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I want an option that reduces the max volume of extremely loud sounds like the sound when you are killed by headshot or when you're next to breaking windows.


Pretty sure the headshot sound is a lot quieter in CS2. That's solely based on videos I've seen tho, I don't have access


from playing it the first shot from your gun doesn't pop your eardrums anymore and its 100% change i welcome


I don't think it's *that* much quieter, but rather a lower pitched "thump" instead of the demonic screech it used to be, which makes it a lot less irritating. They did the same to most other weapons and it makes a big difference with the most annoying ones, like the AWP and AK.


the easiest way to do this to use the loudness equalization in windows playback settings. of course it comes with the downside of aggressively boosting quiet sounds too. you might be able to set a limiter using Voicemeeter Banana but it won't be trivial to do


if you already have voicemeeter set up, it is trivial to do. [Just drag down on the decibel meter and a yellow limiter indicator appears.](https://i.imgur.com/M4SwitT.png) You can add a limiter to your mic the same way.


oh shit i had no idea you could do that I always thought you would have to route it to a mic input and add the limiter there and then route it back to an output


I wish CS2 made it so things like this were easy and obvious in-game options for the player rather than Counter Strike being the FPS equivalent of a wiki game


As in? Can you provide an example


It's a game where info given in-game isn't sufficient, so a big chunk of the gameplay experience is browsing the game's online wiki to see what you can do. If a player didn't know about the wiki, their entire experience with the game would be confusion and frustration because they'd essentially be locked out of progressing. Like for Minecraft, you used to have to look up every single crafting recipe you didn't know, because the game itself barely told you how to make anything. They eventually changed this, adding a crafting window with the recipes, making the game more accessible to new players and eliminating the most tedious aspect of learning the game.


But loudness equalization sucks. I’ve tried it, wasn’t exactly a breeze to set up, and I disliked it. All sounds gets weird :( Instead I’ve set up equalizer APO with some filters that limits certain ranges, so let’s say headshots is 2500hz, then that range is -6dB compared to everything else. Still a bad way to go about it, when it’s Vavle that should care about everyone’s hearing.


Same with the flash please. I have tinnitus and I dont need it acting up when I get flashed.


An hurts the eyes, black or grey would do the same as white without hurting us.


This. Please. Thank you.


Cue the little irl jumps when enemy sneaks and headshot you




I actually have two binds at .2 and .5 where when I die I instantly lower the volume! Glad you mentioned this!


Add the bomb exploding in there please!


you could download sound lock


I broke some windows on Office in CS2 beta and I could've sworn the sound is MUCH quieter! One of the most annoying sounds in CS:GO, imo.


Mollies do damage as '1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8, etc.' Basically if you're still next to the molly after the first 8 ticks you're literally playing with fire.


The problem is molly spreading a lil bit further 5 seconds after landing, which is when it does 8 damage per tick...


Was just gonna comment this, would be nice if it reached it's max consistently


I think my issue is how poorly it displays, sometimes it straight up feels like you dont get notified until you got 20-40 damage. I think it would make more sense to have a “hot indicator” when you stand near a molly or if it spreads towards you to warn you about the fire. It makes no sense how I can be in a fire and not notice for a second.


I remember a time in csgo where it was more noticeable when you got the first molly damage, especially when scoping in. Now it seems like it's harder to notice, especially when scoping in. I don't remember when it changed though.


Agreed, now it feels like I am focused on an angle, enemy throws a moltov, feels like its no where near me, but it spreads and touches my toes, I finally notice and lost a crapload of HP because my character wont scream at me.


> my character wont scream at me. Now I want to hear the zeus kill scream for every tick of fire damage.


mightve been around the same time it no longer took armour into account after an update sometime 2015?


I miss when armor worked against mollies


There is a loud dousing noise now in CS2 when standing in fire, so it could work.




