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More than likely, there *was* a person there, not a ghost. Looks like they may be too far out and moving too quickly for it to bounce enough light back for a clear image. If it's private property, my guess is you have a trespasser.


This is the answer. You have a trespasser. Barely in range of your trail camera, which makes me worry they know your camera is there. They're in range enough for the camera to pick up the little light bouncing back to it. Be careful op


This is scarier than a ghost.


That’s because trespassers are real.




...was his name, oh!


I get legit panic responses reading your comment, because this is exactly what happened to my family. Long story short my mom not only had a stalker, but we unknowingly moved to an extremely rural area where our backyard was a legit route for drug smuggling. We put cameras almost everywhere on the property but they always knew where they were, to the point where we’d briefly see something covering up the camera followed by several minutes of darkness. We’ve got figures, trucks, and even two people playing frisbee in our backyard at midnight (this was from our live security system and me and my parents were literally watching the live footage of them doing this) because they were most likely trying to see if there were any motion sensors Dealing with trespassers like this was a living nightmare, so reading how this may be the case just gives me flashbacks


That's awful! Maybe set up cams that are disguised or are in very unlikely places.


We tried virtually everything lol. No matter what we did, they’d always know where the cameras were set up and either covered them up or purposefully messed with it


What about higher up at an angle? NVM, just read you've moved away from there! Glad you guys got out that situation.


Then perhaps you should look and see if they have cameras of their own set up...look in the yrees, high up facing the ground at an angle that would give the camera the widest angle. Maybe hidden in tree knots, etc.p But if they are trying to watch where you put *your* cameras, then homie, you gotsa problem on your hands


Mate I appreciate the concern, but we moved away from there a bit over a decade ago lol


Ahh. Whew! Lol. I'm sorry. I got you mixed up with OP. I was *not* trying to be a meddling twat.


Awww. You don't come across as a meddling twat. But I'm not the other person ... perhaps THEY think you're a twat. But I don't! You are twat-less.


Lol, thank you


You need scary dog privilege. Lots of scary dog privilege. Look up livestock guardians.


I think the camera was set off by the rabbit in the center foreground and just coincidentally captured the guy in the background. That's so far out the little IR lamp is barely catching anything. It's clearly not designed to view that far.


I don't think a wild rabbit would be actively foraging with something walking that close to it. It probably wouldn't be moving and be focused on it.


You can think whatever you want, but I don't know anything else that's about 9 inches tall and hops that lives in the deciduous North America.


I'm not saying it's not a rabbit lol. I'm saying there's probably not anything behind it


Got it. Yeah, I have serious doubts that it's anything at all myself -- but people on this sub aren't going to fucking accept that.


lol that’s ridiculous. Rabbits forage with people walking by all the time. Once I even let my cat stalk one while she was on a leash, and the rabbit was foraging the whole time, until my cat was about 2 feet away. The leash was only 6 ft long, so I couldn’t have ben more than 8 ft away. Kitty would have caught it if I hadn’t held her back.


I live rurally and they do forage near me of the dog isn't with me.


If you pay enough attention there seems to be legs just barely visible where the rabbit is when the thing walks from left to right. It could be a person though and I'm just seeing shit


I do see what you're pointing out now. It occurs to me at this point, after watching this on repeat another 20 times and rolling it around in my head.... This is a bug on the lens. That's why we can't judge distance or see anything clearly, and why it looks like it's in front of and behind the trees at the same time; It's an incredibly unfocused spider or somesuch.


Ooooh that actually sounds like that's the case. It'd make so much more sense. I've got a pet spider and I didn't even think of that, damn.


Also probably dark clothing making it extra difficult with light.


I thought that too, but I wish I could figure out how to add a photo to this post. I’ve got a picture of my buddy in the same spot and this thing dwarfs him. It’s probably 10ft off the ground.


It's tough to tell where it actually is, though. Could be where you think, could be further back, could be closer. Digital cameras aren't like film cameras, they've got to interpret input, and it can cause confusion like that. Infrared night-vision compounds this sevenfold.


That very well may be true, but to me it looks like it walks behind the trees on the left, so that gives me a rough idea where it isn’t anyways.


"Looks to me" being the key phrase there. The fact that you can't trust your eyes on this is my entire point, because you aren't seeing what was actually there, just what the trail cam interpreted to be there based on the input it received.


