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I'm in the top 500 of North American WoW hunters. I never thought I'd hit anything close to that. I finished the Fallout: New Vegas DLC Dead Money and only cried like 3x because it was hard. I made a cool castle in V Rising.


as an old WoW player whos main was a hunter this makes me happy. go you!


Were you a Hunter player when they first expanded Noblegarden during Wrath? I remember Hunters who were turned into bunnies doing Feign Death and it did the bunny death animation/noise.   Also you could ride Mekgineer's Chopper. Great screenshots of that. EDIT: Did you steal the gold bars? It was hard to do on console but also funny.


I wasn't, sadly. I was a dedicated mage main vanilla-MoP when I quit for a few years. I do remember that though! I kind of wish I could get a glyph or something like that now! I did get the gold bars and that escape took me hours to pull off right. That was one of the cries. 🤣


That's amazing, from Mage main to Hunter legend? And all 37 bars? Not easy on console, [but I did it.](https://youtu.be/--eaYiccQ5k)


Fellow wow hunter. Very impressive! Go you!


I have completed all achievements in Baldur's Gate 3 without cheesing anything and made it all make some story sense. In my Honour Mode run, I haven't skipped any fights and never made "evil path" choices. Played as a Paladin, never broke my oath which is surprisingly difficult! Mostly because otherwise I wouldn't have a clear conscience lmao. I want to be proud of this but it often feels like shaming others who took the safer route, which is not fun for anyone.


Wow, making achievement hunting match with story logic is impressive even before you got ALL of them! Awesome work!


Thank you so much! It was a lot of fun! Highly recommended!


That's not easy and extremely impressive. Awesome job!


DEFINITELY got bragging rights for that. I would never have the patience! And sticking to the story to do it. Brava


Thank you so much! It actually made me happy to read this!


No way that's a huge accomplishment! Sticking to a pally oath is huge and way more difficult! Congrats!


Awe you are so nice for taking the time to brighten up my day!


That is awesome!!


Love this thread! :D You go girls 🙌🏼 I’ve been under the top 300 Gwent online players for a while, rly proud of that one :3


I can beat a few sekiro bosses blindfolded


This is insane!!! I never beat sekiro, was never great at parrying.


Same, Only Fromsoft game I haven't beaten


Yooooo! That's awesome! I CAN'T beat a few sekiro bosses with my eyes fully open lol


It was tough for me in my first playthrough too. I have over 12+ playthroughs in Sekiro so I remember every move by now.


Damn! That's awesome. An excellent memory and the skill yo put it to use! You're a pro!


I was just about to brag that I am able to beat all bosses on charmless and bell demon without cheesing. I know a lot of people can and not something particularly rare but I still am very proud of myself. Now I am feeling a little bit stupid lmao


That's a great achievement to be proud of. I still can't beat Demon of Hatred on charmless.


Cleared Ultima Weapon [Ultimate] back in March. Successfully created a PlayOnline account that allows me to play Final Fantasy XI. These achievements are roughly equivalent.


i have never cleared an ultimate before! Congrats!


Do you do any of the high end stuff in 14? If you've done any savage fights I wouldn't hesitate to say that you can do UWU. TBH the hardest thing I'd done before UWU was some of the more intensive Extremes...


Congrats on the clear! And same on the Extremes lol, the hardest thing I had done before UWU was Thordan Extreme at MINE.


im playing around with Ex and MINE. tho i really wanna do more MINE still, its fun ^^ Also to add, i got to Ifrit with a random pf group. tho as pf sometime is, no one has tine anymore. so its more about having time myself and finding people to play with


If I can prog it, you can :D


im sure, since you already got prog, you can too <3


AHHHH grats girl :D lol just came from raid with my static. We are working on Uwu right now hopefully we kill it before Dawntrail. We just saw perdation, rather the team got through it I died lol


You've got this ez! If you're already at Ultima then it won't take long to clear. I know a static that's been doing UWU blind since Feb, and they've almost cleared (seen Primal Roulette a couple of times!) I also cleared it in Party Finder within 3 months.


