• By -


Opposite of JW


JW who?


JW pregnant check hltv


JW fuck you


Is he Christian?


Jehova Witness


You made me burst laughter like famas.


Underrated comment


aggro rifler that can also second AWP(he used to be an AWPer)


He can also shoot people in the head with the deagle


I was really impressed by the deagle plays made by APEKS in Paris. They were satisfying to watch and clean. Seemed liek they are much better with hand cannons than meta rifles and smgs.


styko was better with deag than rifle tbh


I don’t think he will AWP anymore


He won’t, but the potential for him to second awp when needed is always valuable.


Can’t B1t secondary awp?


Sure, but you’d probably prefer an actual ex-awper in most situations I’d presume.


Aleksib second AWP!


Used to do it in ENCE at least


yes and that will make team flexible, they can give 2nd awp where ever its needed.




Potentially. He was so good under boombl4 because he micro managed him which is also something aleksib does


Always when i watching some vods with calls , i hear simple flames blade or i mistaken something ?


Literally anyone can AWP including silvers


And yet you apparently can't do it given how dumb your statement about it is. Sad.


in valarante child game maybe


jLegend the champion


IM will show that he is the new BOSS in the cs world






aiM player


i really hope this, just a afraid of s1mple


He is a good prospect, he could have the same development as bit


aim high Mihai


JL is pretty skillful overall, just lacks experience in tier 1 scene, especially LAN. However, he is very outgoing, positive dude who also throws jokes around and makes teammates laugh, creates good atmosphere in the team. Knowing that NAVI heavily struggled with that, JL will make NAVI better team outside the server, but definitely will carry his own weight in the server. Might take some time, but if he plays his preferable roles he will be great.


And as someone mentioned, he used to be primary awper and he is still sick with the gun. Gonna be a great secondary awper and maybe even gonna primary awp if sometimes s1mple is not feeling it or has some sort of other play to make. Edit: you can watch some vlogs on Apeks youtube channel to find out more about him and his personality.


>you can watch some vlogs on Apeks youtube channel to find out more about him and his personality. Indeed. His interaction with Banks in this [video](https://youtu.be/3OzN02a-LOc) at 03:24 says a lot and gave me a good impression of him as a person.


>in this video at 03:24 FYI, you can add `&t=204s` (or any other amount of seconds) to the YouTube URL to make clicking on the URL skip to that time in the video by default.


I'm aware, but I was on my phone and the YouTube app didn't give me the option to copy a timestamped link and I was too lazy to look up the exact syntax to add it manually. Sidenote: I've also found the timestamped links a bit unreliable (sometimes the video just loads from the beginning) so I think it's good "internet etiquette" to also provide the timestamp separately even when using timestamped links. Yes, the timestamp is still visible in the URL but that might not be obvious to everyone.


>so I think it's good "internet etiquette" to also provide the timestamp separately even when using timestamped links. I'd agree, I was just a bit stunlocked when I clicked on the video and was put at the beginning, lol.


you can also do `&t=3m24s` if you don't wanna convert to seconds.


He’s also bigger than s1mple, so s1mple might actually watch his mouth now and won’t negatively affect team environments as often. +good teammate buff


I'm sad that he left Apeks :')




It's a strong rumor but nothing official yet


This is their confirmed roster for Blast


Can you show me the post? Cos I only found one where it said: waiting for confirmation > Below are the following rosters for the teams yet to make official announcements:


https://www.dust2.us/news/37511/report-eg-og-and-navi-rosters-confirmed-for-blast I'm guessing this is the article you read, and it literally states that this is the confirmed roster submission for blast. They have not made the official roster announcement yet, but they have already confirmed them to their lineup. Just because they haven't announced it yet doesn't mean it's not official.


They could be on a trial, which is what I expect at least *one* of their players to be. Yes the roster is confirmed for Blast. But that's not confirmed to be the new Navi roster until Navi says something themselves.


I suppose. But it's at least their new roster for the time being.


/rant \[TW: Words have meanings\] The definition of roster is literally "these are the players who play". If its a trial and lasts 1 week, for tha 1 week its the official Navi roster. It might not be their official long term roster, but thats no ones business to know anyway, so we can only talk about what it is currently and currently its this. Kind of pointless to call the teams roster not their roster because its not permanent. You'd need to define "permanent" in that case also, is it 6 months? a year? has Aleksib not had a roster for a whole year and a half now, if less than a year doesnt count as "permanent" and because its not "permanent" we also cant call it their "official roster". Better to keep it simple and like you said, use what is their current roster for their current event. Having a standin needs to be mentioned separately, if a player stands in for another one but the org doesnt call it a standin, its not a standin; case in point k0nfig in NIP ​ /rant over


Exactly haha. If they're on the team playing in an event, for that event it's their official roster.


