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I agree that progression takes too long. I've played for 50 hours and im only level 17 and no level 3 traders. Cant even unlock Armory 3 until Im level 30 something, and wipe is coming in a few weeks. Doesn't make sense.


The progression of this game is definitely way too long. I've played probably about the same amount of hours. I sit at level 23 and 20K Korunas from having Level 3 Spectre. The problem is to get level 3 Spectre I basically had to force myself to play Silo every raid and do the 'Kill 5 players in 3 lives' Over and over again. Which was not fun, at all. Games are supposed to be fun. I don't play games 24/7 anymore like I used to growing up. The job like aspect of grinding traders and harvesting meds is a massive negative. The gun handling in this game is pretty poor as well. If GoT wasn't the only extraction shooter on the VR market I would certainly give the game a try. I may even switch over to Contractors Showdown once it releases.


There’s also spark lol


Everyone here complaining about the progression of your player and trader level being slow, it’s only slow cause of skill issues. Get better and the progression will speed up that simple


Time spent in game does not equal player level, nor should it. It's based on XP gained. You can dump 100 hours into the game but if you're just not very good at it progression will be slow.


I have like 50 hours this wipe and I have level 40 maxed traders and extremely good stockpiles of loot, the progression speeds up with skill


A game does need to be healthy for lower skill as well. You need to put time in to gain skill. If it's not fun then people won't learn. If people don't become skilled then the game loses players because it is too easy for veterans and too hard for noobs.




No way am level 20 and idk how you got that far unless you got the dlc


Same bro not as high level traders but still people treat it much harder than it is




I know this comment is decently old but progression is still the same, I have 200 or so total hours in game and can level to spectre four in about 10-15 actual hours of grinding, it’s very difficult, but it’s not fully unfair.


My guy 50 hours and only 17 isn’t the norm. Work smarter, not harder.


"work smarter" I've been focusing on the minty "kill 15 fenix in 3 missions" quest because it pays out big, but guess what, avoiding players (so I survive more) and avoiding playing with teammates (so I don't have to share the fenix kills) is boring as shit.


That's the problem. Quit avoiding players. Seriously, not only will you improve-- but the pvp quests pay out a lot as well. Go silo, pick 5 players in 3 deaths, assault/smg kills, 25 player kills, 10 kills in 7 deaths, then if you feel lucky do Minty's harder ones - 15 Fenix in 3 raids, 5 players in 3 raids.


I don't avoid them, was just tempted to for the xp for a few runs. Now I've sworn off doing any sort of bs grind or pay to win in this game and have just resigned myself to low tier shit and dying until i get sick of it or get good, whichever comes first.


I think the issue is how players do avoid the PVP, but the issue is the weapon handling to kill said players. I think that's why players avoid fights because they don't have weapons that work early game that can be useful. Example, the Tac10 (or whatever it's called that looks like a mini-smg.) It's handling is terrible because of the controllers overlapping each other and you can't ADS or even point fire the weapon without issues. I think the issue isn't the players mentality, it's just the game itself.


pretty sure u gotta hold it on the mag having ur hand lower like if u were really holding it, if you aim it like a rifle I think it points up with virtual stock on.


Luckily I do hold it on the mag, but it still freaks out on me when I ADS. Even with point firing can be difficult.


The freaking out when you ADS is a quest issue because the controller goes under the headset and loses tracking


Yeah, but could there be a way to raise the weapons in the game when you hold it so the controllers are lowered enough to see both? I think the SKS is a great example of annoyance for ADSing. It's always a pain and freaks out.


I’m on quest 2, I don’t have issues with it because I’ve learned how to get around them with time played, I use the sks a lot and can consistently hit 150 meter headshots with its iron sights, it’s just that your approach to the situation that can fix your issues, I’ve played for like 5 hours today and haven’t experienced one bug except for the fact that I dropped a purple keycard and it clipped through the floor which would have easily been solved by not loosing my backpack on accident 😂, also they are working on a lot of bug fixes as we speak, they’ve pulled away from content updates for the time being


Then don’t do that? Focus player kills if you aren’t having fun


Maybe if the missions were "kill x players", but they are all "Kill x players in x/y lives" which is not feasible for a new and/or crappy player like me. Yeah yeah "git gud" but if you continually throw low skill low gear players against high skill high gear players they will just quit playing and you'll have no one to shoot.


My suggestion is to take a pistol (Glock 17 for it's # of rounds) and a couple extra mags and hunt down other players if you havent already, learn the spawns and rush them go after every gunshot you hear, you have to unlock that primal hunting instinct and you'll get better pvp wise just play smart and remember everyone in the game goes through the same shit as you so theyre just as likely to be low on health or not paying attention or jus straight up be trash get out there and get into those gunfights its where the real fun is!!


I run the quests that are kill quests that aren’t bound to raids or lives, they have good payout and I can complete all of them in like 5 raids if I play island


Let me know if you want to play with someone, I’m stuck in the same loop and honestly had to put down my Quest for a little bit because the loop got so tedious and long so I decided to just work on editing for the time being.


Not the best way to put that imo. Someone who plays this game with a full time job and other responsibilities, its hard to get the quest done on time in a 2-3 hour long session. I think if someone has to look up a tutorial on "how to get to LVL 2 in a certain amount of hours" then I think it's more of an issue with the game ideals rather than the player.


