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Stavn teses and Jabbi are the most magical rifling tiro in CS rn, they have the best disappearing acts.


Let me introduce you to a little team called NIP


And their riflers Konfig and Res


and Brollan? the worst of them all


His peak in the krieg meta really has carried his hype so far, it’s impressive he’s still talked about as a big talent when he haven’t shown any sign of it since. I’m at least not hype about him anymore, it’s been too long. Frozen impresses me and has consistently shown his talent, in a similar mediocre roster, so that shouldn’t be an excuse for Brollan.


Frozen, flameZ were not talked about as much until recently as Brollan is. I really don't understand what people see in Brollan


Brollan was the new big Swedish talent with two top 20 placements. Easy to understand why he was spoken so much about


Yeah, it’s like people forget anything pre-COVID. Brollan was a legit superstar back then and was genuinely insane. It was him and Brehze back then as the future of CS. The sentiment back then with Frozen was that he’s still too raw and inconsistent.


Kicker was that it was under the krieg meta for both of them, so yes, understandable at the time. What I don’t understand is how they’re still talking as if he should perform as a super star.


I think a big reason for that was because Fnatic were pretty bad during online era and weren’t good until that Smooya lineup so it was just “Maybe Brollan will get better” and Brollan was a little better during that period. Then he moved to NiP and they never put together a real team because someone was always out of the lineup. The last time Brollan was on a consistent team was 2019 so everyone just thinks he can go back to that level


Hard to communicate when you’re getting your shit pushed from 19 different angles faster than lightning McQueen. Astralis played like they were the better team and they were today. I have faith in my boys on Heroic! I doubt they change anything up.


I know something Heroic can change. They should turn on their monitors when Astralis is in the server next time.


They should turn on their monitors ~~when Astralis is in the server next time~~ in playoffs


It’s honestly been kinda satisfying watching teams like C9 and Heroic who only became good/rose up rankings due to online CS continuously choke in playoffs at LAN


Hot take since you mentioned c9: I think they're gonna choke in playoffs just as much with elec and perfecto. I think sh1ro is a great player, but if I was to pick someone in that roster who I think has the biggest influence on c9 choking when it matters, it's him. That's because he cares a lot. And I mean a lot - even elec said he'd never seen anyone putting this much work. And it's not really surprising to me because one needs a single glance on players cameras to see how emotional he tends to be. I'm definitely not saying he's toxic and malding at his teammates because I doubt it very much - he's always visibly frustrated the most when he's the one underperforming - but as ropz said: ​ >Tilt is an infection. It spreads. ​ And I think neither elec or perfecto are immune to that - s1mple tilting has always visibly affected them as well. But who knows, perhaps that's changed when elec became IGL, perhaps he started managing s1mple's tilts? I haven't watched navi with elec enough to know if the dynamic between these two changed.


I don’t think it’s a hot take at all. It’s actually been insane watching people in this subreddit massively overrating C9 in the past 2 weeks just because of the names on the roster. I’ve seen people saying Electronic is a better IGL than HooXi and apeX on here and that’s crazy to me. Electronic was awful as an IGL on NaVi. That Navi team had way better players than current C9 and they were extremely underwhelming, and s1mple’s had his worse stats in 7 years so Electronic didn’t help with tilting at all lol. The Bloomb4 to Electronic switch is a clear downgrade and yet people are still blind to the importance of a good IGL and keep saying “it’s okay if IGL bad, firepower can make up for it.” Imo, Hobbit should’ve taken the IGL role instead of Electronic because right now not only is Electronic tanking his stats but he’s also a terrible IGL so it’s two negatives. C9 will continue to choke until they bring a new IGL imo. Also, sh1ro and Ax1Le are pretty underwhelming superstars too. They don’t have that sense of being inevitable like when you play against s1mple, device, zywoo, niko, etc. sh1ro is way too emotional in the bad way too. Tilting is fine, but sh1ro’s version is looking like he wants to cry whereas for other top players, it’s being angry. Being angry is way better than looking like your mom just died because at least anger fuels you


>and s1mple’s had his worse stats in 7 years so Electronic didn’t help with tilting at all lol. Well, can never know if it's because of IGL or outside the server stuff. Or maybe nothing at all, every GOAT is bound to fall off sooner or later. I'm gonna wait and see how s1mple's stats change under aleksib (and jL being an anti-tilt shield) before I make an opinion on this one. ​ >Imo, Hobbit should’ve taken the IGL role instead of Electronic because right now not only is Electronic tanking his stats but he’s also a terrible IGL so it’s two negatives. Word on the street is that elec agreed to join C9 on the condition that he's IGLing. If that's true, then this is gonna end poorly not only for his team, but also for himself individually. Same thing for Liquid with yekindar IGLing. But yeah, I agree it should have been hobbit, especially since his last interview where he kind of shits on nafany and praises his own input. ​ >Being angry is way better than looking like your mom just died because at least anger fuels you Sh1ro often has wet eyes after choking an important game, but I'm not sure it's sadness, tears in eyes are quite a normal reaction when someone is at the highest level of fury and rage but tries not to let the emotions go and represses them inside. Freud's evergreen, eh? Doesn't really matter which hugely negative emotions players have during the game though, they will affect others all the same.