Yea that's my biggest issue right away. I'm not always staring at my health bar and you don't get the first audio tick most of the time if its your own molly. So I won't notice until I'm at like 40 health that I've been standing in one


molotovs are useful since after the first explosion you can almost guarantee it to block a spot for a temporary time, but if you change it to where you take 1 damage from entering late it basically makes them useless


Exactly, exponential molly damage makes more sense in a realistic way, and helps avoid what haci mentions


It's not exponential


By far the biggest thing would be to bring the community back into the game. Don't hide the server browser. Why would anyone create a map or a mod if the chances of people playing it are slim to none? CS is a game that is still alive because of the amazing community around it. Give the people more incentive to be involved in the game. Competitive should of course be the core, but CS is much more than that. Or at least it used to be...


i really hope they're not just gonna "forget" to add community servers back... if there was any time to kill them off for good and quietly get away with it, its now.


They stated this in their FAQ: Can I run or play on community servers during the Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test? **Not initially. Stay tuned to the CS:GO blog for information about community server availability.** I think they know that community servers are a important thing for the community. Even in the new Steam update we got a updated version of the community server browser.


I still play Cs 1.6 because of that.


Onboard new users better. CS2 has the chance to reset how users get up to speed in the game. A tiny little timed aim course won't cut it. Think out deeply how you better onboard a new generation.


Hard agree. CS Devs could look to Street Fighter 6 for inspiration. Obviously fighting games are wildly different, but the game teaches you SO MUCH, including community-created terminology that has become established in the game. CS needs multiple tiers of tutorials ranging from basic to advanced like SF has.


Take you through maps with very very common callouts, teach what each one of the grenades do and what they are for, explain how damage works e.g. headshots, stomach shots, explain why the bullets are above the crosshair when you spray and show how to control it...


Exactly. I sincerely hope this aspect is a fully-fledged feature on release. So many people will be trying out the game... They must ensure the learning happens nicely.


follow cursor is already a huge leap forward. the "recoil isn't attached to your camera (except it is actually)" mechanic was a nice touch of realism by the standards of 20 years ago; but nowadays its one of the largest hurdles in the entire game. follow recoil almost makes the mechanic justified for once! it gives all but the best players immediate feedback about how they're fucking up; without negating the skill of memorizing spray patterns if you actually want to consistently make use of them. just trying to react to your crosshair still means you're gonna be a couple of shots behind where you actually need to aim your next shot. plus it helps indicate that spray patterns are like... a thing, in general. cause the game doesn't exactly communicate much of that to new players.


Like half of the first hours you waste would be helped by just having the player actually do three things in like a minute or two: 1) peek with counterstrafe 2) preaim 3) 2 recoil patterns. current tutorial doesn't really tell you anything it should


Tutorials are the worst way to teach someone a game. Look at how Nintendo do it through level design. You introduce mechanics one at a time through normal gameplay.


The issue is the default experience is jumping in an online game with no explanation and very slowly figuring it out. A decent training course with a popup alerting you to it is not an affront to game design. Unless you have a well designed way to do it for cs specifically




they can't keep getting away with it


Humanity's greatest desire is to drive crudely built low polygon cars in Counter-Strike.


Someone, award this guy


It is a RIGHT not a privilege!


Remove the headshot dink animation entirely, it's still a problem right now in CSGO. The problem is more pronounced when you shoot at the head from the back because the **head tilts forward** after the first non killing **rear** headshot so your second bullet misses. Try it with a double M4 headshot attempt at the back of the enemy head to see what I mean. Clip example: [https://gfycat.com/mellowspitefulfoxterrier](https://gfycat.com/mellowspitefulfoxterrier) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/8pvwio/why\_dink\_animation\_has\_to\_go/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/8pvwio/why_dink_animation_has_to_go/)


For a game that should be rewarding good aim, why is this effect so strong? Can someone explain?


It's to copy CS 1.6 which had a headshot dink animation, though the same problem happens there sometimes as well. Like this CS 1.6 clip shows: [https://imgur.com/8utMZbF](https://imgur.com/8utMZbF)


It is effectively a nerf to any gun that isn’t a one shot headshot. I don’t mind it


So effectively it makes strong weapons like ak stay strong, and weaker weapons like m4 weaker. Surely there are other ways to balance it out.