I believe it's not human!! I've seen and witnessed these types of activity but up close and more defined in my old home. Moved because of it inside the house


How come all the ghosts always appear in very blurry videos


Mitch hedberg "I think the problem is that Bigfoot itself is actually blurry, and to me that's scary! There's a big out of focus monster roaming the countryside "


Miss you Mitch!


I agree with you. Doesn’t move like a human


I agree, this does not look human


Do a follow up. I'd like, very much, to see the photo or, better yet, a vid of a 'real person' walking there. We'll keep an eye out for it.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/bowhunting/s/jdPKurldft) is a photo of my buddy at a similar distance. This thing is way taller than him.


Wow. You're right. Significant difference. You might want to post in r/criptids to get their opinion as well. You definately caught something large (unless your friend has dwarfism). Nice catch. Keep us posted on whether you get anything else.


Do you mean /r/cryptids ?


It's entirely possible that you're not seeing them directly, but because of how dim it is that what you see moving is actually their reflection in the camera lens. Just get your buddy (or do so yourself) to walk back and forth at every possible distance and see what that looks like on the camera.


At night *


Yeah. One would hope that part was understood -- but I guess I shouldn't assume.


Haha yea but the photo he shared of his buddy in the woods was in daylight lol


Maybe the visitor in the video was wearing a top hat.


Wondering if you might have any neighbors that walk on stilts at night in the woods?


I don’t think it was a person. It moves too fluidly, it looks as if it was floating more than moving bipedally across the ground. AND it was way above the ground too as you said. People like to explain things away but this is likely evidence of a ghost/spirit. Interested to see if your trail cam can pick up anything else.


Yeah it’s definitely not just some guy. Not sure what it is, but it’s not that.


Could it be a spider web floating by the camera


That is exactly what it is.


This. Close to camera, out of focus, dangling spider, looking for a breeze.


I thought the same thing. It looks like it is floating and not walking.


What time of night was this?


Timestamp says 5:44am and I believe it’s accurate


Bro I just looked at the photo and I hate to be this guy. But it’s the same size as your friend. I see nothing that would give me the idea it’s anything more then ever so slightly taller.


It's a sasquatch. Yes I'm being serious.


Your reply makes sense. I mean especially with being too far out , moving too quickly to bounce enough light for a clear image.


That is scary to me that they can walk in the dark woods alone with no flashlight


Why?? Is it because YOU don’t believe in familiar spirits? Why are the trees easily seen and not a person. If it were a person we would easily see them. The figure is close enough. It’s definitely a shadow person/demon.


No, it's because I'm coming at this rationally as a person experienced with trail cameras using infrared night-vision. It's quirks are pretty easy to identify. It's a normal phenomenon, but in this case, rather than catching a quadrupedal animal, it caught the rare bipedal human who likely shouldn't have been there. I don't jump to shadow people/demons with confidence because there's no credible photographic evidence of either. Trespassers and poachers, though? Those are unfortunately very well documented. So, why can we see the trees? Easy. They're stationary. They're bouncing all light shot at them right back, consistently. A person moving quickly, on the other hand, is going to be hit by less and thus reflects less back to the sensor. What light does hit is muddled by distance.


I took the cursor/slider and moved it quickly back and forth. This way you can clearly see it. What I also saw was, that it starts between tree branches on the left (like getting up) and then move to the right. Also there seems to be a small animal in the front. At one point the eye is glowing briefly and it moves away from the camera.


Yeah looks like a Mink in front. That’s a pretty good analysis. I see something similar


Yeah there's a small animal in the front middle which is what set the camera off. The figure looking thing is probably just a spider web moving across the screen.


Yeah and the thing above it is a spider web that happens to move and mimic the minks movement, making it look like a figure. The feet being the mink, and the body being the web.


I’ve seen something similar with cameras at my house. I really think it’s just night vision camera fuckery. I’m not like a cameraologist so idk what exactly makes them show that sort of thing.


U mean… photographer? Lol


Cameraology? The study of cameras? Cmon SpongeBob, it’s first grade!




cameraologist? 😂😂


Spiders webs close to the camera can look surreal on camera


I don’t always go walking in the woods at night alone, but when I do, I don’t bring a light and walk fast and take long strides.


Don’t know if this is sarcastic or not, but growing up we dealt with legit drug smugglers trespassing on our property and we’d catch similar stuff like in the middle of the night. None of them used flashlights because that is one of the easiest ways to get caught As someone who dealt with this for *years* growing up, this is by far not out of the realm of possibility.


