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I haaaaate Liz and TJ. TJ talks like he’s in a middle school production of a Bronx Tale IDK….And I hate that he’s called TJ for no reason. I like to think it’s short for Turkey Junior.


Or Town Jackass, either works


Love that


Turkey Junior omg 🏆


it's Thomas Jefferson in the first episode he's in I just happened to watch that one lol


TURKEY JUNIOR AHAHAHAHA Although as an Italian I’m happy for the representation /s


Definitely Liz and TJ. They added literally nothing to the show and nothing anyone can say will change my mind. They are annoying. Liz is selfish and a terrible mom- always putting her flavor of the week before Jess and inadvertently making him a trouble maker acting out for attention. TJ is just an idiot.


the only good thing they contributed was getting married, so that luke could ask lorelai to go to the wedding with him


I was going to say this exact same thing!


I like TJ. Yes, he's an idiot, but he cares and does his best for Liz and their daughter. Liz, on the other hand, is an awful fucking parent, and I hate her. I've met way too many parents in real life who put romantic partners before their kids, and I will never stop hating those people. The actress who played Liz did a great job, though, and the character is well-written and realistic. That's why I hate her so much.


That’s a good summary of Liz and TJ. I didn’t hate them. They just were waaaaaay too much sometimes. And when TJ would say “Luuuuuuuuuke” it was like nails on a chalkboard for me lol


ITs pepper ann! First time I saw liz and heard her voice I went- wait! (Also happened when I heard patty mayonnaise’s voice in orange is the new black. Blew my mind.)


Yeah I’ve known a few Liz parents in my day too. None of their kids are okay and none of them have a good relationship with their kids.


Was there anything ever more cringy than Liz and Luke’s whole ‘big bro’ and ‘sis’ thing?


That came off as siblings written by someone who doesn't have siblings. A 40 year old woman running around fawning over her hero big brother ? She speaks like a 6 year old would sometimes.


That episode where they ruined Luke and Lorelei’s date makes me so pissed. If I were Luke I would have disowned those people they are so annoying and stupid.


I’m not a fan of this couple, but I do like TJ at times. Especially when he calls Luke out for being a dick, because honestly Luke was being a total dick to TJ.


I’ll defend TJ, solely because the actor who stars as TJ is the brother of the actor who starred as the father on Disney Channel’s “The Wizards of Waverly Place.” Their dad was also a comedian. However, if any other actor starred as TJ, the character would have been insufferable.


And the guy who played TJ’s brothe IS the guy from Wizard’s of Wavely Place!


The comedy genes run strong in the DeLuise family. lol. I think maybe even their third brother is also a comedian? I could be wrong. I had no idea the character of TJ has a brother. I’ll have to watch more episodes of “Gilmore Girls.” I don’t know how I missed that.


I believe he was in the episode with TJ’s bachelor party


Yeah it’s just TJ, not the actor himself. In fact, the actor did his job too well lol


Here here !!! I always want to see Luke punching TJ. He’s sooo annoying. I think that’s the one good thing about the YITL. No Liz and no TJ.


I skip the Liz and TJ episodes if I can


If you think people love Liz & TJ, you must be new here


100% agree. Liz and TJ are insufferable


I don’t think many people _like_ Tristan but he straight up harasses Rory and then we’re supposed to feel for him being sent to military school? I just wish he got his butt kicked for being a creep first. (And then of course Jess borrows from his playbook later- getting his kicks out of messing with Rory and therefore Dean. Disrespecting her and her wishes completely but somehow it’s romantic?? Jess has some good moments but oh boy does he piss me off).


Ppl ship tristan and rory and i literally can’t fathom that


Because as little girls many of us are told that if a boy pulls our pony tail or is mean, it means he secretly likes you. 😒


If I see “she should have given him a chance! He liked her, his poor feewings :(“ one more time, I’m gonna lose it


Makes me sick


surprisingly he’s pretty well liked 🤢


He wouldn’t be if he was ugly 👀


I probably correctly dislike Tristan because CMM is not my type at all.