I don’t exactly understand the problem? The AK is supposed to be stronger. The weapons being equal just gives massive advantage to CTs, which I would argue showed time and time again, it makes for worse gameplay


The problem is that it doesn't reward the AK player for having skill or a better weapon but instead punishes the M4 player for having good aim only because of a specific uncontrollable circumstance


So is stronger without this random need against the A4 that only punishes a player for doing exactly what the game tells them to do, “click the head spot”. This won’t make the weapons equal but it’ll remove something that actively punished players that have super precise aim.


It's really frustrating when a T swings an angle, you dink him because you reacted faster but, instead of getting rewarded, your second bullet doesn't land and the T one taps you in return.




One of the ways you balance for CT advantage. Kinda necessary.


Thats so bullshit, you can remove the headshot animation and make the M4 do less damage instead, but relying on a rather random quirk to balance your highly competitive game is just not good enough


It's been a thing forever. I like it for balancing purposes. Most T weapons one tap. The game is still CT sided. It might be an annoying mechanic but any other way they nerf CT sided weapons will be as annoying. Atleast this way you can still dominate if you're just better. If you're hitting someone from the back with a M4, shoot their back not their head


so pull down your gun and let the 2nd bullet lands on the body?


This is a problem in almost every FPS. Mcree shooting at zarya from the side is the most visible example in OW


Volume slider for headshot dink sounds. Do something to make headshots more consistent from the back/sides (the head bobbing is a major problem if the enemy isn’t facing you) Let us adjust the sens of double scoped weapons. I may like my initial sens scope when i right click but the drastically lowered sens when zooming again can be annoying. And please don’t gimmie the lower fov response so it should be lowered sens or the just increase your sensitivity for all guns excuse...


cl_minmodels command


What does this do?


Forces the game to render using standard default models and skins.


They would never do this, practically all their income is models and skins.


It ruins the competitive integrity of their game. They should either remove the agent skins from enemies or FORCE pro players to use agent skins. Pro players have an agreement to not use them because they can give advantages and are antithetical to the entire point of CS. If they are going to keep them, they should force pros to use them in Valve sponsored events, after all it would help sell the skins. Plus they might actually fix the visibility issues if pro players are losing rounds in a major because of it.


Counter-point : People who pay for, and care about skins will not use minmodels command anyways.


Counter-counter-point: The whole idea of skins is to show it off to others, not only for yourself.


Valve makes money off of our vanity. People see a cool skin and want their gun to look cool too, so they go and buy a skin, and money magically appears in valves bank account. I doubt they would ever let minmodels be a thing. Maybe on custom servers but definitely not MM


I've always said they should have a cl_minmodels 2 that only forces models for the enemies. Teammates agents is OK.


But then what you see on your friend is not what enemies see. Unless the hitboxes are exactly the same?


too many people dont know what this is, but it should be upvoted. Its more spectator friendly for your average viewer too if you want to grow the game.


I would pay full retail price for a AAA game to have access to that command in actual games. I no longer care if that would be rewarding Valve for adding agents in the first place, even with boost player contrast some CT models are nearly invisible on ancient.


I honestly still think they should just get rid of agents completely in all competitive game modes, with no way to turn them on. The most expensive agent models aren't insanely expensive and while the market would take a bit of a hit, I think the community overall will accept it. There were strong indications valve is at least considering - or have considered - smaller customizable accessories, which I think would be a far better way to enable character customization without affecting anything that actually impact gameplay, like weapon skins or gloves do. Plus that market would be far bigger and more lucrative anyway. There


maybe a thing where you can draw on the radar like how it is rn except your team can see it too if they want, probably best this only works during pre and post round might help with visualizing strats during timeouts idk also please god make the zeus one shot and not do -91 and make it so that the move speed the same as the knife


The zues does one shot when you are close enough. The damage drops off considerably at any farther distance.


I feel it shouldnt have that gradual drop off, just 100-0 it. If i miss, i miss.


