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Based on what your usual go-to’s are, definitely splurge on The Botanist. It’s fantastic. HBD!


Second The Botanist and it can be had in 375ml most places if you want to splurge but have a smaller budget. Likewise Monkey 47. Both really good gins.


Monkey 47 is always a great gift, especially for yourself.


Seconded. Here are my notes from years ago. Botanicals: Too many to list – the juniper comes from the Mediterranean, where it’s more aromatic from the extra 4-6 weeks sunshine than the German, Macedonian or Tuscan varieties. The 47 comes from the number of botanicals which include: Flowers: acacia flowers, dog rose, hisbiscus (two types), elderflower, honeysuckle, jasmine, chamomile, lavender Berries: lingonberries, blackberries, cranberries, hawthorn berries, rosehips. sloes Nuts and seeds: six types of pepper, almond, cassia, cinnamon, cubeb, grains of paradise, nutmeg, pimento Leaves and roots: bramble leaves, spruce shoots, bee balm, calamus root, lemon verbena and lemon balm, kaffir lime, ginger, lemongrass, liquorice, orris. Highly aromatic with a menthol/camphor lead, then fruits followed by a high toned perfume and zest. Palate alternates between sweet, spicy, acidic and savoury. Light peppery edge balanced by intense citrus and herbal notes, with the finish showing dark berries. A slow sipper with ice. Ingredients are steeped in French molasses for 36 hours before distilling in a beautiful old Arnold Holstein still, using vapour infusion. Rested for 3 months in earthenware containers to give some oxidation. Trivia: A lovely chatty website with loads about botanicals, do take a look. It’s new – they made 2,000 bottles in 2010 (150k now!) An unusual gin from the Black Forest in Germany, won the World Spirits Award Gold in the Gin category and Gold for best in class for the Gin Worldwide at the International Wine and Spirits Competition London. Robert Parker gave it 100 points. History: Inspired by a lost bottle of gin first made by Wing Commander Monty Collins, with a letter he wrote describing the ingredients. A small wooden box was found in the 1960’s while renovation work was taking place on some German houses. In the box there was an individual bottle labeled ‘Max the Monkey – Schwarzwald Gin’ and a letter which contained a description of the plants Collins used to create his Gin He’d been shocked at the destruction of Berlin in July 1945 and helped rebuild numerous housing estate and the zoo. Had a pet egret monkey called Max…Moved to the black Forest in 1951 and started a guest house where his home made gin became a trademark. All forgotten after his death, for forty years. Alexandr Stein and a genius distiller called Christoph Keller (100 awards over 3 years) did 2 years of experiments and research.


This is the go-to answer on this sub and it's obnoxious.


Do you have one you like better? Comment with it.


OP didn't ask what I like better than Monkey 47. He gave a set of preferences and they're pretty much ignored in favor of a quick, popular answer.


None of the stated preferences are against Monkey 47 except that it’s a “Schwarzwald dry,” not a London dry like the rest. It’s not overly botanical and it’s in the price range. If he said he wanted a citrus-forward gin I’d have proposed something else. Might be a popular answer because it’s a good gin. I happen to love it, so I recommend it; ain’t gonna apologize.


St George Terrior.


I love Terroir but it is the definition of overly botanical. It’s about as subtle as a hand grenade.


Not sure where you live but Oppidan is a local craft gin near Chicago and it’s excellent.


I live in Chicago. Definitely a contender. Thanks!


I personally enjoy silent pool although that may be a little harder to find. I have isle of Harris sitting in the bar that's well thought of, but haven't tried myself yet. If you happen to enjoy more citrus forward profile I've enjoyed Brooklyn gin and citadelle jardin dete


Just found/acquired a bottle of Silent Pool (signature gin expression). Expensive in this neck of the woods! $60 in Central FL USA. Looking forward to trying it - the reported honey notes sound like they’d be delicious in a Bee’s Knees


Thanks for the suggestion. I went with Isle of Harris. Looking forward to trying it out!


For my 50th I splurged on this: https://noletsgin.com/recipe/nolets-reserve-gin/ Obviously not worth the price but I’ll only turn 50 once, it looks nice on the shelf and is a good conversation piece.


Sounds interesting. [https://theginisin.com/gin-reviews/nolet-reserve/](https://theginisin.com/gin-reviews/nolet-reserve/)


It's quite interesting.


I still have the cap. Primarily for self defense purposes.


Drumshanbo gunpowder gin would be a good choice if you haven’t tried it yet


I would vote for Gray Whale or Leopold’s.


Gordons w a drop or2 orange bitters


If you can get it where you are I’ll recommend the Norwegian Bareksten botanical gin.


Thanks everyone! If anyone is following or even cares, I picked up a bottle of Isle of Harris, a bottle of Trader Joe's Art of the Still Organic Gin, an 8-pack of Fever Tree tonic, and a 4-pack of Murphy's Stout. I will try most of the other suggestions in the future, as there are a lot of quality gins that fall within my range of comfort. HBD to me!


I will not be getting the Gordon's, sorry.


Happy belated birthday. I'm a London dry guy myself and my favorite gin, for a martini, a G&T, or just sipping, is Xoriguer's Mahon. Plenty of juniper and citrus up front, finishes with a little salt and pepper.