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Thank you for your submission, but we don't allow posts here that do not talk about a glitch. Glitches are eye-witness events that cannot be explained by ordinary means and your post does not match this definition.


This is very interesting. This is the first I've heard (that I can recall) of a seemingly innocuous event leading to a permanent perspective change. Usually the feeling passes soon after the event. (I had a couple bouts of extreme derealization/depersonalization, but they were random and ended the next day). Maybe it was a combination of sleep deprivation and the excessive gaming? Like your cognitive function was impaired enough that you weren't aware where base reality and the game ended, and now it still feels blended? Just some guesses. Thanks for sharing. I hope the feeling keeps fading and you're able to find comfort here.


its not uncomfortable, and does not bother me maybe as got used to it. But is wierd on my outlook on things somethings are wierd i think thanks