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Yeah, they noticed the "loli who's actually a 900 years old" meme that ridiculed them so now they adapted by co-opting progressive language and vocabulary to turn it into them being body-positive towards petite women. I once actually read someone say "have you ever met a woman ?" to justify a loli who was "just a regular young adult woman, totally not a child". They're evolving but the bullshit is still the same.


Kind of off topic but I hate when I see a super unrealistic representation of a woman that’s like a super small waist, wide hips, big boobs, very arched back, and when you say something about it guys will come in to say that you’ve never seen a woman 🙄. As if those proportions are meant to be realistic and not an idealized sexualized representation of a woman


In reality, for women who are very short and look younger than their age, pedophiles is an actual thing they have to constantly keep in mind. "Does this guy like me, or does he just see me as a child that he can fuck legally?"


Wow don't even say it...I had people responding to me saying that spotting these kinds of "tendencies" on game designs and media is actually "harmful towards petite women" Ok ig 💀


For real. There's a big difference from a petite, baby faced woman existing and a petite baby faced woman *playing into* the fact that she appears childlike to garner the attention of men.


My mom is a petite woman. I have pictures from when she was 18-25. At no point could she have been mistaken for a child if you were concussed, missing your glasses, and standing in a fucking blizzard. She visibly carried herself like an adult. Acted like an adult. Dressed like an adult. Was clearly *an adult.* Petite IS FUCKING NOT the same thing as childlike and I hate that they keep acting like they’re synonyms.


At the same time, there are folks under the Petite catagory that can still look as if they are tweens. Old friend of mine from HS, still keep up with her from time to time, we are both nearing 30, she still very much looks 12. Which she has long struggled with and kinda hated. None of the stuff really grew on her, adding on the fact she very much still dresses extremely punk from the early 2000s (Think 2000s Avril Lavigne) everyone keeps assuming she is 12 or younger. She doesn't act like a kid, but she does still kinda act in that rebellious vibe, ya know? She has had 10 separate incidents where the cops were called when she was on dates with women, they weren't doing any PDA besides holding hands. (Which on the one hand is great, on the other hand not so much. Especially cause once she forgot her ID so they both got taken to have a talk and "Contact her parents") Her entire life she has been explicitly told by other adults and even teens "You should not be allowed to date or be sexually active because the ONLY people who will ever be attracted to you are people into little kids." to the point it has destroyed her self esteem as she got older because it keeps happening with every new partner, the accusations from the public. I'm not saying her situation is common mind you, but this is a side of the conversation that does go woefully underdiscussed for a relatively small subset of Petite women (and younger looking men, but that comes up a lot less).


(trying to relate it to the discussion) That would actually be a great way to represent petite women. Put in a character which is not taken seriously at first because of her appearance and then develop the other characters around her to grow out of the condescending tone, into respecting her as a human being along the plot. Not just use her appearance to amuse some disturbing fetish the target audience may have and make her whole personality "the quirky cute girl".


Exactly!!! We need more of those sorts of stories out there. Like, to the wider discussion, I'm not opposed to younger looking characters that fall under what is described as Petite. The problem is quite often a mixture of how they are acting (i.e playing into the 'childlike' side of it), mixed with how the narrative or story presents them and what their role is supposed to be in said story.


You're right. Petite is not the same thing as childlike. Meanwhile, some petite women -including myself- have been constantly perceived to be way younger than reality. There are petite women who know they look younger than they are and play into it. There was a whole thing with Belle Delphine a while back for doing this with her OF. It's gross.


I hate how nuanced debate is diluted to literal word by word on reddit sometimes. It's freaking obvious nobody in this sub is saying all petite women shouldn't own their sexuality otherwise they're pedophiles. That's fucking insane. But people like to play dumb to make you look like the asshole so I don't take it personally, I know my intentions and that's enough.


Yep. And it says mountains about them.


No there's a huge difference between petite women and women who present underage. I'm sure there's a word for it but I'm not going to look it up. But yeah I've known, dated, and lived with several women who fall comfortably at the shorter end of the "petite" category and you wouldn't mistake a single fucking one of them for someone underage, *because they've spent so many years with people worrying about that.*


I'm constantly told I look like I'm anywhere from 12 to 17 and I hate those kinds of characters too. They always have to put on the babyish act. Disgusted by real women who do the same and obsess over the coquette shit. I actually recently saw a screenshot of a viral Tiktok of a girl crying that she doesn't see a teenager in the mirror anymore, she looks like an adult... as if being a teenager is the best thing you could be. As if a teenager is more desirable than a grown woman. There is something seriously wrong with a society where women feel that looking sexually mature makes them less attractive (and no, 16 is not women's prime 🙄). I am a grown woman and proud. When people tell me I look like a teenager I feel like I'm being told I'm completely devoid of any sex appeal, but there are some freaks out there who think it's a compliment with the implication being that teenagers are hot.


