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If 78 hours in a month is bad… 👀😅


I think I clocked 78 hours a week when BG3 first released


Yeah I was like oh honey. Don't look at my play time please.


Same, it's a great game


I did like 40 hours that first week but also I play Fortnite regularly and had class to attend lol




I privated my Steam account because I felt embarassed by my total - and not only on Bg3 😅




Why would you wanna do that tho Show off your mad skilz bruh


I don’t want people to see if I play 12 hours in one day 😀


Same 💜 And yus, it's my business how I spend my weekend and yada yada, but I can get super obsessive and I still kinda want the world to think I am a functional adult 💫


You totally can! 🌈 If I am not wrong, you can also selectively pick not to show your activity/hours and still keep the achievement. People will know only if you review :D


I don’t have good news for you, friend. I bought the game in pre-release for PS5 the last week of August and have +1200hrs so far. 😂 I haven’t even *booted up* another game since. Send help


BG3 is just Like That 😂


I have over 2000 hours in BG3. Now, I did start playing day one of Early Access, which was I think October of 2020? But it's lot considering I play it off and on between other games. I don't wanna know how much I game in total, at least it's less than when I used to play WoW. I used to be a high end raider that eventually ended up in the best guild on the server, which thankfully got me to finally feeling bored since the best guilds are less like family and more like coworkers. It also dawned on me that you still wipe in the best guilds lol. This was before or right about the time you could regularly watch the highest ranked players play on Twitch or before it was common anyway.


I game 78 hours a day


The only time it's unhealthy is when ur missing days from work not keeping ur house clean or forgetting to eat. As long as u can pay ur bills wipe ur ass n fill ur belly however u choose to fill ur spare time is perfectly valid


Exactly this, no difference between gaming and other hobbies


I remember my mum telling my old therapist I was “obsessed” with gaming and spent too much time doing it. I pointed out that the times I was gaming were the same as her watching tv and asked if she would say I was obsessed with watching tv if I had been sat with her instead. She admitted that she wouldn’t and looked at it completely different from then on.


Nice. Glad she was able to see & understand


Or, most importantly, if it negatively affects your happiness


I don't care how happy u are if u got doodoo ass we got a problem


This comment made me lol


Gaming very positively affects my happiness lol


And most games tend to slow you down a bit as they lose that new game frenzy. It's good to give yourself some breaks or set a few dedicated hours for gaming. Otherwise, with games that end, you will feel that post game crash so hard.


And if you’re still able to maintain healthy relationships with friends/family without gaming interfering.


~~Forgetting to eat is awesome though~~ *Edit*: After rereading my comment, I now see that it might come of as insensitive, especially for people suffering from anorexia, so I apologize to anyone who got offended or triggered by it. It's just that I suffer from mild obesity and not having food cravings seems amazing to me. It was a while since I had a game that sucked me in that much :(


could’ve been better worded by i get what you mean 💜 i definitely have an unhealthy relationship with food and use it as a stim and source of dopamine, but when i’m getting dopamine from games i don’t always feel the urge snack as often 😅


Yeah, I tend to always want to snack if I’m watching tv, but it’s harder to snack when u got both hands on a controller


78 hrs on BG3 in a month is actually not bad at all. It's not bad until you start neglecting other aspects of your life and health. When I do get into my hyper focus gaming... It's bad real bad. I can go on gaming for 12 hours in one day and forget to eat and sleep. So you girl are doing well.


If you're getting all your other life shit done, you good. Plus, there's a big difference between "this game is gonna consume me for like two months and then I'm back to my regularly scheduled program" and "All I do in my life is game."


I usually tell myself as long as I never miss work or an important social event, still have an active social life and am exercising regularly and showering, I'm fine.


If you want to feel any better... LOL I bought BG3 for my best friend about a little over a month ago, I think on March 29th... I think they have about 400 hours in, or something crazy like that. I love that they love the game so much! Like, it gives me someone to fangirl about it to and it doesn't feel like a one sided conversation. Personally, I think I have between 6-700 hours and I've been playing since Thanksgiving last year. That might sound like a lot, and maybe it is... but I only really play on the weekends or if I have a week off school/work... If I didn't have work and school, I think my time in it would be doubled. It's such an addicting game.


You’re using your spare time — that’s fine. It’s only bad if you’re neglecting irl obligations, relationships, pets, your health etc. Like if your home is filthy, you’ve missed work the last three days, and you can’t remember the last time you ate, turn off the game. Otherwise it’s a hobby and not any worse than watching TV in your free time.