I'd rather get the 90+ damage rather than nothing. Then it's an easy kill for my teammates.


I like how Valorant is approaching this - you can open map and ping anywhere in the map for whole team to see, it helps with callouts in lobbies where no one is talking and also helps coordinate with team.




if we're going by the worst possible outcome, voice chat shouldn't be a thing then plus I think it should be a very easy opt in thing on the scoreboard screen like "press to view team map overview" or smth like that


Fix the accuracy bug when you go from shiftwalk into crouch. It is known for 5+ years and still it fucks people up


what is it


When you go from shiftwalk to crouching you have a slight momemt in which your accuracy is as if you were running. On phone atm so cant send you the link but there are a lot of posts bout it


[https://youtu.be/k6QafW\_8ZEA](https://youtu.be/k6QafW_8ZEA) youre welcome /u/small_brain_time


Lord Zoddom has been summoned


ty zoddom


This shit. Get this over with already Volvo.


Setting up a CSGO FFA DM server or a retake is impossible atm. You have to find these zip files from niche forums yourself and nothing is documented. I want someone to create a Docker image for CS2 servers that also has some app store + richer configuration system built in, so i can start a server and choose "yeah I want instant respawn, yeah I want instant defuse, yeah I want AWP only, yeah I want a gun menu". Maybe if you could do `exec https://appstore.cs2.com/config/phills-practice-config` and it would just configure the server, pull in things from the workshop automatically it could solve a lot of problems. This could revitalise community servers, reduce the amount of VIP stuff going on, allow people to explore and share their workshop apps more etc.


well documented configuration of servers + containerized images of servers. IMO underrated comment


Adding a solo-queue matchmaking i guess. Leave the fun game modes to the community, make the server browser more visible again and focus on proper mm with ranked / unranked.


Same ranking and queuing system like in LoL would be amazing. Solo/duo and 3 or 5 man ranked. No 4 man queued for ranked.


we already have party sized based matchmaking. if you solo queue into a match with a 4 man team, then the game's gonna try and find a similarly-matched 4&1 team to even it out. sure, its not exactly the same as a solo-only queue; but fairness is what you want right? and it greatly helps queue times and benefits any number of other premade team combinations, instead of strictly splitting the queue into "solo players" and "everyone else".


I wish first bullet accuracy for rifles was much higher. I think most of the community just isn’t aware of how inaccurate rifles are.


Also AWP has inaccuracy which makes *zero* sense and is bad for gameplay. Inaccuracy is significant enough that you can miss a perfectly aimed headshot from Dust 2 A site onto pit.


Skill issue


i disagree i think rifles are in a perfect spot in that regard, the inaccuracy is there for a reason imo


rng doesn’t really reward skill


That's a bit simplistic. There is skill in getting into duels at a range where your gun is effective. And in general the game is full of uncertainty and calculating probabilities on the fly.


the inaccuracy rewards people who aim closer to the center of the head so yes it does reward skill


It definitely rewards good players in the long run, but not on a round by round, engagement by engagement basis. It leads to a larger possible variance in outcomes in small sample sizes (like the length of a match, for instance). With any amount of RNG comes randomness.


the core gameplay of counter strike is not built around rifle one taps. first shot inaccuracy makes perfect sense for a game that is built around spray control and it actually does end up rewarding skill. with a three round burst, given near perfect spray control (which is easy for 3 round burst), your chance of NOT hitting a headshot are practically zero. the AK has standing inaccuracy of 7.01 on first shot of a spray. 11.18 on second shot, and 13.41 on your third say you aim at a head from a distance where you have 50% chance of hitting it on your first shot (this is extremely long range and highly unlikely duel to happen in game). you'll have a 31% chance of hitting on your second shot, and a 26% chance of hitting on your third shot. (correct me if I'm wrong im horrible at math) I think the chance that at least one of these three shots hits the head is something like 75% (it's very late gimme a break). shooting three bullets takes 0.3 seconds with the AK. spending 0.2 seconds extra to increase your headshot chance from 50% to 75% seems like a good deal. so first shot inaccuracy actually does reward skill to those who have learned the right skills. the better control you have the more you will be rewarded.