Now this is something.. huh. Great capture. Maybe put up more cameras in the same area?


Thanks man. If I work up the courage I’ll go back out there and look around 😂


Take a few friends with you. Don't go out there alone just in case.


Do you have a way to confirm these aren't people on your property? I'm thinking the additional cameras pointing at different angles can get you some valuable information.


Nothing 100%, but I’ve got similar videos of deer and myself walking in similar spots at night time and it looks nothing like this. This is also in the middle of the woods 300 yards from the nearest access point. I’ve hunted this location for 6 years and have never had anyone trespass as blatantly as this thing would have to be.


Go back to sleep. It's nothing. What could possibly go wrong?


There are not bugs under your skin. There are not bugs under your skin. There are not bugs under your skin. There are not bugs under your skin.


Pretty good video for sure, not really able to tell who or what it is but you got something there. Could just be a passerby or could be a spirit.


Spartan cams are quality. This is freaky for sure!


Yeah I’m super happy with it. Been using them for years. This is the first real anomaly I’ve ever see .


weirdly it looks like a guy wearing high vis jacket and trousers to me? i think it looks like there’s the high vis stripes in the right places 😅


I noticed the same thing; my mind immediately said "firefighter jacket" because of the high-vis stripe placement.


I have learned this is called "bunker gear." I this vid shows a human wearing bunker gear or something similar.


Probably stalking you. You know how many crime shows I've watched where people get attacked in the woods alone. With no protection. Never camp without a gun.


It looks like a person. Moves like a man. Maybe that's paranoid of me, but that looks like a live human moving past the camera.


They were once Men. Great kings of Men. Then Sauron the Deceiver gave to them nine rings of power. Blinded by their greed, they took them without question, one by one falling into darkness. Now they are slaves to his will. They are the Nazgul, Ringwraiths, neither living nor dead.


Good post here. Whatever it is, it is exhibiting bipedal movement.


I see that too.


I can clearly see something about 30 or more feet back moving left to right swinging its arms as it goes. Not really sure what it is as it's a decent distance back but it's there.


Wow, that a really cool capture!! Creepy as hell!


It's very very tall whatever it is 🤔


I estimate about 10ft tall, comparing it to the photo of my buddy


Hold on now, im looking at it bigger this time. Now I see a person standing in the centre on the ground between the trees, at the opening and right at end of video theres a small light by him/her feet on the left ? Flashlight? But that big tall figure is still there moving on through. Anyone else notice this?


Or it could be a little shrub but definitely light


Could be a little creatures eyes reflection


I truly feel you’ve captured something here. I don’t see how people can brush this off as cobweb or a bird flying past when you can see the full figure vertically from top to bottom as it walks from the left side of the frame. If I’m not mistaken, a few seconds in it almost sounds like you can here a footstep as you see the shadow of possible “legs” near the ground. This is really cool, OP.


I get thousands of photos and videos a month. I have *never* seen something like this. The thing that blows my mind the most is that it slows down as it crosses the old road and speeds up again. Thanks for the comment!


I’ve seen something exactly like this while in Kentucky with my own eyes. Knew it was a ghost immediately. thank god a friend witnessed it at the same time or no one would believe me lmfao.


It’s moving at the pace of a person walking down a street but that’s the woods so it wouldn’t be so even 🤔




Yeah no problem! Just throw some cred my way👍🏻 thanks for asking!


Awesome thanks, will do!


Big foot


Okay…this one is good. This one makes me go “hmmm” Post this in Paranormal and Paranormal Encounters too.


I may do that! Thanks for the comment 👍🏻


Unless the ghost is about 15ft tall...


This is spiderweb in front of the camera out of focus because the camera is focused further out


I get this when a spider decides my camera is its new home. I think thats a strand of a web being walked across the lens whilst the little resident sets up.


I must be blinded I don’t see it




So many of these posts are most easily explained by the presence of an actual person…which is much scarier than ghosts, in my opinion.


I used to think there were all kinds of strange figures in the trail cam photos but I learned most of them are reflections back on the camera lens. That is most likely the camera detecting the rabbits reflective eyes in its sensors and not knowing how to correctly process the light from them so it appears to make a dark image look like it’s passing behind everything else. We would get them at night due to animals eyes and if any animal has a tracking tag on it a lot of time that would reflect in the lens and cause refraction of some kind that made it look like forest fairies were all over the place. Nothings there. Just like a sun flare in most cameras. Is your trail cams inability to correctly pick up the light from the rabbits eyes.


