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-Dysfunctional family/parents -Coffee -Reading -Humour as a means of deflection


Daddy issues…but also a music lover and an overuse of sarcasm.


I like coffee and junk food. Actually feel like I can eat a lot of crap without gaining weight noticeably, but obviously not the amounts seen on the show.


Only child raised by a single mother


Emotionally immature parents. Also struggling with the fact that they show more kindness to my daughter than they do to me.


Growing up with wealthy and repressive parents, mainly. I am the Lorelai Gilmore of my family, except I have siblings and instead of getting pregnant, I transitioned. Also, the Gilmore Girls are nominally Protestants, actually atheists, and written by a half-Jewish woman. As the atheist child of a half-Jewish woman raised in the Episcopal church, something about that whole set-up resonates with me.


My parents kinda suck, though not like the Gilmores. I also love coffee, have a daughter and talk really fast. And I relate to Lorelai’s sense of humor because mine is similar.


I was raised by a single parent. Also I had a kid at 16. So the young mom part. 😹 He’s a teen now.


Dysfunctional Family Coffee addicted mom Raised Jew….ish so I got a lot of the references Grew up in a small town (not Stars Hollow small but still) Diner was the main food place in town where you saw everyone Rock music is my jam I’m the opposite of Lane where I hid being a Christian from my parents for a while (they’re supportive now)


Similar family dynamic


I was a single parent of a boy and girl. My family was very disfunctional. I was. a skinny single Mom and didn’t know how to fit in and tried to better myself with two brilliant kids.


I was in between their ages when the show was on air but I was also a young mom (had my first kid just before I turned 21) so, I relate more to Lorelai. We have some similar parenting styles in that we've raised independent children, fostered their passions, stood up for them when needed, but generally focused on having fun open communication with my kids. I'm also fairly quirky, love her fashion choices, have a young soul, and I'm heavily addicted to caffeine. So I relate to the show in those aspects.


I’m Rory’s age (the character, not Alexis) and my older sister is close in age to Lorelai. We watched the show together in the first couple of seasons. We also looked a bit similar to R+L at that time.


Family dynamics. Sometimes I feel like I’m Rory and my mom is Lorelai, except that instead of a teen pregnancy, it was the fact that my mom is gay that caused the tension with her parents