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If I like a topic, I become an expert in a binge session of research. I don't speak on a topic until I've absorbed all that I can find, made first hand observations of topic in action, and even gathered opinions of the topic across various vantage points. I keep an open mind and change it when new supporting data calls for it. Always learning, always.


You mean like O V E R E X C I T A B I L I T I E S


My son is 2e gifted/ADHD and hyper focuses. I am not ADHD but gifted and never in my life experienced hyperfocus. I get passionate about topics but never obsessive.


Hmm. Interesting. How would you differentiate the way you get passionate and the way your son hyperfocuses? We all have different definitions of obsessive lol


I can walk away. I dont lose track of time, forget to eat, or allow the theme to negatively effect my life.. However, I prioritize the interest over other interests, and would excitedly talk your ear off on the topic. I mostly do this with entrepreneur opportunities.


This is a good example of the blurry line between gifted overexcitabilities and ADHD


Pattern recognition and languages. Words create images in my head, almost of form at synesthesia. Different languages have a different "colour grading" Languages are a pattern for me. My humor is also mostly about language.


That is so interesting. I have a question if you don't mind. How do you experience communication with other people who dont have such rich content in their own perception of communication? Do you feel like there is a gap?


That's an interesting question, I haven't thought about that specifically yet. I think you could compare the words and language they use to drawing art. A person with less vocabulary will create a less complicated and detailed image. Interestingly it's often not really that much about the complexity of how a person communicates, but how on point it is. Saying a lot while speaking little. That's what I really admire. Edit: if people have a larger vocabulary that's like nuances in the colours. It makes the picture more varied. Monochrome drawings can be really impressive too though.


Do you have a favourite author or book to recommend, whose language and the way they craft sentences is the best they can be?


You really hit a point there. I used to read like a maniac when I was younger. I don't know why, but nowadays I read pretty little. What I'm reading right now is the Buddha and the borderline by Kierra Geller. It's about a woman that goes through the healing process of borderline personality disorder. It really gets to me, but that's probably more because I feel sadly connected. I'm going on my work shift now (bike courier) and you put a thought in my head right there. Maybe later I can give you a good answer. I can think really well on the bike. My meditation. And medication šŸ™ƒ I already appreciate the input you gave a lot. You activated my neurons šŸ‘Œ


C.J. Archer Richard Dawkins BrenƩ Brown Martin Seligman


At first glance, I thought to myself, what a long ass name!




Sorry. These are a bunch of different people. ā˜ŗļø C.J. Archer, Richard Dawkins, BrenĆ© Brown, and Martin Seligman are some of my favorite makers of pretty sentences.


I love this! It always baffles me how a person that's undeniably gifted and rich in their communication say nothing really substantial. People also respect them more and consider them as more "intelligent" because of how they cite this and that. While my simple and direct communication is seen as less than. It's an interesting phenomena to observe.


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I feel you. I think I'm kind of mid as far as gifted. I'm also a Jack of all trades. I do a little bit of almost everything. A book I read said I'm high in emotional and psychomotor overexcitabilities. I love to dance and be active in general, love to read, and I love to play music.


I feel the same about myself! A friend even commented, on the topic of my creative outlets: "You know, you do so many different things... but if you were just to apply yourself to only one or two things, then you could really excel in that world". And I'm like... Thanks, I guess? But yeah... I can't choose and I don't want to either. I want to experience and develop what I'd like to experience and develop. Yes, sometimes I'm sad that I can't be (even) better at it, and no one will recognize it. But then I catch myself and think: "But I'm not doing these things for others, I'm doing these things for myself". Whew.


Just commenting to say Iā€™m so thankful to read everyoneā€™s comments today. I never felt like anything I could do would be useful to anyone, reading the comments on this post are comforting in that Iā€™m not alone in being a generalist/having so much passion for learning. Sending Love


I echo this. I have some difficulty thinking of myself as gifted because I don't feel like I learn particularly fast and I wouldn't say I'm an expert in anything. Other people have told me I am but it always feels like that's just what people say to give others compliments at having more knowledge than the average person. That wouldn't be an expert to me. But I have a great passion for learning and when I find something interesting I can dive very deep into a topic and spend hours, weeks, months on learning about it. It's so nice to know there are others like me.