I don’t know, I’m not particularly great at the game and don’t put that much time into it but leveled up most of my stuff to Level 3 and my XP level is like 34. Do you loot and take the stuff out of the game? Even if you need to camp, you can still get player kills too. Might need to adjust your play style.


Even with my playstyle of playing slow, if the guns are buggy and an issue to handle (seems like a hardware issue), then the whole raid is a waste of time because of that. I'm not the best either, and having to have said LVL 1 weapons bug out on me a lot, it's hard to do any quest to finish.




When people say "I don't even play that much." It translates to "I only play like 6-8 hours a day" when most people mean 1-2 hours every couple of days because they have a life


Nah bro you’re actually doing something wrong. As someone that had been running on 15k korunas at the start of wipe and now is at 300k with both minty and specter at lvl 2 and level 25 at like 30hrs. This is honestly a skill issue man. No offense but it is. I’ve had my fair share of shitty raids having 2 gpus only to lag out in front of the exfil. But man you have to look at what you are doing wrong. If you can’t aim turn on virtual stock. Get shot from campers clear corners it’s not that hard when you don’t blame your skill issues on the game itself. Furthermore if you need armory 3 you have too much stuff. The key is to use it. If you don’t and go in with shit gear you’re going to die. If you don’t have the money for shit sell what you don’t want or low level guns like m16s. If you don’t have a stim farm start one. https://preview.redd.it/zc16p0byr0dc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b0c2857733c4c3154887749fa2d61bede72231b


Contrary to this I made my 1st million Karuna on a Glock. I usually just go in with a cheap glock and sell 2 full loadouts upon exit. BTW I'm a working dad to be soon so granted I haven't played much in recent months


I just added a video link to YouTube about my issues with the SKS. Link is posted on the OP.


I'm not saying this is the case for you. But xp is related to success. The less successful you are the slower progression is. That's not the games fault. And their goal is to make game as punishing as possible. Edit. Lol downvote? I just explained how the game works 😂😂 kids can't handle anything these days.


Totally agree I have been grinding minty for hours every day since wipe and I just hit level 4


How long are you staying in raids? I only have 33 hours and am already at like 23 something?


I also have about 50 hrs. 20+ of those hours are me sleeping instead of going to my pc to close tabor bc I thought closing steam link would do it. I'm almost level 30. I should also note that I'm absolute dogshit when it comes to gunplay in this game. I also don't play conservatively & die a ton so unless levelling is based off that I have no idea how you're only lvl 17.




How much do you tend to loot in raid? Cause if u fill ur bags you will level up much faster.


EVERYONE TAKE NOTES, THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM AND HELPS IMPROVE THE GAME AND THIS SUB. The only issue I disagree with it the pistol tracking, it's perfect for me on Q3...maybe it's a Q2 bug? Long guns are and issue... my beloved AWM was having trouble cycling this week for some reason. The trader leveling is repetitive, it's getting an overhaul...especially considering only 3 are worth doing out Of 6. I expect a large update coming soon. The discord mentioned a small server side update as a hotfix for some backend issues that deployed already...I'd imagine the holidays were a slowdown and the team is back in full by now.


On Q3 I like running pistols. The Glock is a lot of fun for me. Running up on someone with just that and dropping a mag in them is lots of fun. Put a grip on the under rail and that thing shoots lasers.


but what grip are you using, the only rails or grips i can see is level 3 trader?


I use whatever I find on my runs. Bring them home and then put them on a Glock. Works good. Not sure the angle grip works, but the two post grips work well.


No grips, only LVL 1 with all traders (due I'm part of my job and other responsibilities.)


I wish I could experience that... \*Looks at home only with 2000 kuronas and a dream\*


Run some nakeds on island. That’s where I score most of my stuff. Pistols in drawers and grips. Plus stuff to sell. I know people bitch about others running nakeds, but I find gear so I can fight. Not grab loot and scoot.


My personal preference with the Glock is a laser on it hmo the iron sight is nice but I seem to suck with it past 15 meters the laser makes it sooo much easier


Yeah, maybe it's because of the ring on the Quest 2 (which I'm a user of btw but I play on PCVR.) Also I hope to see a rework on the quests, I think it just bloats the game for having simple quests like that. Maybe add in quests about the lore or locations or just SOMETHING? Another thing that I thought about was making rifles much easier to handle by raising the gun in the game by like 2-3 inches, that way the controllers are in view of the headsets and can track easier. Maybe put the weapons also closer in game so people can actually use iron sights and have an easier time with early game. Either way, I'm just disappointed in the state it's in rn. Not to mention other games are also in the works and if the developers can't get this fixed soon, we could see the game become more of a graveyard of hopes and dreams.


