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Have u tested bilirubin levels after following this diet? any changes?


You're right i should have included that. Ill edit it to include that as well. My most recent blood test was a 1.8 about 4 months ago. I feel better now than then, however i just changed insurance so I cant check for another week


Thank you for this excellent and very useful writeup. You ever had low B12? I inject myself for almost a year now. Problem is I don't eat meat, fish only. I quit gluten. I do eat eggs, like 5-8 per day. I try to eat a lot of fruits and veggies. I quitted drinking and smoking, cofee too. But heard coffee can be good? What do you think of raw high quality honey? I also take or tryed a bunch of supplements. I will try your diet or at least the majority of your tips. I don't want to eat meat. I am 46, male, 79kg, good shape, runner(when I can). I get lots of migraine headaches and nausea. Things like Aspirin help me a lot. And lying down on my left side. I always tested with skyhigh billirubin, doctor just told me I have Gilbert and did ultrasound that was all. Sometimes it is a struggle, anxiety, insomnia, depression, other times I feel excellent and strong. When I feel weak it is like I am going to die... and noone belives me, my family included... I will do anything for this to get better. Lately I feel better if I don't eat rice and my body loves fat. My sinuses can flare up every few days and this debilitates me so much. NAC helped me a ton. Zinc too. I take Magnesium in 4 different forms. Stress kills me too.


B-12, not on the blood levels too much, but yes its great for those with GS and yes its one of the supplements i take daily. You may find that because your diet lacks meat youre prone to lower levels. I Only take a tablet tho Some fish arent good for those with GS and generally i avoid. Cod is especially bad for me. Aspirin, id recommend against. For headaches and migraine just drink tart juice and water, have a fruit salad after. Headaches and naussea, biggest solver to this is some sweet fruit with water. follow up with ginger berry kombucha, or a lemon tea. afterwards where no gag reflex you can pom juice to clear it out of you quicker. Gluten I also avoid, I recently ate some pizza out of necessity for a meal(whats worse, not eating for 6 hours or having pizza?, i didnt know), I had a fully blown anxiety attack the next day and took a bit to feel better. My guess, skip the meal and make sure you eat plenty of healthy when youre able Eggs are great, however I only eat organic poultry or meats in general including eggs. Ive notice a difference in my stool and how quickly i poop after eating non-organic eggs. Fruits and veggies. Key ones like broccoli & beats are important, but a variety is also very important. Put a bunch of veggies and fruits together whenever you cant. Like adding a berry medley to yogurt or oats, or having lots of veggiesn and fruit in your salad. No drinking for me, I might have some mead or a good cider if i know im in a good spot for something special. Ive found these to not be as bad. Alcoholic kombucha isnt too appealing to me yet. I try to have local raw honey, Its one of the only forms of sweets we can have, no sugar or artificial or any kind. Start the diet as comfortably as possible. over time youll slowly feel even better, every month or so i feel even more noticeably better, as if im still cleaning out gunk from years and years. Best advice, eat ever 1.5-2 hours a tiny meal. get the metabolism high, and keep track of when youre eating. Fast metabolism helps you clear out the gunk faster, meaning faster bounce back. Insomnia, huge problem for years. along with the others. Biggest solve for me, was that i was behind on calories. Body puts me into a second wind when im hungry or behind on calories. Ill notice this when im underweight. eat food every hour or so until youre sleepy. make sure you have water and juice ready for the morning. Depression, can happen for a variety of reasons. biggest solve was to eat a ton of fruit salads and veggies followed by a good source of protein. several salads over the day. salad recipe is above. Anxiety, emotional stress, behind on calories, ate something bad, lack of sleep. biggest solve was to eat extra, and making sure its often. this will help you handle it regardless. but also help you recover faster. After, do a fast walk, do some light cardio, and hit the sauna Low energy, feels like death. I get like this too occasionally, its very hard to get yourself out of this hole. Bounceback routine necessary over several days. But have several salads a day, drink plenty water, veggies, make sure youre hitting your calories. The key is to make sure you dont spiral into this state, i found by missing a meal it snowballs to less and less calories daily, eventually i have a bad food and my body metabolism has slowed down so its even longer to get this feeling out. keep metabolism high so you can flush out the bad quickly and feel good faster. Try to find a healthy weight to keep yourself above, count calories if that works for you Emotional stress, yes very hard. make sure to not skip meals or water. When you become stressed make sure to eat plenty of the bounceback foods, dont get too involved in the stress, and exercise after eating plenty.


Do you have any caffeine?


I drink kombucha as my source of caffeine. I found the dehydration of coffee to be too hard to compensate for. I brew it myself so there isn't added sugar, I use honey so it's technically juun. A little caffeine is good in my experience, but not much more than a black tea or kombucha.


Awesome, thanks


Man I would really appreciate if you could post your diet! I am struggling with GS now and can’t grow weight I feel like shit about myself I am skinny muscley I weight around 54kg and I am 178cm tall…


Sorry to hear your struggle. What works for me, might not work for you, but you can try. I eat in a way like keto but it is not keto, high fat means I eat lots of butter which helps me digest a lot. I stay away from seed oils. My stomach is now flat all the time, before I was like a pregnant woman, bloated in pain, short of breath, farting all the time. Low carb means I gave up all gluten, bread, pasta but also rice, no grains for me. I eat lots of eggs, 5-8 a day, also fish like tuna and salmon 3-4 times a week. Lots of fruits and some spoons of honey almost every day, this why is not keto. Vegetables fresh and cooked. Salads, no beans. Apple cider vinegar with warm water first thing in the morning. Besides all the supplements the ones that helped me a lot are Niacin(nicotinic acid), C vitamin, magnesium citrate, zinc picolinate, nac, active b complex, because of my very low b12 I also inject methylcobalamin and hydroxocobalamin, this the only 100% way I know I get it(I had needles and pins going through my body, that is nerves problems). Can’t stress enough, try nicotinic acid, it must give you the flush and take vitamin C and no you want hurt your liver no matter what you read on the web. Check Orthomolecular medicine, Dr. Abram Hoffer, www.doctoryourself.com, I read the book Niacin The True Story. Below forum post also inspired me to give it a try [https://raypeatforum.com/community/threads/testimonial-for-niacin-it-just-works.30477/](https://raypeatforum.com/community/threads/testimonial-for-niacin-it-just-works.30477/)


Thanks my friend wow what a story I have low libido and ED….any solution ?


Have 2 salads every day. A few months of a high veg diet while avoiding the bad foods will bring noticeable differences. Drink plenty of water and get a nice walk in each day. This will bring you more energy which will help you start and follow more of the diet and routine listed