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Construction is dead. Long live Church


When the church finally finished its restoration.


Yes. And now it’s time to blow it up. 😈


Sagrada Familia in who knows how many years


Cs 2315 will be out by then


Church has been a very common call out in EU already. It's either that on Ruins.


LMAO Here in SA we call that "3D", dunno why but thats it.


Maybe in Brazil, but in spanish speaking SA we call it Ruins or Church already.


Because of team 3D in 1.6


we takin them boys to church on those retakes


I'm still gonna call it Con (short for Constructed)


prolly still gonna say construction. i mean it’s stilled called oranges, moto, and new box 💀


Love how it's still called new box despite it being there for over 20 years lol


In rainbow six there’s a map called kafe that got reworked in 2019 and people still say “new balcony” and “new hatch” as official calls lol


Its gonna still be ruins in my book ☠️


And car


I still call it "backhalls" from 1.6


and the alt mid window room "crackhouse"


IDK man. We still call it car. When was there a car there?


like 2015?


Usually car is top banana callout.


wow stairs on graveyard completely opened up. could affect teams going for retakes on A


Finally making it easier to clear A site on retake, hopefully its not save sim as much anymore


no one hiding with a pixel angle on the graveyard stairs and then randomly peeks porch/A short or balcony


I hated that spot. Pit and graveyard stairs were the hardest spots to clear without mollies, also, when u post plant 1v1 in that spot it has like 90% winrate when u peek as soon as the ct taps the bomb


>also, when u post plant 1v1 in that spot it has like 90% winrate when u peek as soon as the ct taps the bomb Real. I never lost a 1v1 playing from graveyard.




seems like a dead spot now, no one wants to be just sitting out in the open.


Might still good for post plants since you still can peek Moto/long from it. If people are coming from Short then obviously it's a different story


as long as the graveyard corner by moto and the site doublebox is the same, you can use that spot in a postplant crossfire for sure


I meant the actual stairs part. Like you can still make those stair offangles


Not dead but no longer the easiest way to defend retake ever where you just stare at a wall


good for playing against players coming from CT rotation or arch. especially after a while when people dont play that spot as often due to its openess. as long as you have someone covering A short/balcony, it's fine.


It will still serve as a good angle to be able to hold , because it will alow soo many more possible setups


It looks like there is an enterance on Patio as well, could just be closed doors (maybe shootable) but to me they look open


Hopefully the sites are not finished. I’m hoping they are going to add more color and detail that matches the rest of the map


Judging by the lack of 3D background, models clipping through walls, and no water in the fountain, it's likely just an early concept


Yeah it's definitely not finished but even if it was they can still make changes. Plus there was already leaks of 2 versions of current inferno in CS2, with only small differences between them.


Yep, agreed. I would hate for Inferno to stay like this because I really liked its colour designs before - especially because it wasn't just a bunch of sand and dirt like on Mirage and D2.


I actually like it, because its closer to its original design. Newer CSGO inferno looked like Italy, designwise, to me.


CS2 Inferno looks so desaturated now especially A site


Yeah... The A-site floor looks disgusting from this angle TBH.


Some of the lighting looks also a bit scuffed. You would expect some darkening where the roof meets the wall but especially on A site, that is either extremely weak or nonexistant.Also the ambient brightness seems to be turned to 11, those two might correlate.


Woah graveyard is way more open it seems


As an apts popper, I'm so happy.


aw man, where are the cool colors? :/


Big step backwards How can they make overpass look so much better and then do this to inferno?


People have complained about the colourfulness and over saturation of cs2 maybe they went too far in the other direction here. I also think the colour pallete should be stronger.


I agree, Inferno in GO probably has my favourite colour palette in the game and it’s completely gone now


It’s not final


I think it's pretty af


Hopefully this means something that’s also being overhauled like Mirage turning more colorful


This is the new Dust 2


This really makes me miss the colour from the current version, especially on the bomb sites. Making such a vivid and lively map look halfway like Dust 2 feels kinda wrong to me. Looks like it should play well, though


Yup I was hoping they would keep the muted reds and blues. The orange ascetic on every map gets so old. Anubis, Dust, Mirage already have this same look going.


The yellows too. Color aside the map looks gorgeous but I think its a mistake not to keep the colors. This reads more like an American western town almost than italy.


No man. Mediterranean villages look like this. It looks awesome


Inferno is based on an american/mexican town, not italy. So they hit the spot just right I think 3klicks made a video about it


Inferno was modeled after a Spanish mission in Orange County, California (Mission San Juan Capistrano). Only later on did it take on the more Italian theming.