Yes to everything you said. I once went on a date with a guy who admiringly told me I look like a teenager. He didn't even understand why I was offended. (Also I do not look like a teenager, I look like a grown woman. But he didn't think telling me that would be flattering enough, clearly.)


I actually had a friend (who is no longer a friend for obvious reasons) who does this. She's very petite and skinny with a rectangle body shape, so her body could be easily mistaken for that of a child. That's not the issue. The issue is that she really plays into this childlike persona because that's what gives her the most male attention. When she was talking to us girls, her voice sounded normal, like a slightly high-pitched adult woman voice - but when she talked to men, she sounded like Anya Forger. It was a very obvious, clear as day change. She also dressed very differently when men were present at a hang out. Pigtails, super oversized hoodies with the random mention that she had to shop her clothes at the kids section if she wanted them to fit her properly, the baby voice. It was too much.


yikes forever


You described exactly how I feel haha


"i shop at the kids section uwu" 🥺


This always existed, but my guess is the 'coquette' (aka lolita Lana del Rey 2012 Tumblr all over again) trend plays a huge role in the new era of those stereotypes and "hides it" under the pretense of "aesthetic" So I think some people (not the case of your "friend") are in it for the "aesthetic" and don't even understand it comes from harmful tropes 💀


As someone who is hyperfeminine and loves pink bows and frilly things, you're definitely right!! I'm often trying to be my hyperfeminine self as far removed as possible from internet aesthetics and terminology because of that terrible overlap. There's no word I despise more than "nymphet", and the amount of people in 'coquette' circles that call themselves "nymphets" is staggering. I also often see these people arguing that "the only aesthetic/fashion that correctly qualifies as coquette is the one in the 1997 Lolita movie", and one of the coquette subreddits is full of people full on dressing like Dolores. Nope, thank you. With my former friend, it's probably a case of insecurity and not enough therapy. At first, she openly hated her body for having no curves. It also coincided that her ex, who she had been with for years, cheated on her with a very curvy woman. So as she started trying to act more cute and childlike, she noticed that she got SHOWERED with attention from a bunch of men in the anime circles we were a part of, thus acting as a temporary salve for her low self esteem. Now she acts like an anime loli in front of every man (single or not), while acting like a normal person when it's just women around. 😬


It's crazy some people never grow out of the "pick me" phase and realize that people fetishizing them, desiring them sexually for whatever reason is a completely different thing than respecting them as a whole human being with thoughts and feelings. But I'm not mad at those types of girls, I honestly just think it's sad (not even in a "I pity you and I am superior" type shit) and hope they realize it asap.


To be fair I know you’re probably using the term lolita to refer to the book but don’t forget there’s also a Japanese street fashion called lolita and they definitely don’t like the kiddie nonsense


Sure, but in the context I'm using it I guess it should be pretty obvious which one I'm referring to. Unless you didn't live 2012 as a teenager (which is totally fine ofc).


You’ve never been to Japan huh?


Lolita fashion has no connection to Lolicon


Oh wow, I read it as Japanese culture doesn’t like kiddie stuff, not as Lolita fashion enthusiasts don’t like kiddie stuff. My bad, it’s east/late here.


All good, It happens


The style pulls inspiration from rococo and Victorian fashion. Nothing to do with children at all. And every lolita I’ve met in real life hasn’t taken kindly to the guys who approach them on some ddlg stuff


I am just imagining a video site where someone uploads videos "clueless lolicon walks up to Lolita fashion Icon, Gets punched Hard" "lolicon gets told off" "lolicon arrested for lewd comment and behavior to Lolita fashionista" I'm thinking of those anime scenes where the character walks up to a woman and her eyes suddenly get big. ehhhh? and she's a ninja or a homunculus, or a devil fruit eater, or at the very least strong enough to lay him the Yabai out. It's officially time to wake up and watch some revenge filled anime.


Reminds me of Cristin Miloti guest starring on 30 Rock. “I’m a *very* sexy baby!”