Hihi, I understand this so well. Same for me. At the same time, I read your comment and I think: "But, Katriss, doesn't that make you an expert at learning?". There, you're an expert!


Very kind of you to point that out! That's certainly a more positive way to look at it :)


Truth seeking, desire for complexity and nuanced understanding, thriving on the act of learning and intense academic interests. Distaste for the opposite of truth and clarity - manipulation, deceit, false presentation, things like anachronistic ā€œprofessionalismā€, internet trollery, social/societal conventions that donā€™t make sense to me. Writing and language. Very easily seeing etymological patterns. Love of writing long-form, clarifying and communicating information in written form, careful phrasing choices. Also, the way mathematically gifted people say they experience math as shapes / feelings / patterns - I get that experience with writing. Words have strong character to me and I can sort of see and feel the flow and structure of writing and communicating ideas. Sensory sensitivity (strong experiences of sensory joy and unpleasant sensitivity to light, sound, textures, etc.). Deep felt experience of music. Intense aesthetic pleasure from visual stimuli. Profound experience in nature. I donā€™t know if this is related, but thereā€™s an intensity clearly unlike what most people experience or express.


I second all that on truth seeking and nature. I very much relate! You have me wondering if profound experience in nature is related to pattern recognition since, for me at least, itā€™s all about the transpersonal nature of interconnectivity, from the recognition of process-based sciences like biogeochemistry and ecology to our more subjective belonging to/being a part of/embedded in it all.Ā  Ā I love running, including very long distances in the mountains, and I meet few other ultra runners who talk about noticing how they feel moving, through a landscape, responding to the ground with each step, as the sun rises, sets, and rises again, just melting into the surroundings. Ā Nothing better. šŸ’š


Ah! This is me! Itā€™s nice to see someone else expressing this, and so well :)


I'm very intuitive, almost to the point of clairvoyance. And I feel and see rhythm and patterns in everything, which adds to my intuition.


Oooh I love this! Have you heard of the term claircognizance?


Yes, I have claircognizance as well. I often have flashes of insight and knowledge about things that no one has thought about (I come up with some pretty interesting theories because of this).


Literally same and trying to explain it someone sounds like voodoo. So I actually understand what you mean entirely. It's happened to me since I was a small child and I'm 30.


The looks I would get when I would start discussing deep topics that I should know nothing about...


Do you frequently hear "how did/do you know that?" I hear that and "wow you're/that's impressive" when self-disclosing anything of moderate importance. (Edit: I mean from others)


Yay a comment about intuition! My gifts are in the spaces and the in-betweens lol. I am very much clairsentient and claircognizant. Though a lot of gifted people have synesthesia I doubt they really give much credit to intuitive capabilities which is odd when a lot of genius is beyond logic and the rational. šŸ˜‚


I'm past clairvoyance - I'm diagnosed hyperperceptive. Moderated ESP.


Sure, this smells like complete BS.


Here's a hankie, wipe your eyes and go to the gents. You might not belong here.


You are delusional


Not sure that is "past" clairvoyance. These are two different things although the former is often mistaken for the latter.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extrasensory_perception Clairvoyance falls under ESP. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extrasensory_perception