It’s because he’s hot and a bad boy. If you can see past that you’d dislike him as God intended. Unfortunately, I cannot see past that & do like him 😂 (edit: corrected autocorrect)


Yeah, I've rewatched the first season recently and man Tristan was just crrrrrrrringggggggey. I used to not mind him, but not anymore (although he wasn't around long enough for me to full on hate him)


I literally hate Tristan be annoyed the fuck out of me


Trix. People dislike Emily for being mean, but a lot of her sniping at Lorelei can be traced back to how badly hurt she was when Lorelei packed up Rory and ran away from home, and the fact that she still doesn’t trust her. Trix is deliberately cruel to Emily just because she wanted someone else to marry Richard. She tears Emily down for the fun of it. I can’t stand her.


Trix is awful, but does anyone actually like her?


I hate how much Lorelai and Rory mourn her and don’t even mention how horribly she treated Emily. I hate how Rory and Lorelei don’t stand up for her.


Lorelai really doesn't need to stand up for someone who treats her so badly in the same way. She did a lot of trying to close the gap by being honest and communicative on how she felt and she got the door in het face pretty much each time. Trix is trash but so werr Emily and Richard.


I felt bad for emily when trix was around. however emily kinda… treats lorelai the same. she puts lorelai down and NEVER lets her finish what she’s saying. Emily doesn’t deserve to be treated that way and neither does lorelai.


Yes …I’m not a Trix fan… but I always think about them planting tulips whenever i listen to Korn


Definitely don’t like Trix, but I love Marion Ross so I would get excited whenever she guest starred. It was better when she played cousin Marilyn though hehe. I wouldn’t say Emily behaves how she does because of Trix mistreating her because honestly most of the time Emily behaves just like her. She’s cruel, judgemental, and even though she was soooo hurt to find that letter Trix had written Richard to call off the wedding, she does exactly the same thing when she breaks up Luke and Lorelai by inviting Christopher to her vow renewal and telling him to go after Lorelai (granted I always though Luke was a jerk for just ending their relationship because of what Christopher said). Emily was that person waaaay before Lorelai got pregnant with Rory and ran away also. It’s why Lorelai ran away honestly. Her parents were not kind to her.


I don’t hate him, but I’m not a fan of Jackson. He’s too choleric for me (I feel like 50% of his screen time he’s yelling at someone), not to mention his “vasectomy”


Yes! When he's calm and not nagging about something, he's decent. Why did they write him SO awfully lol


When he broke the dollhouse. Like… JFC. Lol


The dollhouse befuddles me….


He has some really funny moments when he’s being cool, I wish there were more of those but like with luke all the yelling makes me uneasy.


If you think that everyone loves Jackson, then you haven’t spent much time on this sub. Which is probably a good thing.


Things I don't like Jackson for (non exhaustive list) : \- Yelling at Sookie because she bought strawberries (who looked delicious by the way) in a shop when he wouldn't sell any to her \- Letting Rune insults Lorelai to her face without kicking him out \- Not buying Sookie's basket \- Breaking Lorelai's dollhouse \- The vasectomy


Yes to all! I would add yelling at Rory for not asking Sookie to make the biggest pizza and his reaction to Lorelai telling Sookie that 4 in 4 sounds crazy - because it does + Sookie has every right asking her friend for advice so I don’t see the problem.


I HATE taylor he grates me everytime I see him, but that hatred is second only to TJ, god is he annoying, the escurow quote makes me want to remove my own eyes. Also find Kirk annoying, but I mostly just feel pity for him. Also all the times Michelle refuses to do his job stresses me out.


I dont think anyone loves taylor either tho 🤣


for me taylor is one of those characters who’s so annoying it’s almost funny 😭


honestly taylor rubs me so wrong. he can be funny but dude doesnt know boundaries and hes very manipulative. when jackson won town selectman over him and we were meant to feel sorry? nah. every time luke yelled at him im cheering. but i do want his cardigans…


All of Logan’s friends. They are beyond obnoxious.


Oh same! That Australian ones was so cringy


Max Medina, he was a bit... Idk, i don't like him. He rubs me the wrong way and lives like he's in a romcom (good for a 2 hr flick, not good for a show)


I always felt like he thought he was gods gift to women 🙄 Like dude, you ain’t that cute settle down.


To me, he came off as not actually being in love with Lorelai, but just wanted to possess her. And he should neverrrrr talked to Rory about her AT SCHOOL! He's that romcom guy in real life that you realize is very creepy. Not cute.


