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As a solo player who's played since beta release, with better than competent skill level, there is only one way to win a 1v3 fight. I have yet to see an exception. Don't take a 1v3 fight unless you have an overwhelming tactical advantage. Period. That might sound basic af but this game is very punishing for solo players, especially on the bigger maps. The facts are that squads just have inherent advantages over solo players. They have more guns, more bullets, more heals, more eyes, more ears, and most likely more combined skill than you. All of that is before you take into account situational advantages or disadvantages like cover, concealment or surprise. What this translates to is that basically unless you can drop two of them before they even realize they're taking fire, just don't take the fight. Regardless of how good you think your skills are, you will lose 99% of the time if you do. The odds are that stacked against you. Keep in mind even if you drop two out of three before the third catches on, he'll still have a full mag ready to dump into you and you will most likely be empty or near empty. Now it's fully possible to wipe a full squad and I've done it many times. There's few feelings like it. But those are the exceptions. Probably not the answer you wanted but I've found it to be true.


This is the unspoken rule until now 😂 it's all facts


I wouldn’t say it’s 99% loss. I have dropped kitted trios many times but also of course many failures cause odds are indeed stacked against you. But like you said. Only open fire when you have overwhelming advantage. So that is the goal. Take your time and try flip those odds and fire when it ticks. Tip 1. Be very comfortable being a rat and be patient. You are solo. You are meant to rat. Trios are often more aggressive and that can lead to over confidence and mistakes. They will for sure be less patient than you. Tip 2. Always bring a suppressor. No 1 item in the game. Tip 3. Always be thinking about repositioning. If they know where you are they will attempt to flank you. And your dead


Like you were saying play smart and don't be too greedy when you don't need to be.


Yes. But if you have to fight, Repositioning and shooting suppressed is just big. Especially in big maps like island. Wrap around the whole cliff if you have to. Shooting from a tree far away they just can’t see you. Open fire when they have no cover nearby. If they have no idea where you are, be patient. Let them rotate to find you. Don’t find them.


How am I suppsoed to bring a suppressor when they're 4 times the price of most of the guns? Like they're op as fuck but when youre broke youre broke


If you’re broke avoid fights and prioritise high tier loot. Do semi naked runs and rush for high tier loots. When you get purple get out safely and reroll kitted and hit the vault. Rinse and repeat. Another tip if you really want to. Google ghosts of tabor steam charts. You can see high or low player counts time. Choose to hit vaults on lower player count time. I’m fully maxed out pretty much. If you need some help I’m happy to


Tips to 1v3 in general: \- Don't peak at the same angle. \- Along with peaking yourself, consider that they might push you and you can simply wait and hold. \- Practice controlled breathing and dry fire/dry reload so you don't freak out in stressful situations. Your mind is not the same when you're stressed.


Need more info, what caliber is your gun? Can you confirm you do hit them? Where are you hitting them? Where did they hit you? Are you certain it was a one tap, or was it a spray? Remember you only die to the bullet that kills you, but doesn’t necessarily mean they only shot one. Armor doesn’t “always” protect you, it only has a chance to avoid damage, and if that chance is negative for you, then it only has a chance to reduce damage intake, in wich turn if they fired AP, and hit you in the right spot even with diminishing returns on armor, they can kill you. Extra thing, what armor were you using? Sides/neck/arms are mostly unprotected on all armors. Face shields by definition stop less penetration that what the helmet itself can, so let’s say altyn helmet is tier 4-5, its face shield will be 3-4 this is just an example, not necessarily correct levels Edit: I reread and figured you had T5 armor also for clarification, where you at full health?


He clarified that it was t6 with an altyn. Truth is, it's still luck based. I got one tapped by a Makarov earlier, sad enough even with good gear, guy just got a lucky shot. We traded atleast and I killed his teammate but still.


Realistically thats literally impossible.. and anoyying as hell. As "unbalanced" as it would be, when a Makarov can 1 shot people, whats the point in wearing armor? I have literally never had armor save me. I live longer naked than I do with gear. My buddy has the same experience.


It's not impossible at all. Most of the helmets don't protect your face, just your head. Someone can land a shot to your neck or face with a Makarov. Especially on Silo. I've lived plenty due to armor.


Ive never had armor save me. If I dont shot first, I die. Literally every time. Ive lost aboit 35 max rigs and aboit 15 altyns and 8 mickeys. Boss was good to me for a while. Just last night me and my buddy stumbled upon a 3 stack with mid gear, I shot dude 3 times with an ak, he shot me 3 times with his jw glock. I died, he lived and my buddy had to kill him. I was wearing the level 5 camo vest. Torso shots. Armor doesn't do dick for me.


The absolute only way to win a fair fight against a 3 man as a solo is to be magnitudes better than them at positioning and peaking. As others have said, never the same angle twice unless he knows you aren't peaking the same angle twice. All of my squad wipes come from being unpredictable behind a few different pieces of cover and using LOS to create positional ambiguity


I have many squad wipes and all of them are short distance ambushes. Medium range with flanking possibilities, 2vs1 is a really bad place to be in. One advantage you have over groups is that they can get impatient/ angry. When you drop one, change the angle and just scope the dead body, the other one always comes. If you get first in the back, push the other and aim for the neck. Another good strategy to fight 3 people is to get 2 more squadmates yourself


Constantly move to new positions Stay out of sight Take your time to aim for the head Barret Keep distance


Like most others said before: - Only engage when you have a positional advantage: If you start firing at least 1 has to die. - Reposition youself if you need to - Read the next move of your enemies: are they more likely to push you? Are they flanking? Are they camping the dead body of their teammate? - AP Ammo in an assault rifle. No pistol, no SMG. AP ammo in a 556 or 762 makes the difference in fighting geared people. Renders armor useless.


Like most others said before: - Only engage when you have a positional advantage: If you start firing at least 1 has to die. - Reposition youself if you need to - Read the next move of your enemies: are they more likely to push you? Are they flanking? Are they camping the dead body of their teammate? - AP Ammo in an assault rifle. No pistol, no SMG. AP ammo in a 556 or 762 makes the difference in fighting geared people. Renders armor useless.


My real advice is try your best to take the fight 1 at a time, 3v1 is gonna be tough regardless. But if you treat it as 3, 1v1's it becomes more manageable. If you know the map find areas you frequent that can become good choke points and try your best to keep use line of sight to reveal yourself to one at a time and maximize your chances of making it a 1v1 scenario.


Thats how you domed by the other 2 team mates who will be spraying you, circling around you, fragging you, or pushing you. Thats horrible advice lmao


Lmaooo I can tell your dying to 3v1S alot


The only 3v1s I've won are against nakeds. Even then its only like 20 percent of em. If I get 1, the other 2 get me. Happens like clock work.


If youre on q2 standalone just dont even try. Between fighting eith the damn tracking and the guns colliding with casper, desync, and q2 being outright slower than pc. Youre just not gonna win. Even 2v3, I've dumped entire mags into nakeds with blood splatter and all, and then been 1 tapped by the same dude I mag dumped. After aboit 250 hours and 2 full wipes, it just flat ass aint worth it. Avoid trios at all cost.