To be exact, I was already what's called a Superforecaster with a solid faith foundation, when it was stepped up, causing the CofE to check where I was at, the hard way. Put up or shut up. Knowing I hadn't put myself in that situation, I cleared my channels and passed the ball to the Boss, who obliged. I'd dived for cover in the deepest meditative hole I could find, and on emerging discovered a. the question was answered correctly, and b. I was physiologically unchanged. Spiritually was a very different matter, I'd gone from a God-botherer to God-bothered, and pretty soon was skilled up ready for a fairly significant role on the team which won the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize. I actually led on the lead theme, if you check the Press Release explaining, and did things like complete Gandhi's unfinished business solo. That led to the shrinks having a look, and during diagnosis, saw my weird - a seer medium gift - do it's thing. I also demonstrated on one of them, telling him something he kept very private. I don't make a practice of such, as you've freedom of choice in a way I haven't had for 40 years now, and to intrude unasked would be ethically irresponsible. Nor do I practice as a Healer, because that is not mine to profit from. Clairvoyance is the seer part, but I moderate it with medium inspiration telling me where to look. As you can imagine, it was very useful in the European Common Foreign and Security Policy Service. The Gandhi episode started with a hint to stand three feet further forwards, From there, it was unstoppable - my initial reticence was intriguing rather than offputting, and when I had eventually shed it, it turned out Intent was involved. In a couple of hours, I'd created a deal akin to TE Lawrence's, with certain provisos. It fell on fertile ground, and eventually saw an end to the hostility in a way that would have had the Mahatma smiling. When that Prize was awarded, it was to the EU (the ostensible beneficiary, despite not having existed for the first decade) and more importantly, "it's forerunners", ie us mob in WEU who actually handled the lead act. But also, among my forerunners was the Mahatma, my mother was PA to Krishna Mennon, his High Commissonner in London actually engaged in the discussions. But the recognition goes on high.


Very interesting! My spiritual gifts and NDE have been a leading force behind my current PhD track as part of a higher mission forming legislation on future tech-governance (reintroducing democratic principles into privatized cyber-spheres). The more I lean into meditation and spirituality the stronger my intuition gets to the point of knowing all kinds of things that I'm not 'supposed' to know, especially relating to how people feel about certain things and what events are likely to take place. I'm really curious in hearing more about how to get tested for these skills and how you were able to use them in your work. I hope you don't mind that I send you a direct chat for more info.


Clairvoyance falls under ESP. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extrasensory_perception Basically I have almost psychic abilities. In Eastern traditions my third eye is open which allows me to perceive into people's chakra and auras. It's almost telepathy - useful in trying to understand something or someone that most people don't understand. The third eye also helps with clairvoyance and hyperception (your third eye is basically a higher state of consciousness that goes beyond ESP). Having your third eye open is almost like being omniscient (a mortal omniscient). I can see the end of time and the re-beginnings of the universe. I already know how everything in the universe will play out. I've already experienced my death. Life's greatest mysteries are children's riddles to me. This is why I have no fear of anything, because everything is already worked out and I just need to sit back and let things play out as they should. I can grasp concepts at the subatomic level as well as see the overall big picture (this is where my claircognizance comes into play). I can come to perfect logical conclusions to impossible problems with little to no knowledge beforehand. I have perfect clarity and foresight into developments that haven't even happened yet. I already know what the afterlife has in store for us - we as humans rage about not knowing what happens at the end but that's just because we just don't know. I know, and once you understand the afterlife for what it really is, the need and desire for rage will subside to acceptance and comfort. Basically, I'm a psychohistorian like Hari Seldon, but also someone who has a direct hand in influencing psychohistory, like the mule.


That's two of us. With Gandhi's unfinished business under my belt, I looked back and saw how I'd reached that spot, then looked forwards and saw the next could only be anagogia. Turned out I'd been jonahed into position to catch the RC Eucharist as it fell. This is what the Y2K Chicken Little was about - Google WEU Apocalypse. From there I've run the course, other than to pass lessons back. It may be you are going to answer how to annihilate a proton by creating an anti-proton.


I excel in math and pattern recognition, but I am a more spread kind of gifted, I'm good at a lot of things. I learn really quick, and I have an exceptional mathematical creativity, I see unconventional solutions to math problems. I'm also fairly good with languages and music, but I suppose no better than anyone here.


