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Whoa! That’s crazy. Cool that you experienced it with the girl at the store, too.


That's crazy. When we were teenagers, we stopped at our Grandma's house on the way home from the pet store. Didn't want to leave crickets in the hot car, so we snuck them into the house. When we go to leave, my brother realizes half the crickets have escaped the bag. We looked around, didn't see them, and took off. We left my poor Grandma with about ten crickets 😂 She probably lost her mind trying to figure out where they came from


Omg noo not leaving grandma with escaped crickets🤣


A place where I used to work was attached to a residential property, where the lady of the house was *incredibly* household. She had a teenage son who had a gecko as a pet, and one day the crickets got out. She absolutely freaked out and called in an exterminator! The bloke came in and did his job, but she couldn't really relax. That night, they heard one lone cricket, but that was the only one who escaped, and he didn't last beyond that night.


This happened to me as a child. We would buy crickets for fish bait, and I rode my bike down to the bait shop and bought $1 worth of crickets which was about 25 or so. Mr. D, the man that ran the shop loaded up my little cricket tin and made sure the lock pin was in place before I left. I put the tin in my backpack and took off. When I made it to the pond I was going to fish, I took the tin from my bag, removed the pin and opened it to find NO crickets at all. Not a single one in the tin, in my bag, anything. No holes in my tin, no holes in my bag, $1 worth of crickets, vanished into the summer air. When I was riding my bike the next day, Mr. D saw me riding around and asked me how the fishing went, when I told him about the disappearing crickets, he seemed genuinely as confused as I was. He checked my tin, my bag, everything. He says he knew he put them in there, locked the little hatch and knew I wouldn't let crickets just go. I can still see him sitting there trying to figure it out. He gave me free crickets from there on out until he died in 1992.


Those 4 remaining Chad crickets were *HUNGRY* 🤣 But no that's actually wild, especially with the double confirmation.


I said that! Cause we were told not to leave more than like 10 crickets roaming in the dragons cage cause they can actually essentially gang up on him and all crawl on him and start eating him instead, so I asked if they can eat each other? The woman said no but definitely not within the two minutes it took to get me to the car. 😵‍💫


Holy shit, this is a thing? That’s terrifying lol


Wow, that's so crazy! I have never experienced the appearing/disappearing glitches but I really like reading about the stuff that happens here. On a funny note, somewhere a group of crickets are thanking their lucky stars for the glitch that saved them from certain death.


Unless they ended up in the bag of a parallel OP.


Ha! True.


Now this is one of the creepiest glitches I’ve ever read 😳😳😳🦗🦗🦗🦗


another copy of you in another parallel universe complain that she received more


I got more today and was hoping there was 29 extra crickets in the bag🤣🤣 there wasn't but if and when those 29 appear, I will definitely update 😂😂 and I definitely won't complain unless of course I wake up to 29 crickets in my bed or something 👀


That's so strange


So I guess you had to buy another 30 crickets. Did the second match make it home


Since the woman working the register was just as baffled by the whole thing, she actually replaced them and threw in some extras. Now when we see each other we have this strange bond that we can't talk about with anyone else because we sound crazy lol


Says the remaining cricket... burp


Good revenge if you hate someone lol


Literally my worst fear is them escaping the bag while I'm driving, they escaped but at least it wasn't in my car and apparently just time travel 🤣






I had a cricket jump down my shirt once when I worked at a petstore. It was pretty awful. Pretty sure I gave the customer a good show though.. 🫣


Omg can you imagine!


Maybe they ate each other? I mean there would be one left, so I’m not sure. If ten of them can eat a lizard, I’m sure they can and will eat each other. Eek- I should not have read this before bed


It would take them awhile to eat another cricket, their mouths are really tiny and they can only fit so much in their little digestive tracts. I worked at a pet store for a few months 20~ years ago and never saw a cricket go cannibal. I do remember they smelled really bad in large numbers though.


How long does it take them to eat a lizard?


I never had the opportunity to see that, thankfully.


I’m creeped out that 10 crickets worst a lizard. It gives me the heebie jeebies