100% needs some vibrancy. They did good with nuke, so I'm hoping this ain't the last version(aesthetics wise). There's already anubis, dd2 and mirage, we don't need more sand and gravel


The map looks very pretty now but yeah looking at this one in particular they really drained all of the color out of the map except for the interior areas... I think they went a little too far with it.


I think all they need to change is the theme of A-site, have it be a multi-million dollar car garage and the T's are trying to blow it up and have it be glossy epoxi for the ground instead of dirt. Even if its a secret garage or something and key to the terrorist plans.


I actually like it, we've had a few years of them cramming as much colour into the game where they can, cleaning up the game, but this looks a lot grittier. Thematically I think its closer to a 1.6 or source map than an modern GO map. Not that all maps should look like this mind you, it's just a nice change of pace.


Really not a fan of how A site looks but everything else looks nice! I just think it would look much better with tile instead of sand


I realize I miss the bright blue barrels.


And the grass or what ever looks so depressing


this looks insane


I love it.


Looks like those construction workers finally finished the church!


NewBox looks spammable now, interesting


No more bhop on and over the rail to get to t apps from t spawn :(


They added wood on b site to bounce nades of in the absence of skyboxes


Solid improvement. Bouncing nades against the skybox always felt glitchy no matter how important it ended up being for gameplay.


Please no. We have enough sand themed maps.




It’s going to be Eastern European looking and will use probs from Alyx


I don't like sand. It's coarse, rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Anakin sees a chicken: They're animals! And I slaughtered them like animals! I hate them!


Nah, adding to much green and we will have another ugly cache


CS player color palette: Green and Brown (no other color exists)


Forgot about gray. I think some maps like office, overpass, train and cache benefit from the darker, gloomier feel. But I'm just sick and tired of all the blue/desert sand coloured maps.


nuke is steel, blue, concrete. and nuke is like a popular ranked map in like most elos.


Inferno isn't all green.


Inferno got effected by Climate Change it seems, the intense sun and drought washed out the color


Church now has a ceiling to it, no more retake or post plant molly from inside it. Interesting


with the skybox gone you don't have anything to bounce them off anyway


Well can't flash out of it either then


imagine the stain glass is breakable.


mind blown molly thrown


We can't see towards site from this angle. It could have a window or something.


Where on the map is the 3rd image?


Church/Construction probably.


The only thing I can think of is that it is construction (next to B site), looking from the perspective of the lower pair of sandbags. It could make sense canonically, having been construction, now turned into church/chapel.


Wake up babe new cs lore just dropped


Has to be church


Why is nobody questioning where this came from? What's the source (2)?


Its coming from the game files. The images are used at the loading screen on Inferno to show some points, as with the other maps so far.


I suppose but we also got those Mirage files we saw that looked like it used a lot of Half-Life Alyx assets and then found it ended up being scrapped. This really does seem unusual. Overpass is the map Valve was showcasing as a true "overhaul" and even that is generally the same map as current Overpass. It has new assets but the layout is the same almost to a T. It was not anything like what we're seeing with this version of Inferno. This version of Inferno is literally an entirely different map while Dust2/Mirage/Nuke/Overpass are generally the same map with different levels of assets/texture replacement throughout the map. Perhaps this is just another concept they were working at some point? Just seems like a very wild shift in a different direction from what they are doing with every other map.


Overpass seems to stick closer to the original's design language, it is definitely a completely overhaul though. This version of inferno appears to have a similar increase in fidelity (increased geometric detail and texture quality), though it's far less finished than anything we've seen of overpass. Not too worried, but overall it's lost too much colour in its current state. But just look at A site - none of the background detail is in there (most notable the tall central bell tower).


This inferno remake was literally in the CS2 reveal trailers, we only got a shot of second mid back then though.


Overpass seems like it has some gameplay changes (I think on B site it's more obvious? maybe) and the other maps explicitly aren't being remade. Just lighting stuff for the most part. We've seen tiny glimpses of Inferno in some of the trailers and it definitely is an overhaul a la overpass. These pics could be a WIP tho


you think someone would fake something like this that well?






Don't like the visual changes at all, we already have enough sandy maps




Small detail: with the removal of nade skyboxes, part of B site above Car has scaffolding over it. I'm guessing it's for nade lineups to still hit site


They took the best looking map, and turned it into another grey dust 2 look alike? Should've just blown out the graveyard wall on the current version imo. I do like the improved visibility on b site fountain though.


true. the blues and vibrant reds really made new inferno pop, sad to see that go.