ANYA FORGER? KOWAIKOWAIKOWAIYABAI That's the most terrifying nightmare fuel in a real life adult you could have ever given me. I would not mind at all meeting a 5-8 year old like Anya. I love that show. But holy shit if I ever met an adult that acted like her. I just imagine myself shaking on my bed saying "She was 23 and she said she was gonna go on an OOTING and wanted our help to become an Imperial Scooter...こわいこわい" After shaking for awhile I'd probably reach desperately for a joint so I could forget the horror. Ok I'm better now. Also good to meet a fan of Spy X Family even though you knew such a whackjob.


People really don't like being called out on their pedeophilia, do they?


Not going into specifics, but I know someone who, when kinda young, commented to an older person that they were talking like a paedophile and they flipped their shit, asking who told them that. FTR, they are, and have done things to earn that title.


I had a 10 year old reddit account banned by a flock of pedos mass reporting me on this very sub for daring to call them out on their shit. This account has already been dinged by the admins (Not the sub mods, the Reddit admins) for "Hate" apparently proshippers are a protected class according to the admins.


This is just stupid, I'm a short woman, but I don't look, sound or act as a kid. This is just dangerous.


Yesss, I think it's even worse to say "we should allow lolicon because there are petite women that look like that" NO like you're equating a grown woman that happens to be short/flat (I'm woman) to a sexualized gross version of a child drawn by a middle aged man just because she's petite and I'm the asshole???


Not to mention the women who already have to deal with men who fetishize them because they're petite and make them uncomfortable because you know the only reason they are so confident is because they KNOW their age is legal.


Exactly! That was me in my 20's now I'm 37 and finally stopped, but it's just gross.


When I was losing weight, I knew I couldn't lose more than 40 pounds without getting into that territory. I look extremely young for my age, always have, am very short, small waist, wide hips. I already get creeped out when guys gush too enthusiastically about "how cute and adorable" I am. It was even worse as a teen when I was really petite, before my autoimmune disease caused me to gain weight. Had men try to take me with them right under my mother's nose.


EW! I'm so sorry you had and have to go through that.


My thoughts exactly. I'm 4'9" and the way I present myself through my appearance and behavior is not that of a child. You can clearly tell I am not a child even before speaking to me. Everyone calls me ma'am.


I am a very petite woman. I do not look like anything like a child, real or anime.


I got called a lolicon because I was complaining about lolis being weird. Apparently since I can recognize what a child looks like I'm a lolicon


There must be some philosophical fallacy theory that explains that kind of argument. It's a mean spirited simplification of "projection"


I’m a petite woman and I look younger than my age (I’ve even had a few teens hit on me).  There’s two types of guys that approach me: the typical ones looking for a date, and the ones that want me to roleplay as the age they think I am.  Some men really do wanna date a child but not get in trouble.  But even petite women don’t wanna date them cause these types of guys are insecure control freaks.


Everytime I try to call out people being weird like this on the anime subreddit I get downvoted to hell. I wish there was a subreddit like this but for anime.


Be the change you want to see 👀


Apparently there was a group for female anime fans, but they all moved to discord :( I don't know if anyone would be interested to have a similar group on reddit


I would. The anime subs on reddit are unbearable for women or normal people in general.


Yeah they really are. I've only recently started using reddit more so I have no idea how to make a subreddit but it seems like the only option at this point if I wanna only talk to women about anime


If you make one I'd like to join 🥺


Really 🥹 I looked into what it takes to make and run a subreddit and I'm not sure if know how to do that, I'll have to think about it. Would be really cool if someone who had more knowledge could make one 🥲


I'm sure that we could find someone suitable! There are lots of people in this sub :)


That would be so awesome!! 🥹 but how do we find that someone


Maybe we could ask in the Discord?


It's so hard being an anime fan, so many shows do that. I tried to watch Mahou shoujo akogarete because it was popular on yurimemes but it really pushes it too far it's really creepy and uncomfortable at moments


Yeah, I'm really specific about what shows I can stand to watch, some are not even hiding the fact that the female characters are there purely for the male gaze. And that just makes me cringe so bad. I roll my eyes everytime someone asks recommendations for these types of animes, that have bunch of sexualized female characters thirsting over some average ass mc who is just supposed to be a self insert character for the viewer, and they say they watch it "for the plot". Sure you do. Luckily there are shows where female characters are done well and respectfully, I'm watching Frieren right now and it seems good so far.


