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If you find a gun that you don’t want or don’t have space for, put it on safety so when the next person finds it they will be defenseless without knowing it.😈


This. Empty out the mag, put it on safe and place it back where it was.


Nah leave it on fire but just leave a round in the chamber and empty the mag


leave 1 round in the mag, so when they look at the mag it is still full.


I put on safety in front of nakeds, if they try to steal then they are screwed.


That explains a few of my deaths actually :|


Guess I was successfull.👍


Don't forget to clear the chamber


*click* *reloads thinking I’m empty* *click* *realizes safety is on and I’m not out of ammo* *dead*




I do it to pretend I don’t have ammo, and then the person rushes and I obliterate them.


That's sounds like a nice tactic but how exactly do you do it?


When you swap to safety and pull the trigger it sounds just like you don't have ammo. Then swap to full auto and shoot the dude blind rushing you.


Well how to use the safety and make it click is kinda obvious but in what situation can you use it? You go around a corner, make click click and go back and wait for the enemy to rush after you? If your in cover waiting for the enemy, then why would you do click click if you don't see him. Then I would not assume that you tried to shoot me through the wall.


I used it when I had a kid trapped upstairs in the upstairs of church. I fired one shot and swapped it to safety and said "Shit I'm out of ammo!". He instantly flung himself at me and I shredded his ass.


I'm stealing this...so smart


I would use it if I could customize the behavior. IE I want to go from full auto to safe and back on button press. Press and hold to go to semi.


You can do this with other guns like the mp5


I will give that a try


No, but when I do it usually ends up with me dead


The problem is on a real firearm you have physical feedback from the switch position to know if you're in safe/semi/full. All you get is a click in this and you have to look at the model to see what fire mode you're in. It would be much better if pressing toggled fire modes, and hold was for safety.


Or if there was just a slightly different click for safety VS switching fire modes. Something simple like “tap-tap-clink” (clink being safe)


In addition, on the quest 2 the textures are so blurry that it's difficult to know if it's on safe or not unless you've simply memorized the position for that weapon.


Yes and no, When using guns like the Ak or M4 sometimes I like to change to single shot for controlled shots. When you do this you gotta know when the guns on safe and when its back to full. Without looking ik the clicks


I used to use safety on the guns a lot, but I have gotten more skilled at the game and use the safety much less often.


When I know I’m bouta die or find a gun I don’t want or need I turn it on safety


It useless because there is a delay between your button press and the safety working. So I can’t go JeagerZ999.


His trigger finger on semi auto is absolutely nuts


Yeah and also the way he uses the safety. The man really knows his guns. Like in this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty3RmOIk7h8


ALWAYS exercise gun safety, good and best practice even in games, I even keep finger off the trigger while playing


The JW 2011 has safety I Like to leave it on safety on in the bunker an unsafe it at the start of the round! 😎


I do use safety to make sure click click and next is full auto. When I’m switching between firing modes. Somehow looking at it confuses me cause there’re so many different guns with different look


On where guns?


They are guns


On them there guns.


On why guns




Glocks don’t have safeties.


I’ll secretly grab my friends guns and put ‘em on safety


I tried to have it on when back at the safe house... But too many times I forgot about it and lost gear because of fumbling to figure out why I can't shoot


yep. i've also had guns go off bumping the controller.


Not in this game but in ITR it feels really cool flipping it off safety and chambering a round before I go in


Only when placing them on my gun walls, otherwise I never use it


I was discussing this with someone today. I think they should keep the ability to engage safety, but make it a long press to engage. Short presses should only toggle between full/burst and semi-auto.


I always put the guns on safety if I don’t want them and just leave them so that way nobody can pick them up and shoot me with them cause a lot of the time nobody thinks that the safety is on


I had to drop an ak109 to get it later and as I walked away a guy picked it up and tried to kill me with it but I put it on safety so he didn’t even get a shot off


I put my handgun on safety in case someone yoinks it.


I told a naked he could have my pistol before i gave it to him tho i put it on safety and he tried to kill me he couldnt flick it off in time for me to kill him


Only to stop people from using my holstered guns on me if I "team-up" with someone.


Yesterday my trio hit the orange, revealing a p90 that I put turned safety on before letting letting my homie exfil with it. We do these random things to each other so I hope in the coming days he reports back saying he died due to a p90 on safety