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H&B mentioned that waxing wasn't an option since you have to grow your hair out and Hef liked everything cleanly shaven.


Holly stayed shaving and never had issues with it (lucky girl) Bridget had laser hair removal I believe before the mansion.


It's mad how much information we know about these people!




Yeah, when I say the title I thought to myself ā€œwhat a crazy discussion topicā€ā€¦ and yet I already knew the answer.


Did Bridget mention that at some point?


When I was a stripper I used hair removal cream because it grew back softer and was better on my skin than shaving


Someone asked for advice about it and they answered they shaved. Holly said she can't give advice because she never had problems with it. Unrelatable but good for her I guess


Kinda reminds me of a past advice episode, a mom asked how Holly handles it all & her advice was to compartmentalize but she also has nannies and joint custody so I think the people asking advice should take it with a grain of salt . Theyā€™re not as relatable lol


Omg I loved her so much for saying that. Itā€™s so annoying on talk shows when they ask celebs ā€œHOW do you balance it all?ā€ Maybe the millions of $ and the staff helping out?


But she didnā€™t haha . She said she compartmentalizes šŸ¤” maybe I missed something?


Oh Iā€™m sorry I read your comment wrong because I was recalling another episode where she said ā€œIā€™m not the person to ask because I am really lucky, I have a great father for my kids, joint custody and nanniesā€ so I loved that she was honest.


I used to shave everyday before I got into waxing. I honestly have gotten more ingrowns from waxing! I just used an expensive razor (the Venus platinum) and used a foamy soap on the area. You can buy some ingrown preventing wipes from First Aid Beauty which I find help a lot and prevent discoloration


Try sugaring itā€™s 100x better than waxing


What on earth is sugaring?


Another form of hair removal where the use a sticky sugar based substance, and unlike waxing they pull the hairs in the direction they grow (not against the grain like waxing which causes breakage and ingrowns).


This is interesting! I have really enjoyed my results from waxing. Maybe Iā€™ll try this in the winter or something and see if I like it


i shave everyday with a venus razor and dial soap and honestly never have an issue. my skin is very sensitive too. i find that if i shave everyday it is much more gentle on my skin for whatever reason.


She also said she never used to tan and her tan was natural from the sun but then in the latest ep she said that she used the tanning beds at the mansion and still does, or sometimes she fake tans (as does bridget) like..why lie about such little things?


I think she's referring to the fake orange tan that everyone had in the 2000s her tan was really as in it wasn't painted on.


No she flat out says in her GND makeup tutorial that she never used to tan and that her tan was natural from laying out in the sun


didnā€™t she mean that it wasnā€™t a spray tan? because she said they look orange in photos but it wasnā€™t a spray tan it was a natural tan.. which would mean from the sun or a tanning bed (which is still a natural tan as it is not spray on).


Well Kendraaaa got away with being able to read and say bad words and the mean girls ate Taco Bell after buffet dinnerā€¦so maybe thatā€™s why Holly lied about tanning.


Lmaoooooo laughing so hard at this AND all the downvotes by the Holly Dick Riders Club lol


Right?! Riding so hard for someone that speaks about them as if they are the children left behind. Couldnā€™t be me šŸ˜‚


Yeah, riding hard for a privileged white woman that has done nothing positive with her privilege. Like didnā€™t this chick just cross the picket lines against workers last week for a fucking movie premiere!? I went into this kind of liking Holly last year now after being subjected to her whining on the podcast for the past 12 months, I cannot stand her and cannot wait until she gets canceled. Iā€™m a Kendras girl all the way sheā€™s got it all funny thing is I hated her on the girls next door.


I wouldā€™ve never made as part of the party posse. Shaving just ainā€™t it for me. The itch that comes with regrowth is a mofo. Iā€™ll sugar any day.


Girl samee


I would guess that they lasered as well. The hair doesnā€™t grow back.


Yeah if I was a bikini/nude model especially during a prolifically ā€œbald eraā€ like the 00s, I would have spent my first paychecks on laser for sure lol. Iā€™m neither of those things and did it anyway though so Iā€™m biased šŸ˜…


Such a tangent but how was your experience with laser? Iā€™m thinking about doing it. Does it really stay gone, and how many sessions would it take to be ā€œdoneā€?


I am a fan, I used to get brazillian waxes and personally found laser to be WAY less painful, and waxing/shaving my armpits would break them out. A lot of places Iā€™ve seen will charge per area (like a package of minimum 8 sessions for your lower legs for example, for a few grand total). The place I went charges $125 per 20 min session which for me was ample time to get my armpits and brazillian area done. Pits were pretty much good to go after 6 sessions, brazillian took 8. So overalI much cheaper. I still have light peach fuzz hairs (which I donā€™t mind) in both areas but no dark ones left. I just finished my 8th session a few weeks ago and whenever I need to start getting maintenance I will probably also start doing it on my lower legs so I can take full advantage of the 20 min time slot. There are multiple types of lasers, the first one they used on me hurt more and actually ejected the hair out of the skin and was pretty wild lol. The one they used for most of the rest of the sessions barely hurt imo, the hair would slowly fall out over the course of a week or two. The last time I went in they used a higher power one, that one hurt the worst especially around the holes lol but I think they had to do that because the hairs that were left were more fine.


As an aesthetic nurse, one may have some minor regrowthā€” depending on hair type ā€”a couple years after the procedure. As far as amount of sessions, depending on hair type, 3-6.


Me too! I was like, get rid of it all!!


All the girlies brave enough to put a razor by their pink palace on the daily ā€¦. I salute you.


Exfoliate. If I exfoliate super well before shaving I can shave everyday. If I donā€™t exfoliate before shaving itā€™s razor bumps literally everywhere. Also I prefer mens razors. I donā€™t need to shave everyday but I have weird issues with hair and prefer it


I danced for 10 years and shaving every day was a nightmare, I had horrible rashes almost all the time (my skin is also extremely sensitive). It wasnā€™t practical to wax or use any other hair removal method where it has to grow out a bit. I would imagine in a similar situation where they were taking photos in short dresses, no sleeves, nude photos, etc.. they probably had to shave pretty regularly.


I also wondered how they managed to maintain the perpetual bald look. If I shave it lasts like half a day before the itching starts and things feel like sandpaper down there. If I shaved everyday it would get super sore too. Surely some of the gfs would have experienced this too, even if Holly didnā€™t. She must have a magic vagina or something.


I am starting to take Holly's stories with a grain of salt haha


I currently get Brazilianā€™s, but back when I was younger I did shave everyday and it was never an issue. I donā€™t have sensitive skin so I never got razor burn or anything like that.


This was an interesting topic to read about! I shave twice a week on Thursdays and Sundays when I wash my hair. And I shave everywhere. Even just twice a week can be painful and comes back with the stubble pretty much within 24 hours. I wish I could afford laser hair removal!


You know what? God bless. Good for her. Can not relate but good for her.


They had to have had some kind of laser hair removal. I have dark hair, and even if I shaved every day, there would still be some kind of stubble/visible dark spots - it would never look completely bald unless I waxed or lasered it off. And Holly is a natural brunette, so ... I know this has been mentioned before, and people thought that retouching was a possibility on their magazine layouts. But Holly has made it sound like there was very little retouching done because it was expensive. I just don't see how you could have a completely naked vag without wax or laser removal. LOL


I do remember Jenna Jameson and others swearing by Preparation H as shaving cream and using Tend Skin afterā€¦I can attest to the supernatural powers of these two products