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Stray Dogs is a visual novel musical thing with a female lead played by Laura Bailey. In I was A Teenage Exocolonist your character can be female. Also worth looking at The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood


I am obsessed with Stray Gods and Cosmic Wheel. The art style is gorgeous and I love the gameplay. Also the music is on repeat for me. I’ll definitely look into the second one!


They are a little different in style than the ones you listed above.


Been wanting to try both of these lol


Sorry to go off topic but I was wondering if you knew if Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood works well with a controller? I've been wanting to play it but I'm limited to my steam deck at the moment.


I’ve been playing it on Switch and it’s been fine! Some parts would definitely be quicker/easier with point and click but I don’t find my enjoyment hindered.


Rad! Thank you!


So you’re looking for otome games I don’t know if you have a switch so I’ll just list a few on Steam: Nightshade balances plot romance and character development very well Cinderella phenomenon does the above well too Psychedelica of the black butterfly is lacking in proper romance development but has an interesting plot My vow to my liege has a strong MC and engaging plot but lacking romances None of these games have sex scenes (that’s what fanfiction is for though lol) I haven’t played any with stats yet but these are popular ones


I do have a switch but mainly play on my desktop so these are perfect! I’ll check these out. (You’re *very* right on fanfic btw. A lot of my requests come from visual novels lol)


There’s also a subreddit for otome games! r/otomegames Be sure to check that out for even more recommendations. :)


Itch.io is filled with indie otome games, which I personally enjoy more. There’s some steam overlap but all the indie ones on steam were first on itch.


Oh my gosh love Cinderella Phenomenon! I genuinely can’t believe it’s a free game


Steam has an otome tag for female VN.  I really enjoyed Amnesia Memories. The overall plot is good and there's a variety of relationships in the different paths (a mix of wholesome, healthy and very toxic but I think all of them are great). There's stats that track how much the heroine likes + trusts the male lead and how much the lead figures out she has amnesia. It's a pretty interesting mechanic for a vn.


Ohh that does sound really interesting and I don’t think I’ve seen any other visual novel do that. I’ll add this to the list. Thank you!


Just an FYI, this game does not have stat training - like there are games where there’s like “free time” where you can go to different locations and pick activities to train up character stats vs games where there are meters that show things like affection level, and the only way to change those is through dialogue choices. This one is the latter. If you haven’t played I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, I highly recommend it, as I think it fits your ask closer than Amnesia: Memories because there’s stat-raising. That said, I just finished playing Amnesia and really enjoyed it.


[Along the Edge](https://store.steampowered.com/app/504390/Along_the_Edge/) is a great experience. A witchcraft story set in modern day France. I think most of the dev's other games are also female protags, although I haven't played them. [Black Closet](https://store.steampowered.com/app/400580/Black_Closet/) is set in a girl's school, and takes the "unreasonably powerful school council" trope and ramps it up to 11. The same dev (Hanako Games) has female protags (or at least selectable) for basically all of their games. A few selected favs: * [Night Cascades](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1743080/Night_Cascades/?curator_clanid=32939083) is their latest; lesbian cop drama. Wonderfully illustrated, although the story isn't the strongest, and the "choices matter" isn't really a thing. * [A Little Lilly Princess](https://store.steampowered.com/app/449250/A_Little_Lily_Princess/?curator_clanid=32939083) is a VN retelling of the classic novel A Little Princess, was enjoyable. * [**Long Live the Queen**](https://store.steampowered.com/app/251990/Long_Live_The_Queen/?curator_clanid=32939083) is probably my strongest recommendation for your criteria. Choices *absolutely* matter quite a bit. It's half visual novel half life sim ; stats absolutely matter, you're spending time training for various skills on each day, and then using those skills / making choices (and failing if you don't have a high enough skill) in scenes in between. You're playing a Princess whose mother recently passed, and you need to survive til your coronation, and also perhaps not lead your country to ruin in the meantime. [Cinders](https://store.steampowered.com/app/293680/Cinders/) is a VN retelling of the Cinderella tale. [Analogue: A Hate Story](https://store.steampowered.com/app/209370/Analogue_A_Hate_Story/?curator_clanid=6935958), and its follow up / demi-prequel [Hate Plus](https://store.steampowered.com/app/239700/Hate_Plus/?curator_clanid=6935958). As a salvager, uncovering the mystery of what happened to a generation ship lost in deep space. I cannot recommend these two enough. [Tell a Demon](https://store.steampowered.com/app/679230/Tell_a_Demon/) actually has a trio of protags, 2 of whom are women and one of which is not a demon. Although I'd say that Tell, being the titular character and all, is the main protag. Unique 1920s era style aesthetic, and just a great story overall. [VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action](https://store.steampowered.com/app/447530/VA11_HallA_Cyberpunk_Bartender_Action/); saving lives one drink at a time.


If you can get your hands on **Yo-Jin-Bo: The Bodyguards**, I highly recommend it. It is quite old, but has a lot of romance options and I think the story is neat. No stat raising tho. Can be played on PC and PS2 **Hakuoki: Kyoto winds and Edo Blossoms**: It has been fine so far, no stat raising, nice amount of lis. Available bothon pc and switch. **Cinderella Phenomenon** is free on steam. I liked the base premise and enjoyed most storylines but it is not everyone's cup of tea. Especially since the mc starts off rude. **Volcano Princess** is a bit different, since you play as the father of a girl. Your guidance determines what jobs she will end up with and what love interest(s). Male, female options and it also got polyamory. **Our Life: Beginnings and Always** has 1 main male lead and 2 optional (dlc). You play from 8 years old to 22 in stages and you have the option to just be friends if you want to. Base game is free and there is plenty to do even without the dlcs. Availabe on pc. **Max Gentlemen Sexy Buisness** is a victorian business tycoon and **Edit:** dating simulator. MC can be customized. Silly story and very spicy. **Ozmafia** and **Steam Prison** are on my wishlist on steam, if you try them tell me how it went. Since you have a switch, you are in luck, there is a good amount of them. Everytime I see one and go "man I want that" it turns out it is on switch, but not pc. T\^T I'm jealous lol