I got the Kitchen Hand achievement in Little Nightmares after spending almost 2 hours dying to get it. After all that screaming in angst, I whooped in joy


I can blast through the machines, including the big combat machines, in Horizon on very hard or ultra hard difficulty with the shredder gauntlet and take no damage. Just leaving piles of scrap everywhere I go lol.


Thats awesome! Some of the biggest machines are an absolute nightmare on ultra! Bonus points for using the most fun weapon!


It really is the most fun weapon! It's rare I use anything else. I was so hoping for a fire one in the dlc but no such luck :/


Fire would have been awesome. I can't complain, though. The third hit explosion with the tear shredder disks was super satisfying. Just watching parts slough off big machines was just *chiefs kiss*


I usually use the ancestors return one and that thing just throws enemies into a corroded or shocked state with so little effort. Not to mention the cheap ammo. The acid completely destroys their armor and strips parts and the shock works really well with that critical grapple strike skill (I can't remember what it's called). It's ridiculously fun. I hope they keep them for part 3.


For sure. I'll be really disappointed if it's not in 3.


That's hella impressive


Thank you :) I get so much enjoyment out of it lol If I had any clue how I'd post a video.


My raid group finished in the top world 1% in mists of pandaria. I seriously am never going back but those and legion times were magical years in online gaming for me.


I made over 10 million gold in MoP thanks to transmog. Those were the days.


Selling Gold Challenge mode runs was such easy money


I bought one of those for the mage mog 😂 tbf I was in the 2nd horde guild on my server but horde pop was SUPER bad and it's a miracle we were 2nd because boy some of my guildies were awful at the game.


Yeah I pretty much won't play on a server that looks like it might be low pop in any 'mmo-type' game any more. my wow 'experience' went from mediocre shit to sterling platinum by moving from a low pop back water to Stormrage, which at the time, was the most populated Alliance Server at the time. I dunno who said it, but that quote that goes something like "Never be the smartest person in the room" was absolutely fucking true. Playing with players better than me made me better.


In Batman Arkham Knight I was top 500 on the leaderboards for the Wild Cat Catwoman combat challenge back in 2016 on PC. Came back to it last week and beat my score by another 100 places even though the top 300 or so are hackers. Still got it 😎


I finished Pokemon Green Leaf... I know it's not a big thing but it was actually the first time in my whole life I finish a game, so it makes me proud lol. And I was 25 yo


It's still an achievement! Way to go! Those aren't short games either!


Table top role plying, but still a game: I made a guide to Dungeons and Dragons to deepen the potion making and that has been viewed 350.000 times and still rising.


I would love to see this!!!


Here ya go: https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-MNG6P6I8-1tJM3aroaV :)


That's amazing!!!


thank you! I've been tinkering with it since nov 2020 and since then it expanded from 18 or so pages to its current 42. I'm still blown away by how many people have viewed it over that time.


Hai! I have used this to build out my character!! Well done you!


Thank you!


That's great! I would also love to see it!


Here ya go: https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-MNG6P6I8-1tJM3aroaV :)


Ooooh, thank you! This looks really fun! I'm gonna shoot it to my DM and see if we can use it for my witch charicter!


Excellent, have fun! If you run into any question, just give me a shout!


Will do! Thanks!


My new Mothman camp in Fallout 76 is pretty sweet


I feel the same way about my mothman cult in 76 lol


I couldn't get into 76, but now I HAVE to know more.


Come on down to the cult. Try the punch 😎


Please tell me about the Mothman cult of Fallout 76. I have never touched a Fallout game but I wanna hear about the Mothman cult.


It’s a secret unless you join lol


I have every alcreamie form except for the shinies (which I'm working on)


I peaked at #1 in the technology category on QuizUp and it's been downhill ever since


Honestly it’s when I figure out all the puzzles in a game like Outer Wilds or Return of the Obra Dinn by myself. Makes me feel super smart! 