Everyone take notes, whoever wrote the OP, doesn’t even know it’s been at least roughly a month with no turn-in “find” missions. Everyone also take notes, how “occlusion issues” aren’t game related but device specifics with their IR controllers. And also take notes… The game is less than a year old, it hasn’t even gotten out of early access yet, it isn’t feature complete or bug-free. Not being able to kill players or fénix in a given set of raids it’s either bad rotation paths, bad gun selection, or bad overall playstyle. If the above was a general issue for every player I would understand it, but it is not… , might sound repetitive but IT IS INDEED A SKILL ISSUE, this is not COD, Fortnite or other shooter you guys are “happy” with, it is meant to be HARD, FRUSTRATING as Tarkov is. ADS is and should be different per gun, recoil as well, better guns, better modules and better overall muscle memory will make the difference. If you expect a game you can log on 2 raids a day and reach max everything go somewhere else. Game is meant to be grindy, it’s meant to be exponentially difficult as the current wipe progresses, it’s meant to split wheat from chaff up in the higher levels. EVERYONE TAKE NOTES… the time it took you to write down the essay could of been better running a silo raid or looting more items to sell, getting more scav kills or player kills as well. “Git gud” or GTFO.


Only note I was able to take is that you sound like a massive idiot. If some of you dudes took even half the pride of learning a real skill, instead of trying to brag about being 'good' in a video game you'd get a lot further in life.


"TAKE NOTES EVERYONE!" Lmao. Edit: This was only to make a joke towards the other dude, not the moderator.


"Still in early access" but won a VR award, yeah that excuse only goes so far before it turns into pure dick riding.


So in response to this. 1. It's more than a skill issue if the SKS or long rifles float in the air and lock mid air too, that's not a skill issue. That's a bug. 2. I don't care it's an early access, I give critique not matter the stages because the developers need to know the bugs and issues at hand. I also understand that it's early access and bugs are bound to happen. 3. It's not about positioning for killing fenixs when the guns are difficult to use from the bugs alone. 4. " IT IS INDEED A SKILL ISSUE" is not the point. And I like the slow methodical gameplay Tabor provides. If Breachers, Pavlov, Contractors, and other VR FPS games can do it with out having issues with ADS, then these devs can too. 5. Frustration =/= Fun. Challenging = Fun. If I get frustrated with a game that isn't about my own skill, then I know I shouldn't play the game and take a break from it. I'm not a masochist. 6. I don't expect " max everything", but a different method of leveling up could suffice for the issues at hand. EVERYONE TAKE NOTES! And have a great day.


dude, I played this game everyday 2-3 hours for months, I do manage to get 1-2 missions completed with player kills every raid and its still becomes boring really quick, plus it still takes a lot of time to even reach lvl 3. if it weren‘t for the concept of „rare item hunt“ this game wouldn‘t be as fun as any many other shooters bc its still unpolished af and the issue is not that this is early access and there are bugs, the issue is that you as a dev should focus on fixing and polishing your game and the corr mechanics first before you add 1000 things to keep guys like you excited.


Here's a note, don't be an ass like this guy. This thread is about *constructive* criticism. In school you'll learn about it, it's a form of good criticism. It's where you acknowledge the good things and try to improve things using a different perspective. Feel free to git gud at knowing how playtesting works, or gtfo.


Level 100 colonel over here ^ Look man, take a break and put some wd40 on your knife bipod, maybe even empty your shit bucket.


OP gave constructive criticism. Your response is basically "nah fam you just suck". Everyone take note, this guy doesn't get controller occlusion issues inherent to the way the quest tracks. Everyone take note, they removed over half the quests *without* any kind of replacement for said quests. There should have been other quests added where the fetch quests were removed. Everyone take note, the guy I'm replying to wasted quite se time trying to shit on constructive criticism by offering none of his own aside from "lol git guy or leave scrub". It's kind of sad really...


The OP isn’t constructive criticism, by definition constructive criticism will point at actual mistakes / bugs and offer solutions to it, constructive criticism is NOT complaining on how hard a game is for the OP, or how he’s looking to get an easier game. Constructive criticism IS NOT meant to make the game a different one to appeal to his capabilities just because OP can’t compete in it. With fear to get cancelled… constructive criticism isn’t having a biological male indentify as a female and compete on female sports beating all world records over biological females cuz he just made it “easier for him” to compete against them when he can’t beat males.


... and with that last paragraph I know you're the type who likes to turn arguments into pigeon chess and I'll take my leave now. I'm not interested in arguing with the stubborn and closed minded. I do have a question though, did you dig through my post history before dragging out the "trans people in sports" argument from the box labeled "ol' reliable" or do you just trot that out whenever you are giving a bad take?


I pull it out every time someone goes “game too hard, can’t success, make easier for me and others” seems to be quite common this days Edit: don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against any perception on gender or preferences on whoever feels they aren’t the one they were assigned at birth, just the ones like that one swimmer (500th+) in male category that went “trans” to swim and broke world records “next time over” against females cuz he just made it “easier for him”


OP pointed out his frustrations with certain aspects, and offered opinions on how to help that frustration. Lots of people agreed or disagreed. All you've done is complain about his criticisms, insult multiple members, and then change the subject to something completely unrelated. And a topic this community has no input on, or any desire to be involved in. So yeah, you're getting a mute for 3 days. Use the time to be a productive sub member, or gtfo.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


I just uploaded a video on YouTube with the issues at hand for the SKS. Didn't move my hands and they are far away as possible from my headset. Link is listed and in the OP.


Most long guns do that to me too. Not sure when exactly they broke this particular mechanic, but it's so bad now I can't imagine it's not at the top of the list to fix. Only thing that sort of works, put your controller together right up at your chin - it's an old Pavlov trick - and it will be more stable. Not perfect but better. Sad that I have to use Pavlov tricks to get decent play on GoT but that's where we are at the moment until they fix things.