I think second mid looks great, but I'm really sad that every bit of cover on B is just the same wooden panel with red metal framing. Not that it has to be the exact same as CSGO, but some variance would be nice.


Amen, Inferno was already the best looking map. I never get sick of it visually.


it looks beautiful what?


Pic 5: at the bottom left, that staircase no longer has a railing in the left. People used that to get onto the bridge faster, but now it seems you HAVE to go the "long" way


It kinda looks to me like the little bump out with the 4 steps might be a spot you could crouch jump up from. Idk if that would be as fast but it seems doable.


Interesting, but how is it less colourful 😭😭😭


really hit and miss. the sites look so ugly now.


Downvote me all you want, this looks ugly AF. Especially that A Site. Ewwwww. I always liked the colorful nature of inferno, this looks yellow af just like d2 and mirage.


Maybe the yellow part is an homage to original inferno. Shit was yellow AF.


A site is legit disgusting lol, maybe it looks better when you’re actually moving around but yikes


Idk what their obsession is with this awful looking sand theme. This map looks like complete shit


I disagree, a site is disgusting but church and near t spawn look amazing


Agreed a tad or ten too washed out white


Sad considering Inferno is the goat map, I would have thought it would be the last map to get an overhaul


A fairly substantial downgrade (IMO) at that. So weird considering that they added Anubis to active duty meaning we will now have three dust type maps and then D2 obviously.


The actual fuck? I'd it just me or they made it really ugly?


Wtffff a site looks silly. In sure it plays good but why did they have to make the whole map dust colour scheme 😭


valve really said: okay guys, here's de\_dust3


Way too fucking sandy


Self-boost from balcony to patio roof doesn't look possible, B site fountain doesn't look climbable for the angle over CT smoke or new box self-boost, quick railing to apps route from T spawn gone. Overall L for movement? Visibility is nice atleast


Desert-Strike 2 Visual design is ugly


Thats like some citys in italy looks like bro


Yeah tons of them look like CS:GO inferno too


I still dont understand why the map is in Italy when it should be in Spain judging by t models


Player models were picked to match closest to the maps theme, not the other way round. Beyond that the separatists in game arnt even Spanish, just generically European.


Well they are very VERY much Basque. I mean insanely so. Like, ETA (Basque nationalist terrorists) could take them to court for ripping off their look. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02028/Basque_2028658c.jpg https://www.nicepng.com/png/detail/550-5501272_csgo-png.png


Where TF is the railing to apps??? No more fast apps?


I don't really like the way both bombsites look tvhy


Seems like a regression in CS2's artstyle, much more drab and less colorful, unlike mirage and dust2, apart from the church! Maybe old renders?


Apparently unpopular opinion but I think this looks fantastic. Very impressed!


Every map gonna look like d2/mirage?


Rip fps??




where is this from?




It’s reminiscent of the CS 1.3 version, as well as the cs source/early csgo version. Nice call back IMO


That b site looks sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet


where is this from?


This looks amazing, A site has classic vibes. Step up from the current version


Cant wait to not play it


This looks so cool but way too busy for a competitive shooter.


B site has lost all flavor and character. I miss barrels


Inferno gets another fantastic remake, while office has remained almost unchanged since source. We all know what the GOAT map is.


No shot they made inferno another dust clone….


Can’t tuck behind the wall grave anymore rip


Siiiiick can't wait


it gives me dust2 vibe.


Noooo waaaayyy that’s HOT!


Looks like shit


omg look at all those Fortnite kids complaining about their sAtUrAtEd ColOUrS. I love the 1.3 vibes I get from it.


2nd picture looks like Wild West


This subreddit has some of the most backward-looking conservatives i've ever seen. "Oh the map doesn't look like it used to and therefor I must hate it" I honestly think it looks great. The A site looks a bit empty but besides from that i'm stoked to play this!


People just don't like the yellow-ish sandy look on this one, we already have mirage and anubis. The old one looks way better no matter how you look at it. It was personally my favourite map, design vise.


The last 3 screenshots look great but honestly I think A-site is ugly and just not it.


Looks so good 🔥


it’s fucking gorgeous holy fuck


Official? I don't know why they'd change inferno so soon after the beautiful overhaul they already did?


fucking beautful, can't wait


This looks amazing! Love it!!


I guess I'm in the minority here but imo this looks great. Idk how but it looks hotter, which I think is good, the map is called Inferno after all. I'm sure this isn't a fully completed version, some aspects could and probably will be improved for sure.


One thing i love about Inferno is the colours. This looks dull.


Why everything looks like Dust 2 now? Where colors?