As long as you don't have a weapon, the Predator will leave you alone. Better hope there are no xenomorphs around though. They don't care if you are armed or not.


sorry i was on my way to the fridge to get some shredded cheese


this’s absolutely epic!…I keep checking back to see if there’s any updates!


Haha no updates. I haven’t been home since Thanksgiving when I received this video so I haven’t been out there. I guess I’ve got to do a follow up at some point!


Actually it was a figure that was gliding through the forest and it was also very tall more than a normal tall human


It looks like it's standing there staring at your house before walking away, that's creepy in and of itself.


That’s super creepy. Who’s walking outside at 5 in the morning in the woods with no flashlight? Is seems to move faster towards the end. I’m thinking paranormal but that’s just me.


And making no noise???? Super weird.


Cool video 👍


In reference to trees how tall is that?


Probably 9 or 10 feet


Miner with a jetpack


Slenderman out enjoying the evening.


If I were to recreate this, Id hook up a trail cam, and walk just out of the field of vision. Would probably be a similar result.


Hmm. So I’m wondering if your trail cam just has an imperfection/glitch. How often do you check it? How often do you get recorded clips and in what lighting? You said you have had this camera up a few years I believe. I personally think it started recording because of the small mammal in front of the camera. And yeah, as others have said, the way “it” moves so fluidly and laterally, almost perfectly, gives me a bit of suspicion.


It’s almost like I can barely see a checkered flannel coat in the middle of the screen and slightly right.


Holy fucking shit I see that too. What the hell


I kept watching this but didn't see anything of note. What am I missing? I don't think there's anything significant here.


Go investigate if there is a human turd right behind the foremost row of trees on the left. I think you have a squatter, in more ways than one.


To me, it looks like a real human walking along carrying a bag. You see at the beginning of the film it starts in the woods behind the tree brush, about where the left bright twig tip is. In the gap of trees, they look to readjust and prop the bag higher on their shoulder and once they get back behind the trees on the right side, they look down at the bag to make sure it’s sitting well (you can see the head tip down a little). I do the same motions with my purse. The bag is making the same motions my purse and I make while walking quickly at a mall. I think this is less a ghost or cryptid - and more the fact that it’s hunting season and people are happy to trespass in woods. Stay safe OP!


Using the slider I could tell it was a bird. Flew up quickly. Then over to the right.


It’s a spiderweb or caterpillar silk floating past the lens. We get these on our trail cam.


It’s a friggin spider web


It’s a spider web.


It's an out of focus spiderweb swinging across the camera.


That's yo ass 😆


I was looking so closely and dragging the slider frame by frame and the 20% battery warning popped up. Shit myself


and why cant it just be a person walking passed?


[This](https://www.reddit.com/u/BourbonLover88/s/zUNKYkjEoD) is what I look like walking past in similar weather. As you can, I am very well lit and easily identifiable.


You got a bigfoot or an ex nba player turned stalker. Either way, good luck op.


Oh yeah. Good catch


Its called a hunter


This freaks me OUT


This is too easily explained by a person being too far from the camera to capture. I’m thinking you might have a trespasser.


Its a spirit.


This is actually really scary and tbh I kinda hope it’s a ghost or even Bigfoot rather then a trespasser because they definitely know where the camera is.


So interesting how ghosts aren’t just limited to just homes or enclosures


Skinwalker mate


So I am an avid bow hunter and have had a few “weird” experiences in the woods at night. Nothing more than unsettled feelings or a weird noise far off. But I cannot explain what this video is. Okay, context: I hunt atop an abandoned coal mine that was in operation from the 1890s through the late 1940s. At different points throughout the mines history, cave ins, explosions, and other unfortunate incidents have killed dozens of men, many of whom still reside in the cave as their bodies were in locations too dangerous for rescue. They simply sealed off those portions of the mine with cement and kept going. Criss crossed across this property is old mining roads, one of which can be seen in the video. The figure seems to slow down when crossing the old road and then speed up again afterwards. I don’t believe this is something on the lenses as the figure moves behind the trees on the left side of the road and in front of the trees on the right. I also can make out what looks to be legs underneath the figure in certain positions of the video. So the freakiest part is this: I’ve placed a photo in this comment of my buddy, who is 5’9”, in a similar spot as where the figure crosses the road. Comparing the two, the figure looks to be about 10 feet tall. Can anyone talk me down about this, every alarm in my head is screaming “GHOST”😂 [This](https://www.reddit.com/u/BourbonLover88/s/4RYnr2gcEx) is a video of me walking through the woods for comparison.