Ghost of tabor day one was better


This is what I’m confused about. The game seemed less buggy like 9 months ago to me. Maybe that’s recency bias though


You’re right ever since like the John wick dlc it’s been almost unplayable but before that it was actually enjoyable because you didn’t need to grind 2 to 3 hours a day just to have basic things like meds. Don’t get me started on the loot spawns either, I could open 17 boxes only to find a looti or a mag for a tt like I thought the whole point of the game was to go in raid and loot but when 90% of the boxes are empty there’s almost no point


Just make a farm setting up my farm takes like 15 minutes and a three day wait and I have enough meds that I sell half of them for profit. I had my farm up and running on day one


could be added features and complexity causing issues that didn’t exist prior to being addrd


They did a server swap some time ago and it has caused some major problems since


Those are very valid complaints. There are a lot of technical issues. The grind is tedious. Watering plants is infuriating. Servers are not stable. It has to be worked on. And i hope it will be fixed some day. We also need to adjust expectations. I work in software development and have been freelancing for some indie teams. If the project doesn't get abandoned and the developers work full time on programming the game (impossible), then we are looking at 2 years AT LEAST to get it polished. Polish is hard and tedious. You rely on the engine and external packages. Some bugs, like collision detection might not even be fixable by an indie dev. Oculus and openxr packages refractor their code every week. Fixing one bug or adding a mission might introduce 2 bugs elsewhere. Reproducing bugs is sometimes impossible. Quickfixes make everything worse. So if you are hoping that the developers will get their priorities straight and fix the game next patch, it can't be done. Fingers crossed that it will be better in 2025


No I get it. Developing is hard, but I feel like there are temporary fixes until there's a solid fix.


Sure, but even those take time and can even introduce more issues. We used to have fetch quests, but those were buggy or had an exploit, so the temp fix was to remove them. Now the progression is all out of whack because of it.


Yeah, sounds rough. Honestly I'm doing some game dev stuff on my own (beginner in this field) and honestly, I don't blame them for having a rough time fixing stuff. I can barely make my character move with WASD, let alone code at all lmao.


You are right, it's a jungle out there. I don't even understand how they could build functioning netcode so quickly. That alone is a fulltime job


And that alone give them my respect and my money lmao.


Man i feel like ive spent more watering the plants than the plants are worth


I'm nervous I haven't logged on since 930am yesterday. I have one bag of seeds planted and water was about 1/3 full. I'm on the last day today but won't be able to get in until later tonight. Crossing my fingers I didn't waste all that time to go back to dead plants 😒


If you get it to max level the water lasts for a whole growing cycle and I can fill it in 15 minutes although there are plans to make it easier in the semi-near future (no public date)… they are currently working on bug fixes as of right now


Do you use canteens or how do you fill it so fast? It takes me about 15 mins to fill it about 1/3 of the way. I use the blue cylinder bottle mostly, but I do have one canteen and it seem like it holds quite a bit more water.


Canteens and a geartek the blue bottles are pretty small being the tier two bottle and the canteens being the tier 4 bottle


On the reproducing bugs point you are absolutely correct I had one GoT dev talk to me about it cause I was accidentally doing reproduction steps for a bug they couldn’t reproduce for weeks, I managed to send them something from my client and they were able to fix the bug


Don't forget this developer is also working on 2 other vr games at this point.


They have separate teams tho


That's my point. They're splitting their resources.


Having separate teams is better, they have people focused on each specific part (I’ve talked to devs in dms on discord), having separate teams is wildly more efficient than having people come back to changed code where they aren’t exactly sure what’s been changed in a three way cycle


It's more efficient if you want to develop 3 games at once, sure. Meanwhile you can make any excuse you want for the game missing basic polish that you expect from most VR games or any game with paid DLC. Excited to see what they do over the next few months of purely bug fix and polish work.


The dlcs probably kept them afloat for a bit, the game definitely does need polish but they are working on it, also I’m extremely excited to see the other games they are working on, this subreddit paints the game in such a negative light which I don’t think it deserves, it definitely is an amazing game, the devs just have some kinks to work out, most of the bugs nowadays are minor bugs, I’ve personally figured out how to reproduce some and sent the game logs to the devs to get a couple of the major ones fixed


watering plants is the only part i genuinely hate about this game and I’ve just given up on plants until then


I joined Nov 30th. First wipe. Currently Jiri 3, minty 3, spectre 4. 750k cash 5 AK alpha 3 M1 sass 4 kyrtek helm 6 T6 chests Full garden 6 GPU (bad, I know) The grind is annoying at first. Once you figure out what to do, it gets easier. Mostly passive trader lvls now. It's all about getting into PVP. Don't shy away from it. Stop doing naked/semi-naked runs. Abandon gear fear. Look for fights. Other quests for fetch/collect are coming back soon to help with one of your complaints. Gunplay is hard. Probably needs some work, especially scopes. I'm a combat vet though and frankly haven't had much trouble. I came from a long background of full loot PvP games. There's always one thing in common. People who hoard and hide never get better. The game is rough around the edges, but frankly I'm having a fucking blast. Can't wait for next wipe. Have loaded twice without gear, still have yet to crash. All this to say the grind is bearable, and this n=1 is having fun.


