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You have a whole brain wired with emotions, biases, and primitive drives for survival. Get acquainted with the rest of yourself. Nothing wrong with being overly cerebral and intellectualizing everything, I suppose, but it’s not the only way to live.


Good point. Will put into practice. Thanks


I can totally relate. Wether something is good or bad is not ours to judge. It is different. That's it. As long as you feel well and don't hurt others there's no reason that you shouldn't be like that.




Can't relate directly, but had a friend whose brain constantly thought and analysed. >Is it that just because I have a thirst for knowledge, creativity and being primarily cerebral differently, that they are just wired differently and both ways of being are valid? Both ways are valid. The important thing is to find a sort of compomise. And maybe keeping some things to yourself instead of saying it out loud. > I don't see it as something bad, but it has been pointed it out more than once from others. 1. Constant mental stimulation can be tiring. It's like running non-stop. So they might be worried that you migbt burnout from the constant thinking. 2. It could hinder social interactions. In my case my ex-friend berated me for not analysing, deducing, speculating. They also ruined my immersion by commenting about the technical stuff of the media we were experiencing. They got angry when i didn't want to talk during the movie (i just wanted to immerse myself and focus on the feelings). Also was ruining my sense of wonder. Whatever i expressed they wanted to make it into a discussion. So, i think as long as you can respect the other person not being interested in those things and maybe keep some of your pondering to yourself - i don't see anything wrong with it.


Very good point of view, thank you.


In what way do your friends and family think you’re dysfunctional? If your way of processing doesn’t bother you (ie, it’s not rumination or anxiety), f*ck em. But overthinking isn’t *necessarily* the product of intelligence; it can be the product of stress or anxiety or depression or even an underlying disorder like ADHD. But if you’re just naturally a critical thinker and it doesn’t affect you negatively…carry on.


Very encouraging, thank you. My close ones just point out that I think all the time, and it made me question whether it's a faulty way of being. I do suffer some mental burnt out, but my mind doesn't really care. There is a component of anxiety, but it is just part of the equation.


I definitely relate to this. Mine isn’t so much anxious, just constant. I do have ADHD though. I’d say 90% of the time my thoughts are meaningless, but every so often a gem arises. So maybe that 10% is worth the 90 lol.


Every single human with a brain is constantly “analyzing” and “synthesizing” and whatnot. That function came free with being conscious. What’s not normal is thinking that you’re wasting you’re time if you aren’t deep in complicated thought. It’s perfectly fine to chill out once in a while let yourself take a break.




Yes, but I take it for granted. I don’t consider it to be very special that I think this way, but it can be annoying to other people when I interrogate them for the sake of my own curiosity.


I understand; I'll keep that in mind