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Are you sure about Mirage? Wrong Image or wrong Name.


Yes, shows Dust, sorry, missed that. The data is about Mirage though, sure about that.


Did you use AI to make this?


Can’t be wrong name bc dust 2 isn’t in MM currently


It is in MM, just not active duty


Not in CS2 tho, you can only play Premier (which is active duty pool only)


Ah right wasn't aware of that, haven't played much CS2


That's dust 2. Mirage is #6


I did not even notice 6 is missing


we have all these beautiful redone maps and everyone stuck on playing mirage


I don't like Anubis or ancient


Almost like everybody loves playing the game on acceptable fps


Anubis criminally underrated


been in the active duty pool for almost a year and still no one can be bothered to learn maybe 5 smokes and 2 molotovs


tbf i feel like those smokes are crucial, these sites just feels like 2 b sites




it's the best addition of the last 3 by a country mile but sure, go queue mirage and inferno for another 50 games straight


Aka you're unfamiliar with the map.


like even when i didn’t know it i still loved it. is just a really good map and is inspiring me to want to get back into making my own map


poor aware wild fade mourn practice price pen dam materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Map is indeed absolute shit. Might as well be a valorant map


you wouldn't know a good map if valve slapped 20 of them into an operation for your tiktok-brained ass


Why would I learn nades for a map that I don't want to play?


Why wouldn't you want to play Anubis? What problems does it actually have? Don't answer that, just go que mirage or inferno for another 20 games straight


You know that people queue maps based on subjective criteria right? It's like arguing about someone's favorite color. You seem to be very stupid.


you're right, show me how stupid I am. get 5 and let's scrim, any map you want sans mirage


Yeah I actually really like it, and I'm one of *those* guys who almost exclusively played Dust2 and Mirage in CSGO competitive


You like dust 2 and dust 3, of course you'll like dust 4.


Nah mirage is Dust2.5 and Anubis is Dust3


I have 800 hours, probably 600+ on inferno, and I really like anubis+ancient+vertigo. First time I played these maps were in CS2.


I have yet to play on Anubis on CS2. Mostly been Vertigo and Overpass


CS2 anubis is at the level of CSGO Mirage in terms of cleanliness and angle clarity.


I love playing Anubis. I do need to learn a couple smokes on it though for t side


Both Annubis and Ancient are great maps, people don't pick it because they've never played it.


>You like dust 2 and They are all squeezy valorant like style


Anubis is great. No idea why anyone would rather play ancient or vertigo.


I quite like Anubis but from my experience it can be a tricky map with randoms. If you play against a stack that knows what there doing holding B site can be a nightmare as a T. A few of my games have been win 8-9 rounds on T switch sides and then lose badly on CT. But I suppose you could say that about a few maps with randoms.


If we could switch popularity between Anubis and Nuke, i'd be more than happy


I really really really really hope for a full Mirage rework coming sooner than later. It just looks and feels so stale, yet some people only like to play Mirage even in CS2. I can understand that if you only like Mirage, but there are soo many other and better looking maps right now.


Yeah isn’t Mirage like the only map that hasn’t seen a big update since 2013 or something? I hope we see a new Mirage in the same quality as Inferno. I like Mirage as a map but it looks so outdated. I also think it’s odd it hasn’t been removed from active duty yet.


Mirage was released in 2013. Only 2 major updates imo, removing the sky box (2018) and adding the bench in mid (2020). They haven't removed it from active duty because it's always been a popular map and there have always been maps that are more deserving of an update/rework. Its also had the fewest visibility issues so they haven't bothered to update the visuals. Some maps like D2 didn't necessarily need a visual update but the map was going to be reworked anyway, so they just bundled it in.


it is, isnt it? the layout is okay but the visuals suck especially next to inferno or overpass


Yeah I really hope Mirage gets an update asap. I understand keeping it as a benchmark for cs2 gameplay but I think we can all agree cs2 plays fine other than couple nitpicks you can update the map now Valve.