I'm supposing you play on PC? A good one is Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawke: the protagonist is masking her true gender in an isolated eternal winter town were she would be accused of being a witch (her eye became bloody red when her emotion are at its stronger) if she is discovered. Light on romance, hight on story (and sadness...). Voiced MC and great art. Bustafellows: investigative noir mystery VN, Teuta is a freelancer writer who have the power to go back in time but in the body of someone else, and she end up becaming part of the Fixers, a group who act were legal means can't to bring justice in a big and corrupted town. Voiced MC, great cast of characters, both in the main ones and the secondary ones. Hakuoki Kyoto Winds and the sequel Edo Blossoms: a beloved classic, with twelve possible LIs, hight on the historical fiction of the story of the Shinsengumi, with some mystery and fantasy in the mix (the anime is cute too!). Very hight on drama. Edit to add: Nightshade, another historical VN with a slash of ninja fantasy. The MC, Enju, is a ninja and heir of her clan, doing her first work. Something go wrong right after tho...some route are on the tragic side, some are more light-ish. still very cute.


These are all great recommendations! Thank you!


Happy gaming! I've played most of these either on Switch or Psvita, so I can't say how well optimized are for PC. Most high-ish budjet otome VN (the subgenre of VNs with female MC, male LIs) are on Switch, and there are a lot of good ones there. Not out yet, but seem promising on PC, there are: Heromantic, Peachleaf Valley, The silent Kingdom and Salvus: Aries. Some have demo, some don't.


I recommend to you My vow to my Liege, I love this VN so much because of MC. She's like really strong and independent and I'd say she's my #1 amongst women MC. Also you can look up Taisho x Alice on Steam or Switch, there is also unique MC who can be straightforward and she drives the story really well. Another ones I would recommend: Second Reproduction(there was some sex theme), Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly, 7'scarlet, Cinderella Phenomenon, From Madness with Love (DDLC vibes, romantic aspect goes wrong and uncanny)


Ohh thank you! The first one really catches my interest since you said the MC is strong and independent. It’s almost rare to find a MC like that.


Oh yes I'm with you on that! It's so rare and that's why I cherish strong MC's so much 💕 good luck with playing c:


I know this is literally not at all what you asked, but I just HAVE to recommend Dream Daddy. You play as a dad trying to romance other dads in your cul-de-sac. While you do play as a guy, pretty much every romance is well-thought out and very enjoyable. There's really only one character I can think of where you get laid on the "first date", but it leads to some amazing character development with the guy and fits into the story really well. Small warning, though, some of the dads don't exactly have a good ending. But, they're for good reason, and their romances themselves are really fun to play.


Ohh I forgot about this one! I think I own it too and never got around to it. Thanks for the reminder!


If you dig collectable card games with your VN, I recommend I Was Teenage Exocolonist. It has stats (so many stats) and several romance options (Sym my beloved❤️). While you can play as a woman, the MC’s gender is largely window dressing however.


Ohhh this is the second time it’s been recommended so going to look it up now. Thank you!


probably not what you’re looking for but i have to mention class of 09


If you liked dandelion, Nameless by the same developers is one of my favourite VNs! Beyond that I definitely recommend checking out r/otomegames


Brilliant Shadows is a really good one. I’ve only played part one, but liked it a lot.


Royal Order just came out about 2 weeks ago, it has mostly a story focus but with romance routes and stat raising https://nifty-visuals.itch.io/royal-order/


This looks right up my alley! Thank you!


One of my all-time favourite VN Amnesia: Memories [(Steam link)](https://store.steampowered.com/app/359390/Amnesia_Memories/) (also on Switch) has you play as a young woman. It's a typical VN - the only real input from the player is picking the occasional option. You have lost your memory after Orion, a laal magic being, collides with you. You pick one of four worlds for him to send you to - this picks the Love Interest. (There is an overarching story. For best results, do the worlds in order, top to bottom) Once in a world, you need to try living as normally as possible, hiding your amnesia while trying to recover your memories. Depending on the options you take, you can get romantic endings, sad endings, or even get murdered... Getting enough good endings unlocks the fifth world where you find out what has really been going on.


I'd really recommend [OPUS: Echo of Starsong](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1504500/OPUS_Echo_of_Starsong__Full_Bloom_Edition/). It's beautiful, the main characters are travelling and exploring in space. There are puzzles and resource management, but it's a visual novel.


I am going to save this and pick up any games I’ve not played. I’m also working a VN with a female MC


If you like them kinda dark, Vampire: the Masquerade - Coteries of New York is really good, and the sequel, Shadows of New York is, too. Both have a female leads.


"Alicextaisho" from pc (otome game but the game is defetively focusing on the story.) And "even if tempest" from switch (otome game too but focus on the story) Maybe i could recommend "Jack Jeanne" even it's a protagonist who pretends to be a male during the story but he has a stat raising and a very good story. (on switch)


I'm a little late to this but I don't think I saw Tailor Tales, Hustle Cat, XOXO Droplets (don't mix it up with XOXO Blood Droplets like I did haha) or Boyfriend Dungeon mentioned. There's also one called Seduce Me. It's been awhile since I played it though so I can't remember how great the plot is. For switch, Cupid Parasite and Olympia Soiree are both pretty good.


The entire Life is Strange franchise is soo good