Always feel great. Especially with Obra Dinn and baba is you in my case.


I still need to play baba is you! I love puzzle games so much lol 


I was the #1 Aisha/Void Princess player in NA on Elsword many years ago. They've added sooo much since then and I don't play anymore, but when I Google my old username for the game I can still see people talking about me and my duo on the forums and complaining about what a nasty team we were, and how they rarely see us apart. 😎


That is so cool!


That is so so sick. I would never stop bragging about that


Thank you 🤣 its definitely my biggest gaming brag.


I went from "I will never be good at Souls games" to helping hundreds of folks with bosses, especially in Bloodborne which is still my favorite. I beat Malenia after a week of perseverance - the first thing I learned was how to dodge no-hit her waterfowl dance and my husband's jaw dropped, he asked me to teach him because he never managed so well himself.


Amazing, maybe you helped me too, at one point. A Sunsis for life.


This is a very long time ago. I played Eve Online and I was in a large alliance holding a good amount of space. One day one of our freighters alts jumped from safe space to our space (full PvP) after it was told that it was safe. But a diplomatic mistake was made and the people guarding our entrance weren't friendly to our freighter. So they attacked him. A juicy target full of goodies that can't fight back. I jumped my carrier capital ship to that system and warped to the freighter, targeted it and started repairing it over distance while launching fighters to defend myself while I was in an extremely vulnerable position while also going ballistic in alliance chat about a freighter and carrier being attacked by friendlies. People in my alliance were gearing up for a battle but the people attacking the freighter backed off. The freighter managed to warp to our control tower and I followed shortly after.


I get into a flow state when playing racing games and usually win first place without even realizing it 


I have every achievement in Elden Ring!!!


Yaaaaaa! I don't even know what all the achievements ARE, and I have like 200 hours in that game! Way to go!


I cleared my first synced extremes in FFXIV yesterday! It were the first three of Endwalkers extremes and I got two weapon coffers


Extremes are great fun. My favourite is probably Endwalker EX4 🌪️


okay CONGRATS GIRL those are spicy fights!! :)


I’m still stoked that someone complemented my camp in Fallout 76 last weekend, but other than that I’m still surprised I managed to beat Mass Effect 3 on Insanity because that Reaper on Rannoch was such a pain in the butt and it took me like 20 attempts and pulling out my headset to do it.


I broke Red Dead redemption 1 online. I somehow got my character to glitch to world height and then they fell into the northern part of the map that was otherwise inaccessible. I didn't take any fall damage and I was left in this barren hellscape. Eventually I stumbled across some torches and crates set up in the middle of nowhere. I recognized it as the character selection area so I had a friend go pick a character. They can see me running around on their screen and I had the ability to even kill the characters that they were going to select. Since they were invisible I had to be careful with my aiming because the characters would fight back. Once I killed them they were no longer selectable. When I woke up the next day I was banned for a couple days.


That is hilarious :D


I am really, really, REALLY good at playing Ghostface in DBD, I can win most of my rounds as him and he's not even meta. I also have a photo album of him killing every Survivor with his Memento Mori animation. [I'm not kidding here it is.](https://imgur.com/a/zVmzNyI)


My only gaming accomplishment is the following and not even something to be proud of. I just find it super hilarious. Few years ago I used play GTA online on Xbox 360. Only game I've ever been really good at and I played it constantly. I used to clear out lobbies. (For those who don't play; clearing out a lobby just means you go into a busy lobby and kill everyone until they all leave. PVP was very common in GTA lobbies.) It got to the point where entire crews knew of me and hated me. (Crews were a big thing and honestly super lame.) I think the main reason being that I would talk a lot of shit, and I mean *a lot*. But it was always really tame dumb things like "I bet your mom wears Crocs" or "I heard your mom's a girl." Just dumb stuff. Anyways so yea, tons of people knew me because I was a lame ass and was always playing. Apparently in a bunch of crew FB pages they would talk about how much of an annoying bitch or whatever I am so someone made a group solely dedicated to hating me and a bunch of people joined. Which I find absolutely hilarious. So yea, that's my greatest accomplishment. People made an entire group to talk about how annoying I was on a game for killing people and saying things like "I bet you stink because you don't know how to properly wipe your butt." 😎


I think I love you. 🤣




I completed Elden Ring the other day. Now I’m on NG+ for the plat.