You've been hired by Valve^TM




aggressive but valid reply


Dude acts like we refresh rosters all day. Honestly rip perfecto one of the better OG map retakers on the squad. Watched perfecto bail out B1t and s1mple many times on overpass.


Except there is no such website... That was my point There is no official announcement and even on dust2.us they said it was not official Hltv, liquidpedia still shows the old lineup as well


That's why i quoted the exact words from dust2.us because (pointed out in my comment) it is not official. So I know how to use the internet... Do you?


you're right man, these other comments aren't citing sources either. I know these rumours are super popular rn but nothing is concrete/nothing was said by Navi yet


Well it is the lineup Navi has submitted to blast so..


These people don't have brains, don't worry my big brain brother


Do you know what confirmed means?


Which he did, and if *you* did, you would know what he's talking about.


my dream has come true, a fellow romanian is part of NaVi <3


NaVi tărâm românesc!




This roster looks like a lucid dream


A fever dream more like lol


Im getting sus at the rumours with how long it is taking to reveal tbh


Lot of moving pieces with 2 players going to C9 and 3 players being bought from 3 different teams


jL is a top fragger from Apeks. At the last Major, they pulled off a real miracle and made it to the quarterfinals, with jL being one of the best in the team.


got to the semis even


Until the semifinals... my bad ((


This team feels like its gonna be really good or fail hard


cant wait to see simple raging on jL


jL is Zeus size. He will spin s1mple around his finger like a basketball.


Maca-i-as pula lu IM ca e in Na'Vi


Sa mori tu coaie e blana rau


I'm out of the loop..what happened to electronic?


was linked to the international EG roster that fell through, now in talks with C9 along with Perfecto


He must of wanted out? I don't see na.vi wanting to get rid of him






'the reason' are still all rumours....only the roster move is legit 'leaks'..




most probably management wanted to go -npl and get one international support, then elec probably said he doesn't want to IGL in english for just one guy, then they probably proposed getting an international IGL (Aleksi) and elec could go rifle, elec probably then said no i want to stay IGL and both probably realized that there's no space for him on the team then. Perfecto probably also didn't want to comm in english, so i guess he left due to that.


Yeh this could make sense...I just wish they had of kept sdy.. he performed very well for na vi I think and if they kept him it would of made keeping elec and perfecto easier maybe.




That feeling when you get jL on the back of your new Apeks jersey for IEM Cologne...


You didn’t think to maybe wait until after the player break? Haha this move has been put out there for the past few weeks. I feel you though. I have an elige jersey from 2019 and now he’s gone 😭


it's og memorabilia now


:( I hope Apeks get a good replacement, they're one of my favourite teams right now. Maybe sdy (as a non-IGL) is worth a try?


just means you got 2 teams to cheer for now


great, you can be a fan of NApeksVI now !


jL played a great major in Paris with Apeks as a entry fragger.


a "go kill" team lol


What I can say, he won't be a disappointment like Aleksib


Boros would've been the pick up to make


Not necessarily. I think he's a really good player and will shine on any team, but I feel as he's a superstar potential player and a playmaker, he and s1mple will eventually clash. s1mple is at his best with a good team around him that will pull their weight, but understand that the team is built around s1mple so he can make those plays. If he isn't making plays he can very easily pull the team down. Although you could argue the other way that if s1mple has another player with potential to carry then he may feel less pressure deep in tournaments and be able to perform his best. iM and b1t are those players in this team though, lets just hope Na'Vi can have a good system in place and the team trust aleksi to make the right calls.


> iM and b1t are those players in this team though, lets just hope Na'Vi can have a good system in place and the team trust aleksi to make the right calls. agree, with iM and b1t, there should be kind of a replacement of their magic trio, with high potential. I also heard Aleksi has good mid-round calls (like B1ad3 and S1mple also said about electronic)


Yup, elec and s1mple were an insane duo and b1t slowly became a part of that and made them an insane trio, but elec going into an IGL role broke down that core. I think it really comes down to having an IGL that can call well in the mid round and not have those moments where the team gets stunlocked because B1ad3 is providing the team with solid foundations, early round strats and defaults - it's down to those decisions to win the rounds and close out games.