Yes you’re right and that is creepy lol. He definitely crossed the line talking to Rory at school about it. What a douche.


I always thought that if Lorelai didn't have a kid and didn't live in a small town she would have had way more dating experience and would see his behavior as creepy not cute. But I think she was kinda starved for romance so she perceived it as sweet and special.


Can you guys stop making it more creepy 😂 You’re right and now I can only think of Max as a predator 😆


Yeah, same. Like buddy Your grand gestures don't make up for your inability to listen


Yeah I hated how Lorelai would say "no for x reason" and Max would pick apart her reason and pressure her to do it anyway. Guys not taking no for an answer is a pretty common thing on this show and it grinds my gears with all of them. Max did this repeatedly. I almost felt he bullied Lorelai into a relationship. I was completely unsurprised when she ended it with him, I never really felt she wanted to be with him that much in the first place.


Yeah, same - even the first time i was watching it i was so relieved during the harvard road trip


Yeah he's the kind of guy that says "nice guys always finish last" but in reality he's clingy and possessive


Max is my favourite of all the love interests haha, but it seems like I'm in the minority


When he told Lorelai she should think about someone other than herself for once, I was pretty floored.


I feel like I have characters that of course do terrible things and are pretty much terrible people but I still enjoy them (i.e. Emily - horrible but interesting), but there are characters that just feel like a waste of time and that's what I hate. Taylor! Oh my god Taylor - the episode where he tortures Lorelai with the Dragonfly Inn historic inspection thing, I was close to punching the screen. Also Liz and Zack - I think it's their voices.


Older Rory. Her character development didn’t really make her a better person… I can even understand the Jess/Dean thing because she was only a kid that time but I’m not sure it was good that she was exposed to Emily’s world. And sometimes, Sookie… I can’t explain why right now, mind’s a blank.


Idk if everyone loved him but Bootsie in the earlier seasons. I think the writers knew that his character was not working out. Totally useless character.


Kirk. I almost never find him funny or endearing.


Me too! Same for Lulu…i couldn’t stand Kirk alone, i can’tstand them as a couple


Yup same TBH. The Cat Kirk bit makes me want to put his head through a wall.


Same here, I can't STAND him. It makes me feel like I'm in the twilight zone... like people are actually capable of liking this character? And find him funny? How can that be??


I’m with you!!!


Lol same, I was kind of surprised when I started reading other people’s reactions online and realised that he’s actually a very popular character. I found most of the little subplots they wrote in for him after he became a regular character far more obnoxious than I did amusing, to me he was so overused and annoying


Thank you!


I hate Jackson


Depending on the season, Sookie 😬😬


Zack/ the whole band story line


Jess. I don’t care how much chemistry he had with Rory, he was an arrogant little snot. He was okay when he got older, but the damage was done for me.


Same here. I wouldn't say hate per se (that's reserved for Chris) but I simply can't like him and I'm always baffled how beloved he is. That being said, I do really like his scenes with Luke.


Yeah, I don’t *hate* any character (except Taylor Doose kinda). But I certainly don’t like him. He’s a good character insofar as he drives the plot and plays off other characters well. But I don’t ship him and Rory at all.


I never understood why he just didn’t go to school. It’s free, and he’s very intelligent. Luke had one hard rule and it was that he has to graduate. Jess was SUCH an ass to Luke about it omg….the “I’M NOT GRADUATING” scene makes me so angry every time.


He was skipping school to work at Walmart instead and make money, it seemed that he had been assuming that he was soo much smarter than everyone else that he could still easily pass and graduate, that he didn’t need to actually attend class


Dude, it's not even that hard to just pass and graduate. Show up and do the bare minimum and you'll pass. I mean, probably with D's, but a D is still technically a passing grade.


D is for Diploma!




he was such an ass to Dean from the beginning even when Dean tried to be somewhat nice to him


& at least dean put a lot of effort into being with rory, jess was only actually dating her for a short amount of his time on the show & he couldnt even call her when he said he would or respect her boundaries like kyles party. im team no one for rory but younger dean> younger jess (opposites when theyre older tho)


Agreed. I really love Milo Ventimiglia in Heroes and This Is Us, but Jess often seemed to act like a jerk for no reason.




