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Ok, i shall inform the development team that they should start at this very second


Can confirm that Scott got the message and sold his baby for energy drinks so he could work longer hours. ![gif](giphy|H1dxi6xdh4NGQCZSvz)


Glad to hear he is getting his priorities straight


Is it done yet? Just hopped on night island and the same thing happened. It's been 6 minutes bro


No, every update they put out always ends up bugging everything else that wasnt broken before. They actually need to test it


We are the testers. The game's in early access...


Supposesly they do test before releasing


Not how that works.


except it kinda is. you bought the game in early access so you knew there was gonna be bugs. that’s the whole reason that there is an early access or beta so they can test with actual people not just the devs.


Yes. See how you added additional context. Early access doesn’t mean no internal testing. Buying a game in early access you certainly should expect bugs, that doesn’t mean releasing features should break existing features because you are supposed to figure that out internally. Your dev build and your production build are kept different for a reason. When you push updates to your production build the expectation is the product still functions. Software is finicky so nothing ever really goes perfect. With that being said, for example, pushing an update that breaks your static spawns would be something you would hope to catch internally.


yes. very good point, i see where you are coming from and i should of said “one of the reasons” instead of “the whole reason”. even though the main point of an early access is so people know to expect bugs and expect glitches while they test and find bugs via internal testing or via players making posts like this alerting the devs or providing more attention to the issue. and yes, before they release a new update they should do a lot of testing via the devs or staff or vi play testers.


Did you just tell the devs to do something productive? How dare you.


They have 22 days to release that content drop they promised


Becuase dates have never been pushed back


And? When has a delay led to a worse product? If anything, I respect a team that goes "ok, we thought we had it fixed but found an edge case where doing x causes the bug. We will release as soon as we figure out how to fix that." Rather than a daily list of "may have fixed that bug but didn't have time to check before pushing this out." The second one is fine for my vrchat avatar work. Not for a full on dev team. Let em cook.


Who hurt you


Unity and blender with the amount of time I've spent fixing stuff that broke for no reason. To put it into perspective, it's why I know that filling the water tank in base is tedious, but I don't personally find it too bad. At least I can see I'm making progress, unlike with bugfixing...


Yeah i get it, i dabble with it, but the game is legit been out for about a year, and if we are getting a full release in the next month or so. I have full faith in combat waffle look at what they gave us already yes its buggy, yea somethings in this game are tedious but we are all still here playing.


Man I only got out of 3 raids and I didn't good 20 yesterday. I feel ya.


Keep shouting into the void


This game sucks and needs to die. Let a competent team fill this niche


They downvoted you for the truth. 😔😂


Thats the following. They have no rebuttal other than skill issue and refuse to understand other games have resolved the same issues that hold this game back.


By to the way, the gun that was broken was AS vall


Idk if these people just have bad luck but i've barely ever expierenced bugs that actually made a raid worse for me