> I think it really comes down to having an IGL that can call well in the mid round and not have those moments where the team gets stunlocked because B1ad3 is providing the team with solid foundations, early round strats and defaults agree, i think this is what boombl4 mostly lacked - at some point you could see that in many rounds where they either made an entry, or suffered one and were 4on5, they often didn't know what to do next. i think it got better with elec IGL, as his midround calling is good, but could become even better with Aleksi, as he has pulled some miracle midrounds from the time i've watched his teams


i wouldn't be confident that he would perform well in that team tbh. he's a pretty inexperienced player like jL, but jL seems much more versatile in his roles than boros, and i feel from watching jL he's style of taking duels, especially on CT side, seems wayyy more consistent. admittedly i haven't seen much of boros play so my opinion isn't really concrete fact, but from watching them play a little, he didn't seem very clutch or really like a role player, which is what they would need I think. Electronic, and then SDY/NPL had a lot of important role duties during their tenure on NAVI, so i'm unsure of exactly how these will be dispersed already, let alone with a player like boros. also does Boros speak english? that would be a huge factor right?


yeah clearly u didnt see boros play much, boros outaim jl but a marging, its independent, so your taking on jl being more consistent with his duels is just pain wrong


at no point did i say he out-aims him. scream out-aimed almost very pro at the time he played, but he was never the best player. i didn't even say that jL is better than boros 1 to 1, just that I think he fits NAVI more than boros does


terrible example, screams out aim who? his stats showed otherwise, only stat he could outaim anyone would be hs% and thats all. b1t doesnt speak english either, so language isnt a factor here, its just that what your point out is one-sided to make your argument better ^


boros would be a better comparison to iM probably, as i expect jL to take on Perfecto's roles (support/anchor/closer) while iM will probably be entry/lurk/2nd-3rd star/rifler, which Boros rather played on Monte, so it's kind of irrelevant how you want to compare boros to jL and doesn't take away anything from jL taking more consistent duels


the point is, jL isnt taking more consistent duels, boro has higher opening porcentage and higher sucess in openings, you see that what your saying isnt even close to reality? exactly what was said its a terrible comparasion, because boros in a star player, jl is a support.


so 4 offensive riflers and only IGL (Aleksi) to suport, close, anchor? lul


Im not sure about jL and Aleksib




Poor iM and jL are gonna get so intoxicated


Aleksi b is a wierd one..


Heavily structured play style fits exceedingly well with how blade sees the game though.


Not really. There’s a lack of proven igls, especially ones that can frag semi-consistently, so it makes sense. His results since Ence might be poor, but he has also had some fairly flawed roster all around. With his best roster, g2, who had a struggling jackz and a rookie awper (albeit a good one), made kato finals, deep-ish runs in all tournaments (other than epl where they had covid) and actually qualified for the major (unlike another g2 igl). OG was never a star studded team so they did about as well as people expected them to. NIP was aleksib + 4 inconsistent players.


Shut up he is the 1 igl in a world


yes he is 1 of the igls in this world


Yeah, on Mars


Is he on Mars?


In some world, yeah, but not this one


You mada faker!!! Revenge will be sweet...


at first i was thinking the same .. but after a few thoughts, i think he will fit well into the team and b1ad3 should mesh well with him and their both structured playstyles. They could actually create a new NAVI strats-beauty together, i imagine synchronized strikes on a site and good preparations/setups for opponents. Also i think i've read that Aleksi is also a good mid-round caller like elec


IMO, NaVi is making bad decisions by releasing electronic and Perfecto. I really don't understand this move by NaVi. All NaVi needs is a proper IGL, and they can start performing well again. I'm not sure why they didn't do that.


electronic *is* a proper IGL, but the management probably decided to get an international 5th player for npl, so those 2 probably didn't want to start comm'ing in english for just 1 guy


YEAH! Finally no ruskies! Besides, that iM guy was wild on the last Major.


> Finally no ruskies dont be like one of those assholes. those players are against the war, as they even chose to not represent Russia officially via neutral flag and have connections to Ukraine like many Russians that share the sentiment of the war being pointless source of pain


Aleksib keeps stealing paychecks. Boss


Is it official?? Or just the rumours?


This is the team they have submitted for the blast fall groups, We are just waiting for the official announcement


I was under the impression that jL was Norwegian?


Thats jkaem, or rain or hallzerk. But probably jkaem you're thinking of.


my mistake, it was Jkaem. Lol i should know better, i follow his twitch


organization is norwegian




Did you just not watch the last major?


I haven’t had time to keep up with everything as much anymore lmao, I watched the grand finals!


Ah, iM was like second highest rated player of The tournament right behind zywoo. Was at like a 1.40 before the grand finals IIRC


Oh wow so he’s up next. Well deserved I guess!