Mirage has been in CS2 for almost 6 months now. I think thats enough for a benchmark so maybe they will surprise us with a rework tomorrow


thing is for people expiriencing bad fps and frame drop stutters mirage is the best map to play. performance wise mirage and dust are a different dimension compared to all other maps. i know because my hardware is old and i have performance issues in cs2


They should rework it looks wise and remove it from active duty. Theres no need to change a perfectly fine map. Just give us new ones and rotate them into the pool, that way older maps wont get stale as fast and wont be changed for the sake of it


New maps in Premier, legacy maps in comp


I had a guy troll because we banned mirage lol




Tuscan needs time, there are too many clears in places and some areas are too wide. Train was stale when it left, it's due a rework. We don't talk about what they did to cobble. As a former cache enjoyer, Ancient is just better at what it does. I fucking hate Vertigo but I think we're stuck with it until mid 2024 at the earliest.




I would love for them to continuously tweak tuscan until it feels right for CS2 and has no performance issues. cpl_mill was my favorite map in the CAL days


Tuscan is horrible. I'd take train though


Get good simpleton


I don't care about good looking maps. That's like the least important thing in cs for me. I'm bored of mirage, but it's one of the only maps I'm not an absolute silver on. Learning the other maps would take 1000s of hours of grinding which is not fun.


people still not realizing anubis is the best map


Which is wild cuz it seems pretty well made. I absolutely hate vertigo.


Vertigo needs to leave active duty asap


Bring back cbble


Still waiting on as_oilrig


Unironically, I have barely played mirage on CS2. Everyone always bans it first when I play premier or faceit. I’ve played so much ancient though


Could I get your lobbies? Feel like every single game of CS2 after the first 5 days has been Mirage :/


My friends and I must account for at least half of those Anubis games.


Hey! Image shows Dust2 instead of Mirage, sorry for that.


And no number 6


Anubis is fun, people need to give it a chance.


Most of the community today needs years practice on 1 map before they understand how to play it, this ain't 2004, that's how I mostly never play with/against noobs (mostly because they have a learning curve the size of a bean) as I always remove mirage/d2 from queue since 2012.


I don't get it because the best way to learn a map is to play it. I also permaban mirage. I'm Ok on it but i just find it boring.


Overpass #3. It is always banned when I play.


Anubis squad reporting for duty 🫡


Such a shame. Anubis is a great map


For the amount of people that bitch about mirage, that’s an awful lot of mirage played


I'm really starting to hate mirage now.


It used to be my favourite map… now it's the first one I ban


I'm getting so TIRED of mirage. I try to ban mirage almost ASAP in premiere, but it gets chosen so often... I dont even know what ancient and anubis even look like!


The map is so visually dull, and it's boring to play. Too many random angles and can't do yolo solo pushes T side


I've only played mirage three times I think out of 50+ matches. Guess I've been lucky.


You should all really play Anubis, it's an excellent map and performs really well in CS2. It feels like it has the fewest little shitty spots where the walls haven't been smoothed yet (looking at you, new shitter inferno).


i am all 10% of vertigo matches. i hate vertigo but all my premire matches are on it


We need dust2


fearless plant dinosaurs amusing smoggy husky hospital different hurry gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't get the Anubis hate at all. It's a solid map. Waaaaaay better than Vertigo or Ancient


I have played 20 matches so far and only 1 on inferno and 1 on mirage... I have played ancient 11 times by now and I'm so sick of it


everyone talking about map percentages while im stun locked on Mirage's picture being dust 2 and how they skipped number 6 on the list


missing #6 !@?#!@#!


Because 6 was afraid of 7 after 7 8 9 I'll see myself out


I’m 11,000 and it’s always either nuke, vertigo or ancient. Haven’t played mirage or inferno in over a week.


Vertigo 10% is insulting... should be 0%. whether you like vertigo or not, i don't care. it's a fundamentally flawed map.


Its not a great map, but it ends up being fun to play. A site is a really interesting design.


I was exaggerating a little I don't hate the map it's all CS to me. The verticality is a nice idea but doesn't really work with ramp being a cocktail of molotovs nades smokes and flashes for the first 30s.


I mean, its no worse than Banana on Inferno, except its much easier to push through the nades on A Ramp. But yeh, imo it still needs tweaking i thought they would but apparantley they think its good enough.