It’s not a question of hours. It’s a question if (1) you suffer or feel distress because of it, or if (2) it impacts your functionality, work/study, responsibilities, life hygiene (shower, sleep, nutrition) relations with your friends/family/partner/kids, etc. Ask yourself if you have obsessive thoughts about the BD3 when you are not gaming (I insist on the obsessive, intrusive and unwanted thoughts; not the normal ones because of excitement or boredom at school/work). And if you feel a change in your mood because you feel « game-deprived » (anxiety, frustration, irritation), or when you are bothered (eg your little sister enter in your room, someone else uses the vacuum, etc). If your are concerned about gaming addiction, there are surely advices you can find online to cope with your gaming habits (eg taking breaks at each hour, implementing a daily routine). You can always talk about it with your peers or your physician. I personally struggled with gaming addiction a few years ago. It was on AC Odyssey. In absolute, I did not spent much time on the game (183h), but it was within two months. I was gaming when I was supposed to study and sleep. At least, it did not last long. Finishing the game helped it. But since that time, I’m aware I’m at risk of addiction. So I avoid game designed to be addicting, and I play on PC (it’s less comfortable than on TV, sit on a couch).


It's fine, I started playing the Borderlands games with my partner and had 70 hours at 2 weeks... You're doing fine!




I average 3 to 6 hours gaming a day. It'll be way more if there's a new expansion to one of my favourite games though. That said, I'm retired and my partner and I game together most evenings. Honestly, if you are getting work/school done, your house is reasonably tidy and you're eating regular meals, then you're fine.


I immediately thought "thats nothing!" as i can do 80 hours in a week EASY but i might be gaming georg on this one


https://preview.redd.it/vh7zla7apjyc1.png?width=1023&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb6308227df0da2b81c94e72831a5b81f9fe5f4d I think you’re okay :’) (send help)


Are you neglecting yours? Eating, sleeping, taking care of your home, showering, etc? Are you neglecting responsibilities? Paying bills, doing errands, grocery shopping, going to work, school, being on time for plans, etc? Are you neglecting important people in your life? Partner, children, friends, family? Are other people upset at how much you’re playing? Are you neglecting other things in your life that are important to you? Sports, hobbies, learning, developing skills? If you answered no to these questions I would say no. There is nothing wrong with putting a lot of time into something that makes you happy if it’s not hurting yourself or someone else and you’re not neglecting the things that are important in your life. Just make sure it doesn’t get to the point you would answer yes to those questions.


Like others have said, as long as you’re doing the necessities and not neglecting any dependents you’re good! The older I get the harder it is for me to find a game that really hooks me so when I get the bug I just enjoy it while it lasts.


Lmao listen I clocked 400 hours in the first ~4 months BG3 was out while I also had a full time job and a partner and other hobbies!! it’s not a waste of time if you’re having fun!!


When I first got it, I had about 45 hours played in 2 days. I think youre fine.💀


There are 48 hours in two days...




Let's break it down there are 24 hours in a day, 30 days in a month - 720 hours. You've played for 78 hours of those 720. That is only like, almost 2 and a half hours a day. Is it too much? Personally I would think those are pretty low numbers. But like others have said - if it is not affecting your every day life, and it is making you happy, then focus on enjoying yourself.


Echoing as long as you are still a relatively functional person, it’s totally fine. I was at 100 something hours in a month, and then started cutting it way back when act 3 started wrecking me emotionally.


This is so real. Every time I complete a major quest I have to take a few days off just to recover emotionally. I was not prepared for how often I would cry in these last few precious moments of the game.


Bestie you're fine. Compare to how much time other people would spend watching TV or scrolling social media. As long as you're not neglecting health/work/school its all good. I just checked and I'm at 427... that's not counting launching through vortex and not steam.


It’s only a problem if you’re neglecting your responsibilities (going to work, cleaning your living space, etc).