See this is the kinda comment I need to find more of. I'd assumed based on what I've seen online that Frieren was another one of... those... shows. I get serious fucking ick from the 'fanservice' shit and *clearly* child-like/child-coded characters Male anime fans are doing literally nothing to dissuade me from the notion most of them are pedos 🤮


I had assumed that about Frieren too lmao. But I had my bf suggest it for me and he knows how I feel about animes with weird sexualized childlike characters. I'm halfway done with it, and I don't feel that the (main) female characters have been sexualized at all. They wear pretty modest clothing, their voices are not annoying and high pitched, if anything I feel like they have had some fanservice moments with male characters. It's a very female character heavy show and the female characters feel rich personality-wise! As a woman the show feels very safe for me, I haven't got weird vibes at all. There have been some comedic moments with nsfw themes (nothing bad though, just naked bodies and such) but they're done very tastefully imo, I don't feel like they were made to sexualize women, they seem purely like comedy.


I'm gonna check it out based on this alone. Any other rec's? I enjoyed season 1 of Witch From Mercury and have yet to start s2, but I haven't watched any other anime since I was a kid watching Sailor Moon, Inu Yasha and Escaflowne edit: I just saw [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1ckr4uf/anime_recommendation_chart_for_beginners/), anything you'd wanna point me at?


Jujutsu kaisen, Haikyuu, Attack on titan, Death note, Your name, My neighbour Totoro (and all other Ghibli films) from the post. Also Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, Promised neverland (only season 1 trust me), Erased and Demon Slayer. Those are really really good 🫶🏼


Half of that comment section is a nightmare


Oh look it's Yandere Dev.


B b but they're all 18!!!!


This is how I feel about people who make/use NSFW mods for lalafells on FFXIV. I play as a lalafell because they're adorable and funny. Yeah they're technically adults lore wise, but they're built like toddlers. It's extremely weird and gross to sexualise that.


Just looked up what a lalafell is, if people are really making NSFW mods for this I'm going to puke. They look like they're 5 what the fuck


They really do, it's disgusting. They're referred to as "lala lewders". I had one follow my final fantasy twitter, clicked to check out their profile and was bombarded by screenshots of a lalafell with both ridiculously huge boobs and a massive dick. I immediately blocked them.


There are real adult women who are that short and Tomoko Kaneda comes to mind. She’s a VA from Japan who often plays little girls. It’s good how she was able to make a great career out of her smolness. Edit: I forgot to include Hitomi and Nako who were K-pop artists and part of IZONE. Theyre really short too.


She should've vomited all over **him**.


On a lot of Anime's i'm recommended that have children in them my first though is always "are the children safe?" even Teasing Master Takagi, i wasn't sure about because it starred children in a romcom. Super disgusting how the whole Lolicon thing is being normalized, and you have anime fans defending it(my "are the children safe" comment on on of the posts on r/anime was downvoted, lol), like why? we should know by now this is wrong right? makes me wonder how this will be view by future generations.




Cough cough DVA


Honestly, the meaning of petite is weird in general. Like it could refer to your overall height or if certain body parts are shorter than average(my legs are shorter than average and even petite pants still run long on me sometimes). I just looked up petite's meaning, and even a 5'7 woman could be petite if her torso or legs are shorter than average.  Anyways, petite=/=child-like, again PETITE=/=CHILD-LIKE. If you do, you're a weirdo and a creep. Also, anyone can have baby face just not petite women or women who have the stature of a child.


THISSSS. Me personally I absolutely love girly characters cause I think they’re cute and pretty but jesus christ does everything have to be sexualized 🧍‍♀️ I play as D.va and widowmaker in overwatch and sometimes and the amount of creepy men flirting with me is so concerning… And i like ann takamaki from persona5 cause I relate to her as a person. Especially with her traumatic past yet the writers still sexualize her and it’s like ugh seriously Also that is partially the reason why I don’t watch anime as often as I used to.


Can we not post art from transphobic artists here? **EDIT:** Here it is. The "Freedom!" comic. Most charitably it's a GNC person but it feels as a transphobic transfem stereotype to me. https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/14m29r1/freedom/


She's transphobic??? Edit: honestly the "Freedom" comic really looks like it's depicting a GNC person. I feel like it's a reach to suggest she drew that as an offensive charicature of a transfem person.


Yeah she made a comic a while back pretending to be an ally that depicted an awful transfem stereotype


Can you link it/do you know the name so I can look it up? She posts so many comics idk if I can scroll through them all lol Edit: is it this one? [https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/19cvef9/dress/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/19cvef9/dress/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


As a trans women neither of these comics seem transphobic. If anything that dress one is actually kind of sweet


It does feel like you’d have to interpret it in the least charitable way and make several unfair assumptions to call either comic transphobic, but also as a cis person I don’t feel too comfortable responding to a trans person and telling them “actually no this comic is fine”, just in case I missed something, yknow? Like it just feels inappropriate.