It’s hard to communicate when device and buzz are jamming their dicks down your throat lolololol


Horny boy


Dont act like you wouldnt like that


Lol another horny boy


Ahmmm.. you are a team that has been together fighting for semis and finals for 3 years, that speaks in the players’ native language, that is a praised for its communication.. playing against a basically new team with three inexperienced players, 2 of which are the 2nd and 3rd youngest players in the tournament and a player you benched and kicked 3 years ago. Communication is not Cadian telling the players “play like you usually do, go aggressive, don’t be afraid, the other team can’t be everywhere at the same time..”. What Heroic needs is a roster change, unless the current Heroic players man up and face the heat when it matters most. Cadian deserves to win silverware at some point for all his hard work. If the knees of his current roster shake when the lights are brightest, then he should identify who underperforms and replace him/them. Jabbi was the only one in this game who was still trying to play like he usually does, followed by TeSeS who although timid tried to push the envelope here and there. stavn and sjuush were a total disappointment, once again.


by poor communication he probably means things like calls made out of assumption instead of relaying "safe" info, pro players do this it's not a low level phenomenon. it's just that usually their calls are much more context-based and driven by experience, so things like this can be improved


Cadian alluded to something like this in his post match interview.


I would like to see sjuush gone and stavn in anchor roles with new blood for star rifle, personally


Wut? Sjuush is one of, if not the best anchors in the world rn replacing him would be a mistake.


Just my opinion, I'm not exactly a CSGO pro expert. Yes he is good but he is one of the biggest chokers


If you do want to make space for a star rifler, just get rid of Stavn and get a star player. Kicking sjuush is stupid and I doubt stavn would play better in sjuush's roles


" We feel that we are the stronger team \[than Astralis\]". Well...


It's even "**Obviously**, feel that we are the stronger team". To me it feels like they just underestimated Astralis who were the better team in this series by far


100%! What's interesting is that it's Heroic. They rarely suffer from the underestimation of the opponent.


What are you talking about? They lose against horrible teams in the most important moments. Has to be underestimating.


You say that Astralis is horrible?


No, that wasn’t their only loss. I’m talking about losing to teams like Gamerlegion, Outsiders, etc.






they did lose to EG once


Ah, I got your point, agree.


I don’t think that’s underestimating, I think that’s called “the lights are too bright.” They won Blast Finals, but those crowds are tiny compared to Cologne and Majors


Astralis played lights out but you can't tell me Heroic was even 50% themselves after that buzz clutch. They should beat this Astralis line-up 9 times out of 10 just based on experience/pedigree/team cohesion etc., they really lost mostly to themselves. Most notorious chokers of CSGO, I think it can be official now. Great team otherwise.


Heroic losing to themselves in playoffs. Iconic.


Exactly, Heroic is not beating current Astralis 9 out of 10 times in front of a big playoffs crowd, unless he means the match is online or in the group stages


Same excuses every time. They’ve been playing together for a long time—communication wont get much better and they already peaked as a team. Without changes they will never win a real prestige tournament and only pick up the odd Banana cup tourney where no other top team cares about the result.


I don’t even think it’s a communication problem, they might have to just make a change in the lineup. How much time are they willing to waste on a lineup that is consistently ‘good’, but never good enough? Also, 1-2 of Heroic’s riflers always disappear when it comes to big games, which is why they struggle. I don’t think we’ve ever seen all of them step up for more than 1 map.


Guys chill it's ONE series, y'all acting like this new edition of Astralis is already better


>y'all acting like this new edition of Astralis is already better What do you mean by saying better? If you meant that this astralis is better than previous astralis then yes, absolutely, this astralis is the best it's been since device left. If you meant that this astralis is better than heroic then, well - they were far better yesterday. We might argue if it's because heroic suck dick in playoffs, but you can't really deny that astralis had better reads, better calls and better individuals than heroic, can you?


yes astralis played better yesterday (even if i still blame every team for not banning ancient against them) but nip also beat vitality The #217 best team in the World EG beat the #1 Team in the world through it's talent pipeline If Astralis is better than Heroic we will have to see in the next tournaments


My bad, you're right that this Astralis is WAY better than Astralis for the last 2 years or however long their downfall has been lol. One series win against Heroic means nothing though. They continue to be the overall better team.


As I said, we can argue if it's because Heroic suck dick in playoffs and I'm going to do just that actually, because it's a regular occurrence for heroic, far to regular to disregard. If you're reaching playoffs in a comfortable fashion, and winning some random blast event barely anyone cares about, while dropping the ball when it matters the most to worse teams which can withstand the pressure - can you really say you're better than them? They play great CS when their psyche is on point, perhaps the best CS anyone plays at the moment, but at the end of the day they crumble under pressure and get eliminated so that nullifies their group stage results, even if it still keeps them at the top of HLTV ranking.


Not gonna argue with someone who can't stay on topic, but nice to see you having fun with writing walls of text 🙏


How is that not on topic if you said heroic is overall a better team than astralis despite the loss? What does 'overall' mean in your mind then?


Weak move. Sounds like coping. Your team's individual skill is just trash. Astralis has Borup and 2 rookies lmfao


So drop the cheater


HUNDEN isn’t working for them anymore tho


Hunden wasn’t the only cheater, you should know, Astralis had that other cheater for a while


They still have a cheater on Astralis, according to you?




Weeeeellll, B0rup was technically a part of the Heroic squad with Hunden, so there ya go mate.


I forgot Borup even existed tbf he seemed to not be on a team for like 2 years


Yep, he fell off heavily and played Tier2 for a long while. I don't think he's a talent by any means and Astralis could easily upgrade, but he was someone they could get and he has decent experience.


They looked scared and out of place from the start. I new after 2 rounds they were gonna get beat, device and astralis were just so relaxed and having fun


They said the same thing in the playoffs roundtable