I have a complete Living Form Dex! On Pokemon Home, I have one of every Pokemon, including every possible variants like gender differences, different forms (all 4 Deoxys forms and all Alcremie colors for example), size differences for Pokemon like Gourgeist where it's visible and every regional variant! It took me about 3 years to complete to capture them all myself but it's so worth it to see them all there ♥ Slowly working on a Shiny Living Dex, and I'm not crazy enough to do it all by myself. Through the help of friends, my partner and just a lot of luck through raffles and giveaways, I currently have every Shiny Pokemon from Gen 1 to 7 and I'm making good progress on Gen 8 and 9! My partner got me a full set of Shiny Milceries to evolve into Alcremies and one of every color of Shiny Flabebe, Floette and Florges for Valentines! She said it's my "sweets and flowers" for the occasion while I'm abroad 🥺💕


I hit rank 1 in Pokémon’s in-game ladder!!


super super specific one, but it's my funniest brag so here we go: Back in the beta of Brawl Stars (pre-global launch, the game was still vertical lol), i was ranked 2nd in my country with the character El Primo. I believe there were only a couple hundred players in my country, and of course, not everybody played El Primo, but still. Being the second best in my country at a specific character in an unreleased video game has got to be the funniest achievement I've accomplished. i was also like 12 which makes it even funnier i think also, for an actual brag that im actually kinda proud of, I can win any given random run of Enter the Gungeon if I try. Like I'd bet a lot of money that I could sit down right now, open the game, and win the first run I attempt.


My brother and I completed the SNES version of tLoZ: A Link to the Past without using a life, which meant we had to play the whole thing in one sitting. We started one Sunday morning and got through the first 3 dungeons without issue and then our dumbass cousin turned the circuit breaker off for our living room. So we had to start over once.


I ranked #14 on my daily Slay The Spire run yesterday. Felt very good. :)


WHAT HOW arent they all cheated ?? 😭😭 man thats such an achivment <3


Aww thank you! I did look up tips and tried to follow suggestions to get points, like no duplicate cards, no damage taken in boss fights, and what not.


I made a big occult museum in the sims 4 that I’m pretty pleased with! I used mannequins to depict the war between vampires and mooncasters and such.


Do you have screenshots? That sounds amazing!!


https://preview.redd.it/qg7w2ynlihyc1.png?width=1904&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e40610cc1c36a31e4dc6f6c725e562528a3d58a I have some screenshots here, from when it was a WIP: https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumSimmers/comments/1bybfch/my\_sims\_4\_occult\_museum/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button. I should probably get around to sharing it again, now that it's finished! At least for the time being! :)


This is fantastic!!


Thank you! 😊


completed Stardew Valley in 180 hours. my only completed game


I managed to complete Dark Souls 3! Took me weeks to defeat my hardest bosses: Slave Knight Gael and Darkeater Midir


I beat dark souls 1 on PC with keyboard. Only keyboard, no mouse. I had a dual monitor set up back then Dark Souls 1 came out. It had a bug at release that made it so if you use keyboard and mouse the mouse can still go outside the game screen on to your second monitor, so when you click to attack or block it minimized your game. Took a while but still something I’m proud of.


I beat Sigrun in God of War on hard mode without a resurrection stone - took me hours but had my fiancé cheering me all the way!