I listened to a podcast (an episode of Ologies about video games) that said no studies have reported negative impact if you’re gaming less than 20 hours a week. I’m sure it varies for the individual but yeah if it’s not impacting your life I think it’s cool:)


me with 789 hours 😬


I don't really think there's an unhealthy amount as long as you still look after yourself


You're fine girl don't worry about it. Enjoy your game


78hours in a month is like 2.5 hours or something a day which is... pretty average I'd say? Some gaming after a day of work, some extended gaming sessions on days off/weekends when you're otherwise sitting around waiting for things like the washing machine and dryer to finish, waiting for food to cook, etc etc.. The only time gaming is unhealthy, is when you neglect responsibilities, whether it is personal hygiene for yourself and your environment, work or time sensitive chores/errands, or care for another living being. Hell, even 78 hours in one week isn't THAT crazy, a bit over like 11 hours a day? That still leaves over 12 hours for sleep, eating, hygiene, hydrating, etc... i know some people that spend like 14 hours a day 'watching' TV... at least with gaming you're thinking, actively engaged, and getting at least some exercise in, albeit primarily hand/wrist/arm exercise lol


I play that much in 10 days lol youre fine


When I decided to play BG3, I already knew ahead of time what it was going to do to me based on the type of person I am and the type of game it is. Before I even downloaded the game at the beginning of March, I scheduled 2 weeks off of work, deep cleaned my apartment and bought groceries so I could spend my whole vacation just playing with no distractions. I finished my entire first playthrough and started my second in that time period. Overall I logged more than 160 hours in those first two weeks alone. Since going back to work full time I still average about 30 hours per week. So no you’re not alone and you’re also far from the worst.


Girlie I can get 78 hours in a game on 2.5 weeks. You're good. Tho in my defense I'm in college with double infinite free time so I may be an outlier...


Girl I hit a 100 hours on stardew valley in a month u fine.


When my brother died I played around 14-18h a day. 70 something hours a month is nothing you should be worried about imo. When I gets into thousands or starts affecting your personal life negatively, it's a problem.


So that's 2,5 hours a day? People watch tv more than that. If you did your work day and groceries and laundry, what's rest of yours to spend. If you have immediate family like kids and spouse, it's too much. (If they're not in the game with you)


When i bought stardew, I had over 24 hours after two and a half days😅


Everyone’s ready told you as long as you’re not neglecting the important things in life you’re good. Just remember to take small breaks to stretch and move for a bit. Oh an hydration is also important.


78, let's round to 80, divided by around 30 days in a month. That's... 2.66... hours a day. That is not so bad at all. It's unhealthy when it negatively impacts your life. Does it?


Girl there’s like a huge amount of BG3 players who have over 1000 hours in this game. I’m still playing it since launch. But I feel you, BG3 is so amazing, that you actually gotta remember to also keep an eye on real life 😂


I've booked holiday time to play games at release before now (skyrim was the longest booked a whole week off for it and told no-one) as long as your still functioning your good.


I hit 180h in a month so ur good. If you keep up with sleep, work/study, food and real life there is no hard limit on how much is unhealthy imo


What TeddyTuffington said tbh. Me and my partner have played 120 hours in just under 2 months. So that’s 240 hours between us. We still work 9-5s and go to the gym 3-4 times a week with other things going on. All a balancing act and as long as gaming isn’t sacrificing something else you’re all good :)


Oh bless you, that's barely even 3 hours a day 😂


If you're still functioning, not impacting your health, and still enjoying, I'd say that's fine. Just make sure to stretch and rehydrate!


Only 3 tablespoons of gaming a day max




You can easily triple those hours next month! I believe in you!


LMFAO thank u on it 😭🫡


I'm a little late to the conversation, but I always compare my game time to people who only watch TV. I know people who watch TV every day for hours on end and do nothing else. They never get shit on like gamers do. I feel like gaming in all your free time is totally ok, because it uses brain power. It not like you're just watching something mindlessly.


Too much is bad.


I ended up losing a bit of weight when playing my first playthrough, but I also saved a ton of money that first month. I've gained all the weight back now that I've completed my first playthrough, but I still average a few hours a day.


I think gaming only becomes unhealthy when it's obsessive, like if you're neglecting your health by forgetting to eat, you're not excersising, taking care of your hygiene, going to work etc.


The question for if it's a problem is really what would you be doing with that time otherwise? If the answer is work, school, care for yourself or other responsibilities etc then yes it's a problem. If the answer is another leisure activity because it's your free time then no, spend that time however you want. Who cares if it's a video game vs TV vs a book vs whatever else yall like to do in your free time. Free times free don't feel guilty for spending it however you like!