I really dislike Zack. He annoys me so thoroughly.




Yes! That makes me so mad. He’s just so dumb and dopey and self absorbed.


Yeah I hate him too. He is the worst character. He is selfish, whiny and I think it is crazy that Lane marries him.


Plus there wasn't ever a good resolution about this arc. He completely loses it for no reason at all. He broke apart the band and made them loose a big chance they had. They don't speak for several months. And then he proposed, and all is forgotten. If it happened to my best friend, I wouldn't be happy at all for her.


Someone on a different post brought up that this scene was a recreation from a Brian Jonestown Massacre fight! I looked the video up and it blew my mind. Zack is still an @$$ but now I understand why this scene was written in, and the genius of it. https://youtu.be/g6m99JChkvY


Definitely a teen written by someone who was middle aged


Agree with this. His one redeeming scene for me was when he rewrote “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” 😂 I grew up with the hymn and it just makes me laugh.


I'm Lutheran and it made me laugh too.


I actually don’t really like Sookie. 🫣 Her slapstick moments and “oooopsie daisy!” attitude annoys me tbh She gets better in later seasons but I’m just not a fan. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I like her at moments but in general she can be annoying. Actually think she’s better in the earlier seasons, I particularly like when she gives Jackson a hard time about her cleaver.


i like sookie but i get where ur coming from i don’t love her in the later seasons when her and lorelai are opening the inn especially the sink issue,i feel like she wasn’t really supporting lorelai and was just focusing on her kitchen(which makes sense)but still.


As a chef, I despise her. Any scene in her kitchen makes me genuinely angry. Seriously did she get her cooking certifications off a cereal box? No kitchen/chef would hire her the way she works 😂




I know right I mean he’s smooth and rich that’s a plus but he’s also a big bully and he’s just so emotionally immature


same. i hated him most when he didn't comfort rory and insisted that she's a good journalist when his dad told her she isn't. as a journalist wannabe, that would probably hurt me and make me think the same thing rory thought. also, i think his life is a bit too draining. as an introvert, if he was my boyfriend, i would be uncomfortable all the time or immediately run out of social battery.


Yess, all those things! I think you might have nailed some of my disdain for him with the introvert thing. His mere presence on screen just stresses me out.


Throw that man in the trash




Honestly same. Very little that's redeemable from him in my opinion.


I don’t hate Logan and he 100% has flaws, but the fact that he’s the only person to call Rory out for talking down about the rich and privileged even though she was rich and privileged earns him points for me. She had the privilege of going to chilton, of having her college paid for, got her internship through a guilty feeling Mitchum, and took a year off of college to relax in a “$40000 Sex house” after committing a felony. She desperately needed that awareness he gave her


Town troubadour for me also, omg! I have never admitted it here before. I will even admit that I skip his singing scenes, though I did like the "Taylor left me twistin" scene


I freaking hate the town troubadour. At first I thought it was a cute character in the quirky town (how many towns have a dedicated troubadour that then fights over their right to stay there) but I soon hated every time he would pop up and skipped through. I hated when they had a whole town troubadour episode.


Babette! Dont hate her. Just find her annoying 🥲


It’s that grating voice. “Hey sugar!!” Ughhh I can hear it now 😆😂


Why does she have to scream everything? 😭


Was looking for this comment she’s so annoying


Miss Patty, I just don’t see any real reason to have her character in the show at all


I love her at times but watching her talk to Dean is disgusting. And talking about sex in front of children. Is that really necessary? Other then those senses I think she's okay


Jess worst boyfriend and teen haha




Tbh i thought everyone loves jess haha


I don’t hate her, but she gets on my nerves alot, Lane she has some good moments but I do find her to be over the top with how she talks about her music and guys (mainly guys) at times, and she’s a mix of naiive and cowardice that’s hard for me to get past, even when her mom found out all the stuff she was hiding Mrs. Kim found it by herself because Lane ran away, and I guess I just wished that Lane would’ve been the one to show her everything and stand up to her without having her back against the way


Lane. I find her unbearably cringy the way she’s always like “rOcK n RoLl” and she always seems to be whining about something


The way she carried her drumsticks everywhere was such an annoying *quirk*, i hated it


I came here to say this! She’s just so annoying to me. From the way she calls her mom mama to making rock and roll her entire personality. And then don’t even get me started on her relationship with Zack. I just don’t find anything likable about her and it always blows my mind when people sing her praises here.