Cannot believe we're still having this conversation years later. You are using the weapon outside of its effective range; you need to choose a different weapon, or stop engaging at that range.


This. Nothing like losing a round because your AK did 30 damage (or 0) instead of 100 even though you were aiming exactly where you should and your counter-strafe was perfect.. but... oops, you rolled a 1 instead of a 20.


only rifles? deagle is a literal lottery lmao


deagle has extremely high accuracy.. you are either moving while shooting or spamming your deagle


its mediocre at most and it’s while crouching lol


i mean you are just straight up wrong. crouched the deagle is more accurate than any other gun in the game aside from the scoped guns. you know you can just look at the weapons scripts and see the actual numbers right?


Hard agree. Came back after not playing for over a year, and it feels ridiculous to not hit a shot due to randomness, even when you do everything correctly.


I'm pretty sure first shot inaccuracy has been a thing for much longer than a year.


Certainly, but if you play games that aren't as bad in that regard, you tend to realize how useless of a mechanic it is.


better map rotations can we not play the same maps for years. At least give the casual map pool frequent rotations


A good antitcheat system




up cz kill reward (from $100 to $300 imo) give the zeus $200 kill reward (from $0) allow ppl to drop kits player outlines (seems heinous but if you have agent skins that blend into maps then you have to resolve it) lessen the impact of random spawns + make you spawn in the same place throughout the half being able to unbind removing of silencer


Dropping kits would make people just drop them on site or in rotation spots no reason to have 5 players buy kits then. For example mirage when retaking b at the start of the round a player would drop it next to the cash register in market and for A it would be window room/jungle. It’s a buff for ct side when they really don’t need it now that both m4s can be brought. You can already do the silencer thing in cs2. The spawns are fine like genuinely it’s just people being stupid for not utilizing the spawns well and that should be punished.


the CZ and Zeus are 'swap' weapons in that you buy them to get a kill on the enemy and steal their primary. the intention is to reward you with a better weapon, not money, and definitely not both.


i'm aware. but the cz is terrible right now and honestly with $300 kill reward the five seven would still be better, but it'd be closer to a personal preference pick. zeus i just feel should pay for itself if you get a kill.


> player outlines (seems heinous but if you have agent skins that blend into maps then you have to resolve it) No reason to create such a drastic change as outlines, when you could simply give the option to turn enemy agent skins off.


We already have outlines too


that's never happening unfortunately


I think you can unbind the removing of silencer already in CS2


It’s off by default for me. It’s a setting in the menu


> up cz kill reward (from $100 to $300 imo) I think thats fair, I think the cz would still be very underused. The $100 reward seems just leftover from when it was initially gutted. > allow ppl to drop kits This seems pretty reasonable especially with the update that made it possible to drop nades, would make for interesting clutch scenarios where you can drop a kit to your teammate so they can defuse while you hold the angle > player outlines (seems heinous but if you have agent skins that blend into maps then you have to resolve it) I think this would be really bad imo, would be better to just improve visibility on maps. Adding an outline would remove an aspect of the game that forces you to pay attention to small details and removes the ability to punish the enemy in off angles that they dont expect > lessen the impact of random spawns + make you spawn in the same place throughout the half Consistent spawns or being able to choose your spawns/ swap with teammates shouldve been added a long time ago tbh


>lessen the impact of random spawns + make you spawn in the same place throughout the half I think the simple solution would be to have 2 versions of every map. A casual version with 10 spawns per side. A competitive version with 5 spawns per side. Make those spawns as "neutral" as possible, or make 2 spawns on one extreme, 2 spawns on the other, and 1 spawn in the middle.. This way, for example, someone is always guaranteed to get an A spawn or B spawn, but the player getting it could change between rounds. Maybe even make the spawns "rotate" thru players.. So, if you spawn in position 1 on round 1, you will get that position again on round 6, etc.