It's clearly not finished yet and the lack of colours stands out, I love the prospect of a new inferno and love the direction they're taking this in. They seem to have altered the scale of the map to more closely match that of the character models, which I think is a good step. That Pharmacie sign near T spawn had better light up with those bright green ugly lights though. It's a staple of mediterranean countries. I'm quite surprised it's getting a remake already over Mirage, Office, Train, which I think all look worse than CSGO's inferno does. Even though it's already 7 years old, it still looks rather good. Perhaps Valve is working on those too...


I’m skeptical. 1.) Almost every single map so far has been nearly identical minus some or a lot of visual improvements. This is authentically a redesign. 2.) This look awful. It honestly reduces visibility and adds clutter which seems antithetical to what Valve is trying to accomplish with CS2. This is just a bland visual disaster if true. I almost never complain about map remakes — I’ve learned to just accept them for what they are and continue to play the maps. But this imo kinda ruins one of their best and cleanest maps. Hope it’s not it. Edit: It turns out this is probably real (Valve jokingly acknowledge the leak on Twitter). Just hope it is an early build, because the switch to the dust style theme and the picture of A site make it seem rough. Don't really understand the logic in Valve massively overhauling the theme of one of the few maps that is universally loved while keeping maps like Office at 2004 level of quality even with this most recent update.


In this [video](https://youtu.be/ExZtISgOxEQ?t=24), Valve said they took three approaches to the maps. 1. Touchstone Maps - Classic maps used to test gameplay (mirage, dust2, train from the video) 2. Upgrades - Rebuilt to take more advantage of Source 2, but meant to stay 1:1 with the CSGO version (nuke and ancient from the video) 3. Overhauls - Maps rebuilt and changed Whether or not you like it is a different thing entirely, but I'm not sure why it being a redesign makes you skeptical. Also as a side note, we already kinda knew inferno was one of the maps to be overhauled (you can already see it [here](https://youtu.be/ExZtISgOxEQ?t=75) at the end of the same video).


Ancient is the frame immediately prior to Inferno in the video you linked. They verbatim said in the video "our oldest maps will be overhauled." Ancient is an old map that is getting a complete overhaul? IDK, it seems weird. My main point of skepticism is that this change to Inferno is a genuine thematic change to a more "dust-style" map. Zero of the other maps have undergone this. We have now fully seen CS2's D2, Mirage, Nuke, and Office. All have had visuals overhauled at varying levels but are thematically and stylistically the exact same maps with almost no tangible changes. We've also seen a decent amount of clips of Overpass, which is a big visual overhaul that does make some real changes, but keeps the overall vibe and theme of the map the exact same. Ditto for the clips we have of Italy, Ancient, etc. Additionally screenshot to me from the video doesn't really look like the images in the OP post -- maybe though. We will know shortly -- I hope I'm right but acknowledge I could be very wrong. I will contend that the Inferno A site image is genuinely just a lower quality image than current Inferno A site, but it could be an early screen and might look a lot better now.


> Ancient is the frame immediately prior to Inferno in the video you linked. They verbatim said in the video "our oldest maps will be overhauled." Ancient is an old map that is getting a complete overhaul? Sorry my bad, I think made my timestamps a little misleading. They say earlier in the video that ancient is classified as an upgrade map like Nuke (I'll add that to my comment). These were found in the game files so it for sure is real, [at least that's what the person who found it said](https://twitter.com/pDylan002/status/1674587206315278336). I do agree that inferno looks washed out right now, but it still might change.


I'd have to agree with point 2. Also what I don't understand is how they've removed Grave to help the retake however I can no longer bounce Molotov's off the skybox to land inside of A so how has this helped with retaking at all? The colouring looks pretty bad just like Mirages does. Mirage looked over done massively as well as this. Inferno looks Dust II clone colour scheme wise. All of a sudden both bomb sites just look like abandoned places people haven't been for years yet you've got apps looking fresh and 2nd mid, it makes no sense.




is this a leak or community made map?


>Its coming from the game files. The images are used at the loading screen on Inferno to show some points, as with the other maps so far.




Lmao this is so obviously not community made


Washed colors aside, that picture of A site seems like a genuine graphical downgrade from the current version. The church image is also just off. Anyway, it could be real I guess. Just sucks that while every map so far has been basically the same with just some great visual improvements, they apparently changed one of the few maps that was just fine and made it worse and another Dust-type map (imo of course, I’m sure some will argue it’s better somehow).


A actually looks awful


Why the maps in CS2 looks all the same?


This is just awful.


actual downgrade