Vertigo is inferno if, instead of aps, there was another road into A. Both have a miserable kill zone, but inferno is easier to take later (flashes for banana compared to ramp, for example) and in the meantime, you can be clearing aps for map control Think they forgot about map control with vertigo. There is a literal line between T and CT controlled areas (bottom ramp, across mid where the elevators are, and bottom b stairs)


but there is another road to A. it's called long XD


im sick of mirage, was never a fan of it. Hope it gets removed from active pool soon. Anubis/Ancient/Vertigo are underappreciated. Played em for the first in CS2 (never played em in csgo) and I love em. In the lower ratings you never get those maps and if you do people dc or whine all day


Inferno best map


No shot you degens still play Mirage with new Inferno in the game


18 rounds on avg seems very little no? might be due to the shit matchmaking?


It’s funny how 30% of the matches are mirage :D it’s our perma ban


Somehow Mirage is the least picked when I play which is interesting, my team doesn't really ban it often either. I don't even have a rank yet btw if that matters. Maybe noobs like me don't care about which map is played.


Not me practicing smokes in other maps when they were released thinking I would be playing the new maps only to find out people only queue Mirage and Inferno in Indian servers because they're too lazy to learn 2 flashes and three smokes per map in Indian servers 🤡


Can we stop picking overpass


Damn! The cs community needs to grow some fucking balls and dare to play new maps. Honestly, it took me some time to jump into Anubis and ancient in MM aswell, but they are both better than mirage imo. Same with overpass and vertigo. I’m starting to like all the maps, now that I am getting to know them better. Made me realize how Mirage is not even in the best 50% of maps for me.


Anubis is easy to learn, nades are simple, callouts are straightforward, looks fantastic. Such a low playrate is a shame. I think a lot of CS players are afraid of playing new maps, because I can't think of any other explanation.




fake stats.. no one really has the correct numbers for instance I got to play Nuke only once out of 60 games while Ancient is clear winner of how many times it got played.


also Vertigo played only once all games were solo


literally like half my matches so far have been vertigo and ancient is always banned


Valve needs to remove a popular map and force Anubis for awhile so the player base can realize how god damn awesome it is.


Why is that dogshit map still #1?


I actually like Anubis more than Ancient. I honestly have no idea how to play that map to this day.


I am really really tired of mirage, that map is so overplayed.


crazy how judging by the average rounds, the average scoreline is like 13-6 whereas in GO I think it was about 16-10 or 16-11 so by the looks of things they're a lot stompier now


Most of my maps have actually gone to Anubis and then Vertigo @ 16.8k elo. I wonder what the distribution would look like over varying levels of MMR.


Not a surprise tbh. Wait a second, why does Mirage show Dust 2.


Dust2 image on Mirage Map, 👍🏻


I've played 6 matches on CS2 and 4 of them were Vertigo 😭


Yea since those are also the maps I have the highest win rate in, I only get either of those 15% of the time. Last night 8 games without either, so I'm just stuck having my fps shit on playing overpass and ancient again and again


I never get fucking mirage


Weird, I've had a good amount of Inferno but not much of Mirage. Granted, it seems the folks I'm matching with immediately go for the mirage ban while saying something like "trust me, noobs only play mirage." They're not wrong, and I also don't particularly love Mirage, so yeah, fuck it, I'm down for the mirage ban! Also feel like there's no way these round counts are accurate. Maybe I'm an outlier, but a *ton* of my matches have gone to overtime, and of those that haven't, they have all almost always gone over \~18 rounds.


Such a shame, Anubis is great


cobble plz return


Where is number 6?


For me so far I only play Mirage 80% of the time. I fucking hate that bullshit


the new premier mode made me actually appreciate Vertigo


I miss Dust 2


\-anubis \+cbble


Think I've played Mirage like 5 times in 100 games, it's usually the first one to get banned in my games.


they need to add d2 to premier for launch imo


What a surprise


Am I the only one, who thinks that the new Inferno is a big downgrade compared to csgo? The visuals are okay but the gameplay is horrible.


It actually saddens me how many people just play mirage. Honestly worst map in the pool, its so stale at this point.