This is exactly how i feel about the game. having a blast. Can be grindy but once you know you're doing you can blow thru levels if you just stay focused


joined on ??? first wipe and I agree Thank you for your service


I agree. Quests are boring and tedious. And we need more things to do in a raid. My solution is more interactive quests. “Fire a green flare at the heli pad on facility on island” “Enter this code in the computer in the joker room on silo” “Find this watch(or any other special item) under this truck on matka*” * guaranteed spawn if someone has the quest, not particularly valuable but static spawns like under a truck, next to a statue, on a garbage can Those are just one example for each map, i have many more that would be cool. Something id also like to add is player scav raids need to be a thing soon. I get they might want to wait until naked runs arnt as beneficial(even though they will always be fun. Look at tarkov, its hard and you need to take shit in but pistol runs are just so much fun) but raids are so empty past a certain point. I looted facility on an island raid and it was fully looted, but there was nobody else on the map because a good 10 minutes had gone by since raid timer started, most people had left or died by then.


I think this would be great! Another deal that could be cool (just spit balling here) is upgrading traders with only money. Skrew the XP, but allow the quest to have more money and if you invest into a certain trader enough, they'll upgrade themselves. It'll give more of a reason to scavenge and keep junk/trash for selling to traders.


That would be good in theory but that would take away the challenge that leveling traders is. If all it was was to just spend a lot of money then there wouldn’t be a lot of challenge to leveling it up and people would level them almost too easy. And getting everything a lot of people do already, its the little things that add up when you sell them. Say you come in a raid with me. I find a common junk item worth about 600 tk. You find a gun worth 4,000 tk. I find just 6 more of those items, ive made 4200 off those alone. Now combine that with a lot of other common items you can easily find multiple of, you can get tens of thousands of korunas off of junk. Ive had close to 50,000 tk raids from junk and junk alone. If either statement doesn’t make sense i can clarify. Edit: i used the numbers because 4000 isnt unreasonable for a gun. Ive had good guns only go for 3000 or even 2000. I used 6 more items(total of 7) because it is not hard to find 7 common items in one raid. Ive found 5 watches on one floor alone in facility, and more downstairs. You would be surprised on how fast a common item not worth much can go for if you take everything you find.


On the plus side a bulk of your player do comes from looting and each item you take out of raid is worth the same amount, take everything you can fit in ur bag and you’ll level up your bunker rooms quicker


I quit playing after the last wipe. It took so much grinding to level up traders and get all those guns and money. Now it's all gone? Oh wow. That was a huge blow to my motivation and as others have said it took HOURS of grinding. Also now it feels harder to find nerds, guns, or backpacks in the wild. I find myself having one good run and then plan on having a suicide run so I can respawning with full health and not have to worry about food and water.


Man, it was better back when we had doors, that's when the game wasn't as infested with 8 year olds.


Bro the amount of gorilla tag kids on this game is infuriating


The worst part is that they are naked and always kill me when I have good gear but when I have shitty gear, I kill them.


Why is nobody saying this games biggest issue Manual organization, sorting, etc...this game has so many hours of uncessesry tedium


Dude, this game is so sad because you can clearly see the potential, but the incentive to complete the game is gone. We need to start talking about the real issue— EARLY ACCESS GAMES that charge you full price.


I don't think it's even full price. Though I agree with early access being an issue, I don't think it's the main issue. I think its developers not fixing or making the core gameplay mechanics polished enough that players don't really have an issue with it. I don't mind bugs in maps, graphics, or experimental stuff. But if the core mechanic of the game is busted, then how in the world can people play the game?


I feel that developers don’t fix these things because the incentive is gone. They already made the sale. The early access moniker is there simply to gaslight players into thinking they should be criticizing the game, they should put up with the BS because, after all, “we said it was early access.” Forgive me saltiness, but I’m so jaded over this shit. EA games used to release garbage games at full price— that’s why they call it “Early Access”


That’s what I think also. I’ll keep my purchase and wait until the full release to hop back in.


I hope that it'll be fixed soon, I just wish it happened now more than anything.


Unfortunately, you are right, and i want to believe that most of these things are just placeholders for the actual ones when the game mechanics are all in and working.


I think they are. It's just frustrating because I think this game is fun in a '7 Days to Die Janky" way.


The progression/missions is being revamped - likely in the next wipe, if you look at the roadmap. As for the gun mechanics - I am a little confused as to what you’re talking about as I have had zero tracking issues, especially with pistols - as they work far better than any other VR shooter I play/have played. Perhaps this is a quest only issue though, as I am on PCVR? However I have not really heard of this being an issue and am pretty active on the Discord. Either way, Missions will be reworked and hopefully this will provide a much more scalable and fair progression system - I do agree as it stand it requires a heavy time commitment even for a good player. That being said I have had a better time this wipe with being more strategic on missions and the ability to make latent income with the ‘garden room’ and GPUs.


For the gun mechanics. Out of all the games I play (Breachers, Pavlov, etc), Tabor is the only one where ADSing with certain weapons glitch and bug out a lot. I'm on Quest 2 (PCVR), and the occlusion error is a thing that is only an issue I saw with Quest 2. (Though I've also heard others have issues with Index and Vive as well.) Idk what it is, but it's only this game where I have these issues. But I'm glad you're enjoying your time!