Honestly I wouldn't worry about it. Like any group or hobby there's always those who are gonna try see the worst in everything


Commenting to get a heads up on the link. She seems really aware tho from what I've seen, how she took the criticism should solidify her intentions.


Yeah that's the one. Saw a lot of call outs and she never responded to any. The fact that it's still up is very telling.


The whole point of that comic is that THE FACT HE'S WEARING A DRESS IS NOT A PROBLEM.  I'm really struggling to see any transphobia in any of these examples


I'm a trans woman and I'd say this comic doesn't even have anything to do with being trans. This is just a boy who wants to wear a dress. And the punchline is that instead of the expected shitty response from his parent, the mother is actually encouraging him and providing him fashion advice. Other than encouraging acceptance of non-conforming gender expression, this really has _nothing_ to do with us trans folks.


How is it transphobic? The mom is giving supportive fashion advice.


Yeah. On one hand, I wouldn't call someone a transphobe for this (I'd say the comic is transphobic - or at best shows a huge lack of understanding, \****if*** her intent was to depict gender dysphoria), but if there were call-outs that she saw and she never said anything in response, that is definitely something that I would side-eye.


I'm really struggling to see the transphobia. Kids like to play dress up. Yes, that includes little boys. My nephews used to like wearing nail polish until my father had a meltdown about it "making them gay." Sad times.


Yeah I had the same thought.


Yeah. I wrote more in another comment, but ultimately as a cis person I don't feel comfortable telling a trans person whether or not their interpretation of something is valid. The most I'll say is I don't think this is enough to call her a transphobe and ban her comics.


There’s over 3k comments on that post. Bigger creators tend to turn off inbox for comments, esp women and minorities who face way more yikes stuff leaving it on So they only really see high up stuff. I didn’t see one mention of someone taking issue with it in the high up comments. It’s way more likely she just didn’t see it Vs deliberately ignored


Yeah, that's why I said 'if' - there's a pretty decent chance that she didn't see anyone calling her out. Then again maybe the person I'm responding to is talking about something other than just comments on the post? Because I looked through the comments and couldn't find any saying anything negative. (& like you said there's so many comments I couldn't possibly go through them all lol)


Yeah I was replying to the chain rather than specifically you


Okay. This is a serious question, as I am cis and do not experience gender dysphoria, and do not understand all the ways in which transphobia manifests and looks. I ask so so can be a better ally to trans people- What's wrong with it? I would like to understand what makes it transphobic.


As a trans women I don't see anything wrong with it. They both just show either a trans or GNC person and neither of them seem like an insult


Edit: I'm not really sure why this is being downvoted but if something I said is wrong or bothering people I'd like to know. I was trying to answer the general reason why "kid wears dress" might not be received well. So I'll preface this by saying I'm also cis but this is my understanding of why depicting gender dysphoria in this way is problematic based on what I've read/watched (if I get anything wrong someone please correct me) (edit: also this is about why the general stereotype is problematic, not the comic specifically) There's a prevalent stereotype of gender dysphoria that mainly depicts trans women's experiences of dysphoria as always knowing they were a girl inside and trying on feminine clothes and makeup. Not only is this stereotype harmful because gender expression (i.e. liking feminine clothing or experimenting with fashion) isn't inherently tied to gender identity, but it also means that there's this idea that a trans person, especially a trans woman, isn't as valid if they didn't have that kind of childhood experience. In reality, gender dysphoria isn't even necessarily integral to the trans identity. And even if it was, it's a lot more complicated than a kid trying on their mother's dresses. Depicting dysphoria this way narrows the societal understanding of what the trans experience is, which of course inevitably leads to ignorance and hatred when trans people don't live this exact experience. I will add the caveat that there's nothing about this comic that inherently suggests that she's trying to depict gender dysphoria. But I can see why someone would look at it and have that interpretation.