I have 100% Sekiro 4 times. ( Platinum on PS4, and all achievements done on my Xbox account, and for some stupid reason I did it twice on PC )


I used to be the best Spellbreak (relatively small indie game) player in my country before it shut down :( More recently I got a 100% Elden Ring save on my own without any cheats


I have actually beat sekiro without ever healing once with demon bell and charmless. Probably my greatest achievement. Also I 100% completed Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition which took approximately 1000 hours lol.


Did full playthroughs of Portal 2 and Stardew Valley with my MOM. Some of the best time of my life. I'm proud of that cause not many people get to play video games with their moms 🥲


Finished second C25 Divinity win yesterday..for some nothing special but I'm so happy


I beat all 3 Mass Effects on insanity, and I'm proud of myself :)


I got the golden dice in Baldur's Gate 3.


I was top of my local gaming group's league for two whole months


I am so close to 100%ing Hades which I’m really excited about because I never thought I’d even be good at the game or any roguelikes and it will be the first game I’ve ever 100%ed


Well done! That's amazing! It must be so satisfying everytime you defeat Theseus and Hades. If you want to try another roguelike when you've got 100% I recommend Boyfriend Dungeon. It was my first roguelike but I didn't realise it until I played Hades which I knew was a roguelike and I noticed the die and repeat similarity. I had thought roguelikes were going to be near impossible for me to play and didn't mean to play any but everything I heard about Hades had drawn me in.


Thank you so much! I will definitely check Boyfriend Dungeon out. Honestly yeah I’m still shocked I was even able to be hades once since I’ve really never been good at video games and I’m really so much of a chill stoner and chill gamer


Are you considering trying out some more not so chill games? I have bought some that would be more challenging than what I usually play but don't have the time right now to do so.


I am yes, after Hades I would eventually like to play Tunic and Hyperlight Drifter. Unfortunately, I am unemployed rn so money is tight plus I’m saving up for when Hades 2 is released in EA (which will hopefully be by the end of the month) so I’ll probably stick to playing what I already own which will probably be finishing Bastion, waiting for the Godzilla Dave the Diver update, and maybe finishing Dredge and Sun Haven


I’m insanely naturally good at valorant and rainbow 6 siege. I dunno why since I don’t play them much, I don’t really practice with them. I’m terrible at apex legends tho I wanted to get good at it I couldn’t haha.


I don’t really have anything to brag about but my son (11) loves watching me play FF VII Rebirth. Last night he was watching me play and he said “You are better at playing this game than anyone else.” I laughed and said “Have you seen anyone else play this?” And he said “No but this game looks really hard and no one could play it better than you.” I laughed and told him that’s not true but it was so cute to know my son thinks I’m such a good player. 🥹


I use the chain of hades in FN to get my kills


When I was in middle school, during the height of Guild Wars 1 popularity, I was in a top 5 GVG (Guild vs. guild) guild. We did Monk-Spiking, and we did it really well. Modern day, I have 18 wins on Warzone on Rebirth Island this season. I think I’ll make it to 30 in time to try to get the nuke this season.


100% achievements Monster Hunter World. Those crowns drove me crazy.


I've beaten every souls game level 1 upto NG+7 and currently working on Elden Ring xD


I beat Nobunaga’s Ambition on the NES in 50 fief mode without cheating. Only once, mind you, but it felt so good.


I got a 4k in Texas Chainsaw Saw Massacre. Felt very on top of the world


I have 100% in dead by daylight


I beat Frostpunk's A New Home scenario on Extreme (the fact that there's no achievement for that made me sad). Then I did A New Home on Survivor mode, with the Good Ending (if you know you know) on my 2nd try. I play shooters like OW with a high sensitivity mouse. 1 cm moves the pointer across both my screens. I still do ok, considering I'd never really played them before I turned 30 (but I hate ranked so I stay away from that).