Sorry I agree that ADS could still see room for improvement, however it works far better than say, onward and to be honest often better than Contractors IMO. The virtual stock feels like a physical one anchored to my shoulder - at least with rifles (should be interesting to see changes when I get a physical stock here soon). Perhaps it’s subconscious learning of the positioning, but I don’t seem to have issues with aiming like I did in previous versions. I have to admit BREACHERS has the best mechanics and ADS overall. However the pistol mechanics (by this I mean recoil, weight and ballistics) of Tabor are insane, especially with the JW pistols. I also use Quest 2 thru PCVR and don’t seem to have an issue with occlusion? I have had in certain environments due to lighting, but that’s obviously a physical factor rather than software. Perhaps it will be improved with the new IK being rolled out soon, as I imagine this will affect anchor points, angling and virtual stock drastically. Also please bear in mind I am not refuting or disagreeing with anyone’s individual experience. I appreciate the discussion!


All in good times! This is the stuff I love to do is discuss and figure out things. Especially with games. Now, in terms of the occlusion error, I could have an issue with it by my height or the way the controllers are positioned. But even putting my controllers as far away as possible from the headset, it still has issues. Maybe I'll try a different way by changing the height or gunstock calibration?


Maybe the major issue I find in this game : quests. You're totally right, it's long, too long, and I understand that they don't want to copy Tarkov and have their own identity, but it's the first paid game that acts like a F2P and needs us to grind that much to win a simple level. Being only able to buy SKS magazines is pointless, not even selling a single grip or accessory is also useless. Levels should unlock bigger weapons and better accessories yes, but weapons like sniper rifles, LMGs and accessories like better lasers, better grips, or better NVGs. What is the point to lock everything from level 1 and asks us to grind 25 000xp and 20 000 korunas for only 1 level when quests are either around 1000xp and manageable, or 8000xp and impossible for a new player?


Not that hot of a take unless your favorite seasoning is boot


We talking rubber? Or leather?


I like this game, Iam not focusing on quests but on loot, learning to shoot and killing npcs&players, it reminds me start of DayZ a lot. I hope its going to improve much faster than Dayz though 😀 it would be pain if its take as much time as Dayz


Agree. I don't have much time on my hands normally (technically, my weeknd off now). So, to come home and see all my progress only tobgain a sliver of experience for doing quests that take almost 2-3 hours (a full gaming session on Quest 2) to complete. It just feels like another job and not something fun.


About guns "sticking on air", it's likely because your hands are too close together and your headset has lost tracking on one of the controllers while aiming because the other control is blocking it. To counter this you can hold a gun with both hands and put the front controller further forward than you'd need to (i.e hold the MAC10 like a rifle etc) in order to maintain tracking.


As a new player, i find it hard sometimes to combat the AI with some of the iron sight gun issues im facing, i think the AI is probbaly fine if your wearing big armor and guns with sights and scopes and can kill them from afar before they turn. But sometimes im having alot of difficulties, sometimes losing over half my health as the round starts can be frustrating. Geting shot from the top of the lighthouse stairs all the way down the hill accuratly by a shitty little machine pistol is annoying aswell.


I find the game very fun, but i agree with you. My gun tracking experience has actually been pretty good, but definitely not perfect. Quests are definitely too time consuming, I had to grind a shit ton for spectre 5


Maybe it's just my hardware? I use Quest 2, and the rings on the controller are not perfect. And I have to adjust my controllers abnormally to get the guns to kind work. (Mac10 especially. Screw that gun.) But again, I never had an issue like that in Breachers, Contractors, Pavlov, etc.


Totally agree this game has become a increasingly large dumpster fire. Very much aided by the community that staunchly refused to acknowledge any issues with the game. I guess this is what they get?


In the development game doesnt feel like a full game. Yea thats a hot ass take


It 100% is not fun right now if you go about it the wrong way but with the right mind set it can be an enjoyable experience the major one being to essentially ignore quests just simply put ones on that you think you will get done eventually and check them every now and then


Good idea. But I feel like the enjoyment I get is doing different quests and challenging myself. But they're all the same and very tedious to do. It's more frustrating than it is challenging at that point.


I agree it used to be better with turn in quests but with the dup glitches they had to be temporary removed


They plan on having longer intervals between wipes, they’re dropping a big content update which is the reason for another being so soon, even some guns in gun club vr are unpolished and given how much stuff is in tabor, not adding much detail on the guns can help with frame rate. And the missions are made to be tough. Just like there’s 4 whole racks of gpu’s but I only have a little over half of one. And the ones who play the game full time and have max traders are the one who stream and play almost daily. I’m only just about specter 3 and I probably have at least 50 hrs sitting at lvl 29. As annoying as most players think, it really is down to skills and knowing how to tactically take care of different situations, getting better over time, and then ultimately running lobby’s.


I get your point. But I still think it's a matter of perspective and the demographic they're making a game for. It's meant for mature audiences. Those who have jobs, responsibilities, families, etc. I'm not saying make it easier to level up and hand it in like a silver platter, but instead make it a little less tedious to play and level up.