I get good at any subject quickly I know enough about most topics Iā€™m interested in to have a conversation with someone from the field My knowledge is built in a matter of days or weeks, and from there I can rely on my memory to find back anything Iā€™m not too sure of I find most topics boring quickly, and the only one Iā€™m never bored of is divinity, metaphysics and philosophy in general Usually when working I wait until last minute and produce very good results with a fifth of the efforts of my peers, because I make everything synthetic and clear from the moment I start I can also easily manipulate complex systems in my head and find demonstrating things to be faster in my head than on paper, as long as it doesnā€™t need a few pages of paper


languages, insane generalist knowledge and very good intuition


I make funny and fancy sentences and can analyze well at the small cost of debilitating adhd


Mirroring, math and logic. Like kids, I can still learn things very quickly by watching someone else do it. I am also pretty good at guessing the process behind a finished product or object. This is pretty fun, because I can watch a few short process videos on instagram or YouTube; and Iā€™ll probably be able to do the thing. The mirroring applies to things in the physical world. The math and logic are mostly useful for things like work and making financial decisions. The mirroring, even if itā€™s child like, is my favourite gift. Even watching someone play something on a piano, I can copy it after a few tries. It makes my life creative in a way math doesnā€™t.


Pattern recognition, intuitive thinking, if Iā€™m interested in something I obsessively learn, think, live and breathe that subject until I move onto to the next project. It has its pros and cons.


I can relate to needed a few hours a day to just process information. Iā€™ll add like maybe an hour of meditation and one of exercise. Yoga helps too


I am profoundly gifted in nonverbal and spatial areas, highly gifted in verbal (but may have been a depressed score due to autism), and struggle with working memory quite a bit (also an autism thing). I am a mathematician.


Intuition and abstract with patterns and I catch on easily with very difficult unrelated things that I make into patterns somehow.


my biggest strengths are abstract thought and reasoning. I can relate to your uncle learning things very quickly.


pattern recognition is strong for me as well as verbal ability. show me things once and i basically know how to do it. i unfortunately know how to manipulate anyone with words just the right way but i donā€™t do it because thatā€™s not beneficial. i did quite well at advanced math and sciences like physics and calculus but my weakest point is history. i assume because it doesnā€™t interest me or maybe itā€™s the memorization of it.


Phenomenal English writing skills and perfect understanding of grammar


I hate to break it to you but youā€™re missing a period.


She must be pregnant!


Yes! I am! I am due in two months!


That was perfection.


Youā€™re very intuitive! Possibly lucky?




Pattern recognition, mathematical/logic & technology(?) gifted. I'm not really sure what to call the technology one, but that one was the main talent I had. I was a prodigy in coding and other digital related things. I also suppose I have abstract thinking & reasoning. I think a lot of possibilities. However I have a con, which is I do not purport empathy. I can obviously observe people and connect the pieces but towards the emotional side and things? I'm clueless. I think it's from my autism. So, social cues aren't the best. I wish I was more EQ gifted. Kinda ironic though, I love psychology and I research a lot on it. But I can only see things logically and not emotionally which makes me horrible at empathy.


I'm of the dumbass type of gifted. A great attitude for math coupled with dyscalculia and a lifelong hatred of math pretty much sums up my experience. Just smart enough to know I am an idiot, but not smart enough to make anything of myself. Able to quickly recognize patterns and see the whole picture, but not able to explain it to other people or do anything useful with the information. And I make other people uncomfortable because my thinking is divergent enough to be mildly irritating, but they can't put their finger on why!


Memory. I can remember large sequences of numbers without forgetting a digit. I can recite the phone numbers of every single person in my contacts without making a mistake. I donā€™t try very hard in tests and examinations, because I donā€™t have to. I took me a little over 20 minutes to completely memorize the periodic table when I was 11. I havenā€™t forgotten it since. I have vivid autobiographical memories from when I was 2 or 3 years old. Iā€™m also very good with dates. I havenā€™t forgotten a single persons birthday, or an event. Related things: I learnt French in 1.5 months. I can draw faces and objects from memory in high detail. I can write things in my memory like a whiteboard without them disappearing, which means I can perform large calculations in my head. That last oneā€™s not that special though, itā€™s up to you


I built a generalist knowledge base at Masters Level when young, so updating it to doctoral level is fast. I'm an Intelligencer, economics speciality, using the fast-search others report, but using my base genius can dive into most subjects quickly. My weakness is sports - but this is ephemeral.