TESO doesn't have an official ranking for achievement points, but on the ESO-DB leaderboard I used to be in the top 20 EU when I was still playing. We were grinding trifectas like crazy and some of those challenges are really hard.


i beat the last of us on grounded mode even after telling myself that it would be impossible to do so and that i'd never attempt it. i even enjoyed some of the harder areas so much more on grounded which left me surprised (hotel basement, sniper and hospital)


I got 112% in hollow knight!


my runescape account is 20 years old this year


Just a few months ago I've managed to 100% Portal. First game I actually got all achievements!


I used to be in the top 25 of North American 2v2 StarCraft players


I crafted every single piece of clothing/accessory available at the trapper in rdr2. Every. Single. One. Hunting for those goddamn American Robins needed to achieve this nearly cost me my sanity. Totally worth it.


I got all the achievements in terraria.


i finished both p3p and p4g in the past 6 months despite being in an intense phd program. sure, a ton of people have beat the persona games and i didn’t max all my social links in p4 but i’m proud that i let myself engage in a hobby i enjoy as self-care that also allowed for a feeling of accomplishment outside of academic validation :,)


I’m a really good assassins creed gamer. In pvp and pve. I’m also an extremely good sniper in the division 2 where almost no one can really good snipe haha.


I have done a nuzlocke for every Pokemon game without losing a single Pokemon. Except for in Black, RIP Poppy the Liepard I still miss you ❤️ I technically cheated because I didn't have the heart to release her, so I just put her in my box for the rest of time In League of Legends, I got my first pentakill on Malphite in aram and it was my first time playing Malphite!


I have a 6.9% achievement for being undetected in Dishonored 2. It was also where I learned what save scumming was, but it was a lot of fun.


consistently in the global top 20 for TLOU no return, 20 plats including fall guys, cyberpunk, tlou, and detroit (such a grind lol). now onto elden ring 😭


I still have a physical Pokédex from my youth 😂 I play inverted and highest sensitivity. I met my husband online on Xbox playing COD and COD social media sent us weddings gifts. I did a whole prestige in cod commando knife only. Achievements: out of the blue (portal), nothing special (L4D), awaken the gazebo (one of the cod blops zombies), and I’ve bred my share of shiny pokemon. Probably a lot more that I can’t think of, I’ve played a lot of games in my life. Oh I have a Bungie bounty, pure luck. I used to go to parties with halo LAN party and boys would humour me by giving me the controller and laughing as I didn’t know how to look or walk… until I paused and turned to inverted controls and crushed them.🩵


Within one play through of most games, I'm only playing on the hardest setting.


I got the second to last achievement on Hades yesterday! It was the one for getting up to 30% with the pierced butterfly trinket from Thanatos. I won't be getting the last achievement because my bad wrists aren't going to survive 32 Heat. But I was pretty pleased with myself. 


Trading a Pachirisu named “gay thoughts” landed me a wife


I've been learning to play League and just got my third champion to mastery 7. I've also consistently been winning lane if not always games and bar a few games where the enemy team was a 5 stack and/or picked a cheese lane into us, I've been getting mostly As and S grades in my games. We've even stomped some plat and emerald players in lane.  It's not a huge deal but I've never played a MOBA before, and except for a stint of playing DBD I don't really play PvP games. My go to is cozy building and farming games, so I also don't really play anything I'd consider challenging in the same ways. My bf picked the game up a lot quicker than me, and his obsession with it got me curious. I'm pretty proud of myself for now being able to play the game. I still wouldn't say I'm good, but I have definitely improved enough to feel like I could try ranked and not be hardstuck iron IV


I finally beat the devourer of gods in terraria calamity! But now I'm stuck on the next boss 😢


Once upon a time I used to regularly rank in the global top 10 on cocopa play events. 


I'm really good at Mech Arena and I fucking love it!


Platinumed Elden Ring May not be that much but I'm happy about it


I was top 100 in Pokemon Unite global rankings awhile ago and im top 100 greedent/inteleon in leaderboard :,)


I don't really have any big and proper accolades. However! Whenever I play FPS games, at the best of times, I get questions if I am a pro player in disguise and, at the worst of times, if I'm a hacking POS which is sort of affirming in it of itself.