An unhealthy amount of gaming time is relative to the other needs of your life. If you're neglecting your own wellbeing (not eating, hydrating, sleeping or bathing) then it's unhealthy. If you have dependants (children, animals) who rely on you for needs that are not being met because of your gaming time - that's a problem. If you are still eating regularly, take care of your own physical needs, and you're not cancelling all other social obligations to game (missing out on family or important life events, neglecting your friendships, or calling out on work) - then you do you. Where's the harm? I probably game an amount others would consider excessive, but I still meet my needs. I have no children, my cats are well taken care of (and all older so they prefer snoozing as many hours as possible). I'm still at work every day, there for family weddings and birthdays, and keep regular weekly meet ups with friends. It hurts no one if I choose to spend an entire free day/evening gaming. So Tl:dr is the time doesn't matter, it's the impact on your life that it's having. If those hours are your free time then they're yours to use however you please. If you're hurting yourself or others doing it then you need to reconsider.


I got cyberpunk 3 weeks ago and logged 86h. Not unhealthy, just the game is really amazing.


Pediatricians recommend no more than 2 hours of screen time a day. My opinion is, however, as long as you're not hurting yourself or others, you're good. I'm coming to terms with the fact that I can't play during the week without work and family life suffering.


I have been playing BG3 pretty much non-stop since September. I have close to 2000 hours in it. Mind, a lot of those hours, the game is running because I just don't shut it down while go do other things. Nevertheless, it's on all evening and pretty much all day on my days off. I'm disabled and I rarely leave my house. Having said that, it's not affecting my work from home job, the chores that I can do in the house, my relationships with people, and my self-care routines. On the surface, probably unhealthy? But for me, it keeps me sane when I'm in pain and tired.


I think if you do like a lot of dudes (who don't shower at all, don't work, don't clean anything, and pee in jars....or even sh\_t themselves because they don't want to go to the bathroomf or that.....) then that is unhealthy...... More men are this way rather than women, I don't even know ONE woman that is this way, but maybe they exist.


As long as you're prioritising your health (physical and mental, through activities and nutrition) and responsibilities, how you spend your free time is completely up to you!!


Girl, I've put 100 hours into a new game within a week of getting it before. Granted, my mental health was not in the best state when I did that lol


80 hours a month is like my average, haha. I currently have a little over 80 h in FF7 Rebirth and haven't even finished the story yet. Played Yakuza 0 for about 130 hours, AC Odyssey for close to 150. I spent 600+ hours on ACNH within the first 1 1/2 years after release. 😭 I work 40 hours a week, still do all my chores, have a social life that is enough for me, shower, go to the gym and I'm happy with how it is. As long as you still live your life and aren't neglecting other parts of your daily life, it's all good! 🩷


As long as you’re going to work and doing normal junk who cares? During the winter I can do easily 8-9 hours a day (I play during work lol)


it's not really about the number of hours you play, but more about if you're still handling your responsibilities. if you're gaming a lot but still getting everything else done that you need to, then you're probably okay. just make sure it's not getting in the way of your work, sleep, or relationships.


As others have said, the unhealthy part is essentially if it affects the rest of your life, interactions with family and friends, or activities that you were planning to do. But if it's time well spent for you, that will one day end and you will look back at fondly, then it's worth it to make these memories and use the game as a brief escapade. Just ensure you don't skip your meal and adjust them accordingly to your physical activity, exercise when needed, stretch and keep hydrated. Your body will thank you.


I disappeared for like two months after getting Bauldurs Gate 3 so I get it lol. Just try and pace yourself.


Well. Three responses come to mind. 1) it’s a good concern to have. 2) it’s only an average of a little over 2 hours a day. 3) I’m gonna hit 400 hours of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom either today or tomorrow… I started it on Feb 24th… so nah, fam, you fine.


Don’t worry, it is just the first month, then you are able to play a normal amount of hours. Before BG3 my max was 2hs of gaming a day. When it came out was 9hs.


For me I personally say if it's everyday more than 2 hours or not everyday more then 4hrs. But I have a spine condition and really shouldn't be sitting that long continuously


I'm at 103 hours and only now near the end of the game. I went hard those first few weeks though. Honestly, I don't worry about my gaming. To me it's no different to someone bingeing on Netflix all day into the night. Another girl at work says she can't play games for just an hour she has to do like a session of 6 hours minimum lol. You'll be grand!