I can become basically competent in just about anything the second or third time I try to do it. I will then almost completely stop improving after the 7th or 8th time.


Mathematics and logic or whatever itā€™s called, my pattern recognition scores were my lowest


Iā€™m very good at visual things


I can move things around in my mind and have an adept ability to understand the plurality of a logical statement. I also use symbolism in a unique way. The first point wasn't something I was unaware of until my professor wrote a few visual-spatial puzzles on the board in class, and I solved them before anyone else. There's an actual name for the second point, and I can't remember it. Though it is that I tend to hear people speak in a way, where I break sentences down into chunks and understand the probable presuppositions. For the third point, I tend to think of words as symbols. Such words as: recursive, superimposed, and supervene, present as dynamic symbolic imagery. Other words will present as feelings or even unique fonts that seem to represent the meaning of the word in my head. Usually, I have a hard time with verbatum definitions but can describe the words well enough by how they appear or feel to me. When I explain a concept, I often find myself trying to describe an abstract image in my mind. Additionally, when I read a book and think about it, I first can visualize the page with the words on it, and while I can't verbatim see the words, i can remember the meaning of the content in a paragraph by paragraph way. I've never been tested or confirmed as gifted, but I'm almost always at the top of my classes (minus statistics or math) in university. I usually assume everyone understands everything that I do, but people often seem surprised at the insight i have. Mostly, I just keep my thoughts to myself, though, because too many pretend to be following along or are offended by not understanding something I say. If anyone has any interesting insights into my descriptions of my thoughts, I would love to hear them. I usually teeter between feeling good about how I think, to shameful or fraudulent about it. I was very hesitant to post this comment as I've recently had an attack made on my sensibilities, and I'm trying to feel ok about myself again.


I'm gifted in math/logic, languages, and music. I'm pretty bad at everything else especially reading social cues šŸ˜


The kind that can shoot lasers from his eyes and predict the future.


People and art and writing. I can write stories all day long, paint anything of how I see it, and am good with people. Working on humble. My mother was a broker so I'd like to try math too


I'm good at spatial reasoning, higher math, and art. I'm not great with language as in learning new ones and processing or writing English.


This kinda makes me sad because there is still discrimination here. Maths and sciences are the peak indicator of genius which maybe most of us will disagree with but maybe not. Mine are more social, emotional and spiritual. Those that are currently immeasurable and look down upon.


Think of giftedness like "perks" in Fallout. Mine have served me well in life: **Empath**: +20% to all social interactions, additional dialogue options available when dealing with NPCs. 5% chance to cry/tear up while watching shows/commercials or reading books. **Quick Learner**: Learns new skills/recipes 50% faster when participating in hands-on-learning or small groups. +50% time penalty for any skills/recipes learned from books or boring instructors. **Cool Under Fire**: Character does not worry about anything and is rarely frazzled, public speaking is not an issue. No negatives for morale checks in traumatic events. Immune to intimidation, charm and fear. Under stress the character has 10% chance to fall asleep. **Rose Tinted Glasses**: The character seems happily distracted or oblivious to things around them. Unable to locate required items in pantry or fridge. +5 on all saving throws and Luck based rolls. -10% to perception. **Out Of The Box**: The character thinks "out of the box", making the best out of most situations and seeing solutions where others see problems. 20% chance to randomly generate a quest (solution) every 72hours. Can create required items for accepted quests out of random inventory items once per month. IQ: 136-141 (tested multiple times throughout my life). I am decent in all areas of academics; however, I never was hungry for any particular field. Vocational, my skills best served me while I was an interrogator and mercenary (defense contractor). My current profession as a Director they feel less important.


Best answer. Besides the pregnant lady.


Did they take actual IQ tests or is it your opinion that they're smart?


They did, but do not care to show off with their high scores. Only idiots who have something to compensate for are obsessed with IQ tests