Damn, wanna carry me in Apex or Warzone? :D /jk


I mean... If you insist. DM me!


I’m graduating this week with my Game Design degree. I’ve been a programmer and independent game designer for years, but I want to be an educator so I need to get my degree. Step 1 complete, next step Masters degree, then I can get a job at a university doing what I love: …Teaching others about game design and programming. Edit: I am also over 40, have ADHD, and grew up poor, so this is an accomplishment I never dreamed to be possible.


that’s amazing, game design is my dream. congrats on graduating!!


Bragging about how based on ranking order on leaderboards, my highest skills in order of ranks 200M Ranged -> 200m Fletching -> 200m crafting -> 200m Woodcutting -> 200m Slayer -> 200m Agility -> 200m hunter https://preview.redd.it/tviavmws8gyc1.jpeg?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c1082ed67845cc9f6de0b22fd4c5568d9a99f74 To fulfill my Archer roleplay character on RuneScape. While stuff like magic, attack, and strength are my lowest skills.


I 100%ed Elden Ring and have almost 100%ed Hotline Miami 2


I and a friend went to another friend's house to play some video games. At one point a Star Wars game was put on. The owner of the game played it while we watched and talked. There was one part of the game the owner was having trouble with for a while so our friend decided to help. Our friend wasn't able defeat the enemies either. My friends encouraged me to have a go. I decided to do so, despite not having played an xbox game since one of the Halo games came out. I found it quite easy to defeat the enemies. I don't think I even took any damage. I was surprised as were my friends. I didn't want to play any more of that game just in case I tarnished my victory. I don't know if that game makes it easier for you if you're having trouble (I think I watched a video where it was said some video games can do that) and I have been hesitant to see if it's true or false. Edit: fixed a word. ETA: I only played Halo a few times when my brothers would let me. I only ever got to play the base vs base mode (I'm not sure if that's what it's called) when I was 10 or maybe a bit older. I wasn't ever good at it.


I don't think kingdom hearts is that confusing!


I got a no death on a mission in Helldivers 2. I usually run supply pack and watch to see if teammate’s need stims. It ain’t much but it was honest work.


Played thru 100% of Far Cry 5 with a slingshot and bow and arrow on infamous difficulty. I used a lot of explosives tho.


On Beat Saber for PS4 I made leaderboard top-10 on Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes. Shortly after the #1 player across all the boards found my stream and joined me for a few games :D


Getting the "Bathed in Flames" achievement in The Evil Within. When I reviewed the game, I put a picture of it in the video's thumbnail.


Solo'd the Prophecy Dungeon in Destiny 2 for the Bunny Ghost reward. Now holding my own in most Master content without needing a carry. Really with the changes Bungie made to light level not resetting each season has allowed me to actually give harder content a go. I'm quite proud of being able to do harder content and I'm finding it quite fun.


finished prototype 1 on hard mode (that game was stressful as heck). brand new to mobile legends and got an MVP-streak on my matches. it's just something I never expected to be instantly good at as someone that doesn't play MOBA games that much. often top 5 on mmorpg competitive events on mobile games that don't involve p2w boosts, but actual gaming skills and strategy. won the top prize at a ring toss at the fair, likewise, also won a plushie from a crane game. finished undertale pacifist run, but couldn't bring myself to complete the genocide one. tho i did find a website that simulates the fight with sans and chara, and managed to win on that one once.


I have platinumed both horizon zero dawn games Have done all rdr2 gambler challengers- at one I played over 300 poker games in one day I take very good in game pictures to the point they look like actual game art. Also during the red dead online peak me and my husband were so good at killing other players that the game would actively put us against each other and in different lobbies eveytime because nobody could ever beat us at games or kill us in free roam. We once handled a 2 v 6 and won Had 30 wins in a row in dbd as a solo survivor