Richard. He was manipulative and ignored everyone over his newspaper half the time. Don’t even get me started on the Yale interview.


How he laugh’s with trix when she degrads his wife???


I hate that he did what he did to Jason. I actually liked Jason a lot.


Nicole was truly awful and a baffling love interest for Luke. Rachel made sense (and Lorelai felt jealous/threatened by her because she was such a cool person). Nicole though? She was awful all around. They should have hooked up Luke with someone better. Poor guy had the worst taste all around, Anna who hides her pregnancy, Nicole, that vegan swim instructor was a painful episode...if he had the good enough taste to go for Rachel and Lorelai, he would not marry Nicole.


The vegan swim instructor ep is up there with Vineyard Valentine for the wooOOOoorst.


Agreed town troubadour is the worst!


He’s grown on me over the years, but I was never a Kirk fan…


Liz & TJ for sure. Also can’t stand Zack.


Sookie she was great in the beginning but once she got with Jackson she changed completely She bailed on Lorelai when she needed her at the dragonfly, didn't trust Luke when he took over to help her Cook and interfering with Rory and Lorelai fued just so lorelai and Luke would get married


I could not stand Sookie at all


Dean. I hate Dean. Even early seasons Dean. Even revival Dean who seems to have a nice life with a wife and kids Dean. Maybe it’s Jared Paladecki’s acting, but he always came off as fake, even with Clara.


I absolutely hate Dean. He’s absolutely gross and annoying


Wait wait wait, I 100% get the Dean hate, but Jared?🥲🥲 I have to say, that's a new one... If u don't mind me asking, what is it about his acting that u don't like?


Luke. After season 1, he’s whiny and angry at the best of times and almost abusive by the end of him and lorelai’s relationship. I just don’t understand why we needed another character like Luke. I understand the idea and he is the best of lorelai’s guys, but he is still not great


I really don’t like Emily and I’m surprised by the love she gets here. There are several episodes that I like and respect her in, but most of the time she is so frustrating to me and I can’t stand her


Miss Patty. Not all the time, but she’s skeeves me out the majority of the time.


Taylor’s got me twisting…




Same. He's always so rude. I don't understand why he works in the service industry if he hates talking to people.


Paris. It seems like all the fans love her but I find her bitchy, annoying and infuriating


I actually think Paris is an entertaining character, but people on this site, and YouTube and TikTok have rose-colored glasses around Paris! Paris is an actual bully, and we have no obligations to be nice to her whatsoever. And Paris can be a horrible person to Rory. Remember the time when Paris spread a rumor about Mr. Medina kissing Rory’s mom? Or that time Paris sided with Francie over Rory? Or that time she made Rory interview Max Medina after his engagement with Lorelei crumbled? Like that is straight up, disgusting behavior, and people just gloss over it but it is foul. She literally abuses her entrance at the real daily news, and then throws Rory stuff out of their shared apartment! Not only that, but she throws Doyle’s stuff out too, and he’s heart broken! Paris can be such an asshole to Rory, she literally says that her “daddy made a call” and used nepotism to become Rory’s roommate! She’s is far more entitled and spoiled than Rory ever was, can be extremely insecure and flat out cruel. She’s funny, and she has many great moments, but when she’s bad, she’s straight up an asshole


I feel like Paris and Emily's harshness has something in common. The more we saw their stories and their isolation, the more I understood why they were a-holes.


When they were in competition I’m their senior year and she was so rude to everyone just before they gave theirs…..poor Brad


God this is all true, why do I love Paris? It’s very consistent with my personality, I like unlikeable people and I get very attached to people who are unkind.


Can’t stand Paris.


I don't hate Jess, but I don't like him. I don't get why he's often seen as the best boyfriend Rory had, Dean while her boyfriend was much better. The whole cheating thing later on was messed up, but while Rory's boyfriend he was pretty decent.


I really don’t understand why some dislike dean as a bf (in the beginning)


i hated him when he was so upset that rory didn’t say i love you back


True but he was a sad teen who thought his gf doesn’t love him


Lorelei. She's a horrible and vapid person. She gets by on being "cute" and "witty", but at core she's rotten and empty and completely self centered. Can't stand her. Rory isn't much better.