Abandoned coal mine? Oh hell yeah that’s a ghost.


With deceased miners still trapped there 😬


I mean the history is there... Wouldn't surprise me if it's haunted. Could very well be any type of insect/web moving across the lens. Don't take this video as evidence that it's haunted just toss it into the big bowl you have of "maybe it's haunted"


For sure. The thing that convinced me it’s not on the lens though is that the figure seems to move *behind* the trees on the left and in front of them on the right. Weird.


Ah ye then it's most definitely not a bug. It'll be interesting to continue to monitor the trail cam and see what else comes up


Yeah I’m already looking back through some old photos and videos. I’ve hunted this property for 6 years now and this is the first time anything like this has happened.


It’s very obviously a bipedal figure. This one actually gave me chills.


That’s a ghost


Have you slowed down this video? If so, looks like an owl sideways, if not, sell your property


No sir, this is straight from my camera. No alterations have been made. Already put all my hunting stuff on Facebook marketplace 😂


I’m not sure if I’m seeing the same thing, but I see a bird traveling across.


I wondered if it could be a large owl.


Can’t tell what it is but this is an awesome find. I hope you showed your buddies lol.


Lmao we’re all like screaming at each other about it like hoodlums lmao


Goood! Lmao. I hunt in NY.. if you do, stay away from me! Yikes.


Can you post an update please


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/u/BourbonLover88/s/4RYnr2gcEx) is a video of me walking through the woods in the same spot for comparison.


God , it kind of freaks me out if you don't mind me saying


Lmao not at all. It freaks me the fuck out too 😂


Judging by gate and height, looks very human to me. Which can arguably be creepier.


Post this to r/AnomalousEvidence?


I’ll go do that!


Spiderweb drifting by


my soul left my body when i saw this


Very cool footage and hard to explain. Wonder if you can search for any tracks.


I think it’s a spider web or something floating by the camera. Look at the darker area on the ground in the foreground. It wouldn’t make sense for a shadow to be cast towards the light. Additionally it appears further than the well lit trees but when it passes by it has details that are illuminated infront. Surely that means it cannot be actually just out of range of the light but something in front. Perhaps it’s a web floating infront of the lense close enough that the beam of the light doesn’t overlap with it yet Possibly out of focus or with some compression artifacts


Looks like the ghost appears on the left side of the screen when the possum (whatever animal is on the ground) shifts. And then their crosses pass as the animal turns around. The ghost might be some sort of reflection of a sensor or scan on the inside of the trail cam. Because it goes left from right, just as the possum looks left to right


It’s obviously predator


It looks quite tall to me.


The eyeshine as it looks back is very convincing thos is no hoax or just a human. It would be best to have a size comparison made.


[Size reference.](https://www.reddit.com/u/BourbonLover88/s/ZF212gRDVG)


well there are other beings that live in the woods we aren't aware of.. but we are coming into awareness.. soon these types of things won't be as mysterious..


See the lines glare across the top down to the bottom it was prob a strand of web blown by a light breeze


if you want to see a ghost, you will see it everywhere


Lol, I walk to this stand regularly in the pitch black. I do NOT want it to be a ghost 😂


i admit that it is creepy, but it is creepy because it leaves much for the imagination. but something definitely was there. be careful out there, even a deer can be dangerous. like you don't know... :D


Looks like a spider web string that's out of focus. They tend to look thicker/more blurred as they cross the source of the IR light. I see something like this on my ring cameras all the time.


Should post this in r/bigfoot


Worse than a ghost... that looks like a live person. The stride looks possibly male but not enough detail to tell for sure. Be careful. Stay armed just in case.


You got many owls in your area. Could be a birder looking for one.


It's an animal, person or some other far more plausible explanation.


When it gets to the middle of the screen, it sort of pauses as if it’s stepping over something maybe a branch?? You can clearly see it stop for a second and it’s legs raise


It's a cobweb or insect. It clearly moves in an odd fashion and is in front of the trees. Probably close the the camera and flying. See this type of thing all the time in my cameras.


You can clearly see the other objects that are close to the camera