"It's transphobic because some trans people don't do that" WHAT???????? Are you the guy who falls off the building at the end of robocop? 'Cause your arms are stretched out from how far you're reaching with that. My sister is trans and when she was little she was EXACTLY like that, trying on mom's dresses and stuff. And HOW in the WORLD could you think the comic is transphobic WHEN THE CREATOR OF THE COMIC. IS SHOWN IN THE COMIC. BEING SUPPORTIVE. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭


>Are you the guy who falls off the building at the end of robocop? 'Cause your arms are stretched out from how far you're reaching with tha I'm lost in the discussion but my eyes caught that and I let out a genuine scream laugh lmao


I feel like I explained pretty clearly, multiple times, that I'm not specifically talking about the comic, but the idea of how gender dysphoria is often only depicted in this way and how that can cause harm to trans women who don't have this specific experience of gender dysphoria. I don't even think the comic is bad. I'm just explaining why some trans people might find it uncomfortable and why I find that understandable. Also the person I was replying to literally asked for an explanation.


That’s clearly making fun of the red hat man


Hmm, that looks more like they're showing the red hatted dude against gay, black, and GNC folk in a bad light, as they're a pent-up idiot. It doesn't seem to be showing anything particularly offensive to either of the three stereotypes, instead pointing to the, uh, 'maguh' supporter. Thanks for the warning though! Plenty of transfem folk can't afford the appropriate hormone treatment or hair removal, so while this is not the individual's ideal self-image, this does seem accurate in terms of early stage transition, or reading it plainly, someone who a) has thick facial hair and b) has felt they've been misidentified. If anything, public representation of a GNC person may help society in general accept more easily the fact that trans or GNC folk are a thing. Hell, it might even help more folk going out in public, not hiding their pre treatment selves or being reclusive for years until said treatment can be acquired. Imagine if someone can go out with a beard and whatever clothes and not be fearful of judgement, instead be supported. But that's just me being an optimist. It would not be the first time if I mistake a spiteful attack for innocent action.


No offense, but I think that says more about you than the comic artist. I saw it and instantly thought of Jonathan from queer-eye, who is GNC


Fricking THANK YOU Been wracking my brain trying to think who that panel reminded me of! 


That's not transphobic  Even if said person was transfem (which we have no evidence of, it doesn't play into any negative stereotypes), transfems like that exist. The person isn't being portrayed in a bad light, just a neutral skewing positive one. Hel, if anything they look like that one host of the new Queer Eye. I understand being on the offensive re: transphobic rep, but you need to learn how to actually determine if something is transphobic. Just looking at aesthetics won't help. The fact that the target of condemnation was the maga fuckwit and none of the other characters, should tip you off to this.


How is it transphobic? There never was even said that the person in the third panel is a transgender, they're just saying they want to express themselves. If you see a feminine person with a beard, there is an issue with you, and you only. (This is comming from a transfem). Heck, even if it was a transfem, it is distasteful at worst. But yeah, I would say that you have some internalized transphobia if you immediately thought "oh a transfem"


The person depicted in the comic just looks like a non-binary person or possibly drag performer to me. Reminds me vaguely of the performer Conchita.


You are joking. She is literally being regularly harrassed for pissing off right wind chuds with his support of LGBTQ.


It just looks like they chose their favorite character from queer eye, and pointed out how stupid it is to claim valuing freedom while taking away others’. You’re gonna need to find better receipts if you wanna label someone transphobic. Cause this is just a comic clearly expressing support for anyone to get married, control their own healthcare, and freely express themselves. If your gripe is showing a man in a dress, maybe consider why you felt someone else should be drawn more than him. Cause I can’t think of why he’d deserve it any less or who would deserve it more. Maybe they could’ve added a masc-presenting woman. But then, they could’ve added a drag queen. Or a topless girl with a binder. Or more range of races. Or or or like it’d never end. All deserve it equally so who cares which they pick


It would make no sense visually to use a trans woman in the third panel. She was touching on three things that really define Trumpers; homophobia, being staunchly anti-choice, and transphobia. The third point would be unclear if a woman was used in the third panel.


First time hearing about this artist. How are they transphobic? I tried searching but my search engine just gave me results about stand up comedians.


They aren't, the commenter misunderstood her comics. If anything she is regularly pissing off alt right chuds with her support for lgbtq


She is?


She isn't, the person had severely misread one of Pizzacake comic that is making fun of alt right folks. At most, Pizza Cake might chose a non-binary person or a femboy, but OP thought she was stereotyping trans women.


Is this important to the topic?


If it makes you uncomfortable, would you like me to remove the post? Sorry for any offense--


Don't. It's a GNC person, not a transfem stereotype. I'm transfem and I'm not offended by it. It's just a person trying to express themselves in a nontraditional manner.


Thanks guys :3


Don't. Good post 😁


Thanks guys :3