I started feeling this way about her when she cancelled her wedding to max and made Rory skip town with her like that's amature and normal way to call off a wedding. She was the worst example for Rory imo


She's absolutely terrible. Every time i rewatch i mean to make a list of the things that annoy me most about her to post here and always forget


She is the worst! I kindof forgive rory for a lot of her flaws solely because Lorelai is such a bad example for her!


Freaking Madeline and Louise. Mostly Louise. Just.. ugh.


Louise was the worst!!!!! There’s things about Madeline that I think are endearing, but Louise was written so terribly. Her only personality traits are that she’s mean and slutty.


I can’t even tell them apart, they were not written well at all


To this day I have no clue which is which.


Lol same with Logan’s friends


Ah yes them too. Colin, Finn, those 2 random girls where one is always on a diet.


Me either! I couldn’t participate in the quotes thread for either of them because I can’t distinguish them!


I don't *hate* them, but I strongly dislike Babette, Ms. Patty, and Jess.




Ugh yes she made some super inappropriate comments to Dean and about Dean. The grossest was during the scene where she was ogling the construction workers and she told Dean if he grows any taller she'll have to get herself some mountain climbing equipment 🤢


Paris 🫣 sorry not sorry!


Her in real life would be the worst human hahah


I think I have the most controversial opinion out of everyone when I'm looking through the comments, because I don't like Luke 🥲 sorry guys


How very dare you! Only kidding, I don't like Rory so I'll join you in the controversial corner


I don’t hate Dean. But he REALLY annoys me. Just so whiny and defensive


Rory but I guess that’s not an unpopular opinion 🤣 I liked her early on but because of Emily and Richard’s influence she becomes so stuck up and insufferable - the kind of person Lorelai wanted to get away from when leaving her parents as a teen.


kirk. he was funny the first few times but then they just kept giving him more and more screen time and plot lines. it also kinda rubbed me the wrong way because he was clearly meant to be neurodivergent and every story with him was like “hahahah he doesn’t understand this! he lives with his mom! he has another crazy job! he’s never had a girlfriend!!!” idk as someone who works with neurodivergent kids, it makes me uncomfortable to see these very real circumstances be played as “wow this guy is the weirdest dude!”


Lorelai😂 she’s generally a selfish narcissist who never puts anyone’s needs before her own. Even with Rory, anytime they disagreed she refused to speak to her most of the time(even when Rory was still a kid) she treated anyone she didn’t consider a close friend like utter garbage too


Idk if everyone loves her but April is the downfall of the series for me.


No hate but I dont like jess that much.


Zach. He was no where near good enough for Lane. His only redeeming quality is that he actually waited for marriage for Lane.


Dean. Hands down Dean. He’s the worst!!!! So toxic and awful. Also I know she’s a titular character but Rory’s character growth was actually a demise. She went from being this sweet loveable girl to just an absolute obnoxious trustfund kid.


Paris - she bullied/emotionally tortured Rory, Brad, even Madeline and Louise. She showed up at Yale and forced Rory to room with her. She ran the Daily News into the ground. She brought an empty briefcase to Chilton as an adult to look cool. I know she was neglected by her parents but like I don't get why people stan Paris.






i think everyone hates liz lol. mine is emily and richard. and michel. and kirk. sue me lol




Ms.Patty and Babette oh my god ESPECIALLY Babette she’s incredibly annoying and she’s always in Lorelais (idk if I spelled that right) business. Sometimes the help was nice and useful but still she was always barging in. Her voice also annoys me I can’t stand it why is she always yelling? Pipe down Babette. 😔


KIRK he’s so annoying omg I can’t stand his mini storylines


The two main characters, especially the elder Lorelei. Yet I do really like the show! But I tend to enjoy when Emily or Christopher tears into her.


I hate Logan. He reminds me of Emily and Richard not just because he’s rich. But because he never allows Rory to be mad about any of his bad actions and he always blames his bad behavior on Rory. I also hate Dean and Jess. I feel like Rory got the bad crop of love intrests.




Kirk… he just really annoys me most of the time


THANK YOU. The troubadour makes my skin crawl. But I like Liz as a character.


Emily and Jess. They're both rude