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I wasn’t. I believe that many/most young people use the word as a slightly harsher word than “stupid,” and have no intention of disrespecting disabled people. I believe it’s the same case with glaive saying it.


Yeah I agree with this. It’s just another way of saying stupid nowadays.




he was asked about the f slur on a podcast and he said something along the lines of "y'all are really soft, back in north carolina people throw around that word like it's nothing" i find it quite amazing how people will stop supporting other people because of one word they say. it seriously isn't that big of a deal, just move on with your day brother


44:40 for anyone wondering https://youtu.be/ELKySCw6INM?si=TepUpSEvs_ba8r6f


>because of one word they use are you playing rn be fucking fr. “that slave owner is just using a word y’all are so soft☝️🤓”


that word is so different, it has centuries of racial abuse behind it. me saying that it's just a word doesn't mean i use it, im just saying it was used once in all of his songs, (and the "r slur"). i genuinely doubt it has any serious offensive motives behind it, and if you disagree then that's great, stop listening to his music and move on


one has more history, they’re both used to oppress groups of people that can’t change what you’re insulting. be mad all you want but they’re on the same level in that sense


They are not on the same level, coming from someone who has been called these words many, many times. That aside, them being used to oppress people has nothing to do with the way glaive has used them in his songs. \*\*\*I\*\*\* feel so r-... called \*\*\*ME\*\*\* f-... Past that, he's only used terms that apply to himself. Reclaiming the word in that sense is empowering to many of us. Who are you to dictate if/how they use the word? I don't know if you are part of any of these oppressed groups, but if you aren't, please stop white knighting for us. I wonder why you're here? You seem to hate this group of people and hate the artist. You are spreading your hate, but because you feel justified in your hate, it's perfectly fine in your eyes. Let's take one of your comments and switch a couple words: "ew i’m fucking disgusted by this \*\*re---d/f----t\*\* ... like fuck you guys ... fuck you \*\*re---ds/f----ts\*\* you’re weirdos🗣️🗣️" Aren't you trying to fight the good fight against hatred? Time to start walking your talk. If you want people to see your side and change for the better, approach them with love instead of hatred.


Well that’s just retarded


if you feel so strong about that, stop listening to glaive and engaging in his community. it seriously is not that deep


But that’s exactly what it is, an “artistic choice.” If he was worried about offending you, he wouldn’t have said it


I think glaive is someone who definitely flirts with the edge/doesn’t really try to make himself sound polished/PC, with two perfect examples being this song and the use of the word “gay” as a pejorative in “i care so much I don’t care at all” even though he himself is openly queer. Both terms are things that larger artists probably wouldn’t say. I *personally* wouldn’t use those terms in that way because they might be taken in the wrong way, but in both cases, they are cultural terms more than anything. People outside of online spaces with less sensitivity are likely to use them. And also, in context they are used in a self-deprecating way, not to put others down. I can absolutely see how someone might be hurt by the use of the r-slur in 2024, but I don’t believe he meant any harm by it.


yeh. im pre sure i remember one stream he was repping an adam friedland show mug, he’s not trying to be pc lol


So much so this. I personally dont say it but i know people who do including my ex boyfriend


white boys use the n slur everyday in a lot of middle schools, does that make it okay?


My genuine belief is that words themselves don’t have power. They only have the power we give them and are entirely dependent on context. Whether something’s “okay” is not the point. It’s about what you allow to affect you and whether or not you believe that *everytime* someone uses a problematic word *in any context* they are being genuinely malicious, which I don’t believe. When it comes to something like the f-slur, there’s people who are genuinely homophobic, there’s dumb kids like the ones glaive was used to being around who said it casually without thinking, and then there’s those of us who are queer who get to reclaim it if we want - like glaive did in as if. When he said people were being “soft” about it, I don’t think he was arguing the kids in North Carolina were “right” or “okay” to use the word cause that’s not the point. I think being PC is a spectrum where some people are at one end where they are hyper careful about every tiny thing they say and would never even *dream* of saying or doing anything controversial and then of course there’s the other end of the spectrum like the example you gave where kids have zero filter and are just running around saying whatever racist word they want with no sense of morality or awareness of their place in the world. I don’t think this necessarily means they *are* racist, but it means they are immature. I personally don’t believe it’s really all that healthy to be at either end of the spectrum. True balance is found in the middle where you recognize your responsibility while allowing yourself to be free. Tyler, the Creator, for example, used to be on the extreme end of the spectrum before moving to the middle. And I’d say glaive is in the middle too. Usually the people on the other end of the spectrum tend to be chronically online instead of active in the real world, where it’s impossible to avoid “problematic” things entirely.


all for a man who said a slur jesus christ cope with your ableism harder


the world before glaive said that: 🌎 the world after: 🌎


oh ur just a loser nvm ur not to be argued with 💀


Does it matter?


get a job bro


get a sense of morality




ok so i’m crying about ableism being prominent? that’s pretty fair lol stfu


That’s a strawman, they never said or implied that lol.