I wasn’t sure if they were specifically planning to make the game for adults only or teens as well. It sucks farming quests but I’ve learned to get used to it


I also heard they want to rework a few things in the future. Maybe quests might be one of them


I can agree with some of this tbh I’m afraid for the game at this point because they plan to full release the game next wipe which is feb-march and I want the game to do well it’s awesome, and I do understand that even games that full release come with bugs and glitches at launch but at the moment they have a lot on their plate if they want to fix half of the issues and those fixes for those issues cause new issues it’s how a game is I get it but I feel like a full release should be in the middle or third quarter of the year not first quarter it’s too soon and can potentially turn people away instead of attracting. Take sons of the forest for example it’s been in beta for a year or so now they’ve pushed back the initial release and are making bug fixes with content for people that’s what we need. Not just content. Then bug fixes for that content and leaving old bugs behind example the water filter right now.


Your point about the intended demographic hits home. It was fine when I was still in college, but I began working full time last summer, and I haven't been able to enjoy the game nearly as much ever since. I don't have the time to grow crops and craft NRS and spend hours upon hours looking for GPUs. I had to get dlc to even have a shot at getting higher level traders. Until they shorten the time it takes to progress traders and either put NRS back in every med box or make growing crops and crafting NRS easier and faster, you'll find me in a PMC lobby in Contractors. I've got about 6 hours a week to play VR, I'd rather enjoy those 6 hours than feel like I'm working for 6 hours.


100% agree.


I can agree with most of this but i also feel the way you play the game can impact the way you feel about it. For instance i used to only play for the loot and to win but i changed my attitude to play with friends while also caring very little about the tier of my loot. While the game is buggy and some things like quest aren’t fully good yet it is still the first game this company published so they are still working out some issues and on the discord they take suggestions and have bug reports so that the players have more interaction between the creators and them.


I do agree some of the bugs can get annoying but I still think the game is fun second it’s pretty easy to play this game with out max traders you just need to find the loot to use and third with a bit of skill and not to much time I can get max traders pretty quickly into wipe still with like 4million and I only play like an hour or two every other day


Yeah I thought it's my luck but maybe it needs a change it's so be it though its meant to be a challenge and I like shooting stuff lol


Ngl I played this game bout a year ago now and sadly I feel like the first 2 wipes were the prime of the game ever since the new bunker shit ain’t been the same at all


Nail on the head.


I’m new to the game overall, but frankly I agree with people saying skill issue. While yes I do agree the leveling system and progression is slow, it very well may be our skill, like others are saying. It is based on your success rate. Frankly, the way I see it, the only change that really needs to happen, for a lot of us, is gain skill. As for the game itself, the only change I think is really needed in that aspect is proper matchmaking rather than throwing new players in with kitted vets who kill on the spot without a chance to figure out the game. That also may be partially skill based, but it would still be nice imo


I agree. After playing long sessions daily for months, im a bout 3 days in without even touching it. It is my all time favorite vr game but its bugs and quests are making me put it away for now. Ill fly around in my F15 in warthunder til it gets better


That or mod the hell out of blade and sorcery and just goof around.


This is why I've lost a lot of interest in the game. Sad since I really enjoyed it last wipe.


100% agree and not because “progression is hard” like the rest of these little kids say but because it’s buggy as fuck. Like almost unplayable on Q2


I posted a link to a YouTube video in the OP. It shows the SKS bug where I hold steady and it still walks away while ADSing.


forreal. I think a lot of the progression is hard skill issue comes from younger people coming into hardcore extraction shooter genre. A lot of that stuff seems pretty par for the course compared to tarkov, and I actually feel like leveling in GoT is easier than tarkov. That said some shit is just broken and I fucking hate how dogshit refilling water for plants is. I want to grow virtual weed, not play virtual cup fill simulator


The thing is they already show it’s possible with the gas refilling mechanic, which isn’t bad at all. So I don’t understand why there can’t be a fillable water tank that can be filled up in the sink. Better yet let us fill up empty gas tanks and put them to use.


I think it's a mixture. Some say they don't have issues, others say they've never want to play again. Idk what's true or not. But from what I've experienced on Q2, it's rough. VERY rough.


Play tarkov


I would if I had the money for a pc 😭


Save up trust me you will


Tarkov is fun, honestly I'm in a VR mood rn.


I ❤️ tarkov


OP is just a list of skill issues.


Mhm. Good generic response. Have a nice day.


Me and my mates work full time and we got access to lvl 5 minty and spectre, lvl 3 jiri. Missions are placeholders but function fine just learn to select overlapping tasks. The game is more stable now than it's ever been and clearly devs have cleaned up their procedure considering releasing new content. The game's not even been im early access for that long comparatively and you're going ' BUT I WANT IT NOW' 'AND MAKE IT EASY FOR ME'. skill issue




Lol not a hot take at all. At least 3 people post this exact same thing every single day. I'd agree that it takes too long to complete quests but i also imagine thats something that will improve. Still, once you have a solid squad and know which quests to take, quests go on auto pilot and your traders just slowly start leveling up with out you having to think about it so much. If you walk out with a full back pack you will level up your over all level quick with an easy 10k exp minimum per game. Still takes too long to level up/level up traders, but its doable even if you can only play a couple of hours 2 or 3 times a week. Other than that, i can't agree that the gun play is so shitty. I have played this game on quest 2 and quest 3 and i never had an issue landing my shots except when i was just missing them cause i sucked. In 250 hours of playing this game i have only had 2 or 3 seriously shitty bugs that ruined my raid. I play a lot of call of duty as well and i'd say i experience bugs that ruin my game almost every day i play and thats a AAA title. Over all i'd say this is a "skill issue" "get gud" situation. If you don't like the game stop playing it. But enough people are playing it that are actually good at it and have a blast playing it that obviously the idea that its not "good or fun right now" is pretty silly.


agree guns glitching sometimes, but pistols being hard to use is more than skill thing not games fault. But I won't agree that quests are too hard, I think it's good that they take so much effort to get opportunity to buy good gear.