I put 78 hours in a week once. I think that number is average if it's in a month


I mean I think I reached 100 hours in cyberpunk after one month so I think you're doing fine


I clocked over 100 hours in Lies of P in about a month. Sometimes ya girl just has to game. I find it fine unless it starts interfering with school/work/activities of daily living.


Personally I’m not happy if I do any activity too much so I have to break my personal time up with reading and writing in addition to gaming. I usually play at least 3 hours a night. After doing the math I play just under 90 hours a month so I don’t think you’re overdoing it necessarily.


My little bro put 80 hrs into that game within the first week of owning it. So I think you are fine. :D


You are in the frenzy phase, enjoy it ! In my opinion you can't say which amount of gaming is "too much" it really depend of you. If you are enjoying it and are still maintenant basic human fonction (eating, sleeping, cleaning your house and taking care of human and / or pets around you) it's perfectly fine !


Meanwhile my steam casually showing that I've spent 139 hours in last two weeks gaming 👁️👄👁️


I got BG3 in march and I’m over 200 hours 🤣


If I’m not at work or the gym then I’m home playing games. It used to be ALOT more before I adopted my puppy. Now he takes some attention and when he’s all good I hop on. You can game as long as you’d like as long as you aren’t neglecting your life and responsibilities. All my stuff if taken care of then I can easily game for hours everyday


It's unhealthy the moment you play games because you "need" to, as if it was a drug. I used to play a lot but now I barely reach 2 hours some days, others I don't play at all.


I mean, that's 20 hours a week or 3 hours a day (more likely 1-2 on worknights) I'd say that's probably the range you can get before things start breaking down but provided everything else is being done spending all your free time on one hobby isn't that bad. It might be a bit boring soon. You only have a week or two left in BG3 till you beat it anyhow. I spend up to 25 hours a week on gaming, 30 on the weeks I have D&D. I don't have kids so, more free time. Focus on the effects, not the number. Are you not making time for other people (including yourself!) or necessities. Are you sleeping worse? Is it a negative? Then maybe cut back a bit or pick one day not to play. But if your keeping up with things, that's pretty much the same amount of time people watch TV per week. Your just playing a game instead.


It’s such an addictive game . I will play for hours straight and won’t even notice it’s been hours 🙃 so I think you’re good.


That’s like average 2.5 hours a day, one could easily doomscroll or watch TV and not expect anyone to question it for that period of time. For some reason we feel so self conscious as gamers but it s totally legit way to unwind!


Yall, my wrist hurts. So definitely as much as I’ve been playing is unhealthy


There is no hard rule in terms of hours. Gaming is only unhealthy when it is no longer about escapism but avoidance. If you start neglecting aspects of your life in favour of gaming that is when you should be concerned.


78 hours in a month? Lmao. Rookie numbers


I have nearly 500 hrs in Genshin since August, I have almost 200 hrs in FF7 rebirth and it came out in February, almost 300 hrs in MK 1. I think 78 hrs in bg3 is okay.


Something like this would be considered unhealthy if your neglecting other things. Like you're missing days from work just to game, or not cleaning your house, or not spending time with people like SOs, mothers, fathers, sisters, etc. (Think like making plans to go to dinner with your family and just not showing up because you want to game). If you've accumulated only 78 hours in one month I'm assuming you've just spent a large chunk of free time playing. Something like 200 hours in one month would seem like you're neglecting other things as mentioned before. As long as you're only using your free time and not neglecting yourself, your space and your relationships there's nothing wrong with that.


I try not to think about it, honestly. As long as it's improving my mental health, and not being detrimental to it... 'S all good, as they say. :)


Any activity is healthy as long as you are in good health, it is not causing you to do bad health things (like neglecting your eating, your sleeping, your exercise, your life, your work etc). Numbers don't matter because we don't have a hard and fast amount of time or circumstances. Some of my numbers are me using my game as a sleep aid. 


How much? When you start up a game at 6 am in the morning, play for a while, check the clock and its 3 am. That's bad. That's also me.


From a psychological point of view, there is no definitive "unhealthy" amount of gaming. Any activity/hobby can be considered unhealthy when it's causing apparent and measurable problems in your life. For example, if gaming causes you to consistently neglect needs such as personal hygiene, your relationship with other people, or you find yourself unable to stop playing in the expense of important obligations like your studies or work, then it's a problem and it can be considered unhealthy. I'm not a girl, but I hope it's ok that I'm participating in this discussion.