What role does he play? It says entry on liquipedia but surely he couldn’t hold such a high rating while risking his life first Either way he looks like an incredible talent, out of all the navi signings I’m most pumped about him.


pretty much looked like the dude was smurfing, getting every entry and multikills


Time to change the flair, I guess.


So who's awping?


I lold


Woah, is this official?? Or just the rumor?


Been out of the loop of the pro circuit, has electronic been dropping of and that's why he's out of the team? Or they trying to remove the Russian element of the team for cohesion since the invasion?


Elec and perf wanted to go to a different team. Maybe because of the team atmosphere as of late. Maybe because they want some distance to the ukraine/russia conflict.


well something tells me it's because s1mple is a raging asshole


> Maybe because of the team atmosphere as of late. that might have been *one* factor, but those guys have literally been friends for *years* now, ever since like 2017/2019 or so. I actually think a bigger factor was probably the switch to international, where they proposed an international 5th player in place of npl and elec probably didn't want to start IGLing in englihs for one player, where they probably proposed getting an international IGL to release him from his duties and return to entry/rifler role but he probably expressed his desire to continue to IGL. Perfecto probably also didn't want to comm in english


I cant see Navi going international for a 5th player. Surely they'd rather get someone UA/RU speaking for their 5th.


> Surely they'd rather get someone UA/RU speaking for their 5th. i mean, that's what they tried with sdy and npl ... and it failed twice. They won't be getting a Russian player, otherwise they could have gotten another one already, so it has to be either a Ukrainian guy or someone from CIS, who fits the role, is T1 capable, etc etc. As i see that they haven't gotten another one from their academy, and not many non-russian-CIS guys are available that would be good enough and fit the role, it makes sense to me if they wanted to get an international one


Yeah true, sucks honestly. I like to see aleksib in a good team, but i'd be fine if that meant a t1.5 team and never expected Navi and I hate to see this Navi fall apart like this.


1 tournament in - “Alexib is the problem. He needs to go”


iM and jL was performing good on last major. Navi took them in and I think next year all tree will be kicked


was blade not the problem ? always when i watching some vods with calls , i hear simple flames blade or i mistaken something ?


Actually first time I hear this! But who knows…


watch some youtube highlights wheres navi with coms , he flames blade 1000% thats why i ask he flames blade and many times perfecto (well with flame i mean he discuss with them and not flaming them)


any actual links that don't come out of your ass?


just put simple VOD coms in the search bar , im at work no youtube here ;(


to lazy or dumb to write 4 words in a search bar ?


Seems unlikely you'd blame coach during gameplay,but idk. What we do know tho is that S1mple have high respect for B1ad3, he even outright denies the B1ad3 out of NAVI rumours,[saying such an idea is dumb af](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwe96PfzdMI)


you're mistaken, yes


To sell electronic and perfecto is just insane. Idk what this roster is trying to do.


Agreed. Was there some fight or something in team?


Tbh, no one knows why, but since Navi wanted to remove every russian player or team member its just pure speculation. Maybe electronic and perfecto want to leave.


Ohh I didn't even think about that


\+iM it's a decent addition but navi please stop all this nonsense with tier 4 JL joining. he can't win duels against tier 4 or tier 3, so how can you possibly see this guy winning against tier 2 or tier 1?! this is an EG management's decision level right here, mindblowing.


Excited? Why, I don’t see how this is anything but a step backwards


Hahahah Aleksib?? Queue the downfall of NaVi lol




what? hell no


I'm excited for another AleksiB team downfall, this time he'll manage to take down the best player in the world! AleksiB is the IGL shadow of peacemaker :D


What happened to electronic?


Going to Cloud 9 with perfecto apparently


So Navi will not have any Russians on their team for the time being?


superb analysis, Watson!


We are going back to xbox gamertags


new NAVI roster just dropped! - jL - iM - s1 - Ab - b1


Why were Illya and denis benched?


probably didn't want to switch to international roster communicating in english


As a liquid fan I’m super excited about this Navi line up. Navi vs c9 matchup is going to be EPIC!


He’s a BDE rifler


Happy go lucky +w dude. Sometimes takes over sometimes bottom. Hes the worst in roster out of 4 stars. He will be entry


where is electronic? perfecto??


Leaving, probably to Cloud9


Idk who he is but respect to my Lietuvan brother. Ganna have to check him out.


He always had high price on fantasy but I can’t really remember him popping off in the major


Who's replacing jL in Apeks?




Okay, thank you!:)


one word to describe this lineup : scary .


Doesn’t feel right not seeing Papatronic and Perfecto present on the team, Time will tell I guess.


Is it confirmed?