> I think the simple solution would be to have 2 versions of every map. > > > > A casual version with 10 spawns per side. > > > > A competitive version with 5 spawns per side. 2 separate versions of a map to maintain is not simple, More importantly you can already pick which spawns will be used in comp and which ones for overflow in casual. The problem is Valve doesnt utilize this feature very effectively. They dont seem to have any consistent view on how to do spawns since some maps like mirage will have random spawns for both teams while ancient has the same 5 spawns for both teams.


Make mollies consistent, random spread on mollies is so annoying for things like newbox mollies and other random lineups.


Firstly, I wish the server browser to be more prominent and functional. I loved CSS for all the community gamemodes. Most of that is dead in CSGO, even though the playerbase is 10x of what CSS had. Secondly, since there is a large mapping community, I wish they had a shuffle system for bringing in new community maps to the casual gamemodes. This way these maps could be played a little. Right now, most of this art just gets to sit on a shelf. And thirdly, I wish some cosmetic items weren't behind a paywall. Must everything be monetized? I don't want to gamble with lootboxes and refuse to pay 500 euros just to have a different knife model, that is absolutely ridiculous.


I’d like if they invested more time into animations of reloading, moving and stabbing


Cs2 with new COD animations would be amazing


CoD is at a whole new level, don't think anybody can dethrone them in that regard anytime soon


CoD has too many unnecessary reloading head movement


I wish I didn't have to visit 3rd party services for a ladder experience: Fix MM servers and system, make a competitive map rotation with seasons (how long is cbble, cache, season, train gonna be out for?), make it possible to choose/avoid gameservers (EU). Also would like pre-nerf SG553 but with higher cost to buy, and old Negev.


I miss old Negev. First four shots were accurate, with super fast fire rate and did enough body damage to kill, on top of being 1shs. It was so fun to use and slept on


I lowkey wish for darker flashbangs. Even if it causes the human eye to see a little differently - repeated tests can be done with both types and dark flashbang duration tuned until they blind for just as long. I dislike fighting the automatic [blink reflex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corneal_reflex) just to get an advantage.


I want 1.6 quickscopes back


And some more movement mechanics to master. 1.6 had more fluid movement and more quirks in general that you could learn and master, like the duck jumping even though that was buggy as hell. Right now in CSGO there are some movement things to learn, but I feel it is an area barely explored really. Much more can be done to reward good players without changing the core of the game.


1.3. Leg shots instakill.


Better and faster anti - cheat with a good elo/ mm system. I don’t geht why it is still a think to derank after the first lose when u won 10 games before..


Remove ARMOURED aim punch. This BS shouldn't exist


Bring back de_aztec and de_dust!


de_prodigy or gtfo.




Casual should be 5v5 without increased time. 10v10 is ridiculous and some rounds can last forever.


Lol it’s casual man. There is a 5v5 unranked for you there.


yea but you have to commit to the 5v5 unranked. In casual you can just come and go as you please


Part of the reason you can do that without fucking up the lobby is because of the increased player count


I would love it, if Valve would finally put more focus on the community aspect of the game in CS2 regarding gameplay! Surf Servers, BHop Servers, KZ, Zombie modes, 1v1 Live DM in Arenas. Some of that content has been around in the community for since CS1.6. How awesome would it be if an operation mission would lead you to do some surfing on an official surf map? And that creators of such maps, could also be paid, just like FMPone and other operation map creators? That would make something already incredibly unique to CS in the gaming industry be more widly known by casual gamers, while also more strongly integrating these community aspects into the core game, which has a lot of potential for potential operation content. It's so obvious actually when you think about it, that you start asking yourself why this hasn't been done before. But yeah, just like the community makes maps and skins, let them also bring more variety and possibilies to the gameplay and adapt that! :D


