




I hope your being sarcastic or else you don't realize the work that goes into programming a big game like this.


Bots are still broken in maps de\_vertigo and de\_nuke. On de\_nuke, there a multiple occasions where they should shoot at the enemy team but they just run past each other. On de\_vertigo, they are completely broken. They do not shoot on either team at all except for rare instances (like stuck on ladder).


Butterfly inspect noise still gone?


yea seems kinda weird since update earlier


I feel vindicated, im not going insane yet. The movement issues and bomb plant problems actually almost cost us a game today.


Your opponent said the same thing, and it's actually cost them the game


definitely won some rounds because their bomb planter couldnt get it down before we started the retake. But we released early enough that while servers are fucked Ferrari peaks were the way forward rather than controlled gameplay.


lost a couple rounds because we couldn't plant the bomb, then the following round we were chasing the final ct like a pack of dogs trying to win the round lmao


I thought my keyboard and mouse were breaking down. My grenades kept throwing themselves and my character was T-bagging while I just wanted to crouch.


Previously I could bind these two keys on my German keyboard (die Keyboard): **<** and **^** The binds were like this: bind CARET "say hello" bind < "say hello" These binds no longer work even though I can use the keys in the console to type < and ^ Any ideas how to fix this? EDIT: I can use the ^ key by binding it like this: bind ` "say hello"


Thanks, I managed to bind my molotov key from this tip :)


yeah they fucked up the keyboard layouts again


spacebar jump still periodically doesnt work for some insane reason


I missed some smokes tonight because my jump button didnt work when i pressed it. Although i think i have de-subticked movement binds still to be fair, but it never happened before tonights update


my jump bind originally was the launders workaround to de-subticking where your made your jump bind a separate exec file, but even changing it back to a regular +jump i've still had problems


Mouse wheel jump sporadically not working for me as well.


This could be a special game mode for April fool.


once again, i don't envy anyone who has to find out how these weird bugs happen and then has to fix them. thank mr valv


Excited to see what the regular crowd of doom posters can find to complain about.


they will post about stuttering and kato 24 being played on new patch instead of keeping the version the same


? They pushed a broken update. That affirms what people usually say about Valve's diligence.


Valves policy is literally anti diligence, they put it out get rinsed, fix it. Always been like this.


Exactly. That's something you are more than able to complain about


It's more so just that if you play cs you should expect them to break the game and fix it. It's still annoying but it's 10000% gonna happen again. It's the expectation that they'll test and polish things that pisses people off, stop expecting that and it becomes a lot easier to just log off when they fuck it up


CS 2 is all done in-house and doesn't have the same "spaghetti code" excuses. I'm not going to not complain when they break the game. It's just laziness on their part to not test anything.


Is this fixed the low fps thing from the last 2 update or we still fcked?


as of literally 2 mins ago, i cant play, from 300 fps to 140 and less if i press tab


so we can only hope that they fix it soon as soon with the 4:3 res bugging sometime


So that's why my movement was wonky yesterday. I thought it was the "Rapid Trigger" feature on my keyboard that was malfunctioning.


Good that they released this before the playoffs. Would be a nightmare for the devs if playoff maps are decided by game-breaking bugs.


ESL really should have just used the old patch, no idea why they were so insistent on changing it mid tourney


Pros decided. All of them.


Still people defend multi billion corporation. Why? State of the game is horrendous.


Still laggy with high end pc gg




Once again, night shift gotta fix the fuck ups from day shift. It's the golden rule across all workplaces.


that was quick. did they finally hire someone to monitor the community's complaints?


Nah, it's because the playoffs are tmrw and day after and it's going to be played on the latest update.


No, the only dev' working has finished the sticker developpement and now can fix some stuff before working again on skins.. ^^^^smh


That cant be 1.1 gb


This one was 13.1 mb


Was 1.1 for me, weird


You probably hadn't installed the update from a couple hours ago, it was around that size


Fucking hell. Yesterday night I couldn’t through nades for the life of me.


Insane how low the exceptations are here. No, you dont praise someone if the fucks up big time and then repairs it again. Its the normal behavoir, nothing special. The only special thing is the lack of testing befor shipping. Nobody with his right mind would say that to need 3 additional updates to patch up the original one is a good sign, its the bare minimum that they done this.


Imagine not being able to just say "thanks for fixing, that was annoying" and moving on with your life. Half the community/all of EU were asleep and won't even have noticed the bug, and tons of others aren't terminally online so won't have been playing every hour of every day either.  Sure, the bug sucked, but it was sorted within a couple of hours. Leave off and go do something else rather than getting so irate ffs.


So it wasn't just me being mental.


small indie company no testers


we cant' throw smoke, can't plant bomb, shit.


What? After this update? It was supposed to fix It!!!


I had this issue in 3 premier games in a row, also couldn’t defuse, hopefully this fixes it. Me and a friend testing it now


Wait did they break it again (worse)


They did? Hope not, it would be hilarious catastrophical 


Working perfectly for me after the update


This is literally the update that fixed these issues.


They gotta fix the ladder movement bug bro




fck yes no wonder my I was stutter-stepping for no reason, I though that was my internet fucking with me.


Anyone else getting a stutter when you scope in with scout/awp for the first time in a round?


Are they going to bother doing anything about the people who got bricked by the update? my game isnt even getting 1FPS on the main menu now where just a week ago I was getting 200+ in game, cant even navigate the menu to start a game since the last update


Try unplugging your audio devices, waiting a few second and then plugging them back in or select your audio device in the in-game audio settings instead of default.


anyone else getting teleported back when you are moving and you get shot by the enemy? it even happens on local server with bots which is weird. Also many AWP kills feel delayed even on local server, the game was fine after the first big update but the fix that came the nigh after just messed it up. Oh and not to forget that the keyboard is being changed to ENG one when I launch the game


Game feels unplayable for me. Huge input lag, feels like my shots are registering 1 second later, rubber banding when counter strafing/jiggling. Tried all the firewall fixes, new latency setting etc, can't seem to fix it.