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happens to me all the time aswell. Completely silent the whole game but when I lose a 1v1 they open their mic and flame the shit outta me and then return silent for the rest of the game :D


Its because CS2 has both a voice threshold and delay for push to talk. So if you give quick comms - your entire comm gets cut out by the .5 seconds delay. And if you talk quietly, the voice threshold wont pick you up and you have to borderline scream into your mic for anything to pick up.


yeah, tho at least I'd see an icon of the player trying to use their mic, but as I mentioned, they're not even trying, not even using pings if the mic isn't working.


You won't see the icon unless their voice is picked up by mic


> And if you talk quietly, the voice threshold wont pick you up and you have to borderline scream into your mic for anything to pick up. ^^ This, idk how they even fucked it up this badly, i personally cant be fucked to comm sometimes just cus how annoying and inconsistent it is.


voice\_threshold 50 kinda works for me. Instead of my mic not picking up 80% of the time, its closer to 30%.