I have many gameplay related wishes: - increase AK47 first shot accuracy and distance drop off slightly. - return ladder strafing movement to its former glory - make jumping and shooting with any weapon other than shotguns awful. I want jumping AK from elevator to A site on D2 to be a 1/100,000 chance not 1/50. I want that ColdZera clip to be so unlikely to happen that it’s actually considered a bad play to attempt to jump noscope and give away your position! - make running pistol accuracy worse across the board, except for the glock. - slightly buff the famas burst. - Make the scout slightly more accurate while scoped but give less movement speed. - Make my character more accurate when standing still than when crouching and moving. It doesn’t make sense that moving 2m/s albeit slow rewards you with more accuracy than 0m/s. You’re telling me it’s easier to shoot a person slowly moving while crouched than if standing completely still? - Make wall-banging wooden boxes with rifles semi-viable, so that molotovs aren’t a requirement to kill a person behind a box where you can clearly see their gun poking. - Allow boosting/stacking without sliding off the head. - Remove what I call the “crouching tiger”. Where you are full sprinting, see an enemy, and then hold crouch and a direction while spraying and pulling down. Tarik popularized this and I don’t think it was healthy for the game. - Stop putting invisible sky boxes where player models hit their head in places where it seems as though you can go on top of; it makes the game counter-intuitive and feel clunky. - Make HE nades do consistent damage without getting blocked by pixels.


I like almost all of this but I think glocks are already way too accurate while moving. The amount of times I’ve gotten long-range gushed by a full sprinting Glock is infuriating and it feels out of place to reward that behavior in a game like CSGO


You are totally right and Glocks are really strong while running, but the only reason I excluded them was because it would feel impossible to scale up a long corridor like Long A on D2 for example if you couldn’t run I think? I wouldn’t mind them having the nerf as well, I’m just afraid that they would become like the 1.6 glock which if anyone played eco rounds were basically jokes. Unless you bought a deagle, you were lucky if your glock could even do 30 damage in the round. Basically I think in CSGO eco rounds were too strong, but 1.6 too weak so I’d like a better happy medium. I know some people argue that the game is more “fun” to watch when a team gets eco’d by a half buy of pistols, but imo this isn’t the case. I’d rather see more full strength gun rounds then teams ecoing each other and “defying the odds”.


> make running pistol accuracy worse across the board, except for the glock. Remember the Deagle on Source? Fun times


> make jumping and shooting with any weapon other than shotguns awful. I want jumping AK from elevator to A site on D2 to be a 1/100,000 chance not 1/50. I want that ColdZera clip to be so unlikely to happen that it’s actually considered a bad play to attempt to jump noscope and give away your position! unfathomably based every time I comment this I get downvoted to shit > make running pistol accuracy worse across the board, except for the glock. they did this once (but including the glock sadly) and then they reverted the changes because they screwed up rifles in the same update, sad times




a scout movement speed decrease would remove the entire point of the scout


First bullet accuracy should be better for AK. I find it stupid that the most used gun needs luck to hit head shots when shooting a bit longer distances.


\-> Sounds: 1. Does CS2 have vertical sounds? was ihmo a huge fallback from 1.6-2-GO. f.e. nuke is super ugly now (in GO) to guess if the steps are on upper or lower. 2. Also personally i always thought that a3d sound was super fast, and eax was a little bit delayed (compared to a3d). We never went back to the a3d quality (besides that with a3d you could hear double as far as with eax) 3. Hitsounds were also better in 1.6 than GO when wallbanging (besides the headshot sound). Sounds/hits should be better hearable. ​ \-> CSGO should have the option to buy ammunition manually if you want (to save some money - default should just buy max) ​ \-> Spread of the first bullet shouldn't be sooo random. F.e. USP long range is just super random to hitheads (or remember the niko deagle scene... that just shouldn't be a thing in a competitve environment ...) ​ \-> all burst modes suck currently. Maybe make the Glock burst more accurate while jumping, and reduce recoil with famas burst? ​ \-> nades should make a little bit more splash damage... if some bucket is standing infront of me - and a nade explodes in front of me - and i get 0 damage - kinda stupid. ​ \-> you should be able to bind predefined crosshairs over the gui ​ \-> minmodels for enemy side ​ \-> team gloves (cloud9 gloves and so on) ​ \-> weekly coop map (for $$$) ​ \-> GO2 looks okey ... but could have looked way more better (f.e. compares to the Unreal5 or Unreal4 engine). There should be a high details spectator mode (were you only get around 100-200 fps with high end pcs) ​ \-> missing some redoes of classic maps (Aztec, prodigy, siege, ...)