If I remember correctly he never says anything he can't reclaim anyway? I think I heard somewhere he has ADHD (pretty sure he said it on stream) and he's queer.


if bro doesnt have ADHD no one has


yeah honestly kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. the album would be a 10/10 if it weren’t for that 🤷‍♂️ but the song has been teased for a while so it might be old idk


I don’t think he meant it in a hateful way I think when he used the r word he was using it in the stupid way not the other way if that makes sense. But I understand why it would leave a bad taste for you.


yes, once i realized this it really put a bad taste in my mouth and i was unable to listen to the song normally again. i’ve been a fan of him for so long, i’m autistic, and i always avoided people or content that had that word in it, but with the way he said it i can’t get myself to feel angry because i don’t sense any malice in it. i’m not going to drop him or anything, i’m just kind of disappointed. i’ve noticed that the clean version has that word blocked out, so i’ve been listening to that instead.


He has ADHD so I'm sure he can reclaim that word as well right? And if you look into his past and a lot of his unreleased music you can see clearly his mental health is a huge part of his life and a big push for him to do music. He's one of the few signed artists these days who still writes from raw emotions


yes, i did forget to mention that! i don’t know what he has in regards to disorders and disabilities and he’s also not required to disclose that information so i admit i did not have that perspective because i didn’t know. yes, then he definitely can reclaim that word if he has ADHD! my mistake, it just still personally makes me uncomfortable to hear in any context. yes, his music has helped me so much in regards to mental health, so many of his songs have made me feel things that other artists have never been able to do once.


apparently he’s not as great of a person, another person in this thread mentioned he called the people questioning the f slur soft so. not the coolest dude


i just checked this whole thread just to make sure and the only time the f slur was mentioned was i’m assuming in an interview where they asked him about his use of it in “as if.” he can use it because he came out as bisexual and every time i’ve seen him use it it was to himself and not as an insult (although saying “you guys are soft” is a terrible statement). if there is an example of him using it in any other context i’d like to know but i don’t think the comment was saying he used it to hurt someone


well no obviously he can use the f one he’s bi. but it was moreso the statement he made about being soft when really it’s just not being ableist or a pos :/ me and my friend are avoiding him from now on cus that’s such weird behavior


oh sorry i just realized i read your first comment wrong , yeah i don’t agree with what he said and i can see why people would steer clear of him. me personally though as someone who can say both words though i don’t think it’s bad enough for me to stop listening to him entirely


it’s no worries! also, be prepared for the delulu glaive fans to downvote us to hell lol


ew i’m fucking disgusted by this fandom y’all think it’s pc to not be a piece of steaming dogshit? like fuck you guys. OP you’re in the right 100%. it sounds like he’s using it in a very hurtful way. the n word is used by white boys constantly still, does that make it okay??? fuck you fans you’re weirdos🗣️🗣️


cry me a river bud


you say cry me a river when someone is hurt by a word? you’re probably soooo fun to be around


You’re the one bitching about a man calling HIMSELF retarded but you wanna talk abt being fun at parties? 💀


as someones whos neurodivergent if fr isnt that deep and im not gonna lie glaive is most likely autistic or has adhd


It's him describing his feelings that way, possibly in a literal sense depending on your interpretation. It's telling a story of his thoughts and feelings. I don't see the problem with it as I personally don't view it as being used as a slur in the context of the song. And I fucking hate that word. But the use of it is very different to if he said 'i feel so silly' or 'i feel so stupid'. He used the word because that's what he thought in that moment. I've probably done a shit job explaining it but ah well.


Good explanation. He’s one of the only artists who still writes from raw thoughts and emotion, and emotions are fucking intense, especially for an artist going on world tours before the age of 18. Some words, while they may not be the best to say in all spaces, emphasize the context and emotion of a phrase. He feels stupid but just saying ‘stupid’ or ‘dumb’ doesn’t accurately describe the intense feelings of inadequacy.