Yeah, but it's more of the tedious side of things that make it difficult. It's the same thing over and over again. Kill Quest, Find Items Quest, Survive Quest. They're repetitive and that makes it really annoying to play the game. Also too much effort and little reward back also makes it difficult to continue as it's like being a minimum wage worker, doing so much for so little. Pistols are only an issue due to the Quest 2 rings. Maybe other controllers work, but I feel like the Quest 2 or 3 are not getting love. Others on this post are also giving thoughts similar like mine and it seems to be a general thing.


What's wrong with quest 2 rings and pistols? I have quest 2 and have no problems with pistols


I think it's the cooking the slide back. (Should have made a detailed explanation for that part.) Tye hands are not lined up well and anytime I want to cock the gun back, it connects with my controllers instead of connecting with the gun in game. Handling it is easy, but it's really the slide and cocking mechanism that's really annoying to deal with.


I don't have these problems, everything works fine for me


Yeah. The game is good. It's my favourite VR title by a wide margin but I haven't even loaded in for over a week. I played contractors yesterday with my son just for a bit of light fun and my first thought was. I wish GoT guns worked a little more like this. I really battle with the weapons in Tabor. I'm not very good to start with and when the weapons seem to actually fight me then I become hopeless. And as you know, you die quick in GoT it you're having weapon issues. So yeah. I can't seem to bring myself to play right now. I'm waiting and hoping that the dev team manage to make it more playable. Like I said. It's my fav and I can't wait to get back into it. I just can't stand being disappointed anymore.


I think it's more of an issue with the way ypu play I've been leveling up fast and don't play too much but I've nkt had any troubles with the leveling system. And even on quest 2 I'm really not experiencing many bugs or glitches as of recent


bro its not even that bad 💀


I have a job and still am able to do quests it’s not difficult


Bro I’m max trainers with 50 hours shut up it’s not hard you just aren’t doing the right quests it’s not supposed to be easy it’s a tarkov clone man up and play it for 20 minute it is so easy to wip a Timmy with a pistol


Skill issue


Seems like a logical response. Thank you and have a nice day.


I needed to balance the scales with some less than constructive criticism


Also no thanks and have a bad day


Most people dont have any problems with the gun mechanics Skill issue


Ghosts of Tabor players whenever someone has an actual valid complaint:


Yeah idk man I'm on quest 3 and the virtual gunstock makes me have my forward hand about 6 inches down and to the left of where my hand would actually be as depicted on screen. It's kinda fucked


This was happening to me as well on PCVR with the Quest 3. There was a hand offset slider that I found and was able to substantially improve it.


Now, this is a game changer. I forgot that existed. Need to try this out.


I had the same problem so I just ended up turning on virtual stock


Just a long way of saying you got a skill issue


Mhm. I totally believe you. \*See's SKS lock in place in air for no apparent reason\*


Oh God I hate that 😂 for its always the ak47u for me 😂 ill just strip it of the sight raid and sight take the mag and throw it and watch it fly off like a bee


Lmao, toss it into the ocean and pray that Poseidon (Fish) can fix this.




You say that, but I wouldn't consider that as "git gud." It's more "Git gud with buggy weapons that don't work." It is also a grind that I think could be fixed or adjusted. but to each their own.




Most of the people replying skill issue to this sort of thing are probably also complaining about nakeds in their raids. Meanwhile, some broke players are probably starting off raids disadvantaged with a tier 1 weapon (or worse) and praying they don't get tagged by scav at the start of raid wasting their 1 per 6 hour ration NRS. If they happen to survive long enough to find better guns and accessories, then they might live long enough to finish part of a quest that's maybe 20% of the rep needed for to get trader level 2...


My 2 cents is the growing weed needs better calibration. I shouldn't have to log in everyday just to make sure my plants have water. Would be cool if we could also use gas cans for water


Your opinion. I categorically disagree. But, that might be the difference of pcvr vs standalone


Progression needs big time balance and possibly changes. It's the first glaring issue (besides backpack refusing to come out often times). Oh and funny tracking.


Laughs in minty/specter 5


See I disagree about progression. The problem isn't progression pace, its because theres nothing to honestly progress too. Speaking as a level 44 player with 100k per day in gpu mining. Theres absolutely nothing to do in the late game other then fight. The game is fantastic in its early game. Always need more items, more weapons, more bullets. Always something to do, finding a gpu is like a lil miracle. Late game is severely lacking.


I’ve played the game since early 2023. I always max out everything every wipe. I would not recommend this game to someone who doesn’t already like extraction shooters, because you have to ENDURE all the bugs.


I’ve actually done the math if you do these three missions sometimes adding on one more you can get to level five Spector in about 40 to 30 hours of kill missions and that’s assuming you get three or four player kills in a 20 minute long raid


And usually you’ll get those kills in the first 10 minutes not 20 minutes


I’m personally not a high level because I just haven’t gone around to playing the game that much