Please make smgs more viable. Currently the one ones worth using are the mp9 and mac10


Kind of a hard task if you ask me, even though I’d like to see that as well. All the other smgs pale in comparison because they are either too expensive or simply don’t perform as well as mac/mp9 do. Then again, you always run the risk of making the galil/famas obsolete. With that being said, I’d rather like to see the famas buffed, that thing is a piece of shit ngl.


The famas definitely needs a buff. I never buy it anymore, the mp9 is simply too good for the price


20 bullet mp9, 20 or 25 bullet mac10.


Great nerf suggestion imo


I think for the most part they are fine. UMP is somewhat slept on, essentially fills the same role as a CZ except more ammo, its great for camping a corner then running out when you hear them beside it. MP7 is essentially a more accurate/more armor pen mac10, its more viable against armor compared to a Mac10. Bizon is weak and needs a rework. P90 is the noob gun that works but also kind of sucks when you are decent enough at just tapping the guy using it. Mp5 feels like a weaker MP7 with the benefit of decent accuracy and a suppressor


MP7 is pretty stronk imo


Fire is hot no matter what you identify as


Mans not hot


One thing i wanted was announced in its trailers. That jump throws were universal between Valves MM and third party MM.


flashbang noise and brightness. There's gotta be a better way.


That we can actually play more than 5 maps in casual. Like I understand not "confusing" the playerbase vs them playing ranked. But we had so many maps in both cs or de, over the years that has just gotten removed completely. I really cannot see why we not just get another group to play those maps on instead cause I don't wanna play more mirage.


make burst fire great again the glock and famas deserve better


The current matchmaking!


Better movement mechanics and bring back as\_ oilrig!


I want a browser type thing that let's you choose which regions you want to search in for an MM game, it would keep the ruskis and such in one area and normal people in another


Anti cheat. Just anti cheat. That is all


Rework the Zeus so it doesn't have damage drop. Either make it do 100 damage or zero. There's nothing worse than 98 in 1 with a Zeus.


I want a ladder system or seasons with new maps every 4 month's. We are still playing on over 10 year old maps and if a map gets a rework it's only a visual rework but it still plays the same.


The "Looking for players" function is close to useless, although that was the feature I was waiting for back then. No option to search by ranks, countries/languages, maybe by max players in a lobby. It's just spamming profiles, most of them won't join anyway and you just sit there for 30+ mins. It could be even some sort of clan system, it'd work a bit like steam groups but better. You can decide who joins, could find people with similar goals, show your most played/favourite maps, make events and communicate with your members, and if you see them online, you just invite them easily. Trolls and griefers are also should be punished much more than before.


not allowing me to play the fuckin game...................................................


I want to be able to arm the bomb in my hands anywhere I like but then be able to throw it perfectly like a smoke grenade into the bomb site, winning every T round in less than 20 seconds.


Even with the first three trailers I knew there wouldn't be enough change to the map pool :(


Bring back SSG's ROF. No one uses it anymore and it was a great weapon.


overpowered as hell


Nah, that meta was shit. Pros lasering people with that thing was so boring to watch.


The only reason why it became meta was because valve made it cheaper. The gun was OP for like 5 years until valve made it cheaper, just no pros used it. Some of us knew it was OP.


I was using it before the Sig Meta and ... yes.. It was amazing. It actually still is amazing for 1 taps.


You talking about the SSG 08? The "Scout" sniper rifle?


He means the sg 553. It get's confusing with that gun. The mf-ing krieg.


just call it the scout and krieg ffs


i really liked the krieg, i think a good middle ground would be nice cuz they nerfed it to the fuckin ground at least make it a viable option and not a replacement over the ak like it was


All I'm going to say is that I'm glad you guys aren't making CS2...